コード例 #1
  * Merge the new style extensions
  * @param  string $module_path Path to the module's directory.
 public function mergeExtensionFiles($module_path)
     $php_tags = array('<?php', '?>', '<?PHP', '<?');
     $path = "custom/Extension/{$module_path}/Ext/clients";
     $clients = MetaDataFiles::getClients();
     foreach ($clients as $client) {
         foreach (glob("{$path}/{$client}/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR | GLOB_NOSORT) as $layout) {
             $layoutType = basename($layout);
             foreach (glob("{$layout}/*", GLOB_ONLYDIR | GLOB_NOSORT) as $subLayout) {
                 $subLayoutFileName = basename($subLayout);
                 $extension = "<?php\n// WARNING: The contents of this file are auto-generated.\n";
                 $override = array();
                 foreach (glob("{$subLayout}/*.php") as $file) {
                     $basenameFile = basename($file);
                     if (substr($basenameFile, 0, 9) == '_override') {
                         $override[] = $file;
                     } else {
                         $fileContents = file_get_contents($file);
                         $extension .= "\n" . str_replace($php_tags, '', $fileContents);
                 foreach ($override as $file) {
                     $fileContents = file_get_contents($file);
                     $extension .= "\n" . str_replace($php_tags, '', $fileContents);
                 $cachePath = "custom/{$module_path}/Ext/clients/{$client}/{$layoutType}/{$subLayoutFileName}";
                 if (!is_dir($cachePath)) {
                     sugar_mkdir($cachePath, null, true);
                 SugarAutoLoader::put("{$cachePath}/{$subLayoutFileName}.ext.php", $extension, true);