コード例 #1
function authMst(&$response, $mst_id, $faculty_id)
    	select count(*) as cnt from Attendance_Master
    	join Teaches
    	on Attendance_Master.attd_mst_id = 9 and Attendance_Master.teaches_id = Teaches.teaches_id and Teaches.faculty_id = 5
    if (Privilege_Master::is_super($_SESSION['privilege_id'])) {
        return true;
    } else {
        if (!ctype_digit($mst_id) || !ctype_digit($faculty_id)) {
            $response = array('code' => HTTP_Status::BAD_REQUEST, 'message' => 'ID must be digits only');
            return false;
    try {
        $dbh = new MyDbCon();
        $dbh->select->columns(array("cnt" => new Expression("count(*)")));
        $dbh->join("Teaches", new Expression("Attendance_Master.attd_mst_id = {$mst_id} and Attendance_Master.teaches_id = Teaches.teaches_id and Teaches.faculty_id = {$faculty_id}"), array());
        $cnt = $dbh->fetchAssoc()[0]['cnt'];
        if (intval($cnt) === 1) {
            return true;
        $response = array('code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN, 'message' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN_MSG);
        return false;
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e->getMessage();
        $code = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode();
        $err = "Error Code: " . $code . " <br/>Detailed Info: " . $message;
        $response = array('code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN, 'message' => $err);
        return false;
コード例 #2
function generateCSVReport(&$response, $title, $o_id, $sem, $ac_id, $div, array $sub_id = array(), $lec_type = 2, $batchno = null, $ltgt = null, $percentage = null, $sub_filter = null)
    global $dir;
    try {
        $dbh = new MyDbCon();
        $dbh->join("Inst_Master", new Expression("Inst_Master.inst_id = Offers_Master.inst_id and Offers_Master.o_id = {$o_id}"), array("inst_name"));
        $dbh->join("Prog_Master", new Expression("Prog_Master.prog_id = Offers_Master.prog_id and Offers_Master.o_id = {$o_id}"), array("prog_name"));
        $dbh->join("Dept_Master", new Expression("Dept_Master.dept_id = Offers_Master.dept_id and Offers_Master.o_id = {$o_id}"), array("dept_name"));
        $class_details = $dbh->fetchAssoc()[0];
        $class_details['semester'] = $sem;
        $title = strtoupper($title);
        foreach ($class_details as $key => $val) {
            $class_details[$key] = strtoupper($val);
        if (generateReportData($data, $o_id, $sem, $ac_id, $div, $sub_id, $lec_type, $batchno, $ltgt, $percentage, $sub_filter)) {
            $first = current($data);
            $cols = count($first['attendance']) + 1;
            $batch_label = $div_label = "";
            $cols_arr = array();
            $lec_label = "";
            if (intval($lec_type) == 2) {
                $lec_label = " | Lecture/Lab";
            } else {
                if (intval($lec_type == 1)) {
                    $lec_label = " | Lab";
                } else {
                    if (intval($lec_type == 0)) {
                        $lec_label = " | Lecture";
            if (!empty($div)) {
                $div_label = " | Division: {$div}";
            if ($lec_type == 1) {
                $batch_label = " | Batch No.: {$batchno}";
            $html = <<<EOF
"Semester: {$sem}{$div}{$lec_label}{$batch_label}"

            if (isset($ltgt, $percentage, $sub_filter)) {
                $filter_label = "";
                if (strcmp($sub_filter, "any") == 0) {
                    $filter_label = "in any of the subject(s)";
                } else {
                    if (strcmp($sub_filter, "avg") == 0) {
                        $filter_label = "average of all subject(s)";
                $html .= '"Attendance ' . $ltgt . ' ' . $percentage . '% ' . $filter_label . '"';
            $html .= <<<EOF


"Enrolment No."
            foreach ($first['attendance'] as $cols => $attd) {
                $html .= ',' . $cols;
                $cols_arr[] = $cols;
            $html .= "\n";
            foreach ($data as $stud) {
                $html .= "\n\"=\"\"" . $stud['stud_enrolmentno'] . "\"\"\",";
                foreach ($cols_arr as $col) {
                    $con = "-";
                    if (isset($stud['attendance'][$col])) {
                        $con = "\"" . $stud['attendance'][$col] . "\"";
                    $html .= $con . ",";
            $filename = $dir . 'tmp/' . uniqid() . '.csv';
            $file = fopen($filename, "w") or exit("Unable to create file!");
            fwrite($file, $html);
            $now = (new DateTime())->format("d-m-Y");
            return true;
        $response = $data;
        return false;
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e->getMessage();
        $code = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode();
        $err = "Error Code: " . $code . " <br/>Detailed Info: " . $message;
        $response = array('code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN, 'message' => $err);
        return false;
コード例 #3
function getStudentsByMst(&$response, $mst_id, $faculty_id = true, $now = true)
    if (!ctype_digit($mst_id)) {
        $response = array('code' => HTTP_Status::BAD_REQUEST, 'message' => 'Master ID must be digits only');
        return false;
    $meta_data = array("batchno" => null, "division" => null, "inst_name" => null, "prog_name" => null, "dept_name" => null, "semester" => null, "subject" => null);
    try {
        $dbh = new MyDbCon();
        $dbh->select->where->equalTo("attd_mst_id", $mst_id);
        if ($dbh->execute()) {
            $tmp = $dbh->fetchAssoc()[0];
            $meta_data['batchno'] = $tmp['batchno'];
            $meta_data['division'] = $tmp['division'];
        } else {
            $response = array('code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN);
            return false;
        $where_funcs = array('=' => 'equalTo', '<' => 'lessThan', '>' => 'greaterThan', '<=' => 'lessThanOrEqualTo', '>=' => 'greaterThanOrEqualTo', 'like' => 'like');
        $where = array("attd_mst_id" => $mst_id, "stud_status" => "C");
        if ($now) {
            try {
                $now = (new DateTime())->format("Y-m-d");
                //throw new Exception("asd");
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                $response = array('code' => HTTP_Status::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
                return false;
            $where['end_date'] = "{$now}:>=";
            $where['start_date'] = "{$now}:<=";
        if ($faculty_id && !Privilege_Master::is_super($_SESSION['privilege_id'])) {
            $where['faculty_id'] = $_SESSION['faculty_id'];
        $join_tables = array("Academic_Calendar", "Teaches", "Syllabus", "Student_Master");
        $join_on = array("Academic_Calendar" => "Academic_Calendar.ac_id=Attendance_Master.ac_id", "Teaches" => "Attendance_Master.teaches_id=Teaches.teaches_id", "Syllabus" => "Teaches.syllabus_id=Syllabus.syllabus_id", "Student_Master" => "Student_Master.o_id=Syllabus.o_id AND Student_Master.stud_sem=Academic_Calendar.semester AND Student_Master.stud_div=Attendance_Master.division");
        if (!empty($meta_data['batchno'])) {
            $join_on["Student_Master"] .= " AND Student_Master.stud_batchno=Attendance_Master.batchno";
        $join_columns = array("Academic_Calendar" => array("start_date", "end_date"), "Teaches" => array(), "Syllabus" => array("sub_id"), "Student_Master" => array("stud_id", "stud_enrolmentno", "stud_rollno", "stud_name", "stud_father_name", "stud_surname", "stud_sem", "stud_div", "stud_batchno", "o_id"));
        $meta_keys = array("stud_sem", "stud_div", "stud_batchno", "o_id", "sub_id", "start_date", "end_date");
        $dbh = new MyDbCon();
        // Join Tables
        foreach ($join_tables as $val) {
            $cols = Select::SQL_STAR;
            if (isset($join_columns[$val])) {
                $cols = $join_columns[$val];
            $dbh->join($val, $join_on[$val], $cols);
        // Where Clause
        foreach ($where as $key => $val) {
            $vals = explode(':', $val);
            $wh = $where_funcs['='];
            if (!empty($vals[1]) && isset($where_funcs[$vals[1]])) {
                $wh = $where_funcs[$vals[1]];
            $dbh->select->where->{$wh}($key, $vals[0]);
        $dbh->select->order("stud_rollno ASC");
        if ($dbh->execute()) {
            $objs = $dbh->fetchAssoc();
            $meta_data['semester'] = $objs[0]['stud_sem'];
            $meta_data['start_date'] = $objs[0]['start_date'];
            $meta_data['end_date'] = $objs[0]['end_date'];
            $names = Offers_Master::getNames($objs[0]['o_id']);
            $meta_data['subject'] = Sub_Master::getSubjectName($objs[0]['sub_id']);
            if ($names) {
                $meta_data['inst_name'] = $names['inst_name'];
                $meta_data['prog_name'] = $names['prog_name'];
                $meta_data['dept_name'] = $names['dept_name'];
            foreach ($objs as $row) {
                foreach ($meta_keys as $val) {
                if (!empty($row['stud_father_name'])) {
                    $row['stud_name'] .= " " . $row['stud_father_name'];
                if (!empty($row['stud_surname'])) {
                    $row['stud_name'] .= " " . $row['stud_surname'];
            $response = array("metadata" => $meta_data, "data" => $objs);
            return true;
        } else {
            $response = array('code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN);
            return false;
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e->getMessage();
        $code = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode();
        $err = "Error Code: " . $code . " <br/>Detailed Info: " . $message;
        $response = array('code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN, 'message' => $err);
        return false;
コード例 #4
function getLectureWiseAttendanceOfStudByMst(&$response, $mst_id, $stud_id)
    	select Lectures.lec_id,lec_date,presence from Lectures 
    	left join Attendance 
    	on Attendance.lec_id=Lectures.lec_id and stud_id=65 
    	where attd_mst_id=9 and Lectures.active = 1
    	group by Lectures.lec_id 
    	order by lec_date ASC
    if (!ctype_digit($mst_id) || !ctype_digit($stud_id)) {
        $response = array('code' => HTTP_Status::BAD_REQUEST, 'message' => 'ID must be digits only');
        return false;
    try {
        $dbh = new MyDbCon();
        $dbh->select->columns(array('lec_id', 'lec_date'));
        $dbh->join('Attendance', new Expression("Lectures.lec_id = Attendance.lec_id and stud_id = {$stud_id}"), array('presence'), 'left');
        $dbh->select->where->equalTo('attd_mst_id', $mst_id);
        $dbh->select->where->equalTo('Lectures.active', 1);
        $dbh->select->order('lec_date ASC');
        //echo $dbh->select->getSqlString($dbh->getAdapter()->getPlatform());
        $response = $dbh->fetchAssoc();
        return true;
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e->getMessage();
        $code = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode();
        $err = "Error Code: " . $code . " <br/>Detailed Info: " . $message;
        $response = array('code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN, 'message' => $err);
        return false;
コード例 #5
function getMstByFaculty(&$response, $fac_id, $now = true)
    if (!ctype_digit($fac_id) && !Privilege_Master::is_super($_SESSION['privilege_id'])) {
        $response = array('code' => HTTP_Status::BAD_REQUEST, 'message' => 'Faculty ID must be digits only');
        return false;
    try {
        $where_funcs = array('=' => 'equalTo', '<' => 'lessThan', '>' => 'greaterThan', '<=' => 'lessThanOrEqualTo', '>=' => 'greaterThanOrEqualTo', 'like' => 'like');
        if (!Privilege_Master::is_super($_SESSION['privilege_id'])) {
            $where = array("Teaches.faculty_id" => $fac_id);
        try {
            $now = (new DateTime())->format("Y-m-d");
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            $response = array('code' => HTTP_Status::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            return false;
        $where['end_date'] = "{$now}:>=";
        $where['start_date'] = "{$now}:<=";
        $join_tables = array("Academic_Calendar", "Teaches", "Syllabus", "Offers_Master", "Inst_Master", "Prog_Master", "Dept_Master", "Sub_Master", "Faculty_Master");
        $join_on = array("Academic_Calendar" => "Academic_Calendar.ac_id=Attendance_Master.ac_id", "Teaches" => "Attendance_Master.teaches_id=Teaches.teaches_id", "Syllabus" => "Teaches.syllabus_id=Syllabus.syllabus_id", "Offers_Master" => "Offers_Master.o_id=Syllabus.o_id", "Inst_Master" => "Inst_Master.inst_id=Offers_Master.inst_id", "Prog_Master" => "Prog_Master.prog_id=Offers_Master.prog_id", "Dept_Master" => "Dept_Master.dept_id=Offers_Master.dept_id", "Sub_Master" => "Sub_Master.sub_id=Syllabus.sub_id", "Faculty_Master" => "Faculty_Master.faculty_id=Teaches.faculty_id");
        $join_columns = array("Academic_Calendar" => array("start_date", "end_date", "semester"), "Teaches" => array("type"), "Syllabus" => array("sub_id"), "Offers_Master" => array("o_id"), "Inst_Master" => array("inst_name"), "Prog_Master" => array("prog_name"), "Dept_Master" => array("dept_name"), "Sub_Master" => array("sub_name"), "Faculty_Master" => array("faculty_name", "faculty_father_name", "faculty_surname"));
        $dbh = new MyDbCon();
        $dbh->select->columns(array("attd_mst_id", "batchno", "division"));
        // Join Tables
        foreach ($join_tables as $val) {
            $cols = Select::SQL_STAR;
            if (isset($join_columns[$val])) {
                $cols = $join_columns[$val];
            $dbh->join($val, $join_on[$val], $cols);
        // Where Clause
        foreach ($where as $key => $val) {
            $vals = explode(':', $val);
            $wh = $where_funcs['='];
            if (!empty($vals[1]) && isset($where_funcs[$vals[1]])) {
                $wh = $where_funcs[$vals[1]];
            $dbh->select->where->{$wh}($key, $vals[0]);
        if ($dbh->execute()) {
            $objs = $dbh->fetchAssoc();
            foreach ($objs as $row) {
                if (!empty($row['faculty_father_name'])) {
                    $row['faculty_name'] .= " " . $row['faculty_father_name'];
                if (!empty($row['faculty_surname'])) {
                    $row['faculty_name'] .= " " . $row['faculty_surname'];
            $response = $objs;
            return true;
        } else {
            $response = array('code' => HTTP_Status::NOT_FOUND);
            return false;
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        $message = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() : $e->getMessage();
        $code = $e->getPrevious() ? $e->getPrevious()->getCode() : $e->getCode();
        $err = "Error Code: " . $code . " <br/>Detailed Info: " . $message;
        $response = array('code' => HTTP_Status::FORBIDDEN, 'message' => $err);
        return false;