コード例 #1
 function get_page_image($pageno, $submission)
     global $CFG, $DB;
     $pagefilename = 'page' . $pageno . '.png';
     $pdf = new MyPDFLib();
     $pagecount = $submission->numfiles >> 1;
     // Extract the pagecount from 'numfiles' (may be 0)
     $fs = get_file_storage();
     // If pagecount is 0, then we need to skip down to the next stage to find the real page count
     if ($pagecount && ($file = $fs->get_file($this->context->id, 'mod_assignment', 'image', $submission->id, '/', $pagefilename))) {
         if ($imageinfo = $file->get_imageinfo()) {
             $imgurl = file_encode_url($CFG->wwwroot . '/pluginfile.php', '/' . $this->context->id . '/mod_assignment/image/' . $submission->id . '/' . $pagefilename);
             // Prevent browser from caching image if it has changed
             if (strpos($imgurl, '?') === false) {
                 $imgurl .= '?ts=' . $file->get_timemodified();
             } else {
                 $imgurl .= '&ts=' . $file->get_timemodified();
             return array($imgurl, $imageinfo['width'], $imageinfo['height'], $pagecount);
         // If the image is bad in some way, try to create a new image instead
     // Generate the image
     $tempfolder = $this->get_temp_folder($submission->id);
     $imagefolder = $tempfolder . 'img';
     if (!file_exists($imagefolder)) {
         if (!mkdir($imagefolder, 0777, true)) {
             echo "Unable to create temporary image folder";
     $pdffolder = $tempfolder . 'sub';
     $pdffile = $pdffolder . '/submission.pdf';
     if (!file_exists($pdffolder)) {
         if (!mkdir($pdffolder, 0777, true)) {
             echo "Unable to create temporary folder";
     if (!($file = $fs->get_file($this->context->id, 'mod_assignment', 'submissionfinal', $submission->id, '/', 'submission.pdf'))) {
         print_error('Attempting to display image for non-existant submission');
     // Copy the PDF out of the file storage, into the temp area
     $pagecount = $pdf->set_pdf($pdffile, $pagecount);
     // Only loads the PDF if the pagecount is unknown (0)
     if ($pageno > $pagecount) {
         return array(null, 0, 0, $pagecount);
     if (!($imgname = $pdf->get_image($pageno))) {
         // Generate the image in the temp area
         print_error(get_string('errorgenerateimage', 'assignment_uploadpdf'));
     if (($submission->numfiles & 1) == 0) {
         $submission->numfiles = $pagecount << 1 | 1;
         // Use this as a flag that there are images to delete at some point
         // Maybe switch to just searching the filestorage database to find old images?
         $updated = new stdClass();
         $updated->id = $submission->id;
         $updated->numfiles = $submission->numfiles;
         $DB->update_record('assignment_submissions', $updated);
     $imginfo = array('contextid' => $this->context->id, 'component' => 'mod_assignment', 'filearea' => 'image', 'itemid' => $submission->id, 'filepath' => '/', 'filename' => $pagefilename);
     $file = $fs->create_file_from_pathname($imginfo, $imagefolder . '/' . $imgname);
     // Copy the image into the file storage
     //Delete the temporary files
     unlink($imagefolder . '/' . $imgname);
     if ($imageinfo = $file->get_imageinfo()) {
         $imgurl = file_encode_url($CFG->wwwroot . '/pluginfile.php', '/' . $this->context->id . '/mod_assignment/image/' . $submission->id . '/' . $pagefilename);
         // Prevent browser from caching image if it has changed
         if (strpos($imgurl, '?') === false) {
             $imgurl .= '?ts=' . $file->get_timemodified();
         } else {
             $imgurl .= '&amp;ts=' . $file->get_timemodified();
         return array($imgurl, $imageinfo['width'], $imageinfo['height'], $pagecount);
     return array(null, 0, 0, $pagecount);
コード例 #2
 function get_page_image($userid, $pageno, $submission)
     global $CFG;
     $imagefolder = $CFG->dataroot . '/' . $this->file_area_name($userid) . '/images';
     check_dir_exists($imagefolder, true, true);
     $pdffile = $CFG->dataroot . '/' . $this->file_area_name($userid) . '/submission/submission.pdf';
     // Check folder exists + file exists
     if (!file_exists($pdffile)) {
         error('Attempting to display image for non-existing submission');
     $pdf = new MyPDFLib();
     $pagecount = $submission->numfiles >> 1;
     // Extract the pagecount from 'numfiles' (may be 0)
     $pagecount = $pdf->set_pdf($pdffile, $pagecount);
     // Only loads the PDF if the pagecount is unknown (0)
     if ($pageno > $pagecount) {
         return array(null, 0, 0, $pagecount);
     if (!($imgname = $pdf->get_image($pageno))) {
         error(get_string('errorgenerateimage', 'assignment_uploadpdf'));
     if (($submission->numfiles & 1) == 0) {
         $submission->numfiles = $pagecount << 1 | 1;
         /* Use this as a flag that there are images to delete at some point */
         $updated = new Object();
         $updated->id = $submission->id;
         $updated->numfiles = $submission->numfiles;
         update_record('assignment_submissions', $updated);
     $imageurl = $CFG->wwwroot . '/file.php?file=/' . $this->file_area_name($userid) . '/images/' . $imgname;
     list($imgwidth, $imgheight, $imgtype, $imgattr) = getimagesize($CFG->dataroot . '/' . $this->file_area_name($userid) . '/images/' . $imgname);
     return array($imageurl, $imgwidth, $imgheight, $pagecount);