コード例 #1
</div> <?php 
            /* blog.tpl:9: {/foreach} */
 </div>  <?php 
    /* base.tpl:27: {Morfy::runAction('theme_content_after')} */
    echo Morfy::runAction('theme_content_after');
 </div> <div id="footer"> <div class="container"> <p class="text-muted pull-right">Powered by <a href="http://morfy.org" title="Simple and fast file-based CMS">Morfy</a></p> </div> </div>   <script src="<?php 
    /* base.tpl:36: {$.site.url} */
    echo $tpl->getStorage()->site_config["url"];
    /* base.tpl:36: {$.site.theme} */
    echo $tpl->getStorage()->site_config["theme"];
/assets/js/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="<?php 
    /* base.tpl:37: {$.site.url} */
    echo $tpl->getStorage()->site_config["url"];
    /* base.tpl:37: {$.site.theme} */
    echo $tpl->getStorage()->site_config["theme"];
/assets/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <?php 
    /* base.tpl:38: {Morfy::runAction('theme_footer')} */
    echo Morfy::runAction('theme_footer');
 </body> </html> <?php 
}, array('options' => 16576, 'provider' => false, 'name' => 'blog.tpl', 'base_name' => 'blog.tpl', 'time' => 1445769054, 'depends' => array(0 => array('base.tpl' => 1445769054, 'blog.tpl' => 1445769054)), 'macros' => array()));
コード例 #2
    // Get current URI segments
    $path = Url::getUriSegments();
    $path = implode('/', $path);
    // Get all posts
    $all_pages = Morfy::getPages($path, 'date', 'DESC', array('404', 'index'));
    // Count total posts
    $total_pages = count($all_pages);
    // Get current page path
    $current_path = Url::getUriString();
    // Get current page data
    $current_page = Morfy::getPage($current_path);
    // Testing...
    // echo $current_page['date'];
    // Find next and previous link from current page
    $prev_page = $next_page = false;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $total_pages; $i++) {
        if ($current_page['date'] == $all_pages[$i]['date']) {
            $prev_page = isset($all_pages[$i - 1]['url']) && !empty($all_pages[$i - 1]['url']) ? $all_pages[$i - 1]['url'] : false;
            $next_page = isset($all_pages[$i + 1]['url']) && !empty($all_pages[$i + 1]['url']) ? $all_pages[$i + 1]['url'] : false;
    // Pagination
    $nextprev_template->display('nav.tpl', array('config' => $nextprev_config, 'current' => 1, 'total' => $total_pages, 'prev' => $prev_page, 'next' => $next_page));
// Conditional action between `index_nextprev` and `item_nextprev`
Morfy::addAction('nextprev', function () {
    $path = trim(Url::getUriString(), '/');
    Morfy::runAction((file_exists(PAGES_PATH . '/' . $path . '/index.md') ? 'index' : 'item') . '_nextprev');