コード例 #1
ファイル: SetupCommon_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public static function admin_caption()
     if (ModuleManager::is_installed('Base_EpesiStore') >= 0 && Base_EpesiStoreCommon::admin_access()) {
         return null;
     return array('label' => __('Modules Administration'), 'section' => __('Server Configuration'));
コード例 #2
ファイル: Mail_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
  * For internal use only.
 public function admin()
     if ($this->is_back()) {
     $form = $this->init_module(Libs_QuickForm::module_name());
     $defaults = array();
     $defaults['mail_method'] = Variable::get('mail_method');
     $defaults['mail_use_replyto'] = Variable::get('mail_use_replyto');
     $defaults['mail_user'] = Variable::get('mail_user');
     $defaults['mail_from_addr'] = Variable::get('mail_from_addr');
     $defaults['mail_from_name'] = Variable::get('mail_from_name');
     $defaults['mail_host'] = Variable::get('mail_host');
     $defaults['mail_security'] = Variable::get('mail_security', false);
     $defaults['mail_auth'] = Variable::get('mail_auth');
     $defaults['mail_password'] = Variable::get('mail_password');
     $form->addElement('header', null, __('Mail settings'));
     $form->addElement('select', 'mail_method', __('Choose method'), array('smtp' => __('remote smtp server'), 'mail' => __('local php.ini settings')), 'onChange="' . $form->get_submit_form_js(false) . '"');
     $form->addElement('text', 'mail_from_addr', __('Administrator e-mail address'));
     $form->addRule('mail_from_addr', __('Invalid e-mail address'), 'email');
     $form->addRule('mail_from_addr', __('Field required'), 'required');
     $form->addElement('text', 'mail_from_name', __('Send e-mails from name'));
     $form->addElement('text', 'mail_use_replyto', __('Set "Reply-To" email address'));
     $form->addRule('mail_use_replyto', __('Invalid e-mail address'), 'email');
     $method = $form->getElement('mail_method')->getSelected();
     if ($method[0] == 'smtp') {
         $form->addElement('text', 'mail_host', __('SMTP host address'));
         $form->addRule('mail_host', __('Field required'), 'required');
         $form->addElement('select', 'mail_security', __('Security'), array('' => __('None'), 'ssl' => 'SSL', 'ssl_ssc' => 'SSL (self signed certificate)', 'tls' => 'TLS', 'tls_ssc' => 'TLS (self signed certificate)'));
         $form->addElement('checkbox', 'mail_auth', __('SMTP authorization'), '', 'onChange="' . $form->get_submit_form_js(false) . '"');
         $auth = $form->getElement('mail_auth')->getValue();
         if ($auth) {
             $form->addElement('text', 'mail_user', __('Login'));
             $form->addElement('password', 'mail_password', __('Password'));
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('back', __('Back'), $this->create_back_href());
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('save', __('Save'), $form->get_submit_form_href());
     if (ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM_Contacts') >= 0) {
         $me = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_my_record();
         $email = $me['email'];
         Base_ActionBarCommon::add('search', __('Test'), $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'test_mail_config'), array($email)), __('E-mail will be sent to %s to test the configuration', array('<b>' . $email . '</b>')));
     if ($form->getSubmitValue('submited') && $form->validate() && $form->process(array(&$this, 'submit_admin'))) {
         Base_StatusBarCommon::message(__('Settings saved'));
コード例 #3
ファイル: FollowupCommon_0.php プロジェクト: 62BRAINS/EPESI
 public static function drawLeightbox($prefix)
     if (MOBILE_DEVICE) {
     $meetings = ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM/Meeting') >= 0;
     $tasks = ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM/Tasks') >= 0;
     $phonecall = ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM/PhoneCall') >= 0;
     if (!isset(self::$leightbox_ready[$prefix])) {
         self::$leightbox_ready[$prefix] = true;
         $theme = Base_ThemeCommon::init_smarty();
         eval_js_once($prefix . '_followups_deactivate = function(){leightbox_deactivate(\'' . $prefix . '_followups_leightbox\');}');
         if ($meetings) {
             $theme->assign('new_meeting', array('open' => '<a id="' . $prefix . '_new_meeting_button" onclick="' . $prefix . '_set_action(\'new_meeting\');' . $prefix . '_submit_form();">', 'text' => __('New Meeting'), 'close' => '</a>'));
             eval_js('Event.observe(\'' . $prefix . '_new_meeting_button\',\'click\', ' . $prefix . '_followups_deactivate)');
         if ($tasks) {
             $theme->assign('new_task', array('open' => '<a id="' . $prefix . '_new_task_button" onclick="' . $prefix . '_set_action(\'new_task\');' . $prefix . '_submit_form();">', 'text' => __('New Task'), 'close' => '</a>'));
             eval_js('Event.observe(\'' . $prefix . '_new_task_button\',\'click\', ' . $prefix . '_followups_deactivate)');
         if ($phonecall) {
             $theme->assign('new_phonecall', array('open' => '<a id="' . $prefix . '_new_phonecall_button" onclick="' . $prefix . '_set_action(\'new_phonecall\');' . $prefix . '_submit_form();">', 'text' => __('New Phonecall'), 'close' => '</a>'));
             eval_js('Event.observe(\'' . $prefix . '_new_phonecall_button\',\'click\', ' . $prefix . '_followups_deactivate)');
         $theme->assign('just_close', array('open' => '<a id="' . $prefix . '_just_close_button" onclick="' . $prefix . '_set_action(\'none\');' . $prefix . '_submit_form();">', 'text' => __('Save'), 'close' => '</a>'));
         eval_js('Event.observe(\'' . $prefix . '_just_close_button\',\'click\', ' . $prefix . '_followups_deactivate)');
         eval_js($prefix . '_submit_form = function () {' . '$(\'' . $prefix . '_follow_up_form\').submited.value=1;Epesi.href($(\'' . $prefix . '_follow_up_form\').serialize(), \'processing...\');$(\'' . $prefix . '_follow_up_form\').submited.value=0;' . '}');
         eval_js($prefix . '_set_action = function (arg) {' . 'document.forms["' . $prefix . '_follow_up_form"].action.value = arg;' . '}');
         eval_js($prefix . '_set_id = function (id) {' . 'document.forms["' . $prefix . '_follow_up_form"].id.value = id;' . '$("' . $prefix . '_closecancel").value=3;' . '$("' . $prefix . '_note").value="";' . '}');
         $theme->assign('form_open', '<form id="' . $prefix . '_follow_up_form" name="' . $prefix . '_follow_up_form" method="POST">' . '<input type="hidden" name="submited" value="0" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="form_name" value="' . $prefix . '_follow_up_form" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="" />' . '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="" />');
         $status_select_options = '';
         $statuses = Utils_CommonDataCommon::get_translated_array('CRM/Status');
         foreach ($statuses as $key => $value) {
             $status_select_options .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($key) . '"' . ($key == 3 ? ' selected="1"' : '') . '>' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '</option>';
         $theme->assign('form_closecancel', array('label' => __('Status'), 'html' => '<select name="closecancel" id="' . $prefix . '_closecancel" value="0">' . $status_select_options . '</select>'));
         $theme->assign('form_note', array('label' => __('Note'), 'html' => '<textarea name="note" id="' . $prefix . '_note"></textarea>'));
         $theme->assign('form_close', '</form>');
         Base_ThemeCommon::display_smarty($theme, 'CRM_Followup', 'leightbox');
         $profiles_out = ob_get_clean();
         Libs_LeightboxCommon::display($prefix . '_followups_leightbox', $profiles_out, __('Follow-up'));
コード例 #4
ファイル: TCPDFCommon_0.php プロジェクト: 62BRAINS/EPESI
    public static function prepare_header(& $tcpdf, $title='', $subject='', $printed_by=true, $logo_filename=null, $l = array()) {
        if ($title!==null) {
            if ($logo_filename===null) $logo_filename = Libs_TCPDFCommon::get_logo_filename();
            if ($logo_filename!==false && !file_exists($logo_filename)) {
                $logo_filename = Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file('Libs/TCPDF','logo-small.png');
            $margins = $tcpdf->getMargins();
            if($logo_filename) {
                $logo_size = getimagesize($logo_filename);
                $logo_height = $logo_size[1] * PDF_HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH / $logo_size[0];
            } else {
                $logo_height = 0;
            $tcpdf->SetTopMargin($logo_height + $margins['top']);
            $tcpdf->SetHeaderData($logo_filename, $logo_filename?PDF_HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH:0, $title, $subject);
        } else {

        //set some language-dependent strings
        $l['a_meta_charset'] = "UTF-8";
        $l['a_meta_dir'] = "ltr";
        $l['a_meta_language'] = "pl";

        $who = null;
        if (ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM/Contacts') >= 0) {
            $who = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_contact_by_user_id(Acl::get_user());
        if ($who!==null) $who = $who['last_name'].' '.$who['first_name'];
        else $who= Base_UserCommon::get_user_login(Acl::get_user());
        $when = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
        if (!isset($l['w_page'])) {
			$l['w_page'] = '';
			if ($printed_by) $l['w_page'] .= __('Printed with %s by %s, on %s, ',array('EPESI (http://epe.si)',$who,$when));
			$l['w_page'] .= __('Page');

        self::SetFont($tcpdf, self::$default_font, '', 9);
コード例 #5
ファイル: PhoneCallInstall.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function install()
     //addons table
     $fields = array(array('name' => _M('Recordset'), 'type' => 'text', 'param' => 64, 'display_callback' => array($this->get_type() . 'Common', 'display_recordset'), 'QFfield_callback' => array($this->get_type() . 'Common', 'QFfield_recordset'), 'required' => true, 'extra' => false, 'visible' => true));
     Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::install_new_recordset('phonecall_related', $fields);
     Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::set_caption('phonecall_related', _M('Phonecalls Related Recordsets'));
     Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::register_processing_callback('phonecall_related', array('CRM_PhoneCallCommon', 'processing_related'));
     Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::add_access('phonecall_related', 'view', 'ACCESS:employee');
     Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::add_access('phonecall_related', 'add', 'ADMIN');
     Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::add_access('phonecall_related', 'edit', 'SUPERADMIN');
     Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::add_access('phonecall_related', 'delete', 'SUPERADMIN');
     // ************ phone calls ************** //
     $fields = array(array('name' => _M('Subject'), 'type' => 'text', 'required' => true, 'param' => '64', 'extra' => false, 'visible' => true, 'display_callback' => array('CRM_PhoneCallCommon', 'display_subject')), array('name' => _M('Contact Name'), 'type' => 'hidden', 'extra' => false, 'visible' => true, 'display_callback' => array('CRM_PhoneCallCommon', 'display_contact_name')), array('name' => _M('Phone Number'), 'type' => 'hidden', 'extra' => false, 'visible' => true, 'display_callback' => array('CRM_PhoneCallCommon', 'display_phone_number')), array('name' => _M('Customer'), 'type' => 'crm_company_contact', 'param' => array('field_type' => 'select'), 'extra' => false), array('name' => _M('Other Customer'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'extra' => false, 'QFfield_callback' => array('CRM_PhoneCallCommon', 'QFfield_other_contact')), array('name' => _M('Other Customer Name'), 'type' => 'text', 'param' => '64', 'extra' => false), array('name' => _M('Permission'), 'type' => 'commondata', 'required' => true, 'param' => array('order_by_key' => true, 'CRM/Access'), 'extra' => false), array('name' => _M('Employees'), 'type' => 'crm_contact', 'param' => array('field_type' => 'multiselect', 'crits' => array('CRM_PhoneCallCommon', 'employees_crits'), 'format' => array('CRM_ContactsCommon', 'contact_format_no_company')), 'required' => true, 'extra' => false, 'visible' => true, 'filter' => true), array('name' => _M('Status'), 'type' => 'commondata', 'required' => true, 'filter' => true, 'param' => array('order_by_key' => true, 'CRM/Status'), 'extra' => false, 'visible' => true, 'display_callback' => array('CRM_PhoneCallCommon', 'display_status')), array('name' => _M('Priority'), 'type' => 'commondata', 'required' => true, 'param' => array('order_by_key' => true, 'CRM/Priority'), 'extra' => false), array('name' => _M('Phone'), 'type' => 'integer', 'extra' => false, 'QFfield_callback' => array('CRM_PhoneCallCommon', 'QFfield_phone'), 'display_callback' => array('CRM_PhoneCallCommon', 'display_phone')), array('name' => _M('Other Phone'), 'type' => 'checkbox', 'extra' => false, 'QFfield_callback' => array('CRM_PhoneCallCommon', 'QFfield_other_phone')), array('name' => _M('Other Phone Number'), 'type' => 'text', 'param' => '64', 'extra' => false), array('name' => _M('Date and Time'), 'type' => 'timestamp', 'required' => true, 'extra' => false, 'visible' => true), array('name' => _M('Description'), 'type' => 'long text', 'required' => false, 'param' => '255', 'extra' => false), array('name' => _M('Related'), 'type' => 'multiselect', 'QFfield_callback' => array('CRM_PhoneCallCommon', 'QFfield_related'), 'param' => '__RECORDSETS__::;CRM_PhoneCallCommon::related_crits', 'extra' => false, 'required' => false, 'visible' => true));
     Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::install_new_recordset('phonecall', $fields);
     Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::set_tpl('phonecall', Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_filename(CRM_PhoneCallInstall::module_name(), 'default'));
     Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::register_processing_callback('phonecall', array('CRM_PhoneCallCommon', 'submit_phonecall'));
     Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::set_icon('phonecall', Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_filename(CRM_PhoneCallInstall::module_name(), 'icon.png'));
     Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::set_recent('phonecall', 5);
     Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::set_caption('phonecall', _M('Phonecalls'));
     Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::enable_watchdog('phonecall', array('CRM_PhoneCallCommon', 'watchdog_label'));
     Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::set_search('phonecall', 2, 0);
     // ************ addons ************** //
     Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::new_addon('phonecall', CRM_PhoneCallInstall::module_name(), 'messanger_addon', _M('Alerts'));
     // ************ other ************** //
     CRM_CalendarCommon::new_event_handler(_M('Phonecalls'), array('CRM_PhoneCallCommon', 'crm_calendar_handler'));
     Utils_BBCodeCommon::new_bbcode('phone', 'CRM_PhoneCallCommon', 'phone_bbcode');
     if (ModuleManager::is_installed('Premium_SalesOpportunity') >= 0) {
         Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::new_record_field('phonecall', _M('Opportunity'), 'select', true, false, 'premium_salesopportunity::Opportunity Name;Premium_SalesOpportunityCommon::crm_opportunity_reference_crits', '', false);
     Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::add_access('phonecall', 'view', 'ACCESS:employee', array('(!permission' => 2, '|employees' => 'USER'));
     Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::add_access('phonecall', 'add', 'ACCESS:employee');
     Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::add_access('phonecall', 'edit', 'ACCESS:employee', array('(permission' => 0, '|employees' => 'USER', '|customer' => 'USER'));
     Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::add_access('phonecall', 'delete', 'ACCESS:employee', array(':Created_by' => 'USER_ID'));
     Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::add_access('phonecall', 'delete', array('ACCESS:employee', 'ACCESS:manager'));
     return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: ShoutboxCommon_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public static function user_search($search = null)
     $myid = Base_AclCommon::get_user();
     if (Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('Apps_Shoutbox', 'enable_im')) {
         $adm = Base_User_SettingsCommon::get_admin('Apps_Shoutbox', 'enable_im');
         if (ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM_Contacts') >= 0) {
             $emps = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT l.id,' . DB::ifelse('cd.f_last_name!=\'\'', DB::concat('cd.f_last_name', DB::qstr(' '), 'cd.f_first_name'), 'l.login') . ' as name FROM user_login l LEFT JOIN contact_data_1 cd ON (cd.f_login=l.id AND cd.active=1) LEFT JOIN base_user_settings us ON (us.user_login_id=l.id AND module=\'Apps_Shoutbox\' AND variable=\'enable_im\') WHERE l.active=1 AND l.id!=%d AND (us.value=%s OR us.value is ' . ($adm ? '' : 'not ') . 'null) AND (cd.f_first_name ' . DB::like() . ' ' . DB::concat(DB::qstr("%%"), "%s", DB::qstr("%%")) . ' OR cd.f_last_name ' . DB::like() . ' ' . DB::concat(DB::qstr("%%"), "%s", DB::qstr("%%")) . ') ORDER BY name', array($myid, serialize(1), $search, $search));
         } else {
             $emps = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT l.id,l.login FROM user_login l LEFT JOIN base_user_settings us ON (us.user_login_id=l.id AND module=\'Apps_Shoutbox\' AND variable=\'enable_im\') WHERE l.active=1 AND l.id!=%d AND (us.value=%s OR us.value is ' . ($adm ? '' : 'not ') . 'null) AND l.login ' . DB::like() . ' ' . DB::concat(DB::qstr("%%"), "%s", DB::qstr("%%")) . ' ORDER BY l.login', array($myid, serialize(1), $search));
     } else {
         $emps = array();
     if (ModuleManager::is_installed('Tools_WhoIsOnline') >= 0) {
         $online = Tools_WhoIsOnlineCommon::get_ids();
         foreach ($online as $id) {
             if (isset($emps[$id])) {
                 $emps[$id] = '* ' . $emps[$id];
     return $emps;
コード例 #7

defined("_VALID_ACCESS") || die('Direct access forbidden');
$module_name = 'Utils/QueryBuilder';
if (ModuleManager::is_installed($module_name) < 0) {
コード例 #8

defined("_VALID_ACCESS") || die('Direct access forbidden');
if (ModuleManager::is_installed('Base_Help') >= 0) {
コード例 #9

defined("_VALID_ACCESS") || die('Direct access forbidden');
if (ModuleManager::is_installed('Base_Cron') >= 0) {
コード例 #10

defined("_VALID_ACCESS") || die('Direct access forbidden');
if (ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM_Meeting') == -1) {
Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::new_filter('crm_meeting', 'Date');
コード例 #11

defined("_VALID_ACCESS") || die('Direct access forbidden');
if (ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM_Roundcube') >= 0) {
    foreach (DB::GetCol('SELECT id FROM user_login') as $id) {
        $identity = DB::GetOne("SELECT " . DB::Concat('f_first_name', DB::qstr(' '), 'f_last_name') . " FROM contact_data_1 WHERE f_login =%d", array($id));
        foreach (DB::GetCol("SELECT f_email FROM rc_accounts_data_1 WHERE f_epesi_user=%d", array($id)) as $f_email) {
            DB::Execute('UPDATE rc_identities SET name=%s WHERE email=%s', array($identity, $f_email));
コード例 #12
ファイル: MeetingCommon_0.php プロジェクト: 62BRAINS/EPESI
 public static function submit_meeting($values, $mode)
     $me = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_my_record();
     switch ($mode) {
         case 'delete':
             Utils_MessengerCommon::delete_by_id('CRM_Calendar_Event:' . $values['id']);
         case 'display':
             $pdf = Utils_RecordBrowser::$rb_obj->pack_module('Libs/TCPDF', 'L');
             if ($pdf->prepare()) {
                 $v = CRM_Calendar_EventCommon::get(DB::GetOne('SELECT id FROM crm_calendar_custom_events_handlers WHERE group_name=%s', array('Meetings')) . '#' . $values['id']);
                 $ev_mod = Utils_RecordBrowser::$rb_obj->init_module('CRM/Calendar/Event');
                 $ev_mod->make_event_PDF($pdf, $v, true, 'view');
             if (isset($_REQUEST['day'])) {
                 $values['date'] = $_REQUEST['day'];
             $ret = array();
             if ($values['time']) {
                 // normal event
                 $start = $values['time'];
                 // time in unix timestamp UTC
                 $start_disp = strtotime(Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($start, true, true, true, false));
             } else {
                 // when event is timeless - all day event
                 $time = $values['date'] . ' 00:00:01';
                 $start = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::reg2time($time);
                 $start_disp = strtotime($time);
             $end = strtotime('+' . $values['duration'] . ' seconds', $start);
             $ret['day_details'] = array('start' => array('day' => '<a ' . Base_BoxCommon::create_href(null, 'CRM/Calendar', 'body', array(array('default_view' => 'day', 'default_date' => strtotime($values['date']))), array()) . '>' . date('j', $start_disp) . '</a>', 'month' => '<a ' . Base_BoxCommon::create_href(null, 'CRM/Calendar', 'body', array(array('default_view' => 'month', 'default_date' => strtotime($values['date']))), array()) . '>' . __date('F', $start_disp) . '</a>', 'year' => '<a ' . Base_BoxCommon::create_href(null, 'CRM/Calendar', 'body', array(array('default_view' => 'year', 'default_date' => strtotime($values['date']))), array()) . '>' . date('Y', $start_disp) . '</a>', 'weekday' => '<a ' . Base_BoxCommon::create_href(null, 'CRM/Calendar', 'body', array(array('default_view' => 'week', 'default_date' => strtotime($values['date']))), array()) . '>' . __date('l', $start_disp) . '</a>'));
             if (!isset($values['timeless']) || !$values['timeless']) {
                 $ret['event_info'] = array('start_time' => Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($start, 2, false), 'end_time' => Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($end, 2, false), 'duration' => Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::seconds_to_words($values['duration']), 'start_date' => '-', 'end_date' => '-');
             $ret['form_data']['timeless'] = array('label' => __('Timeless'), 'html' => 'value');
             $ret['toggle_duration'] = 'tog';
             $ret['duration_block_id'] = '1';
             $ret['event_end_block_id'] = '2';
             $values['title'] = __('Follow-up') . ': ' . $values['title'];
             $values['status'] = 0;
             $cus = reset($values['customers']);
             if (ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM/Meeting') >= 0) {
                 $ret['new']['event'] = '<a ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs(__('New Meeting')) . ' ' . Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::create_new_record_href('crm_meeting', array('title' => $values['title'], 'permission' => $values['permission'], 'priority' => $values['priority'], 'description' => $values['description'], 'date' => date('Y-m-d'), 'time' => date('H:i:s'), 'duration' => 3600, 'employees' => $values['employees'], 'customers' => $values['customers'], 'status' => 0), 'none', false) . '><img border="0" src="' . Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file('CRM_Calendar', 'icon-small.png') . '" /></a>';
             if (ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM/Tasks') >= 0) {
                 $ret['new']['task'] = '<a ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs(__('New Task')) . ' ' . Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::create_new_record_href('task', array('title' => $values['title'], 'permission' => $values['permission'], 'priority' => $values['priority'], 'description' => $values['description'], 'employees' => $values['employees'], 'customers' => $values['customers'], 'status' => 0, 'deadline' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 day')))) . '><img border="0" src="' . Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file('CRM_Tasks', 'icon-small.png') . '"></a>';
             if (ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM/PhoneCall') >= 0) {
                 $ret['new']['phonecall'] = '<a ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs(__('New Phonecall')) . ' ' . Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::create_new_record_href('phonecall', array('subject' => $values['title'], 'permission' => $values['permission'], 'priority' => $values['priority'], 'description' => $values['description'], 'date_and_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'employees' => $values['employees'], 'customer' => $cus, 'status' => 0), 'none', false) . '><img border="0" src="' . Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file('CRM_PhoneCall', 'icon-small.png') . '" /></a>';
             $ret['new']['note'] = Utils_RecordBrowser::$rb_obj->add_note_button('crm_meeting/' . $values['id']);
             return $ret;
         case 'edit':
             $alarms = Utils_MessengerCommon::get_alarms('CRM_Calendar_Event:' . $values['id']);
             $old = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_record('crm_meeting', $values['id']);
             $old_time = strtotime($old['date'] . ' ' . date('H:i:s', strtotime($old['time'])));
             $new_time = strtotime($values['date'] . ' ' . date('H:i:s', strtotime($values['time'])));
             foreach ($alarms as $id => $time) {
                 $time = strtotime($time);
                 $diff = $old_time - $time;
                 Utils_MessengerCommon::update_time($id, $new_time - $diff);
         case 'add':
             if (isset($values['duration_switch']) && !$values['duration_switch']) {
                 $values['duration'] = strtotime($values['end_time']) - strtotime($values['time']);
                 if ($values['duration'] < 0) {
                     $values['duration'] += 60 * 60 * 24;
                 // failsafe
             if (isset($values['timeless']) && $values['timeless']) {
                 $values['duration'] = -1;
             $new = '';
             foreach (array(0 => 'Mon', 1 => 'Tue', 2 => 'Wed', 3 => 'Thu', 4 => 'Fri', 5 => 'Sat', 6 => 'Sun') as $k => $v) {
                 if (isset($values['recurrence_hash_' . $k]) && $values['recurrence_hash_' . $k]) {
                     $new .= '1';
                 } else {
                     $new .= '0';
             if ($new != '0000000') {
                 $values['recurrence_hash'] = $new;
             if ($values['duration'] != -1) {
                 if (isset($values['modded'])) {
                     $time = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($values['time'], true, true, true, false);
                     $reg_timestamp = $values['date'] . ' ' . date('H:i:s', strtotime($time));
                     $timestamp = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::reg2time($reg_timestamp);
                     $values['date'] = date('Y-m-d', $timestamp);
                     $values['time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp);
                     if (isset($values['recurrence_end']) && $values['recurrence_end']) {
                         $values['recurrence_end'] = date('Y-m-d', Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::reg2time($values['recurrence_end'] . ' ' . date('H:i:s', strtotime($time))));
                         if ($values['recurrence_end'] < $values['date']) {
                             $values['recurrence_end'] = $values['date'];
                         if ($values['recurrence_type'] == 8) {
                             $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+6 days', strtotime($values['date'])));
                             if ($values['recurrence_end'] < $date) {
                                 $values['recurrence_end'] = $date;
             } else {
                 $values['time'] = '';
         case 'adding':
             $values['permission'] = Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('CRM_Common', 'default_record_permission');
         case 'editing':
         case 'view':
             $values['modded'] = 1;
             if (!isset($values['date'])) {
                 $values['date'] = date('Y-m-d');
             if (!isset($values['time'])) {
                 $values['time'] = time();
             if (!isset($values['duration'])) {
                 $values['duration'] = 3600;
             if (!is_numeric($values['time'])) {
                 $values['time'] = strtotime($values['time']);
             if ($values['duration'] != -1) {
                 if (isset($values['date']) && $values['date']) {
                     $values['date'] = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($values['date'] . ' ' . date('H:i:s', $values['time']), false, true, true, false);
                     $values['time'] = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($values['date'] . ' ' . date('H:i:s', $values['time']), true, false, true, false);
                     $values['time'] = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::reg2time($values['date'] . ' ' . $values['time']);
                 if (isset($values['recurrence_end']) && $values['recurrence_end']) {
                     $values['recurrence_end'] = Base_RegionalSettingsCommon::time2reg($values['recurrence_end'] . ' ' . date('H:i:s', $values['time']), false, true, true, false);
         case 'added':
             if (isset($values['follow_up'])) {
                 CRM_FollowupCommon::add_tracing_notes($values['follow_up'][0], $values['follow_up'][1], $values['follow_up'][2], 'meeting', $values['id'], $values['title']);
             $related = array_merge($values['employees'], $values['customers']);
             foreach ($related as $v) {
                 if ($mode === 'edit' && in_array($v, $old_related)) {
                 if (!is_numeric($v)) {
                     list($t, $id) = explode(':', $v);
                 } else {
                     $t = 'P';
                     $id = $v;
                 if ($t == 'P') {
                     $t = 'contact';
                 } else {
                     $t = 'company';
                 $subs = Utils_WatchdogCommon::get_subscribers($t, $id);
                 foreach ($subs as $s) {
                     Utils_WatchdogCommon::user_subscribe($s, 'crm_meeting', $values['id']);
             if (isset($values['messenger_on']) && $values['messenger_on'] != 'none') {
                 $start = strtotime($values['date'] . ' ' . date('H:i:s', strtotime($values['time'])));
                 if ($values['messenger_on'] == 'me') {
                     Utils_MessengerCommon::add('CRM_Calendar_Event:' . $values['id'], 'CRM_Meeting', $values['messenger_message'], $start - $values['messenger_before'], array('CRM_MeetingCommon', 'get_alarm'), array($values['id']));
                 } else {
                     $eee = array();
                     foreach ($values['employees'] as $v) {
                         $c = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_contact($v);
                         if (isset($c['login'])) {
                             $eee[] = $c['login'];
                     Utils_MessengerCommon::add('CRM_Calendar_Event:' . $values['id'], 'CRM_Meeting', $values['messenger_message'], $start - $values['messenger_before'], array('CRM_MeetingCommon', 'get_alarm'), array($values['id']), $eee);
     return $values;
コード例 #13
ファイル: EpesiStoreCommon_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public static function user_settings()
     if (!Base_EpesiStoreCommon::admin_access()) {
         return array();
     // get default data from user contact
     $my_contact = ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM_Contacts') > -1 ? CRM_ContactsCommon::get_my_record() : array();
     // key = field name from contact => value = field name in settings
     $keys = self::get_payment_data_keys();
     $values = array();
     // do user setting entries from data
     foreach ($keys as $k => $v) {
         $x = array('name' => $v, 'label' => _V(ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $v))), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => isset($my_contact[$k]) ? $my_contact[$k] : '');
         if ($k == 'country') {
             $x['type'] = 'select';
             $x['values'] = Utils_CommonDataCommon::get_translated_array('Countries');
         $values[] = $x;
     return array(__('EPESI Store') => array_merge(array(array('name' => 'payments_header', 'label' => '', 'type' => 'header', 'default' => __('Payment credentials'))), $values));
コード例 #14
ファイル: LangCommon_0.php プロジェクト: 62BRAINS/EPESI
 public static function get_lang_code()
     if (defined('FORCE_LANG_CODE')) {
         return FORCE_LANG_CODE;
     if (!isset(self::$lang_code)) {
         if (!Acl::is_user() || ModuleManager::is_installed('Base/User/Settings') == -1 || !Variable::get('allow_lang_change', false)) {
             return Variable::get('default_lang');
         if (class_exists('Base_User_SettingsCommon')) {
             self::$lang_code = Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('Base_Lang_Administrator', 'language');
     return self::$lang_code;
コード例 #15
ファイル: ContactsCommon_0.php プロジェクト: 62BRAINS/EPESI
 public static function get_record_by_email($email, $rset = null, $rid = null)
     if ($rid == null) {
         $rset = null;
     $cont = DB::GetRow('SELECT id, created_on, created_by FROM contact_data_1 WHERE active=1 AND f_email ' . DB::like() . ' %s AND id!=%d', array($email, $rset == 'contact' ? $rid : -1));
     if ($cont) {
         return array('contact', $cont['id']);
     if (ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM_Roundcube') >= 0) {
         $vals = array($email);
         $where_id = '';
         if ($rid != null) {
             if ($rset == 'rc_multiple_emails') {
                 $vals[] = $rid;
                 $where_id = ' AND id!=%d';
             } else {
                 $vals[] = $rset;
                 $vals[] = $rid;
                 $where_id = ' AND (f_record_type!=%s OR f_record_id!=%d)';
         $tmp = DB::GetRow('SELECT id, f_record_id, f_record_type FROM rc_multiple_emails_data_1 WHERE active=1 AND f_email ' . DB::like() . ' %s' . $where_id . ' ORDER BY f_record_type DESC', $vals);
         if ($tmp) {
             return array($tmp['f_record_type'], $tmp['f_record_id']);
     $comp = DB::GetRow('SELECT id, created_on, created_by FROM company_data_1 WHERE active=1 AND f_email ' . DB::like() . ' %s AND id!=%d', array($email, $rset == 'company' ? $rid : -1));
     if ($comp) {
         return array('company', $comp['id']);
     return false;
コード例 #16
ファイル: Dashboard_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function display_dashboard($tab_id)
     //		Base_ActionBarCommon::add('add',__('Add applet'),$this->create_callback_href(array($this,'applets_list'),$tab_id));
     $default_dash = $this->get_module_variable('default');
     $colors = Base_DashboardCommon::get_available_colors();
     $applets = array(0 => array(), 1 => array(), 2 => array());
     $config_mode = $this->get_module_variable('config_mode', false);
     if ($default_dash || !Base_DashboardCommon::has_permission_to_manage_applets()) {
         $ret = DB::Execute('SELECT col,id,module_name,color FROM base_dashboard_default_applets WHERE tab=%d ORDER BY col,pos', array($tab_id));
     } else {
         $ret = DB::Execute('SELECT col,id,module_name,color FROM base_dashboard_applets WHERE user_login_id=%d AND tab=%d ORDER BY pos', array(Base_AclCommon::get_user(), $tab_id));
     while ($row = $ret->FetchRow()) {
         $applets[$row['col']][] = $row;
     print '<div id="dashboard" style="width: 100%;">';
     for ($j = 0; $j < 3; $j++) {
         print '<div id="dashboard_applets_' . $tab_id . '_' . $j . '" style="width:33%;min-height:200px;padding-bottom:10px;vertical-align:top;display:inline-block">';
         foreach ($applets[$j] as $row) {
             if (!is_callable(array($row['module_name'] . 'Common', 'applet_caption'))) {
             $cap = call_user_func(array($row['module_name'] . 'Common', 'applet_caption'));
             if (!$cap || ModuleManager::is_installed($row['module_name']) == -1) {
                 //if its invalid entry
             $m = $this->init_module($row['module_name'], null, $row['id']);
             $opts = array();
             $opts['title'] = $cap;
             $opts['toggle'] = true;
             $opts['href'] = null;
             $opts['go'] = false;
             $opts['go_function'] = 'body';
             $opts['go_arguments'] = array();
             $opts['go_constructor_arguments'] = array();
             $opts['actions'] = array();
             $opts['id'] = $row['id'];
             $th = $this->init_module(Base_Theme::module_name());
             if ($config_mode || !$m) {
                 $content = '';
             } else {
                 $content = $this->get_html_of_module($m, array($this->get_values($row['id'], $row['module_name']), &$opts, $row['id']), 'applet');
             $th->assign('content', '<div class="content">' . $content . '</div>');
             $th->assign('handle_class', 'handle');
             $th->assign('fixed', !($default_dash || Base_DashboardCommon::has_permission_to_manage_applets()));
             if ($opts['toggle'] && !$config_mode) {
                 $th->assign('toggle', '<a class="toggle" ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs(__('Toggle')) . '>=</a>');
             foreach ($opts['actions'] as $k => $v) {
                 if (!$v) {
             if ($opts['go']) {
                 $opts['href'] = $this->create_main_href($row['module_name'], $opts['go_function'], $opts['go_arguments'], $opts['go_constructor_arguments']);
             if ($opts['href']) {
                 $th->assign('href', '<a class="href" ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs(__('Fullscreen')) . ' ' . $opts['href'] . '>G</a>');
             if ($default_dash || Base_DashboardCommon::has_permission_to_manage_applets()) {
                 $th->assign('remove', Base_DashboardCommon::get_remove_applet_button($row['id'], $default_dash));
                 if (!$config_mode) {
                     $th->assign('configure', '<a class="configure" ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs(__('Configure')) . ' ' . $this->create_callback_href(array($this, 'configure_applet'), array($row['id'], $row['module_name'])) . '>c</a>');
             $th->assign('caption', $opts['title']);
             $th->assign('color', $colors[$row['color']]['class']);
             $th->assign('actions', $opts['actions']);
             $th->assign('config_mode', $config_mode);
             print '<div class="applet" id="ab_item_' . $row['id'] . '">';
             print '</div>';
         print '</div>';
     print '</div>';
コード例 #17
ファイル: EpesiStore_0.php プロジェクト: 62BRAINS/EPESI
 private function display_module_entry($module)
     $installed = ModuleManager::is_installed($module) >= 0;
     $install_href = $installed ? '' : $this->create_callback_href(array($this, '_install_module'), array($module));
     $install_link = " - " . ($install_href ? "<a {$install_href}>" . __('Install module') . "</a>" : 'Module already installed');
     print htmlspecialchars($module) . "{$install_link}<br/>";
コード例 #18
ファイル: Shoutbox_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function chat($big = false, $uid = null)
     $to =& $this->get_module_variable('to', "all");
     eval_js('shoutbox_uid="' . $to . '"');
     if (Base_AclCommon::is_user()) {
         //initialize HTML_QuickForm
         $qf = $this->init_module(Libs_QuickForm::module_name());
         /*            $myid = Base_AclCommon::get_user();
                 	if(Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('Apps_Shoutbox','enable_im')) {
                 	    $adm = Base_User_SettingsCommon::get_admin('Apps_Shoutbox','enable_im');
                 	    if(ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM_Contacts')>=0) {
                     	    $emps = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT l.id,IF(cd.f_last_name!=\'\',CONCAT(cd.f_last_name,\' \',cd.f_first_name,\' (\',l.login,\')\'),l.login) as name FROM user_login l LEFT JOIN contact_data_1 cd ON (cd.f_login=l.id AND cd.active=1) LEFT JOIN base_user_settings us ON (us.user_login_id=l.id AND module=\'Apps_Shoutbox\' AND variable=\'enable_im\') WHERE l.active=1 AND l.id!=%d AND (us.value=%s OR us.value is '.($adm?'':'not ').'null) ORDER BY name',array($myid,serialize(1)));			    
         		        } else
             		        $emps = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT l.id,l.login FROM user_login l LEFT JOIN base_user_settings us ON (us.user_login_id=l.id AND module=\'Apps_Shoutbox\' AND variable=\'enable_im\') WHERE l.active=1 AND l.id!=%d AND (us.value=%s OR us.value is '.($adm?'':'not ').'null) ORDER BY l.login',array($myid,serialize(1)));
             		} else $emps = array();
             		if(ModuleManager::is_installed('Tools_WhoIsOnline')>=0) {
             		    $online = Tools_WhoIsOnlineCommon::get_ids();
             		    foreach($online as $id) {
             		            $emps[$id] = '* '.$emps[$id] ;
         $myid = Base_AclCommon::get_user();
         if (Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('Apps_Shoutbox', 'enable_im') && ModuleManager::is_installed('Tools_WhoIsOnline') >= 0) {
             $adm = Base_User_SettingsCommon::get_admin('Apps_Shoutbox', 'enable_im');
             $online = Tools_WhoIsOnlineCommon::get_ids();
             if ($online) {
                 if (ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM_Contacts') >= 0) {
                     $emps = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT l.id,' . DB::Concat(DB::qstr("* "), DB::ifelse('cd.f_last_name!=\'\'', DB::concat('cd.f_last_name', DB::qstr(' '), 'cd.f_first_name', DB::qstr(' ('), 'l.login', DB::qstr(')')), 'l.login')) . ' as name FROM user_login l LEFT JOIN contact_data_1 cd ON (cd.f_login=l.id AND cd.active=1) LEFT JOIN base_user_settings us ON (us.user_login_id=l.id AND module=\'Apps_Shoutbox\' AND variable=\'enable_im\') WHERE l.active=1 AND l.id!=%d AND (us.value=%s OR us.value is ' . ($adm ? '' : 'not ') . 'null) AND l.id IN (' . implode(',', $online) . ') ORDER BY name', array($myid, serialize(1)));
                 } else {
                     $emps = DB::GetAssoc('SELECT l.id,' . DB::Concat(DB::qstr("* "), 'l.login') . ' FROM user_login l LEFT JOIN base_user_settings us ON (us.user_login_id=l.id AND module=\'Apps_Shoutbox\' AND variable=\'enable_im\') WHERE l.active=1 AND l.id!=%d AND (us.value=%s OR us.value is ' . ($adm ? '' : 'not ') . 'null) AND l.id IN (' . implode(',', $online) . ') ORDER BY l.login', array($myid, serialize(1)));
             } else {
                 $emps = array();
         } else {
             $emps = array();
         $e = $qf->addElement('autoselect', 'shoutbox_to', __('To'), array('all' => '[' . __('All') . ']') + $emps, array(array($this->get_type() . 'Common', 'user_search'), array()), array($this->get_type() . 'Common', 'user_format'));
         $e->setAttribute('id', 'shoutbox_to' . ($big ? '_big' : ''));
         $e->setAttribute('onChange', 'shoutbox_uid=this.value;shoutbox_refresh' . ($big ? '_big' : '') . '()');
         if (!Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('Apps_Shoutbox', 'enable_im')) {
         //create text box
         $qf->addElement($big ? 'textarea' : 'textarea', 'post', __('Message'), 'class="border_radius_6px" id="shoutbox_text' . ($big ? '_big' : '') . '"');
         $qf->addRule('post', __('Field required'), 'required');
         //create submit button
         $qf->addElement('submit', 'submit_button', __('Send'), 'id="shoutbox_button' . ($big ? '_big' : '') . '"');
         //add it
         $qf->setDefaults(array('shoutbox_to' => $to));
         $theme = $this->init_module(Base_Theme::module_name());
         $qf->assign_theme('form', $theme);
         //confirm when sending messages to all
         eval_js("jq('#shoutbox_button, #shoutbox_button_big').click(function() {\n      \t\t\t\t\tvar submit = true;\n\t\t    \t\t\tif (jq('#shoutbox_to').val() == 'all' && !confirm('" . __('Send message to all?') . "')) {\n         \t\t\t\t\tsubmit = false;\n      \t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t    \n\t\t    \t\t\treturn submit;\t\t    \t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t});");
         //if submited
         if ($qf->validate()) {
             //get post group
             $msg = $qf->exportValue('post');
             $to = $qf->exportValue('shoutbox_to');
             //get msg from post group
             $msg = Utils_BBCodeCommon::optimize($msg);
             //get logged user id
             $user_id = Base_AclCommon::get_user();
             //clear text box and focus it
             eval_js('$(\'shoutbox_text' . ($big ? '_big' : '') . '\').value=\'\';focus_by_id(\'shoutbox_text' . ($big ? '_big' : '') . '\');shoutbox_uid="' . $to . '"');
             //insert to db
             DB::Execute('INSERT INTO apps_shoutbox_messages(message,base_user_login_id,to_user_login_id) VALUES(%s,%d,%d)', array(htmlspecialchars($msg, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), $user_id, is_numeric($to) ? $to : null));
     } else {
         print __('Please log in to post message') . '<br>';
     $theme->assign('board', '<div id=\'shoutbox_board' . ($big ? '_big' : '') . '\'></div>');
     $theme->assign('header', __('Shoutbox'));
     $theme->display('chat_form' . ($big ? '_big' : ''));
     //if shoutbox is diplayed, call myFunctions->refresh from refresh.php file every 5s
     eval_js_once('shoutbox_refresh' . ($big ? '_big' : '') . ' = function(){if(!$(\'shoutbox_board' . ($big ? '_big' : '') . '\')) return;' . 'new Ajax.Updater(\'shoutbox_board' . ($big ? '_big' : '') . '\',\'modules/Apps/Shoutbox/refresh.php\',{method:\'get\', parameters: { uid: shoutbox_uid }});' . '};setInterval(\'shoutbox_refresh' . ($big ? '_big' : '') . '()\',' . ($big ? '10000' : '30000') . ')');
     eval_js('shoutbox_refresh' . ($big ? '_big' : '') . '()');
コード例 #19

defined("_VALID_ACCESS") || die('Direct access forbidden');
if (ModuleManager::is_installed('Base_EpesiStore') === -1) {
} else {
    PatchUtil::db_alter_column('epesi_store_modules', 'version', 'C(10)');
コード例 #20
ファイル: remove_old_modules.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI

defined("_VALID_ACCESS") || die('Direct access forbidden');
$modules = array('Apps_Forum', 'Apps_Gallery', 'Apps_StaticPage', 'Apps_TwisterGame', 'Base_ModuleManager', 'Libs_Lytebox', 'Tests_BookmarkBrowser', 'Utils_BookmarkBrowser', 'Tests_Lytebox', 'Tools_FontSize', 'Utils_Gallery', 'Utils_BookmarkBrowser');
foreach ($modules as $m) {
    if (DB::GetOne('SELECT 1 FROM modules WHERE name=%s', array($m)) && !is_dir('modules/' . str_replace('_', '/', $m))) {
        DB::Execute('DELETE FROM modules WHERE name=%s', array($m));
if (ModuleManager::is_installed('Utils_RecordBrowser_RecordPickerFS') < 0) {
    ModuleManager::install('Utils_RecordBrowser_RecordPickerFS', 0, false);
if (ModuleManager::is_installed('Utils_RecordBrowser_RecordPicker') < 0) {
コード例 #21
ファイル: Activities_0.php プロジェクト: 62BRAINS/EPESI
 public function filters()
     $form = $this->init_module('Libs/QuickForm');
     $form->addElement('header', 'display', __('Show'));
     if (ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM/Meeting') != -1) {
         $form->addElement('checkbox', 'events', __('Meetings'), null, array('onchange' => $form->get_submit_form_js()));
     if (ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM/Tasks') != -1) {
         $form->addElement('checkbox', 'tasks', __('Tasks'), null, array('onchange' => $form->get_submit_form_js()));
     if (ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM/PhoneCall') != -1) {
         $form->addElement('checkbox', 'phonecalls', __('Phonecalls'), null, array('onchange' => $form->get_submit_form_js()));
     $form->addElement('select', 'activities_date', str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', __('Activities date')), array(0 => __('Future'), 1 => __('Past'), 2 => __('All time')), array('onchange' => $form->get_submit_form_js()));
     $form->addElement('checkbox', 'closed', __('Closed'), null, array('onchange' => $form->get_submit_form_js()));
     $old_display = $this->get_module_variable('display_options', array('events' => ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM/Meeting') != -1, 'tasks' => ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM/Tasks') != -1, 'phonecalls' => ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM/PhoneCall') != -1, 'closed' => 1, 'activities_date' => 2));
     $form->assign_theme('form', $this->theme);
     if ($form->validate()) {
         $this->display = $form->exportValues();
         foreach (array('events', 'tasks', 'phonecalls', 'closed', 'activities_date') as $v) {
             if (!isset($this->display[$v])) {
                 $this->display[$v] = false;
     } else {
         $this->display = $old_display;
     $this->activities_date = isset($this->display['activities_date']) ? $this->display['activities_date'] : 0;
     $this->set_module_variable('display_options', $this->display);
コード例 #22
ファイル: Box_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function body()
     if (isset(Base_BoxCommon::$override_box_main)) {
     $theme = $this->pack_module(Base_Theme::module_name());
     $ini = Base_BoxCommon::get_ini_file();
     if (!$ini) {
         print __('Unable to read Base/Box/default.ini file! Please create one, or change theme.');
         $this->pack_module(Base_Theme_Administrator::module_name(), null, 'admin');
     $ini_file = parse_ini_file($ini, true);
     $logged = Base_AclCommon::is_user();
     $theme->assign('logged', $logged);
     $containers = array();
     $containers['main'] = array('module' => null, 'name' => '');
     //so 'main' is first in array
     $name = 0;
     foreach ($ini_file as $tag => $opts) {
         if ($logged && $opts['display'] == 'anonymous' || !$logged && $opts['display'] == 'logged') {
         if (isset($opts['function'])) {
             $containers[$tag]['function'] = $opts['function'];
             $containers[$tag]['arguments'] = null;
         if (isset($opts['arguments'])) {
             $containers[$tag]['arguments'] = $opts['arguments'];
         if (isset($opts['module'])) {
             $containers[$tag]['module'] = $opts['module'];
         } else {
             trigger_error('No module specified.', E_USER_ERROR);
         $containers[$tag]['name'] = $tag;
     if (isset($containers['main'])) {
         $containers['main']['name'] = 'main_0';
     if (isset($_REQUEST['base_box_pop_main'])) {
         $pop_main = $_REQUEST['base_box_pop_main'];
     } else {
         $pop_main = false;
     if ($this->isset_module_variable('main')) {
         $mains = $this->get_module_variable('main');
         if ($pop_main) {
             while ($pop_main--) {
             $pop_main = true;
         $main = array_pop($mains);
         if (isset($main['module']) && $main['module'] != null) {
             $containers['main'] =& $main;
         foreach ($mains as $k => $m) {
             if (ModuleManager::is_installed($m['module']) >= 0) {
                 $this->freeze_module($m['module'], isset($m['name']) ? $m['name'] : null);
     } else {
         $mains = array();
     if (isset($_REQUEST['box_main_href'])) {
         if (!isset($_SESSION['client']['base_box_hrefs'])) {
             $_SESSION['client']['base_box_hrefs'] = array();
         $hs =& $_SESSION['client']['base_box_hrefs'];
         if (isset($hs[$_REQUEST['box_main_href']])) {
             $rh = $hs[$_REQUEST['box_main_href']];
             $href = $rh['m'];
             $containers['main']['module'] = $href;
             if (isset($rh['f'])) {
                 $containers['main']['function'] = $rh['f'];
             } else {
             if (isset($rh['a'])) {
                 $containers['main']['arguments'] = $rh['a'];
             } else {
             if (isset($rh['c'])) {
                 $containers['main']['constructor_arguments'] = $rh['c'];
             } else {
             $mains = array();
             $pop_main = true;
         $hs = array();
     array_push($mains, $containers['main']);
     $main_length = count($mains);
     $this->set_module_variable('main', $mains);
     //      Epesi::alert(print_r($mains,true));
     //      $containers['main']['name'] .= '_'.$main_length;
     $this->modules = array();
     foreach ($containers as $k => $v) {
         if (ModuleManager::is_installed($v['module']) != -1) {
             $module_type = str_replace('/', '_', $v['module']);
             if (!isset($v['name'])) {
                 $v['name'] = null;
             if (isset($href) && $k == 'main') {
                 $this->modules[$k] = $this->init_module($module_type, isset($v['constructor_arguments']) ? $v['constructor_arguments'] : null, $v['name'], true);
             } else {
                 $this->modules[$k] = $this->init_module($module_type, isset($v['constructor_arguments']) ? $v['constructor_arguments'] : null, $v['name']);
             if ($k == 'main' && $pop_main) {
             if (isset($v['function'])) {
                 $this->display_module($this->modules[$k], isset($v['arguments']) ? $v['arguments'] : null, $v['function']);
             } elseif (isset($v['arguments'])) {
                 $this->display_module($this->modules[$k], $v['arguments']);
             } else {
         $theme->assign($k, ob_get_contents());
     //main output
     $version_no = Base_BoxCommon::update_version_check_indicator();
         $theme->assign('donate', Utils_TooltipCommon::create('<a target="_blank" href="http://epe.si/donate/">' . __('Support EPESI!') . '</a>', '<center>' . __('If you find our software useful, please support us by making a %s.', array(__('donation'))) . '<br/>' . __('Your funding will help to ensure continued development of this project.') . '<br/>' . __('Click for details.') . '</center>', false, 500));
     // Consider moving this code properly as initated module by *.ini file
     $theme->assign('home', array('href' => Base_HomePageCommon::get_href(), 'label' => __('Home')));
     $theme->assign('version_no', $version_no);
コード例 #23
ファイル: RecordBrowser_0.php プロジェクト: 62BRAINS/EPESI
    public function admin() {
		if($this->is_back()) {

        $form = $this->init_module('Libs/QuickForm');
        $opts = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::list_installed_recordsets('%caption (%tab)');
		$first = array_keys($opts);
		$first = reset($first);
        $form->addElement('select', 'recordset', __('Recordset'), $opts, array('onchange'=>$form->get_submit_form_js()));
        if ($form->validate()) {
            $tab = $form->exportValue('recordset');
            $this->set_module_variable('admin_browse_recordset', $tab);
        $tab = $this->get_module_variable('admin_browse_recordset', $first);
        if ($tab) {
        $custom_recordsets_module = 'Utils/RecordBrowser/CustomRecordsets';
        if (ModuleManager::is_installed($custom_recordsets_module) >= 0) {
            $href = $this->create_callback_href(array('Base_BoxCommon', 'push_module'), array($custom_recordsets_module, 'admin'));
            Base_ActionBarCommon::add('settings', __('Custom Recordsets'), $href);
コード例 #24
ファイル: TasksCommon_0.php プロジェクト: 62BRAINS/EPESI
 public static function submit_task($values, $mode)
     $me = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_my_record();
     switch ($mode) {
         case 'display':
             $values['title'] = __('Follow-up') . ': ' . $values['title'];
             $values['status'] = 0;
             $values['deadline'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 day'));
             $ret = array();
             $cus = reset($values['customers']);
             if (ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM/Meeting') >= 0) {
                 $ret['new']['event'] = '<a ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs(__('New Meeting')) . ' ' . Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::create_new_record_href('crm_meeting', array('title' => $values['title'], 'permission' => $values['permission'], 'priority' => $values['priority'], 'description' => $values['description'], 'date' => date('Y-m-d'), 'time' => date('H:i:s'), 'duration' => 3600, 'employees' => $values['employees'], 'customers' => $values['customers'], 'status' => 0), 'none', false) . '><img border="0" src="' . Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file('CRM_Calendar', 'icon-small.png') . '" /></a>';
             $ret['new']['task'] = '<a ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs(__('New Task')) . ' ' . Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::create_new_record_href('task', $values) . '><img border="0" src="' . Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file('CRM_Tasks', 'icon-small.png') . '" /></a>';
             if (ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM/PhoneCall') >= 0) {
                 $ret['new']['phonecall'] = '<a ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs(__('New Phonecall')) . ' ' . Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::create_new_record_href('phonecall', array('subject' => $values['title'], 'permission' => $values['permission'], 'priority' => $values['priority'], 'description' => $values['description'], 'date_and_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'employees' => $values['employees'], 'customer' => $cus, 'status' => 0), 'none', false) . '><img border="0" src="' . Base_ThemeCommon::get_template_file('CRM_PhoneCall', 'icon-small.png') . '" /></a>';
             $ret['new']['note'] = Utils_RecordBrowser::$rb_obj->add_note_button('task/' . $values['id']);
             return $ret;
         case 'adding':
             $values['deadline_time'] = strtotime(date('Y-m-d') . ' 23:59:59');
             $values['permission'] = Base_User_SettingsCommon::get('CRM_Common', 'default_record_permission');
         case 'add':
         case 'edit':
             $old_values = Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::get_record('task', $values['id']);
             $old_related = array_merge($old_values['employees'], $old_values['customers']);
         case 'added':
             if (isset($values['follow_up'])) {
                 CRM_FollowupCommon::add_tracing_notes($values['follow_up'][0], $values['follow_up'][1], $values['follow_up'][2], 'task', $values['id'], $values['title']);
             $related = array_merge($values['employees'], $values['customers']);
             foreach ($related as $v) {
                 if ($mode === 'edit' && in_array($v, $old_related)) {
                 if (!is_numeric($v)) {
                     list($t, $id) = explode(':', $v);
                 } else {
                     $t = 'P';
                     $id = $v;
                 if ($t == 'P') {
                     $t = 'contact';
                 } else {
                     $t = 'company';
                 $subs = Utils_WatchdogCommon::get_subscribers($t, $id);
                 foreach ($subs as $s) {
                     Utils_WatchdogCommon::user_subscribe($s, 'task', $values['id']);
     return $values;
コード例 #25
ファイル: Menu_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function quick_access_menu()
     // preparing quick access menu
     if (ModuleManager::is_installed(Base_Menu_QuickAccessCommon::module_name()) >= 0) {
         $qaccess_menu = Base_Menu_QuickAccessCommon::quick_access_menu();
         if (is_array($qaccess_menu)) {
             Base_MenuCommon::add_default_menu($qaccess_menu, Base_Menu_QuickAccessCommon::module_name());
         } else {
             $qaccess_menu = array();
     } else {
         $qaccess_menu = array();
     if (empty($qaccess_menu)) {
     $menu_mod = $this->init_module("Utils/Menu", "horizontal");
     $this->build_menu($menu_mod, $qaccess_menu, false);
     $theme = $this->init_module(Base_Theme::module_name());
     $theme->assign('menu', $this->get_html_of_module($menu_mod));
コード例 #26
ファイル: tasks_tpl.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI

defined("_VALID_ACCESS") || die('Direct access forbidden');
if (ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM_Tasks') == -1) {
Utils_RecordBrowserCommon::set_tpl('task', '');
コード例 #27
ファイル: EssClient_0.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI
 public function register_form($data = null)
     if ($this->is_back()) {
         return false;
     Base_ActionBarCommon::add('back', __('Back'), $this->create_back_href());
     $f = $this->init_module(Libs_QuickForm::module_name());
     $admin_email_tooltip = '<img ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs(__('This email will be used to send registation link and to contact Administator directly.'), false) . ' src="' . Base_ThemeCommon::get_icon('info') . '"/> ';
     $tax_id_tooltip = '<img ' . Utils_TooltipCommon::open_tag_attrs(__('Your company Tax ID for invoices.'), false) . ' src="' . Base_ThemeCommon::get_icon('info') . '"/> ';
     $f->addElement('text', 'company_name', __('Company Name'), array('maxlength' => 128));
     $f->addRule('company_name', __('Field required'), 'required');
     $f->addRule('company_name', __('Max length exceeded'), 'maxlength', 128);
     $f->addElement('text', 'short_name', __('Short Name'), array('maxlength' => 64));
     $f->addRule('short_name', __('Max length exceeded'), 'maxlength', 64);
     $f->addElement('text', 'phone', __('Phone'), array('maxlength' => 64));
     $f->addRule('phone', __('Max length exceeded'), 'maxlength', 64);
     $f->addElement('text', 'fax', __('Fax'), array('maxlength' => 64));
     $f->addRule('fax', __('Max length exceeded'), 'maxlength', 64);
     $f->addElement('text', 'email', __('Company email'), array('maxlength' => 128));
     $f->addRule('email', __('Max length exceeded'), 'maxlength', 128);
     $f->addRule('email', __('Invalid e-mail address'), 'email');
     $f->addElement('text', 'web_address', __('Web address'), array('maxlength' => 64));
     $f->addRule('web_address', __('Max length exceeded'), 'maxlength', 64);
     $f->addElement('text', 'address_1', __('Address 1'), array('maxlength' => 64));
     $f->addRule('address_1', __('Field required'), 'required');
     $f->addRule('address_1', __('Max length exceeded'), 'maxlength', 64);
     $f->addElement('text', 'address_2', __('Address 2'), array('maxlength' => 64));
     $f->addRule('address_2', __('Max length exceeded'), 'maxlength', 64);
     $f->addElement('text', 'city', __('City'), array('maxlength' => 64));
     $f->addRule('city', __('Field required'), 'required');
     $f->addRule('city', __('Max length exceeded'), 'maxlength', 64);
     $f->addElement('commondata', 'country', __('Country'), 'Countries');
     $f->addRule('country', __('Field required'), 'required');
     $f->addElement('commondata', 'zone', __('Zone'), array('Countries', 'country'), array('empty_option' => true));
     $f->addElement('text', 'postal_code', __('Postal Code'), array('maxlength' => 64));
     $f->addRule('postal_code', __('Field required'), 'required');
     $f->addRule('postal_code', __('Max length exceeded'), 'maxlength', 64);
     $f->addElement('text', 'tax_id', $tax_id_tooltip . __('Tax ID'), array('maxlength' => 64));
     $f->addRule('admin_email', __('Max length exceeded'), 'maxlength', 64);
     $f->addElement('text', 'admin_first_name', __('Administrator\'s first name'), array('maxlength' => 64));
     $f->addRule('admin_first_name', __('Field required'), 'required');
     $f->addRule('admin_first_name', __('Max length exceeded'), 'maxlength', 64);
     $f->addElement('text', 'admin_last_name', __('Administrator\'s last name'), array('maxlength' => 64));
     $f->addRule('admin_last_name', __('Field required'), 'required');
     $f->addRule('admin_last_name', __('Max length exceeded'), 'maxlength', 64);
     $f->addElement('text', 'admin_email', $admin_email_tooltip . __('Administrator\'s email'), array('maxlength' => 128));
     $f->addRule('admin_email', __('Field required'), 'required');
     $f->addRule('admin_email', __('Max length exceeded'), 'maxlength', 128);
     $f->addRule('admin_email', __('Invalid e-mail address'), 'email');
     if ($f->validate()) {
         $ret = $f->exportValues();
         $ret = Base_EssClientCommon::server()->register_installation_request($ret);
         if ($ret) {
             if (is_string($ret)) {
             return false;
     // set defaults
     print '<div class="important_notice">';
     print __('Enter Company and Administrator details. This data will be sent to EPESI Store Server to provide us with contact information. The data sent to EPESI Store Server is limited only to the data you enter using this form and what modules are being purchased and downloaded.');
     print '<br>';
     if ($data) {
     } else {
         if (ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM_Contacts') > -1) {
             print '<span style="color:gray;font-size:10px;">' . __('Data below was auto-filled based on Main Company and first Super administrator. Make sure that the data is correct and change it if necessary.') . '</span>';
             $defaults = Base_EssClientCommon::get_possible_admin();
             $mc = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_main_company();
             if ($mc > 0) {
                 $company = CRM_ContactsCommon::get_company($mc);
                 if ($company) {
                     $defaults = array_merge($company, $defaults);
     if ($data) {
         if (isset($data['status']) && strcasecmp($data['status'], 'Confirmed') == 0) {
             print '<div style="color:gray;font-size:10px;">' . __('Updating Company data will require re-validation by our representative.') . '</div>';
         print '<div style="color:red;font-size:10px;">' . __('Changing Administrator e-mail address will require e-mail confirmation.') . '</div>';
     print '<center>';
     $f->addElement('submit', 'submit', $data ? __('Update') : __('Register'));
     print '</center>';
     print '</div>';
     return true;
コード例 #28
ファイル: Setup_0.php プロジェクト: 62BRAINS/EPESI
 public function validate($data)
     if (DEMO_MODE) {
         print 'You cannot modify installed modules in demo';
         return false;
     $installed = array();
     $install = array();
     $uninstall = array();
     $anonymous_setup = false;
     foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
         ${$k} = $v;
     foreach ($installed as $name => $new_version) {
         $old_version = ModuleManager::is_installed($name);
         if ($old_version == $new_version) {
         if ($old_version == -1 && $new_version >= 0) {
             $install[$name] = $new_version;
         if ($new_version == -2) {
             $uninstall[$name] = 1;
             $install[$name] = $old_version;
         if ($old_version >= 0 && $new_version == -1) {
             $uninstall[$name] = 1;
         if ($old_version < $new_version) {
             if (!ModuleManager::upgrade($name, $new_version)) {
                 return false;
         if ($old_version > $new_version) {
             if (!ModuleManager::downgrade($name, $new_version)) {
                 return false;
     $modules_prio_rev = array();
     foreach (ModuleManager::$modules as $k => $v) {
         $modules_prio_rev[] = $k;
     $modules_prio_rev = array_reverse($modules_prio_rev);
     foreach ($modules_prio_rev as $k) {
         if (array_key_exists($k, $uninstall)) {
             if (!ModuleManager::uninstall($k)) {
                 return false;
             if (count(ModuleManager::$modules) == 0) {
                 print 'No modules installed';
     foreach ($install as $i => $v) {
         $post_install[$i] = $v;
         if (isset($uninstall[$i])) {
             if (!ModuleManager::install($i, $v, true, false)) {
                 return false;
         } else {
             if (!ModuleManager::install($i, $v)) {
                 return false;
     $processed = ModuleManager::get_processed_modules();
     $this->set_module_variable('post-install', $processed['install']);
     if (empty($post_install)) {
     return true;
コード例 #29
ファイル: base_acl_clearance.php プロジェクト: cretzu89/EPESI

defined("_VALID_ACCESS") || die('Direct access forbidden');
if (ModuleManager::is_installed('Base_Acl') == -1) {
DB::CreateTable('base_acl_clearance', 'id I4 AUTO KEY,' . 'callback C(128)', array('constraints' => ''));
DB::Execute('INSERT INTO base_acl_clearance (callback) VALUES (%s)', array('Base_AclCommon::basic_clearance'));
if (ModuleManager::is_installed('CRM_Contacts') == -1) {
DB::Execute('INSERT INTO base_acl_clearance (callback) VALUES (%s)', array('CRM_ContactsCommon::crm_clearance'));
コード例 #30
 public function construct($ev_mod, array $settings = null, $custom_new_event_href_js = null)
     $this->custom_new_event_href_js = $custom_new_event_href_js;
     $this->settings = array_merge($this->settings, $settings);
     $this->event_module = str_replace('/', '_', $ev_mod);
     if (ModuleManager::is_installed($this->event_module) == -1) {
         trigger_error('Invalid event module: ' . $this->event_module, E_USER_ERROR);
     $this->set_module_variable('event_module', $this->event_module);
     if (!is_array($this->settings['custom_rows'])) {
         $this->settings['custom_rows'] = array('timeless' => __('Timeless'));
     //default views
     if ($this->settings['views'] === null) {
         $this->settings['views'] =& self::$views;
     //default date
     if ($this->settings['default_date'] === null) {
         $this->settings['default_date'] = time();
     $this->date =& $this->get_module_variable('date', $this->settings['default_date']);
     $this->date = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $this->date));
     if ($this->isset_unique_href_variable('date')) {
     if ($this->isset_unique_href_variable('week_date')) {
     if ($this->isset_unique_href_variable('shift_week_day')) {
     if (count($this->settings['views']) > 1) {
         $this->tb = $this->init_module(Utils_TabbedBrowser::module_name());
         foreach ($this->settings['views'] as $k => $v) {
             if (!in_array($v, self::$views)) {
                 trigger_error('Invalid view: ' . $v, E_USER_ERROR);
             switch ($v) {
                 case 'Day':
                     $label = __('Day');
                 case 'Week':
                     $label = __('Week');
             $this->tb->set_tab($label, array($this, strtolower($v)));
             if (strcasecmp($v, $this->settings['default_view']) == 0) {
                 $def_tab = $k;
         if (isset($def_tab)) {
     if ($this->isset_unique_href_variable('action')) {
         switch ($this->get_unique_href_variable('action')) {
             case 'add':
                 $this->push_event_action('add', array($this->get_unique_href_variable('time'), $this->get_unique_href_variable('timeless') == '0' ? false : $this->get_unique_href_variable('timeless')));
             case 'switch':
                 $views = array_flip($this->settings['views']);
                 $view = $this->get_unique_href_variable('tab');
                 if (isset($views[$view])) {
                 } else {
                 $this->date = $this->get_unique_href_variable('time');
     } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['UCaction']) && isset($_REQUEST['UCev_id'])) {
         switch ($_REQUEST['UCaction']) {
             case 'delete':
             case 'move':
                 $this->move_event($_REQUEST['UCev_id'], $_REQUEST['UCdate']);
             case 'view':
             case 'edit':
                 $this->push_event_action($_REQUEST['UCaction'], array($_REQUEST['UCev_id']));