/** * Handle GET requests. */ public function action_index() { try { if (is_numeric($this->request->param('id'))) { $this->action_get(); } else { $output = array(); $ads = new Model_Ad(); //any status but needs to see your ads ;) $ads->where('id_user', '=', $this->user->id_user); //by default sort by published date if (empty($this->_sort)) { $this->_sort['published'] = 'desc'; } //filter results by param, verify field exists and has a value and sort the results $ads->api_filter($this->_filter_params)->api_sort($this->_sort); //how many? used in header X-Total-Count $count = $ads->count_all(); //pagination with headers $pagination = $ads->api_pagination($count, $this->_params['items_per_page']); $ads = $ads->cached()->find_all(); //as array foreach ($ads as $ad) { $a = $ad->as_array(); $a['price'] = i18n::money_format($ad->price); $a['thumb'] = $ad->get_first_image(); $a['customfields'] = Model_Field::get_by_category($ad->id_category); foreach ($a['customfields'] as $key => $values) { $a['customfields'][$key]['value'] = $a[$key]; } $a['url'] = Route::url('ad', array('category' => $ad->category->seoname, 'seotitle' => $ad->seotitle)); $output[] = $a; } $this->rest_output(array('ads' => $output), 200, $count, $pagination !== FALSE ? $pagination : NULL); } } catch (Kohana_HTTP_Exception $khe) { $this->_error($khe); } }
/** * Handle GET requests. */ public function action_index() { try { if (is_numeric($this->request->param('id'))) { $this->action_get(); } else { $output = array(); $ads = new Model_Ad(); $ads->where('status', '=', Model_Ad::STATUS_PUBLISHED); //search with lat and long!! nice! if (isset($this->_params['latitude']) and isset($this->_params['longitude'])) { $ads->select(array(DB::expr('degrees(acos(sin(radians(' . $this->_params['latitude'] . ')) * sin(radians(`latitude`)) + cos(radians(' . $this->_params['latitude'] . ')) * cos(radians(`latitude`)) * cos(radians(abs(' . $this->_params['longitude'] . ' - `longitude`))))) * 69.172'), 'distance'))->where('latitude', 'IS NOT', NULL)->where('longitude', 'IS NOT', NULL); //we unset the search by lat and long if not will be duplicated unset($this->_filter_params['latitude']); unset($this->_filter_params['longitude']); } //only published ads $ads->where('status', '=', Model_Ad::STATUS_PUBLISHED); //if ad have passed expiration time dont show if (core::config('advertisement.expire_date') > 0) { $ads->where(DB::expr('DATE_ADD( published, INTERVAL ' . core::config('advertisement.expire_date') . ' DAY)'), '>', Date::unix2mysql()); } //make a search with q? param if (isset($this->_params['q']) and strlen($this->_params['q'])) { if (core::config('general.search_by_description') == TRUE) { $ads->where_open()->where('title', 'like', '%' . $this->_params['q'] . '%')->or_where('description', 'like', '%' . $this->_params['q'] . '%')->where_close(); } else { $ads->where('title', 'like', '%' . $this->_params['q'] . '%'); } } //getting all the ads of a category. if (isset($this->_filter_params['id_category']) and is_numeric($this->_filter_params['id_category']['value'])) { $category = new Model_Category($this->_filter_params['id_category']['value']); if ($category->loaded()) { $ads->where('id_category', 'in', $category->get_siblings_ids()); unset($this->_filter_params['id_category']); } } //getting all the ads of a location. if (isset($this->_filter_params['id_location']) and is_numeric($this->_filter_params['id_location']['value'])) { $location = new Model_Location($this->_filter_params['id_location']['value']); if ($location->loaded()) { $ads->where('id_location', 'in', $location->get_siblings_ids()); unset($this->_filter_params['id_location']); } } //filter results by param, verify field exists and has a value $ads->api_filter($this->_filter_params); //how many? used in header X-Total-Count $count = $ads->count_all(); //by default sort by published date if (empty($this->_sort)) { $this->_sort['published'] = 'desc'; } //after counting sort values $ads->api_sort($this->_sort); //we add the order by in case was specified, this is not a column so we need to do it manually if (isset($this->_sort['distance']) and isset($this->_params['latitude']) and isset($this->_params['longitude'])) { $ads->order_by('distance', $this->_sort['distance']); } //pagination with headers $pagination = $ads->api_pagination($count, $this->_params['items_per_page']); $ads = $ads->cached()->find_all(); //as array foreach ($ads as $ad) { $a = $ad->as_array(); $a['price'] = i18n::money_format($ad->price); $a['thumb'] = $ad->get_first_image(); $a['customfields'] = Model_Field::get_by_category($ad->id_category); //sorting by distance, lets add it! if (isset($ad->distance)) { $a['distance'] = i18n::format_measurement($ad->distance); } $a['url'] = Route::url('ad', array('category' => $ad->category->seoname, 'seotitle' => $ad->seotitle)); $output[] = $a; } $this->rest_output(array('ads' => $output), 200, $count, $pagination !== FALSE ? $pagination : NULL); } } catch (Kohana_HTTP_Exception $khe) { $this->_error($khe); } }