function pow_off() { if (false == POW_OFF) { pow_actions(); return; } if (!class_exists('Mobile_Detect')) { include dirname(__FILE__) . '/lib/Mobile_Detect.php'; } $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); switch (POW_OFF) { case "phone": if ($detect->isMobile() && !$detect->isTablet()) { return; } break; case "tablet": if ($detect->isTablet()) { return; } break; case "mobile": if ($detect->isMobile()) { return; } break; } pow_actions(); }
/** * Returns the stat handler value. * * @return string */ public function getValue() { $detect = new \Mobile_Detect($this->statHandlerObject->getHeaders(), $this->statHandlerObject->getUserAgent()); if ($detect->isMobile() && !$detect->isTablet()) { return 'mobile'; } elseif ($detect->isTablet()) { return 'tablet'; } return 'desktop'; }
/** * Add class to body if mobile or tablet */ function ci_add_class_to_body($classes) { $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); if ($detect->isMobile() and !$detect->isTablet()) { $classes[] = 'mobile'; } if ($detect->isTablet()) { $classes[] = 'tablet'; } return $classes; }
public static function detect() { // check the device being used, required by config::get('DEVICE'). (a bit dirty, need to rewrite this) $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); if ($detect->isMobile() && !$detect->isTablet()) { $device = 'mobile'; } elseif ($detect->isTablet()) { $device = 'tablet'; } else { $device = 'desktop'; } return $device; }
/** * Whether current page was accessed from a mobile phone * * @return bool true for phones, else false */ private function currentMobile() { if (empty($this->MobileDetect) || !$this->MobileDetect instanceof \Mobile_Detect) { return false; } //for phones only, not tablets //create your own Strategy if needed, and change this functionality if ($this->MobileDetect->isMobile() && !$this->MobileDetect->isTablet()) { return true; } else { return false; } }
function set_device($switch = false) { if ($switch) { if (defined('APP_LAYOUT')) { if (in_array($switch, $DICT = explode(',', APP_LAYOUT))) { $this->set('DEVICE', $device = $switch); } else { $device = $this->set_device(false); } } else { $device = $this->set_device(false); } } else { if ($P = $this->is_set('DEVICE')) { $device = $P; } else { require_once D_CLASS . 'MOBILE_DETECT.php'; $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); $isMobile = $detect->isMobile(); $isTablet = $detect->isTablet(); $this->set('DEVICE', $device = $isMobile ? $isTablet ? 'TABLET' : 'MOBILE' : 'DESKTOP'); } } return $this->device = $device; }
function ts_theme_setup() { /* Add editor-style.css file*/ add_editor_style(); /* Add Theme Support */ add_theme_support('post-formats', array('audio', 'gallery', 'quote', 'video')); add_theme_support('post-thumbnails'); add_theme_support('automatic-feed-links'); add_theme_support('title-tag'); $defaults = array('default-color' => '', 'default-image' => ''); add_theme_support('custom-background', $defaults); add_theme_support('woocommerce'); if (!isset($content_width)) { $content_width = 1200; } /* Translation */ load_theme_textdomain('gon', get_template_directory() . '/languages'); $locale = get_locale(); $locale_file = get_template_directory() . "/languages/{$locale}.php"; if (is_readable($locale_file)) { require_once $locale_file; } /* Register Menu Location */ register_nav_menus(array('primary' => esc_html__('Primary Navigation', 'gon'))); register_nav_menus(array('vertical' => esc_html__('Vertical Navigation', 'gon'))); register_nav_menus(array('mobile' => esc_html__('Mobile Navigation', 'gon'))); /* Mobile Detect */ if (class_exists('Mobile_Detect')) { $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); $_is_tablet = $detect->isTablet(); $_is_mobile = $detect->isMobile() && !$_is_tablet; define('TS_IS_MOBILE', $_is_mobile); define('TS_IS_TABLET', $_is_tablet); } }
public function createStore() { $this->load->dbforge(); $this->load->helper('file_helper'); $this->load->helper('Mobile_Detect_helper'); $this->load->helper('create_db_helper'); $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); $deviceName = ""; if ($detect->isMobile()) { $deviceName = "mobile"; } else { if ($detect->isTablet()) { $deviceName = "tablet"; } else { $deviceName = "pc"; } } $post = $this->input->post(); $clientInfo = $post["clientInfo"]; $userId = $this->session->userdata("userid"); $databaseObj = $this->template->getTemplateName($post["key"]); $resultObj = $databaseObj->result()[0]; $projectName = $resultObj->TemplateProjectName; $projectImage = $resultObj->TemplateImage; recursive_copy("assets/template/" . $projectName, "../" . $post["domainName"]); copy("assets/images/screen-shot/" . $projectImage, "assets/images/screen-shot/" . $post["domainName"] . ".jpg"); $databaseObj->next_result(); $databaseObj = $this->template->createStore($post["storeName"], $post["domainName"], $userId, $post["key"], $clientInfo["appCodeName"], $clientInfo["appVersion"], $this->input->ip_address(), $deviceName, $clientInfo["platform"]); $newStore = $databaseObj->result()[0]; $databaseObj->next_result(); execSql($newStore->TemplateType, $post["domainName"], get_instance()); }
/** * スマートフォンかどうかを判別する。 * $_SESSION['pc_disp'] = true の場合はPC表示。 * * @return boolean */ public function isSmartphone() { $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); // SPでかつPC表示OFFの場合 // TabletはPC扱い return $detect->isMobile() && !$detect->isTablet() && !SC_SmartphoneUserAgent_Ex::getSmartphonePcFlag(); }
function initLayoutType() { // Safety check. if (!class_exists('Mobile_Detect')) { return 'classic'; } $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); $isMobile = $detect->isMobile(); $isTablet = $detect->isTablet(); $layoutTypes = layoutTypes(); // Set the layout type. if (isset($_GET['layoutType'])) { $layoutType = $_GET['layoutType']; } else { if (empty($_SESSION['layoutType'])) { $layoutType = $isMobile ? $isTablet ? 'tablet' : 'mobile' : 'classic'; } else { $layoutType = $_SESSION['layoutType']; } } // Fallback. If everything fails choose classic layout. if (!in_array($layoutType, $layoutTypes)) { $layoutType = 'classic'; } // Store the layout type for future use. $_SESSION['layoutType'] = $layoutType; return $layoutType; }
public function executeIndex(HTTPRequest $request) { $detect = new \Mobile_Detect(); $deviceType = $detect->isMobile() ? $detect->isTablet() ? 'tablet' : 'phone' : 'computer'; $ua = $detect->getUserAgents(); $this->page->addVar('deviceType', $deviceType); }
/** * スマートフォンかどうかを判別する。 * $_SESSION['pc_disp'] = true の場合はPC表示。 * * @return boolean */ public function isSmartphone() { $detect = new \Mobile_Detect(); // SPでかつPC表示OFFの場合 // TabletはPC扱い return $detect->isMobile() && !$detect->isTablet() && !static::getSmartphonePcFlag(); }
/** * Replace main.js with platform dependent scripts. God! Please, make it work! * */ function presscore_sc_cachedata_filter(&$cachedata) { if (!class_exists('Mobile_Detect')) { include get_template_directory() . '/inc/extensions/mobile-detect.php'; } $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); $device_type = $detect->isMobile() ? $detect->isTablet() ? 'tablet' : 'phone' : 'computer'; $stylesheet = get_template_directory_uri(); $dynamic_scripts = array('desktop-tablet' => '<script type=\'text/javascript\' src=\'' . $stylesheet . '/js/desktop-tablet.js\'></script>', 'phone' => '<script type=\'text/javascript\' src=\'' . $stylesheet . '/js/phone.js\'></script>', 'desktop' => '<script type=\'text/javascript\' src=\'' . $stylesheet . '/js/desktop.js\'></script>'); $main = '<script type=\'text/javascript\' src=\'' . $stylesheet . '/js/main.js\'></script>'; $output = ''; // enqueue device specific scripts switch ($device_type) { case 'tablet': $output .= $dynamic_scripts['desktop-tablet']; break; case 'phone': $output .= $dynamic_scripts['phone']; break; default: $output .= $dynamic_scripts['desktop-tablet']; $output .= $dynamic_scripts['desktop']; } $output .= $main; // remove cached scripts $cachedata = str_replace(array_values($dynamic_scripts), '', $cachedata); return str_replace($main, $output, $cachedata); }
function parse_carousel($atts, $content, $id) { wp_enqueue_style('ui-custom-theme'); wp_enqueue_script('jquery-ui-accordion'); $id = rand(); $output = ''; if (class_exists('Mobile_Detect')) { $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); $_device_ = $detect->isMobile() ? $detect->isTablet() ? 'tablet' : 'mobile' : 'pc'; if (isset($atts['animation'])) { $animation_class = $atts['animation'] && $_device_ == 'pc' ? 'wpb_' . $atts['animation'] . ' wpb_animate_when_almost_visible' : ''; } } else { if (isset($atts['animation'])) { $animation_class = $atts['animation'] ? 'wpb_' . $atts['animation'] . ' wpb_animate_when_almost_visible' : ''; } } str_replace("[Carousel_item", "", $content, $i); $output .= "\n\t" . '<div class="is-carousel simple-carousel testimonial car-style" id="post-gallery' . $id . '">'; $output .= "\n\t\t" . '<div class="simple-carousel-content carousel-content">'; $output .= do_shortcode(str_replace('<br class="nc" />', '', $content)); $output .= "\n\t\t" . '</div>'; $output .= "\n\t\t" . '<div class="carousel-pagination"></div>'; $output .= "\n\t" . '</div>'; return $output; }
public function __construct($session, $view, $request) { require_once APPLICATION_PATH . '/../vendor/Mobile_Detect.php'; $detect = new \Mobile_Detect(); $mobile = $request->getQuery('mobile'); if ($mobile == 'false') { $session->set('device_detect', 'normal'); } if ($mobile == 'true') { $session->set('device_detect', 'mobile'); } $isMobile = false; $device_detect = $session->get('device_detect'); if (!empty($device_detect)) { $isMobile = $device_detect == 'mobile' ? true : false; } else { if ($detect->isMobile() && !$detect->isTablet()) { $isMobile = true; $session->set('device_detect', 'mobile'); } else { $session->set('device_detect', 'normal'); } } define('MOBILE_DEVICE', $isMobile ? true : false); if (MOBILE_DEVICE) { $view->setMainView(MAIN_VIEW_PATH . 'mobile'); } }
function nexus_body_classes($classes) { $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); if ($detect->isMobile() && !$detect->isTablet()) { $classes[] = 'mobile not-tablet not-desktop'; } /* Mobile Class */ if ($detect->isTablet()) { $classes[] = 'tablet not-mobile not-desktop'; } /* Tablet Class */ if (!$detect->isMobile()) { $classes[] = 'desktop not-mobile not-tablet'; } /* Desktop Class */ return $classes; }
public function detect() { if ($this->detected === null) { $headers = $this->request->getHeaders(); $userAgent = $this->request->getHeaderLine('user-agent'); if ($this->detector->isMobile($headers, $userAgent)) { $this->detected = 'mobile'; } else { if ($this->detector->isTablet($headers, $userAgent)) { $this->detected = 'tablet'; } else { $this->detected = 'desktop'; } } } return $this->detected; }
public function executeIndex(HTTPRequest $request) { $this->run(); $detect = new \Mobile_Detect(); $deviceType = $detect->isMobile() ? $detect->isTablet() ? 'tablet' : 'phone' : 'computer'; // on ajoute la variable du type $this->page()->addVar('deviceType', $deviceType); }
function type() { // instantiate Mobile_Detect Object $detect = new \Mobile_Detect(); // get the device type $deviceType = $detect->isMobile() ? $detect->isTablet() ? 'tablet' : 'phone' : 'none'; // return string value of device type return $deviceType; }
public function testBasicMethods() { $this->assertNotEmpty($this->detect->getScriptVersion()); $this->detect->setHttpHeaders(array('SERVER_SOFTWARE' => 'Apache/2.2.15 (Linux) Whatever/4.0 PHP/5.2.13', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'POST', 'HTTP_HOST' => '', 'HTTP_X_REAL_IP' => '', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR' => '', 'HTTP_CONNECTION' => 'close', 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A523 Safari/8536.25', 'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'text/vnd.wap.wml, application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01', 'HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE' => 'en-us,en;q=0.5', 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING' => 'gzip, deflate', 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH' => 'XMLHttpRequest', 'HTTP_REFERER' => '', 'HTTP_PRAGMA' => 'no-cache', 'HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL' => 'no-cache', 'REMOTE_ADDR' => '', 'REQUEST_TIME' => '01-10-2012 07:57')); //12 because only 12 start with HTTP_ $this->assertCount(12, $this->detect->getHttpHeaders()); $this->assertTrue($this->detect->checkHttpHeadersForMobile()); $this->detect->setUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A523 Safari/8536.25'); $this->assertNotEmpty($this->detect->getUserAgent()); $this->assertTrue($this->detect->isMobile()); $this->assertFalse($this->detect->isTablet()); $this->assertTrue($this->detect->isIphone()); $this->assertTrue($this->detect->isiphone()); $this->assertTrue($this->detect->isiOS()); $this->assertTrue($this->detect->isios()); $this->assertTrue($this->detect->is('iphone')); $this->assertTrue($this->detect->is('ios')); }
public function checkMobilePhp() { require_once Mage::getBaseDir('lib') . DS . 'em/Mobile_Detect.php'; $check = 0; $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); if ($detect->isMobile() && !$detect->isTablet()) { $check = 1; } return $check; }
function InitMobileDetect(&$that) { $that->load->library('Mobile_Detect'); $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); $that->data['PROFILE_DEVICE'] = DEVICE_UNKNOWN; $that->data['PATH_VIEW'] = 'pc'; if ($detect->isMobile() && !$detect->isTablet()) { $that->data['PROFILE_DEVICE'] = DEVICE_PHONE; $that->data['PATH_VIEW'] = 'phone'; } else { if ($detect->isTablet()) { $that->data['PROFILE_DEVICE'] = DEVICE_TABLET; $that->data['PATH_VIEW'] = 'pc'; } else { $that->data['PROFILE_DEVICE'] = DEVICE_PC; $that->data['PATH_VIEW'] = 'pc'; } } }
public function get_index() { $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); if ($detect->isMobile() || $detect->isTablet()) { $data['loginlayout'] = 'admin::layouts.m_admin'; } else { $data['loginlayout'] = 'admin::layouts.admin'; } return View::make('admin::login.index', $data); }
function wp_mobile_detect() { include_once ARC_THEME_DIR . 'Mobile_Detect.php'; $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); if ($detect->isMobile() || $detect->isTablet()) { return true; } else { return false; } }
function __construct($option_name) { $this->options_name = $option_name; include_once XT_PARENT_DIR . '/lib/classes/Mobile_Detect.php'; $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); $this->is_touch_device = false; if ($detect->isMobile() || $detect->isTablet()) { $this->is_touch_device = true; } }
public function get_device_type() { require_once './php/library/Mobile_Detect.php'; $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); $device = 'desktop'; if ($detect->isMobile() && !$detect->isTablet()) { $device = 'mobile'; } return $device; }
/** * Executes actions before the Controller * * @return mixed */ public function doBefore() { $this->_isMobile = $this->_md->isMobile(); $this->_isTablet = $this->_md->isTablet(); if (!isset($_SESSION[$this->_sessionAutoName]) && $this->_isTablet) { $_SESSION[$this->_sessionAutoName] = $this->_allowMobileForTablet; } elseif (!isset($_SESSION[$this->_sessionAutoName]) || $_SESSION[$this->_sessionAutoName] == '') { $_SESSION[$this->_sessionAutoName] = $this->_defaultBehaviour; } $_SESSION[$this->_sessionName] = $this->_isMobile; }
/** * * * @package Kopa * @subpackage Core * @author thethangtran <*****@*****.**> * @since 1.0.0 * */ public static function detect_image_size($size) { if ($size && 'true' == KopaOptions::get_option('is_use_mobile_detect', 'false')) { $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); if ($detect->isMobile()) { } if ($detect->isTablet()) { } } return apply_filters('kopa_image_detect_image_size', $size); }
public function detectDevice() { require 'libs/Mobile_Detect.php'; $detect = new Mobile_Detect(); $device = 'lg'; if ($detect->isMobile()) { $device = 'sm'; if ($detect->isTablet()) { $device = 'sm'; } } return $device; }
function __construct() { $this->dir = ROOT_DIR . '/templates/'; $mobile_detect = new Mobile_Detect(); if ($mobile_detect->isMobile()) { $this->smartphone = true; $this->desktop = false; } if ($mobile_detect->isTablet()) { $this->smartphone = false; $this->desktop = false; $this->tablet = true; } }