public function SelectFeatures($resId, $schemaName, $className, $format) { //Check for unsupported representations $fmt = $this->ValidateRepresentation($format, array("xml", "html", "geojson")); $mimeType = $this->GetMimeTypeForFormat($fmt); try { $sessionId = ""; if ($resId->GetRepositoryType() == MgRepositoryType::Session) { $sessionId = $resId->GetRepositoryName(); } $this->EnsureAuthenticationForSite($sessionId, true, $mimeType); $siteConn = new MgSiteConnection(); $siteConn->Open($this->userInfo); $site = $siteConn->GetSite(); $this->VerifyWhitelist($resId->ToString(), $mimeType, "SELECTFEATURES", $fmt, $site, $this->userName); $featSvc = $siteConn->CreateService(MgServiceType::FeatureService); $query = new MgFeatureQueryOptions(); $filter = $this->GetRequestParameter("filter", ""); $propList = $this->GetRequestParameter("properties", ""); $orderby = $this->GetRequestParameter("orderby", ""); $orderOptions = $this->GetRequestParameter("orderoption", "asc"); $maxFeatures = $this->GetRequestParameter("maxfeatures", ""); $transformto = $this->GetRequestParameter("transformto", ""); $bbox = $this->GetRequestParameter("bbox", ""); $pageSize = $this->GetRequestParameter("pagesize", -1); $pageNo = $this->GetRequestParameter("page", -1); //Internal debugging flag $chunk = $this->GetBooleanRequestParameter("chunk", true); if ($pageNo >= 0 && $pageSize === -1) { $this->BadRequest($this->app->localizer->getText("E_MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER", "pagesize"), $mimeType); } if ($filter !== "") { $query->SetFilter($filter); } $limit = -1; if ($maxFeatures !== "") { $limit = intval($maxFeatures); } if ($propList !== "") { $propNames = explode(",", $propList); //If you have a comma in your property names, it's your own fault :) foreach ($propNames as $propName) { $query->AddFeatureProperty($propName); } } if ($orderby !== "") { $orderPropNames = explode(",", $orderby); //If you have a comma in your property names, it's your own fault :) $orderProps = new MgStringCollection(); foreach ($orderPropNames as $propName) { $orderProps->Add($propName); } $orderOpt = MgOrderingOption::Ascending; if (strtolower($orderOptions) === "desc") { $orderOpt = MgOrderingOption::Descending; } $query->SetOrderingFilter($orderProps, $orderOpt); } $transform = null; if ($transformto !== "") { $transform = MgUtils::GetTransform($featSvc, $resId, $schemaName, $className, $transformto); } if ($bbox !== "") { $parts = explode(",", $bbox); if (count($parts) == 4) { $wktRw = new MgWktReaderWriter(); $geom = $wktRw->Read(MgUtils::MakeWktPolygon($parts[0], $parts[1], $parts[2], $parts[3])); //Transform the bbox if we have the flag indicating so $bboxIsTargetCs = $this->GetBooleanRequestParameter("bboxistargetcs", false); if ($bboxIsTargetCs) { //Because it has been declared the bbox is in target coordiantes, we have to transform that bbox back to the //source, which means we need an inverse transform $invTx = MgUtils::GetTransform($featSvc, $resId, $schemaName, $className, $transformto, true); $geom = $geom->Transform($invTx); } $clsDef = $featSvc->GetClassDefinition($resId, $schemaName, $className); $query->SetSpatialFilter($clsDef->GetDefaultGeometryPropertyName(), $geom, MgFeatureSpatialOperations::EnvelopeIntersects); } } $reader = $featSvc->SelectFeatures($resId, "{$schemaName}:{$className}", $query); $owriter = null; if ($chunk === "0") { $owriter = new MgSlimChunkWriter($this->app); } else { $owriter = new MgHttpChunkWriter(); } if ($pageSize > 0) { if ($pageNo < 1) { $pageNo = 1; } $pageReader = new MgPaginatedFeatureReader($reader, $pageSize, $pageNo, $limit); $result = new MgReaderChunkedResult($featSvc, $pageReader, $limit, $owriter, $this->app->localizer); } else { $result = new MgReaderChunkedResult($featSvc, $reader, $limit, $owriter, $this->app->localizer); } $result->CheckAndSetDownloadHeaders($this->app, $format); if ($transform != null) { $result->SetTransform($transform); } if ($fmt === "html") { $result->SetHtmlParams($this->app); } $result->Output($format); } catch (MgException $ex) { $this->OnException($ex, $mimeType); } }
/** * Queries the configured feature source and returns a MgReader based on the current GET query parameters and adapter configuration */ protected function CreateQueryOptions($single) { $query = new MgFeatureQueryOptions(); $this->EnsureQualifiedClassName(); $tokens = explode(":", $this->className); $clsDef = null; $clsDef = $this->featSvc->GetClassDefinition($this->featureSourceId, $tokens[0], $tokens[1]); if ($single === true) { if ($this->featureId == null) { throw new Exception($this->app->localizer->getText("E_NO_FEATURE_ID_SET")); } $idType = MgPropertyType::String; if ($this->featureIdProp == null) { $idProps = $clsDef->GetIdentityProperties(); if ($idProps->GetCount() == 0) { throw new Exception($this->app->localizer->getText("E_CANNOT_QUERY_NO_ID_PROPS", $this->className, $this->featureSourceId->ToString())); } else { if ($idProps->GetCount() > 1) { throw new Exception($this->app->localizer->getText("E_CANNOT_QUERY_MULTIPLE_ID_PROPS", $this->className, $this->featureSourceId->ToString())); } else { $idProp = $idProps->GetItem(0); $this->featureIdProp = $idProp->GetName(); $idType = $idProp->GetDataType(); } } } else { $props = $clsDef->GetProperties(); $iidx = $props->IndexOf($this->featureIdProp); if ($iidx >= 0) { $propDef = $props->GetItem($iidx); if ($propDef->GetPropertyType() != MgFeaturePropertyType::DataProperty) { throw new Exception($this->app->localizer->getText("E_ID_PROP_NOT_DATA", $this->featureIdProp)); } } else { throw new Exception($this->app->localizer->getText("E_ID_PROP_NOT_FOUND", $this->featureIdProp)); } } if ($idType == MgPropertyType::String) { $query->SetFilter($this->featureIdProp . " = '" . $this->featureId . "'"); } else { $query->SetFilter($this->featureIdProp . " = " . $this->featureId); } } else { $flt = $this->app->request->get("filter"); if ($flt != null) { $query->SetFilter($flt); } $bbox = $this->app->request->get("bbox"); if ($bbox != null) { $parts = explode(",", $bbox); if (count($parts) == 4) { $wktRw = new MgWktReaderWriter(); $geom = $wktRw->Read(MgUtils::MakeWktPolygon($parts[0], $parts[1], $parts[2], $parts[3])); $query->SetSpatialFilter($clsDef->GetDefaultGeometryPropertyName(), $geom, MgFeatureSpatialOperations::EnvelopeIntersects); } } } if (isset($this->app->ComputedProperties)) { $compProps = $this->app->ComputedProperties; foreach ($compProps as $alias => $expression) { $this->computedPropertyList[$alias] = $expression; } } $bAppliedComputedProperties = false; if (count($this->computedPropertyList) > 0) { foreach ($this->computedPropertyList as $alias => $expression) { $query->AddComputedProperty($alias, $expression); $bAppliedComputedProperties = true; } } //If computed properties were applied, add all properties from the class definition if no //explicit property list supplied if ($bAppliedComputedProperties && count($this->propertyList) == 0) { $clsProps = $clsDef->GetProperties(); for ($i = 0; $i < $clsProps->GetCount(); $i++) { $propDef = $clsProps->GetItem($i); $query->AddFeatureProperty($propDef->GetName()); } } else { if (count($this->propertyList) > 0) { foreach ($this->propertyList as $propName) { $query->AddFeatureProperty($propName); } } } $orderby = $this->app->request->get("orderby"); $orderOptions = $this->app->request->get("orderoption"); if ($orderby != null) { if ($orderOptions == null) { $orderOptions = "asc"; } $orderPropNames = explode(",", $orderby); //If you have a comma in your property names, it's your own fault :) $orderProps = new MgStringCollection(); foreach ($orderPropNames as $propName) { $orderProps->Add($propName); } $orderOpt = MgOrderingOption::Ascending; if (strtolower($orderOptions) === "desc") { $orderOpt = MgOrderingOption::Descending; } $query->SetOrderingFilter($orderProps, $orderOpt); } return $query; }