コード例 #1
ファイル: language.php プロジェクト: hiromi2424/mi
  * initialize method
  * Merge settings and set Config.language to a valid locale
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function initialize(&$Controller, $config = array())
     App::import('Vendor', 'Mi.MiCache');
     $lang = MiCache::setting('Site.lang');
     if (!$lang) {
         if (!defined('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE')) {
         $lang = DEFAULT_LANGUAGE;
     } elseif (!defined('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE')) {
         define('DEFAULT_LANGUAGE', $lang);
     Configure::write('Config.language', $lang);
     App::import('Core', 'I18n');
     $I18n =& I18n::getInstance();
     $I18n->domain = 'default_' . $lang;
     $I18n->__lang = $lang;
     if (!empty($Controller->plugin)) {
         $config['plugins'][] = Inflector::underscore($Controller->plugin);
     if (!empty($config['plugins'])) {
         $plugins = array_intersect(MiCache::mi('plugins'), $config['plugins']);
         $Inst = App::getInstance();
         foreach ($plugins as $path => $name) {
             $Inst->locales[] = $path . DS . 'locale' . DS;
コード例 #2
ファイル: polymorphic.php プロジェクト: hiromi2424/mi
  * afterFind method
  * @param mixed $Model
  * @param mixed $results
  * @param bool $primary
  * @access public
  * @return void
 function afterFind(&$Model, $results, $primary = false)
     if (App::import('Vendor', 'Mi.MiCache')) {
         $models = MiCache::mi('models');
     } else {
         $models = Configure::listObjects('model');
     if ($primary && isset($results[0][$Model->alias][$modelField]) && isset($results[0][$Model->alias][$foreignKey]) && $Model->recursive > 0) {
         foreach ($results as $key => $result) {
             $associated = array();
             $model = Inflector::classify($result[$Model->alias][$modelField]);
             $foreignId = $result[$Model->alias][$foreignKey];
             if ($model && $foreignId && in_array($model, $models)) {
                 $result = $result[$Model->alias];
                 if (!isset($Model->{$model})) {
                     $Model->bindModel(array('belongsTo' => array($model => array('conditions' => array($Model->alias . '.' . $modelField => $model), 'foreignKey' => $foreignKey))));
                 $conditions = array($model . '.' . $Model->{$model}->primaryKey => $result[$foreignKey]);
                 $recursive = -1;
                 $associated = $Model->{$model}->find('first', compact('conditions', 'recursive'));
                 $name = $Model->{$model}->display($result[$foreignKey]);
                 $associated[$model]['display_field'] = $name ? $name : '*missing*';
                 $results[$key][$model] = $associated[$model];
     } elseif (isset($results[$Model->alias][$modelField])) {
         $associated = array();
         $model = Inflector::classify($result[$Model->alias][$modelField]);
         $foreignId = $results[$Model->alias][$foreignKey];
         if ($model && $foreignId) {
             $result = $results[$Model->alias];
             if (!isset($Model->{$model})) {
                 $Model->bindModel(array('belongsTo' => array($model => array('conditions' => array($Model->alias . '.' . $modelField => $model), 'foreignKey' => $foreignKey))));
             $conditions = array($model . '.' . $Model->{$model}->primaryKey => $result[$foreignKey]);
             $recursive = -1;
             $associated = $Model->{$model}->find('first', compact('conditions', 'recursive'));
             $name = $Model->{$model}->display($result[$foreignKey]);
             $associated[$model]['display_field'] = $name ? $name : '*missing*';
             $results[$model] = $associated[$model];
     return $results;
コード例 #3
ファイル: mi_cache.test.php プロジェクト: hiromi2424/mi
  * testMi method
  * It doesn't really matter which method is called
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function testMi()
     $path = TMP . 'mi_cache_test' . DS;
     $Folder = new Folder($path, true);
     new File($path . 'one' . DS . 'empty.php', true);
     new File($path . 'two' . DS . 'empty.php', true);
     new File($path . 'three' . DS . 'empty.php', true);
     $expected = array($path . 'one' . DS . 'empty.php', $path . 'three' . DS . 'empty.php', $path . 'two' . DS . 'empty.php');
     $return = MiCache::mi('files', $path);
     $this->assertIdentical($return, $expected);
     $return = MiCache::mi('files', $path);
     $this->assertIdentical($return, $expected);
コード例 #4
ファイル: mi_form.php プロジェクト: hiromi2424/mi
  * Returns a formatted LABEL element for HTML FORMs.
  * Overriden to refer to field_names.po unless the label is explicitly passed
  * @param string $fieldName This should be "Modelname.fieldname", "Modelname/fieldname" is deprecated
  * @param string $text Text that will appear in the label field.
  * @return string The formatted LABEL element
 public function label($fieldName = null, $text = null, $attributes = array())
     if (empty($fieldName)) {
         $view = ClassRegistry::getObject('view');
         $fieldName = implode('.', $view->entity());
     if ($text === null) {
         if (strpos($fieldName, '.')) {
             $alias = explode('.', $fieldName);
             if (count($alias) == 3) {
                 $text = str_replace($alias[1] . '.', '', $fieldName);
             } else {
                 $text = $fieldName;
             $alias = $alias[0];
             $text = str_replace('.', ' ', $fieldName);
         } else {
             $view = ClassRegistry::getObject('view');
             $alias = $view->association ? $view->association : $view->model;
             $text = $alias . ' ' . $fieldName;
         if (substr($text, -3) == '_id') {
             $text = substr($text, 0, strlen($text) - 3);
         $_text = Inflector::humanize(Inflector::underscore($text));
         $pluginDomain = '';
         if (!empty($this->params['plugin'])) {
             $models = MiCache::mi('models', $this->params['plugin']);
             if (in_array($alias, $models)) {
                 $pluginDomain = Inflector::underscore($this->params['plugin']) . '_';
         $text = __d($pluginDomain . 'field_names', $_text, true);
         if ($_text === $text) {
             $text = str_replace(Inflector::humanize(Inflector::underscore($alias)) . ' ', '', $_text);
     return parent::label($fieldName, $text, $attributes);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Mi.php プロジェクト: razzman/mi
  * Return all possible paths to find view files in order
  * Check for plugin/locale/<locale>/views/.../foo.ctp if Config.language has been set
  * @TODO visibility
  * @param string $plugin ''
  * @param bool $cached true
  * @return array paths
  * @access protected
 public function _paths($plugin = '', $cached = true)
     if (!class_exists('MiCache')) {
         App::import('Vendor', 'Mi.MiCache');
     $plugin = (string) $plugin;
     $theme = (string) $this->theme;
     return MiCache::mi('paths', 'view', compact('plugin', 'theme'));
コード例 #6
ファイル: mi.php プロジェクト: hiromi2424/mi
  * controllers method
  * @param mixed $what
  * @return void
  * @access protected
 protected function _controllers($what)
     $this->out($what . ' for which controller?');
     $controllers = array_values(MiCache::mi('controllers'));
     foreach ($controllers as $i => $controller) {
         $this->out($i + 1 . '. ' . $controller);
     $controller = '';
     while ($controller == '') {
         $controller = $this->in(__d('mi', "Enter a number from the list above, or 'q' to exit", true), null, 'q');
         if ($controller === 'q') {
             $this->out(__d('mi', "Exit", true));
         if ($controller == '' || !is_numeric($controller) || $controller > count($controllers)) {
             $this->out(__d('mi', 'Error:', true));
             $this->out(__d('mi', "The number you selected was not an option. Please try again.", true));
             $controller = '';
     $this->args[] = $controllers[$controller - 1];
コード例 #7
ファイル: MiCompressor.php プロジェクト: razzman/mi_asset
  * populateVendorMap method
  * @param bool $reset false
  * @static
  * @return void
  * @access protected
 protected static function _populateVendorMap($reset = false)
     if ($reset || !self::$vendorMap) {
         App::import('Vendor', 'Mi.MiCache');
         $plugins = MiCache::mi('plugins');
         foreach ($plugins as $path => $plugin) {
             if (is_dir($path . DS . 'webroot')) {
                 if (!class_exists('Mi')) {
                     APP::import('Vendor', 'Mi.Mi');
                 $files = Mi::files($path . DS . 'webroot', null, '.*\\.(css|js)$');
                 foreach ($files as $fPath) {
                     $fPath = realpath($fPath);
                     self::$vendorMap[str_replace(realpath($path . DS . 'webroot') . DS, $plugin . DS, $fPath)] = $fPath;
         self::log("Populating Vendor Map");
         if (!class_exists('MiCache')) {
             self::log("\tMiCache doesn't exist. Skipping.");
         self::$vendorMap = am(self::$vendorMap, MiCache::mi('vendors', null, array('shells'), array('excludeFolders' => array('shells', 'simpletest'), 'extension' => array('css', 'js'), 'excludePattern' => false)));
コード例 #8
ファイル: Enum.php プロジェクト: razzman/mi_enums
  * modes method
  * List all modes
  * @param bool $reset
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function modes($reset = false)
     if (!$reset) {
         $data = cache('enum_modes');
         if ($data) {
             return unserialize($data);
     $data = $this->find('all', array('fields' => array('DISTINCT Enum.type'), 'order' => 'type'));
     if (!$data) {
         $components = MiCache::mi('components');
         $tables = MiCache::mi('tables');
         foreach ($tables as $table) {
             $class = Inflector::classify($table);
             if (in_array($class, $components)) {
             if ($Inst = ClassRegistry::init($class)) {
                 if ($Inst->Behaviors->attached('Enum')) {
                     foreach ($Inst->actsAs['Enum'] as $field) {
                         $data[] = $Inst->name . '.' . $field;
     } else {
         $data = Set::extract($data, '/Enum/type');
     if ($data) {
         cache('enum_modes', serialize($data), '+1 day');
     return $data;