コード例 #1
ファイル: view.php プロジェクト: ras52/geneopedia
function raw_content()
    global $error_page;
        header('Allow: GET, HEAD');
    if (!array_key_exists('id', $_GET)) {
        $error_page = "error_404_content";
    $f = fetch_one_or_none('files', 'id', $_GET['id']);
    if (is_null($f)) {
        $error_page = "error_404_content";
    # If someone fetches /files/NN.png, give an error if this is not a png.
    if (array_key_exists('extension', $_GET)) {
        if ($f->extension != $_GET['extension']) {
            $error_page = "error_404_content";
    header('Cache-Control: public');
    # TODO:  If it's not public:
    if (0) {
        # Cache-Control: private allows private caching, that is caching that
        # is limited to a single user (as, for example, might happen in a web
        # browser).  Public caching, e.g. in a ISP's caching proxy, is not
        # permitted.
        header('Cache-Control: private');
        # In principle this tells the browser to clear the cache on logout,
        # though in practice I'm not sure this does anything useful.
        header('Vary: Cookie');
    # Send the Content-Type too, as otherwise PHP will use text/html
    header('Content-Type: ' . $f->mime_type);
    # Only disclose the ETag now that we've checked the user is authorised.
    # We do this before handling If-None-Match, because that header may contain
    # multiple ETags, and if so, we need to disclose which one matched.
    header('ETag: ' . $f->sha1);
    # This is complicated by the fact that If-None-Match can be combined with
    # If-Modified-Since, and then we only 304 if both match.  Once we set
    # $match = 0, we know we've failed.  If it is 1, we know that all of the
    # conditions currently tested have succeed.  If it's null, then we've not
    # yet found a precondition to test.
    $match = null;
    if ($match !== 0 && array_key_exists('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH', $_SERVER)) {
        $match = 0;
        $etags = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']));
        if ($etags == '*') {
            $match = 1;
        } else {
            foreach (explode(',', $etags) as $e) {
                if ($e == strtolower($f->sha1)) {
                    $match = 1;
    if ($match !== 0 && array_key_exists('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE', $_SERVER)) {
        $match = 0;
        $fmt = 'Y-M-d\\TH:i:s';
        if (date_format(date_create($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']), $fmt) >= date_format(date_create($f->date_uploaded), $fmt)) {
            $match = 1;
    # If all conditions have succeeded, we send exit with a 304 Not Modified.
    if ($match) {
    header('Content-Size: ' . $f->length);
    header('Last-Modified: ' . date_format(date_create($f->date_uploaded), 'D, d M Y H:i:s O'));
    # Add an RFC 5988 Link header.  This is the recommended means of linking
    # a resource to its description in POWDER, and, even though we're not
    # using POWDER, it's a standard means of metadata discovery c.f. various
    # W3C 'CSV on the Web' drafts.
    $base = "http://" . $config['domain'] . $config['http_path'] . 'files/';
    $url = $base . $f->id . '.' . $f->extension;
    header("Link: <{$url}.rdf>; " . 'rel="describedby"; type="application/rdf+xml"');
    if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'HEAD') {
        $mog = new MogileFs();
        global $config;
        $cfg = $config['mogilefs'];
        $mog->connect($cfg['hostname'], $cfg['port'], $cfg['domain']);
        # Fetch the metadata from mogilefs
        $metadata = $mog->get($f->id);
        # Pick a path at random
        $pathn = rand(1, $metadata['paths']);
        $path = $metadata['path' . $pathn];
        error_log("Fetching file #{$id}'s data from {$path}");
        $fh = fopen($path, 'rb');