include_once '../libs/log.php'; include_once '../../src/Base/DataAccessBundle/Entity/Student.php'; //include_once '../../src/Base/DataAccessBundle/Controller/DefaultController.php'; ini_set('error_log', 'ussd-app-error.log'); //$dc =new DefaultController(); $receiver = new MoUssdReceiver(); // Create the Receiver object $receiverSessionId = $receiver->getSessionId(); session_id($receiverSessionId); //Use received session id to create a unique session session_start(); $content = $receiver->getMessage(); // get the message content $address = $receiver->getAddress(); // get the sender's address $requestId = $receiver->getRequestID(); // get the request ID $applicationId = $receiver->getApplicationId(); // get application ID $encoding = $receiver->getEncoding(); // get the encoding value $version = $receiver->getVersion(); // get the version $sessionId = $receiver->getSessionId(); // get the session ID; $ussdOperation = $receiver->getUssdOperation(); // get the ussd operation logFile("[ content={$content}, address={$address}, requestId={$requestId}, applicationId={$applicationId}, encoding={$encoding}, version={$version}, sessionId={$sessionId}, ussdOperation={$ussdOperation} ]"); //your logic goes here...... $responseMsg = array("main" => "Welcome!\n 1.Register\n 2.Jobs\n 99.Exit", "register" => "Please select a category\n 1.Tech\n 2.Business\n 3.Entertainment\n 99.Back", "jobs" => "You have received following jobs", "selected" => "\n 1.Confirm registration\n 99. Back", "registered" => "Thank you for register in our service\n Now you will receive jobs in selected category "); $categories = array("1" => "Tech", "2" => "Business", "3" => "Entertainment");
include_once '../libs/ussd/MoUssdReceiver.php'; include_once '../libs/ussd/MtUssdSender.php'; include_once 'config.php'; include_once '../libs/dbinteract.php'; include_once '../libs/log.php'; ini_set('error_log', 'ussd-app-error.log'); $getUSSD = new MoUssdReceiver(); $USSDSessionID = $getUSSD->getSessionId(); session_id($USSDSessionID); session_start(); $content = $getUSSD->getMessage(); // get the message content $address = $getUSSD->getAddress(); // get the sender's address $requestId = $getUSSD->getRequestID(); // get the request ID $applicationId = $getUSSD->getApplicationId(); // get application ID $encoding = $getUSSD->getEncoding(); // get the encoding value $version = $getUSSD->getVersion(); // get the version $sessionId = $getUSSD->getSessionId(); // get the session ID; $ussdOperation = $getUSSD->getUssdOperation(); // get the ussd operation $Messages = array("main" => "Welcome to Lyrisize!\nEnter the name of the Song:"); logFile("Previous Menu is := " . $_SESSION['menu-Opt'] . $Messages["main"]); if ($getUSSD->getUssdOperation() == "mo-init") { showView($USSDSessionID, $Messages["main"], $INFO);