public function action_delete() { $result = array('status' => false, 'error' => array()); try { $input = Input::post(); if (empty($input) || empty($input['id'])) { throw new Exception('You must specify a blog to delete.'); } $blog = Model_Blog::find($input['id']); if (!$blog) { throw new Exception('Blog not found.'); } if (!\Access::can('delete_any_blog', $this->user) && (!\Access::can('delete_own_blog', $this->user) || !Model_Agency_Contact::is_confirmed($blog->user_id, $this->user))) { throw new Exception('You are not authorized to delete this blog'); } try { $blog->delete(); $result['status'] = true; } catch (\Orm\ValidationFailed $ex) { $result['error'] = $ex->getMessage(); } catch (Exception $ex) { $msg = $ex->getMessage(); $result['error'] = $msg ? $msg : 'Oops, something went wrong.'; } } catch (Exception $ex) { $result['error'] = $ex->getMessage(); } return $this->response($result); }
public function post_add() { $model = Model_Blog::forge(); $model->set(Input::post()); $model->set(BLOG_CREATED_DATE, DB::expr('now()')); $model->set(DELETE_FLG, '0'); $model->save(); Response::redirect(Config::get('base_url')); }
public function action_detail() { $this->setJavascript('responesive_tabs.js'); $this->setJavascript('fb_comment.js'); $aryDataTemplate['data'] = array(); $id = Input::param('id'); if ($id) { $data = Model_Blog::find($id); $aryDataTemplate['data'] = $data; $this->setPageTitle($data[BLOG_TITLE]); } $this->template->content = View_Smarty::forge('blog/detail.tpl', $aryDataTemplate); }
public function action_delete($id = null) { is_null($id) and Response::redirect('blog'); if ($blog = Model_Blog::find($id)) { $blog->delete(); Session::set_flash('success', 'Deleted blog #' . $id); } else { Session::set_flash('error', 'Could not delete blog #' . $id); } Response::redirect('blog'); }
protected function load_blog_view($user_id, $blog_id = null) { $blogView = \View::forge('pages/blog'); $results = Model_Blog::load($blog_id, $user_id); $blogView->is_confirmed = $this->user && $this->user->id == $user_id; $blogView->user_id = $this->user ? $this->user->id : $user_id; $blogView->blog_id = $blog_id; $blogView->blogs = $results['data']; $blogView->count = $results['count']; $blogView->is_public = empty($user_id) ? true : false; $blogView->can_edit_own = $this->user && \Access::can('edit_own_blog', $this->user); $blogView->can_edit_any = $this->user && \Access::can('edit_any_blog', $this->user); $blogView->can_delete_own = $this->user && \Access::can('delete_own_blog', $this->user); $blogView->can_delete_any = $this->user && \Access::can('delete_any_blog', $this->user); $blogView->can_make_own_public = $this->user && \Access::can('publicize_own_blog', $this->user); $blogView->can_make_any_public = $this->user && \Access::can('publicize_any_blog', $this->user); $blogView->addable = empty($blog_id) && $this->user && $blogView->can_edit_own && ($blogView->is_public && $blogView->can_make_own_public || $blogView->is_confirmed); //user can add their own blog $blogView->include_edit_form = $blogView->addable || $blogView->can_edit_any && $blogView->count; $blogView->force_public = $blogView->is_public && $blogView->can_make_any_public; $blogView->title = null; if ($blogView->include_edit_form) { $this->include_client_scripts(array('jquery_forms')); } return $blogView; }
public function action_undoFeatured($id = null) { is_null($id) and Response::redirect('blog'); $blog = Model_Blog::find($id); if ($blog) { $blog->blog_featured = 0; if ($blog->save()) { Session::set_flash('success', 'Blog #' . $id . ' is now featured.'); } else { Session::set_flash('error', 'Could not make blog #' . $id . ' featured.'); } } Response::redirect('blog'); }