コード例 #1
 *        @SWG\Response(response=304, description="This tile has not been modified. Your previously fetched tile is still the current one"),
 *        @SWG\Response(response=400, description="You supplied a bad request due to one or more missing or invalid parameters"),
 *        @SWG\Response(response=401, description="Session ID or MapGuide credentials not specified"),
 *        @SWG\Response(response=500, description="An error occurred during the operation")
 *     )
$app->get("/library/:resourcePath+.MapDefinition/xyz/:groupName/:layerName/:z/:x/:y/tile.:format", function ($resourcePath, $groupName, $layerName, $z, $x, $y, $format) use($app) {
    $count = count($resourcePath);
    if ($count > 0) {
        $resourcePath[$count - 1] = $resourcePath[$count - 1] . ".MapDefinition";
    $resId = MgUtils::ParseLibraryResourceID($resourcePath);
    //echo "ResId: ".$resId->ToString()."<br/>Group: $groupName<br/>X: $x<br/>Y: $y<br/>Z: $z<br/>Format: $format";
    $ctrl = new MgTileServiceController($app);
    $ctrl->GetTileXYZForLayer($resId, $groupName, $layerName, $x, $y, $z, $format);
 *     @SWG\Get(
 *        path="/library/{resourcePath}.MapDefinition/tile.{type}/{groupName}/{scaleIndex}/{col}/{row}",
 *        operationId="GetTile",
 *        summary="Gets the specified tile for the given map definition",
 *        tags={"library"},
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="session", in="query", required=false, type="string", description="Your MapGuide Session ID"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="resourcePath", in="path", required=true, type="string", description="The path of the Map Definition"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="groupName", in="path", required=true, type="string", description="The tiled group of the Map Definition"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="scaleIndex", in="path", required=true, type="integer", description="The finite scale index"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="col", in="path", required=true, type="integer", description="The column of the tile to fetch"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="row", in="path", required=true, type="integer", description="The row of the tile to fetch"),
 *          @SWG\Parameter(name="type", in="path", required=true, type="string", description="The tile type", enum={"img"}),
 *        @SWG\Response(response=304, description="This tile has not been modified. Your previously fetched tile is still the current one"),