コード例 #1
  * Homepage of the testset index view. Display environments and images grouped by testsets.
  * @param sfWebRequest $request
 public function executeProjectTestset(sfWebRequest $request)
     // Set referer
     // Get project group id from project group name defined in app.yml
     $this->projectGroupId = Doctrine_Core::getTable("sfGuardGroup")->getProjectGroupId(sfConfig::get('app_project_group'));
     if ($this->projectGroupId == null) {
         throw new ErrorException("Unable to retrieve project group configuration! Application might need additional configuration or data!", 500);
     // Get security level of current user
     $userSecurityLevel = $this->getUser()->isAuthenticated() ? $userSecurityLevel = $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->getProfile()->getSecurityLevel() : 0;
     // Get list of all projects (Android, Tizen, Yocto, Linux, ...)
     $this->projects = Doctrine_Core::getTable("Project")->getBasicProjects($this->projectGroupId, $userSecurityLevel);
     // Set current project from URL parameters
     if ($request->getParameter("project")) {
         $this->currentProject = Doctrine_Core::getTable("Project")->getBasicProjectBySlug($request->getParameter("project"));
         $this->forward404Unless($this->currentProject != null, "This project does not exist anymore or you lack sufficient privileges!");
         $this->forward404Unless(in_array($this->currentProject, $this->projects), "This project is not accessible anymore or you lack sufficient privileges!");
     } else {
         $this->currentProject = $this->projects[0];
     // Check if at least one project has been found and user is not authenticated
     if (!$this->getUser()->isAuthenticated() && $this->currentProject == null) {
         $this->getUser()->setFlash("error", "Your security level is not sufficient to visualize projects. Please login with appropriate credentials!");
     // Set current filter
     $this->currentFilter = $request->getParameter("filter", "recent");
     $filter = $this->currentFilter == "all" ? false : true;
     // Get list of all products (Smartphone, Tablet, Netbook, Laptop, ...)
     $this->products = Doctrine_Core::getTable("Project")->getBasicProducts($this->projectGroupId, $this->currentProject["id"]);
     // Get list of all test environments and images with build ids
     $this->imagesForEnvironments = Doctrine_Core::getTable("Project")->getImagesForEnvironmentsForTestsets($this->projectGroupId, $this->currentProject["id"], MiscUtils::arrayColumn($this->products, 'id', true), $filter);
     // ...convert data retrieved from database
     if (count($this->imagesForEnvironments) > 0) {
         $arrayProducts = array();
         $previousProduct = null;
         $previousTestset = null;
         $previousEnvironment = null;
         $previousImage = null;
         foreach ($this->imagesForEnvironments as $data) {
             if ($data["product_id"] != $previousProduct) {
                 $arrayProducts[$data["product_id"]] = array("product_id" => $data["product_id"], "testsets" => array());
                 $previousProduct = $data["product_id"];
                 $previousTestset = null;
                 $previousEnvironment = null;
                 $previousImage = null;
             if ($data["ts_testset"] != $previousTestset) {
                 $arrayProducts[$data["product_id"]]["testsets"][$data["ts_testset"]] = array("ts_testset" => $data["ts_testset"], "ts_testset_slug" => $data["ts_testset_slug"], "environments" => array());
                 $previousTestset = $data["ts_testset"];
                 $previousEnvironment = null;
                 $previousImage = null;
             if ($data["te_name"] != $previousEnvironment) {
                 $arrayProducts[$data["product_id"]]["testsets"][$data["ts_testset"]]["environments"][$data["te_name"]] = array("te_id" => $data["te_id"], "te_name" => $data["te_name"], "te_slug" => $data["te_slug"], "images" => array());
                 $previousEnvironment = $data["te_name"];
                 $previousImage = null;
             if ($data["i_name"] != $previousImage) {
                 $arrayProducts[$data["product_id"]]["testsets"][$data["ts_testset"]]["environments"][$data["te_name"]]["images"][$data["i_name"]] = array("i_id" => $data["i_id"], "i_name" => $data["i_name"], "i_slug" => $data["i_slug"]);
                 $previousImage = $data["i_name"];
         $this->imagesForEnvironments = $arrayProducts;
     } else {
         $this->imagesForEnvironments = array();