static function requireAuthenticate($is_ajax = true, $extra_secure = true, &$realUser = null) { global $api_key, $api_key_secret, $adminUserIDs; $u = MyAuth::checkAuthentication($extra_secure); if (!$u) { if ($is_ajax) { return 0; } $facebook = new Facebook($api_key, $api_key_secret); $user = $facebook->require_login(); if ($user) { MyAuth::setLoginAuthenticate($user); } $u = $user; } if (isset($realUser)) { $realUser = $u; } //Return the mock_user if the real user is an administrator and mockuser is set $mu = GetAdminDebug('mock_user'); if ($mu != 'NONE' && in_array(intval($u), $adminUserIDs)) { return $mu; } else { return $u; } }
$fp->log($u); if ($u) { MyAuth::setLoginAuthenticate($u['uid']); header("Location: {$appAfterLoginUrl}"); die; } else { echo '<span class="error_message">Login not valid!</span>'; } } else { //signup $fp->log("Signup!"); if (!User::RegisterUser($_REQUEST['first_name'], $_REQUEST['last_name'], $_REQUEST['email'], $_REQUEST['password'], $_REQUEST['gender'])) { echo '<span class="error_message">Probaly the email has been already used! Plase try wih a different one</span>'; } else { $u = User::getByEmail($_REQUEST['email']); MyAuth::setLoginAuthenticate($u['uid']); header("Location: {$appAfterLoginUrl}"); die; } } } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xmlns:fb=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="static/css/main.css<?php echo cache_burner();
//I create timer object and start it (TRUE) $timer = new Benchmark_Timer(); $timer->start(); //Establish connection try { DB::get()->connect(); } catch (Exception $e) { print_r($e); //### It must be handle better: writing in the log file (that must be set) and } */ function aq($val) { return trim($val, "\"'"); } $u = MyAuth::checkAuthentication(false); //### This must change later to true and take vcare to pass the cookie $fp->log($u); if (!$u) { error('Not logged in'); } //In order to debug XML add "?T3ST=1" in the URL if (isset($_REQUEST[$debug_parameter])) { $XML_debug = true; } if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { if ($_REQUEST['action'] == "createevent") { $fp->log("createevent"); $name = aq($_REQUEST['name']); $description = aq($_REQUEST['description']); $time = aq($_REQUEST['time']);
echo '<pre>'; print_r($_COOKIE); if (isset($_COOKIE['tjc_lo'])) { $a = explode(',', $_COOKIE['tjc_lo']); $t = $a[1]; $curr_t = time(); $exp_time = $curr_t - $t; echo "\nCookie 'lo' was set at ", date('l jS \\of F Y h:i:s A', $t), ' (', intval($exp_time / 60), ' min and ', $exp_time % 60, ' sec ago)'; } echo '</pre>'; } else { if ($c == 2) { //Auth as user 10101010 $u = '10101010'; MyAuth::setLoginAuthenticate($u); echo "MyAuth::setLoginAuthenticate({$u}) executed"; } else { if ($c == 3) { //perform the check auth $n = MyAuth::checkAuthentication(false); $e = MyAuth::checkAuthentication(); echo '<pre>'; print_r($_COOKIE); echo "Auth (normal) user is {$n}\n"; echo "Auth (extra secure) user is {$e}"; echo '</pre>'; } } } } }
$NameParts = explode('/', $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]); $page = $NameParts[count($NameParts) - 1]; require_once 'include/basic.php'; require_once 'include/MyAuth.php'; $fp->log($_GET, '_GET'); $fp->log($_COOKIE, '_COOKIE'); /* $fp->group('_COOKIE[]:'); ob_start(); print_r( $_COOKIE ); $out = ob_get_clean(); TRACE(TRACE_DEBUG, $out); $fp->groupEnd(); */ $user = MyAuth::requireAuthentication($appLoginUrl, false, false); if (!in_array($user, $adminUserIDs)) { echo '<h1>You are not the admin!</h1>'; die; } if (isset($_GET['obstart_debug'])) { if ($_GET['admin_obstart'] == '1') { SetAdminDebug('obstart', '1'); } else { SetAdminDebug('obstart', '0'); } header("Refresh: 0;url=admin.php"); echo 'You\'ll be redirected in about 1 sec. If not, click <a href="admin.php">here</a>.'; die; } if (isset($_GET['mock_user_debug'])) {