コード例 #1
 public function addReport($stockId, $type, $from = NULL)
     $stock_master = new Model_StockMaster();
     $stock_master->form_values['pk_id'] = $stockId;
     $stock_master->form_values['from'] = $from;
     $result = $stock_master->getItemDetailFromStock();
     if ($result != FALSE) {
         foreach ($result as $stockdata) {
             $tdate = $stockdata['transaction_date'];
             $product = $stockdata['item_id'];
             $month = App_Controller_Functions::dateFormat($tdate, "first day of this month", "m");
             $year = App_Controller_Functions::dateFormat($tdate, "first day of this month", "Y");
             $wh_id = $this->_identity->getWarehouseId();
             if ($month == date("m") && $year == date("Y")) {
                 $item = new Model_ItemPackSizes();
                 $items = $item->getAllItems();
                 foreach ($items as $one) {
                     $this->form_values['report_month'] = $month;
                     $this->form_values['report_year'] = $year;
                     $this->form_values['item_id'] = $one['pkId'];
                     $this->form_values['warehouse_id'] = $wh_id;
                     $this->form_values['created_by'] = $this->_user_id;
             } else {
                 $this->form_values['report_month'] = $month;
                 $this->form_values['report_year'] = $year;
                 $this->form_values['item_id'] = $product;
                 $this->form_values['warehouse_id'] = $wh_id;
                 $this->form_values['created_by'] = $this->_user_id;
コード例 #2
 public function init()
     $identity = new App_Auth();
     $stock_master = new Model_StockMaster();
     $wh_id = $identity->getWarehouseId();
     $result1 = $stock_master->getUnpickedIssueNo($wh_id);
     $this->_list["stock_master_id"][''] = "Select Issue No";
     if ($result1 != false) {
         foreach ($result1 as $row) {
             // $this->_list["make"][$wh['pkId']] = $wh['ccmMakeName'];
             $this->_list["stock_master_id"][$row['stc_master_pkid']] = $row['transaction_number'];
     foreach ($this->_fields as $col => $name) {
         switch ($col) {
             case "stock_master_id":
                 $this->addElement("text", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "allowEmpty" => true, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "validators" => array()));
         if (in_array($col, array_keys($this->_list))) {
             $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "allowEmpty" => true, "required" => false, "registerInArrayValidator" => false, "validators" => array(array("validator" => "Float", "breakChainOnFailure" => false, "options" => array("messages" => array("notFloat" => $name . " must be a valid option"))))));
         if (in_array("stock_master_id", array_keys($this->_list))) {
             $this->addElement("select", "stock_master_id", array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "allowEmpty" => true, "required" => false, "registerInArrayValidator" => false, "multiOptions" => $this->_list["stock_master_id"], "validators" => array(array("validator" => "Float", "breakChainOnFailure" => false, "options" => array("messages" => array("notFloat" => $name . " must be a valid option"))))));
 public function priorityVaccinesDistributionSummary($product_id, $case)
     $stock_master = new Model_StockMaster();
     $stock_master->form_values = array('product_id' => $product_id, 'case' => $case);
     $result = $stock_master->priorityVaccinesDistributionSummary();
     if (count($result) > 0) {
         return $result;
     } else {
         return false;
コード例 #4
 public function multipleAdjustmentAction()
     $stock_master = new Model_StockMaster();
     $stock_batch = new Model_StockBatch();
     $stock_detail = new Model_StockDetail();
     $warehouse_data = new Model_WarehousesData();
     $form = new Form_MultipleAdjustment();
     $form_values = array();
     $temp = array();
     $arr_data = array('transaction_number' => "", 'stock_id' => "", 'transaction_date' => date("d/m/Y"), 'warehouse_name' => "", 'success' => $this->_request->success);
     $form_values['transaction_type_id'] = 2;
     $form_values['adjustment_type'] = 2;
     $stock_id = "";
     $master_id = "";
     if (!empty($this->_request->hdn_stock_id)) {
         $stock_id = $this->_request->hdn_stock_id;
     if (!empty($this->_request->hdn_master_id)) {
         $master_id = $this->_request->hdn_master_id;
     if (!empty($this->_request->warehouse)) {
         $warehouse_id = $this->_request->warehouse;
     if ($this->_request->isPost()) {
         $em = Zend_Registry::get('doctrine');
         try {
             if (!empty($master_id)) {
                 //Start update issue period
                 $array = $this->_request->getParams();
                 $stock_master->updateStockPeriod($master_id, $array);
                 //End update issue period
                 $transaction_number = $stock_master->updateStockMasterTemp($master_id, $this->_request->comments);
                 //Save Data in warehouse_data table
                 $warehouse_data->addReport($master_id, 2);
                  * Auto Receive for 6th level
                  * $stock_master->autoReceiveData($master_id);
                 $this->view->msg = 'Stock has been issued successfully. Your voucher number is ';
                 $this->view->voucher = $transaction_number;
                 $this->view->master_id = $master_id;
             } elseif ($form->isValid($this->_request->getPost())) {
                 $editissue = $this->_request->getPost('issueedit');
                 if ($editissue == "Yes") {
                     $d_id = $this->_request->getPost('detailid');
                     $obj_stock_detail = $em->getRepository("StockDetail")->find($d_id);
                     $old_batch_id = $obj_stock_detail->getStockBatch()->getPkId();
                     $data = $form->getValues();
                     $obj_stock_master = $obj_stock_detail->getStockMaster();
                     $master_update = false;
                     $arr_date = explode("/", $data['transaction_date']);
                     if (intval($arr_date[1]) . "-" . intval($arr_date[2]) != intval($obj_stock_detail->getStockMaster()->getTransactionDate()->format("m")) . "-" . intval($obj_stock_detail->getStockMaster()->getTransactionDate()->format("Y"))) {
                         $trans = $stock_master->getTransactionNumber(2, $data['transaction_date']);
                         $master_update = true;
                     $obj_stock_master->setTransactionDate(new \DateTime(App_Controller_Functions::dateToDbFormat($data['transaction_date'])));
                     if (!empty($warehouse_id)) {
                         $to_wh = $em->getRepository("Warehouses")->find($warehouse_id);
                         $master_update = true;
                     if ($master_update) {
                     $qunty = str_replace(",", "", $data['quantity']);
                     $obj_stock_detail->setQuantity("-" . $qunty);
                     $vvms = $this->_em->getRepository("VvmStages")->find($data['vvm_stage']);
                     $stock_b = $em->getRepository("StockBatch")->find($data['number']);
                     if (!empty($data['item_unit_id'])) {
                         $item_unit = $em->getRepository("ItemUnits")->find($data['item_unit_id']);
                     list($dd, $mm, $yy) = explode("/", $data['transaction_date']);
                     $item_id = $data['item_id'];
                     $wh_id = $this->_identity->getWarehouseId();
                     $user_id = $this->_userid;
                     $query = "SELECT AdjustQty(" . $data['number'] . "," . $wh_id . ") FROM DUAL";
                     $str_sql = $em->getConnection()->prepare($query);
                     $query = "SELECT AdjustQty(" . $old_batch_id . "," . $wh_id . ") FROM DUAL";
                     $str_sql = $em->getConnection()->prepare($query);
                     $query = "SELECT REPUpdateData({$mm},{$yy},{$item_id},{$wh_id},{$user_id}) FROM DUAL";
                     $str_sql = $em->getConnection()->prepare($query);
                 } else {
                     $temp = $form->getValues();
                     $data = array_merge($temp, $form_values);
                     $data['warehouse'] = $warehouse_id;
                     if (empty($this->_request->transaction_number)) {
                         $stock_id = $stock_master->addStockMaster($data);
                     if (isset($data['quantity']) && !empty($data['quantity'])) {
                         $qty = str_replace(",", "", $data['quantity']);
                     if (isset($data['available_quantity']) && !empty($data['available_quantity'])) {
                         $ava_qty = str_replace(",", "", $data['available_quantity']);
                     if ((int) $qty > (int) $ava_qty || (int) $qty == (int) $ava_qty) {
                         $data['quantity'] = $ava_qty;
                         $autorun = true;
                     list($batch_id, $priority) = explode("|", $this->_request->number);
                     $form_values['item_unit_id'] = $this->_request->item_unit_id;
                     $form_values['stock_master_id'] = $stock_id;
                     $form_values['stock_batch_id'] = $batch_id;
                     $data = array_merge($temp, $form_values);
                     $detail_id = $stock_detail->addStockDetail($data);
                     if ($autorun == true) {
                         $stock_batch->form_values['pk_id'] = $batch_id;
                         $stock_batch->form_values['status'] = Model_StockBatch::FINISHED;
                     /* $placement = new Model_Placements();
                        $placement->form_values['stock_batch_id'] = $batch_id;
                        $placement->form_values['quantity'] = $data['quantity'];
                        $placement->form_values['placement_location_id'] = $data['pick_from'];
                        $placement->form_values['stock_detail_id'] = $detail_id;
                        $placement->addPlacement(); */
                 // For Data Show
                 $temp_stock_list = $stock_master->getTempStocksList();
                 if ($temp_stock_list != false) {
                     //  $form->transaction_number->setValue($temp_stock_list[0]['transaction_number']);
                     $form->transaction_date->setValue(date("d/m/Y h:i A", strtotime($temp_stock_list[0]['transaction_date'])));
                     $arr_data['warehouse_name'] = $temp_stock_list[0]['to_warehouse'];
                     // $arr_data['warehouse_name'] = $temp_stock_list[0]['to_warehouse'];
                     $arr_data['tempstocks'] = $temp_stock_list;
                 } else {
                     $form->transaction_date->setValue(date("d/m/Y h:i A"));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             switch ($e->getMessage()) {
                 case 'PLCD_QTY_GREATER_THAN_ISSUE_QTY':
                     $this->view->status = false;
                     $this->view->msg = "Issue quantity should not greater than placed quantity!";
         $this->view->form = $form;
         $this->view->arr_data = $arr_data;
         if ($this->_request->type == 's') {
     $stock_master->form_values = $form_values;
     $temp_stock = $stock_master->getTempStock();
     if ($temp_stock != false) {
         $arr_data = array_merge($arr_data, $temp_stock);
     if (!empty($temp_stock['stock_id'])) {
     } elseif (!empty($stockid)) {
     $this->view->form = $form;
     $base_url = Zend_Registry::get('baseurl');
     switch ($this->_user_level) {
         case 1:
         case 2:
         case 3:
             $this->view->menu_type = 1;
             $this->view->inlineScript()->appendFile($base_url . '/js/all_level_combos.js');
         case 4:
         case 5:
         case 6:
             $this->view->menu_type = 2;
             $this->view->inlineScript()->appendFile($base_url . '/js/level_combos.js');
     // Edit Issue Start
     if (!empty($this->_request->id)) {
         $detail_id = $this->_request->id;
         $issue = $this->_em->getRepository("StockDetail")->find($detail_id);
         $form->transaction_date->setValue($issue->getStockMaster()->getTransactionDate()->format("d/m/Y h:i A"));
         $arr_data['warehouse_name'] = $issue->getStockMaster()->getToWarehouse()->getWarehouseName();
         $av_qty = $issue->getStockBatch()->getQuantity() + ABS($issue->getQuantity());
         $this->view->issueedit = true;
         $this->view->detail_id = $this->_request->id;
     // Edit Issue End
     $this->view->arr_data = $arr_data;
     $this->view->type = $this->_request->getParam("t", "issue");
     $this->view->wh_id = $this->_identity->getWarehouseId();
     $this->view->params = array("province" => $this->_identity->getProvinceId(), "district" => $this->_identity->getDistrictId());
     $this->view->role = $this->_identity->getRoleId();
コード例 #5
 public function indexAction()
     $auth = App_Auth::getInstance();
     $role_id = $auth->getRoleId();
     $campaign = new Model_Campaigns();
     $location = new Model_Locations();
     $level = '';
     // National Level
     if ($role_id == 3 || $role_id == 23 || $role_id == 26 || $role_id == 27) {
         $this->view->level = 1;
     // Provincial Level
     if ($role_id == 4 || $role_id == 23) {
         $this->view->level = 2;
         $province = $this->_identity->getProvinceId();
         $this->view->province = $province;
     // 6 - District Level, 20 - Policy District User
     if ($role_id == 6 || $role_id == 7 || $role_id == 20 || $role_id == 21 || $role_id == 23) {
         $this->view->level = 6;
         $province = $this->_identity->getProvinceId();
         $district = $this->_identity->getDistrictId();
         $this->view->province = $province;
         $this->view->district = $district;
     // National Campaign
     if ($role_id == 14 || $role_id == 23) {
         $province = 1;
         $this->view->province = $province;
         $district = 33;
         $this->view->district = $district;
     // Provincial Campaign
     if ($role_id == 15 || $role_id == 23) {
         $province = $this->_identity->getUserLocationId();
         $this->view->province = $province;
     // District Campaign
     if ($role_id == 16 || $role_id == 23) {
         $province = $this->_identity->getUserProvinceId();
         $district = $this->_identity->getUserLocationId();
         $this->view->province = $province;
         $this->view->district = $district;
     if ($role_id == 17 || $role_id == 18 || $role_id == 23 || $role_id == 25 || $role_id == 26 || $role_id == 28 || $role_id == 29) {
         $province = 1;
         $district = 33;
         $this->view->province = $province;
         $this->view->district = $district;
         $this->view->level = 1;
     /*if ($role_id == 27) {
           $province = 2;
           $district = 87;
           $this->view->province = $province;
           $this->view->district = $district;
           $this->view->level = 1;
     if ($role_id == 30 || $role_id == 27) {
         $province = $this->_identity->getProvinceId();
         $district = $this->_identity->getDistrictId();
         $this->view->province = $province;
         $this->view->district = $district;
         $this->view->level = 1;
     if ($role_id == 31) {
         $province = 4;
         $district = 80;
         $this->view->province = $province;
         $this->view->district = $district;
         $this->view->level = 1;
     $sel_lvl = $this->_request->getParam("office");
     if (!empty($sel_lvl)) {
         $level = $sel_lvl;
         $this->view->level = $level;
     $sel_prov = $this->_request->getParam("combo1");
     if (!empty($sel_prov)) {
         $province = $sel_prov;
         $this->view->province = $province;
     if ($role_id == 3 && empty($province)) {
         $province = 1;
         $this->view->province = $province;
     $sel_dist = $this->_request->getParam("combo2");
     if (!empty($sel_dist)) {
         $district = $sel_dist;
         $this->view->district = $district;
     if ($role_id == 3 && empty($district)) {
         $district = 33;
         $this->view->district = $district;
     if ($role_id == 4 && empty($district)) {
         $location->form_values = array('geo_level_id' => 4, 'province_id' => $province);
         $res = $location->getLocationsByLevelByProvince();
         $district = $res[0]['key'];
         $this->view->district = $district;
     switch ($level) {
         case 1:
             $this->view->campaigns = $campaign->getAllCampaigns();
         case 2:
             $location->form_values = array("province_id" => $province);
             $dists = $location->districtLocations();
             foreach ($dists as $dist) {
                 $arr_dist[] = $dist['pk_id'];
             $campaign->form_values = array("districts" => implode(",", $arr_dist));
             $this->view->campaigns = $campaign->getCampaignsByDistrict();
         case 6:
             $campaign->form_values = array("districts" => $district);
             $this->view->campaigns = $campaign->getCampaignsByDistrict();
             $this->view->campaigns = $campaign->getAllCampaigns();
     $this->view->provinces = $location->getProvincesName();
     $item = new Model_ItemPackSizes();
     $this->view->items = $item->getAllItemsByCategoryAndActivity("1", "1");
     // Default Filters for IM
     $this->view->item = 6;
     $this->view->date = Zend_Registry::get('report_month');
     // Default Filters for Campaign
     $this->view->camp = 23;
     $this->view->user_role = $role_id;
     $this->view->prov = $this->_identity->getProvinceId();
     $r = $this->_request->getParam("ri_btn", '');
     if ($r == 'ri') {
         $this->view->r = $r;
         $this->view->item = $this->_request->getParam("items", '');
         $this->view->date = $this->_request->getParam("date", '');
         $this->view->period = $this->_request->getParam("period", '');
     $i = $this->_request->getParam("im_btn", '');
     if ($i == 'im') {
         $this->view->i = $i;
         $this->view->item = $this->_request->getParam("items", '');
         $this->view->date = $this->_request->getParam("date", '');
         $this->view->period = $this->_request->getParam("period", '');
     $c = $this->_request->getParam("camp_btn", '');
     if ($c == 'camp') {
         $this->view->c = $c;
         $this->view->camp = $this->_request->getParam("camp", '');
         $this->view->prov = $this->_request->getParam("prov", '');
     $role_resource = new Model_RoleResources();
     $role_resource->form_values = array('type_id' => 3, 'role_id' => $role_id);
     $dashboards = $role_resource->getRoleResourcesByType();
     $this->view->dashboards = $dashboards;
     $this->view->ri = 472;
     $this->view->im = 330;
     $this->view->campaign = 333;
     $period = new Model_Period();
     $time_intervals = $period->getTimeIntervals();
     $this->view->time_intervals = $time_intervals;
     $this->view->quarter = Model_Period::QUARTER;
     $this->view->halfyear = Model_Period::HALFYEAR;
     $this->view->annual = Model_Period::ANNUAL;
     $base_url = Zend_Registry::get('baseurl');
     $this->view->inlineScript()->appendFile($base_url . '/js/all_level_area_combo.js');
     if ($role_id == 4 || $role_id == 5 || $role_id == 6 || $role_id == 7) {
         $stock_master = new Model_StockMaster();
         $this->view->pending_receive1 = $stock_master->getPendingReceive();
         $this->view->warehouse_name = $auth->getWarehouseName();
     $this->view->id = $this->_request->getParam("id", $dashboards[0]->getResource()->getPkId());
     /* if ($role_id == 7) {
        $this->view->province = $this->_identity->getProvinceId();
        } */
コード例 #6
 public function getReceiveVoucherListAction()
     $wh_id = $this->_request->getParam('wh_id', '');
     $stock_master = new Model_StockMaster();
     //$result = $stock_master->getUnplacedReceiveVoucherList($wh_id);
     $result = $stock_master->getUnplacedVoucherNo($wh_id);
     echo Zend_Json::encode($result);
コード例 #7
 public function uploadReceiveConsignments()
     $params = $this->form_values;
     $wh_id = $params['wh_id'];
     $rec_id = $params['rec_id'];
     $batch_no = $params['batch_no'];
     $qty = str_replace(",", "", $params['qty']);
     $voucher = $params['voucher'];
     $consignments_location = $this->_em->getRepository("PipelineConsignmentsPlacements")->findBy(array("pipelineConsignment" => $rec_id));
     if (count($consignments_location) > 0) {
         foreach ($consignments_location as $cl) {
             $location_id[] = $cl->getPlacementLocation()->getPkId();
     $str_qry = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder()->select("pc.masterId")->from("PipelineConsignments", "pc")->where("pc.voucherNumber = '" . $voucher . "'")->andWhere("pc.masterId > 0")->andWhere("pc.toWarehouse = " . $wh_id);
     $stock_master_id = $str_qry->getQuery()->getResult();
     if (count($stock_master_id) > 0) {
         $master_id = $stock_master_id[0]['masterId'];
     } else {
         $master_id = 0;
     $pipeline_consignments = $this->_em->getRepository("PipelineConsignments")->find($rec_id);
      * Record must exists
     if (count($pipeline_consignments) == 0) {
         $result_msg = array("message" => "Selected record id {$rec_id} does not exist in pipeline consignments. Please update your data.");
         return $result_msg;
      * Check if we need to create new voucher or add detail entry in existing voucher
      * If 0 then New Voucher
      * If greater then 0 then Add in Existing voucher 
     if ($master_id == 0) {
         $tr_date = date("d/m/Y");
         $obj_master = new Model_StockMaster();
         $trans = $obj_master->getTransactionNumber(1, $tr_date, $wh_id);
         $stock_master = new StockMaster();
         $stock_master->setTransactionDate(new DateTime());
         $type = $this->_em->getRepository("TransactionTypes")->find(1);
         $stock_master->setCreatedDate(new DateTime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")));
         $master_id = $stock_master->getPkId();
     $array = array("item_id" => $pipeline_consignments->getItemPackSize()->getPkId(), "number" => $batch_no, "wh_id" => $pipeline_consignments->getToWarehouse()->getPkId());
     $batch_id = $this->checkBatch($array);
      * Check if Batch exists or not
      * If 0 then create new batch
      * If greater then 0 then add quantity in existing batch
     if ($batch_id === 0) {
         $stock_batch = new StockBatch();
         $stock_batch->setLastUpdate(new DateTime(date("Y-m-d")));
         $vvm_type = $this->_em->getRepository("VvmTypes")->find(2);
         $batch_id = $stock_batch->getPkId();
      * Add Entry in stock detail against selected master voucher
     $stock_detail = new StockDetail();
     $vvms = $this->_em->getRepository("VvmStages")->find(1);
     $stock_master = $this->_em->getRepository("StockMaster")->find($master_id);
     $stock_batch = $this->_em->getRepository("StockBatch")->find($batch_id);
     if (count($location_id) > 0) {
         foreach ($location_id as $plac_id) {
             $plac_loc_id = $this->_em->getRepository("PlacementLocations")->find($plac_id);
              * Add entry in Placement table
             $placements = new Placements();
             $vvms = $this->_em->getRepository("VvmStages")->find(1);
             $trans_type = $this->_em->getRepository("ListDetail")->find(Model_ListDetail::STOCK_PLACEMENT);
             $placements->setCreatedDate(new DateTime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")));
      * Update Received Qty in Future Arrivals table
     //$update_qty = $pipeline_consignments->getReceivedQuantity() + $qty;
     //if ($update_qty <= $pipeline_consignments->getQuantity()) {
      * Adjust Batch Quantity By Warehouse
     $this->adjustQuantityByWarehouse($batch_id, $pipeline_consignments->getToWarehouse()->getPkId());
      * Adjust Warehouse data for selected month and item
     $warehouse_data = new Model_WarehousesData();
     $warehouse_data->form_values = array('report_month' => date("m"), 'report_year' => date("Y"), 'item_id' => $pipeline_consignments->getItemPackSize()->getPkId(), 'warehouse_id' => $pipeline_consignments->getToWarehouse()->getPkId(), 'created_by' => $pipeline_consignments->getCreatedBy()->getPkId());
     $stock_master = $this->_em->getRepository("StockMaster")->find($master_id);
     return "V" . base64_encode($stock_master->getTransactionNumber() . "|" . $stock_master->getPkId());
コード例 #8
 public function coldChainCapacityProductAction()
     $graphs = new Model_Graphs();
     $to_date = $this->_request->getPost('to_date');
     if (empty($to_date)) {
         $to_date = $this->_request->getParam('to_date', date("d/m/Y"));
     $graphs->form_values['to_date'] = $to_date;
     $this->view->to_date = $to_date;
     $xmlstore1 = $graphs->coldChainCapacityProduct(15);
     $this->view->xmlstore1 = $xmlstore1;
     //$xmlstoresummary = $graphs->coldChainCapacityProductSummary(16);
     //$this->view->xmlstoresummary = $xmlstoresummary;
     $xmlstore2 = $graphs->coldChainCapacityProduct(16);
     $this->view->xmlstore2 = $xmlstore2;
     $this->view->warehousename = $this->_identity->getWarehouseName();
     $this->view->data = $graphs->coldChainCapacityProduct(2);
     $auth = App_Auth::getInstance();
     $role_id = $auth->getRoleId();
     if ($role_id == 4 || $role_id == 5 || $role_id == 6 || $role_id == 7) {
         $stock_master = new Model_StockMaster();
         $this->view->pending_receive = $stock_master->getPendingReceive();
     $this->view->user_role = $role_id;
     $this->view->warehousename = $this->_identity->getWarehouseName();
     $base_url = Zend_Registry::get("baseurl");
     $this->view->inlineScript()->appendFile($base_url . '/js/reports/dashlet/cold-chain-capacity.js');
コード例 #9
 public function deleteIssue($id)
     $stock_batch = new Model_StockBatch();
     $stock_master = new Model_StockMaster();
     $result = $this->getQuantityById($id);
     $qty = $result['quantity'];
     $batch_id = $result['stock_batch_id'];
     $stock_batch->form_values['pk_id'] = $batch_id;
     $stock_batch->form_values['status'] = Model_StockBatch::RUNNING;
     $del = $this->deleteStockDetail($id);
     $del = $this->deleteStockDetailPicking($id);
     $del_master = $stock_master->deleteStockMaster($result['stock_master_id']);
     if ($del) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return FALSE;
コード例 #10
 public function init()
     $transaction_types = new Model_TransactionTypes();
     $result = $transaction_types->getAdjusmentTypes();
     foreach ($result as $trans) {
         $this->_list["adjustment_type"][''] = 'Select';
         $this->_list["adjustment_type"][$trans['pkId']] = $trans['transactionTypeName'];
     // This code gets all the products
     // $item_pack_sizes = new Model_ItemPackSizes();
     // $result2 = $item_pack_sizes->getAllItems();
     // Get adjusted products names
     $stock_master = new Model_StockMaster();
     $result2 = $stock_master->getAdjustedProducts();
     $this->_list["product"][''] = "All";
     foreach ($result2 as $item) {
         $this->_list["product"][$item['pkId']] = $item['itemName'];
     $date_from = date('01/m/Y');
     $date_to = date('d/m/Y');
     foreach ($this->_fields as $col => $name) {
         switch ($col) {
             case "adjustment_no":
                 $this->addElement("text", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "validators" => array()));
             case "adjustment_date":
             case "expiry_date":
                 $this->addElement("text", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control", "style" => "position: relative; z-index: 100000;"), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "validators" => array()));
             case "date_from":
                 $this->addElement("text", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control", "readonly" => "true", "style" => "position: relative; z-index: 100000;"), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "validators" => array(), "value" => $date_from));
             case "date_to":
                 $this->addElement("text", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control", "readonly" => "true", "style" => "position: relative; z-index: 100000;"), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "validators" => array(), "value" => $date_to));
             case "ref_no":
             case "transaction_reference":
             case "comments":
                 $this->addElement("text", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "allowEmpty" => false, "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "validators" => array()));
         if (in_array($col, array_keys($this->_list))) {
             $this->addElement("select", $col, array("attribs" => array("class" => "form-control"), "filters" => array("StringTrim", "StripTags"), "allowEmpty" => true, "required" => false, "registerInArrayValidator" => false, "multiOptions" => $this->_list[$col]));
     foreach ($this->_hidden as $col => $name) {
         switch ($col) {
             case "hdn_batch_no":
                 $this->addElement("hidden", $col);
コード例 #11
 public function ajaxGetPlacementLocationsAction()
     $detail_id = $this->_request->id;
     $p = $this->_request->p;
     $stock_master = new Model_StockMaster();
     $stock_master->form_values['$detail_id'] = $detail_id;
     $result = $stock_master->getIssueDetail();
     $item_category_id = $result['item_category_id'];
     if ($item_category_id == 1) {
         $cold_chain_loc = new Model_ColdChain();
         $ccm_locations = $cold_chain_loc->getLocationsName();
         $this->view->locations = $ccm_locations;
     } else {
         $non_ccm_loc = new Model_NonCcmLocations();
         $non_ccm_locations = $non_ccm_loc->getLocationsName();
         $this->view->locations = $non_ccm_locations;
     $this->view->item_cat_id = $item_category_id;
     $this->view->result = $result;
     $this->view->p = $p;
     $this->view->detail_id = $detail_id;
コード例 #12
 public function printStockReportAction()
     $wh = new Model_Warehouses();
     $stock_master = new Model_StockMaster();
     $stock_master->form_values = $this->_request->getParams();
     $this->view->headTitle("Stock Balance Report");
     $this->view->print_title = "Stock Balance Report";
     $this->view->month = $this->_request->getParam('month', date("m"));
     $this->view->year = $this->_request->getParam('year', date("Y"));
     $this->view->result = $stock_master->getStockReportByDate();
     $this->view->username = $this->_identity->getUserName();
     $this->view->warehousename = $wh->getWarehouseNameByWarehouseId($this->_request->getParam('warehouse'));