コード例 #1
	 * Set the words to exlude seperate with comma e.g: the, at, when, etc
	 * @param string $exclude_words 
	// english and swedish
	MetaManagerDataDecorator::set_exclude_words('about, again, also, been, before, cause, come, could, does, each, even, from, give, have, here, just, like, made, many, most, much, must, only, other, said, same, should, since, some, such, tell, than, that, their, them, then, there, these, they, thing, this, through, very, want, well, were, what, when, where, which, while, will, with, within, would, your, att, även, ber, bli, blir, den, denna, denne, dessutom, det, detta, dig, din, ditt, dock, där, eller, ett, ett, får, för, från, går, ger, har, hos, inte, kan, kommer, med, men, och, också, oss, samt, sitt, ska, skall, skulle, som, stå, säger, tar, tas, till, vår, våra, vårt, vara, vid, vill');
	 * Set wether to hide the ExtraMeta field
	 * @param bool $hide_extra_meta 

	 * Show the update checkbox
	 * @param bool $show_checkbox
	 * Position checkbox at tab e.g. : "Root.Content.Main" or "Root.Content.Metadata" (default)
	 * @param string $checkbox_tab
	 * Position checkbox above e.g. : "Content", "Title" or "MenuTitle"