コード例 #1
            $mwbe_subven_amount = $node->data[9]['check_amount_sum'];
        } else {
            $mwbe_amount = $node->data[9]['check_amount_sum'];
            $mwbe_subven_amount = 0;
        $mwbe_prime_amount = $node->data[5]['check_amount_sum'];
        // if prime is zero and sub amount is not zero. change dashboard to ms
        if ($mwbe_prime_amount == null && $mwbe_subven_amount > 0) {
            $mwbe_amount += $mwbe_subven_amount;
            RequestUtil::$is_prime_mwbe_amount_zero_sub_mwbe_not_zero = true;
            $mwbe_active_domain_link = preg_replace('/\\/dashboard\\/../', '/dashboard/ms', $mwbe_active_domain_link);
        // call function to get mwbe drop down filters.
        $mwbe_filters = MappingUtil::getCurrentMWBETopNavFilters($mwbe_active_domain_link, "spending");
        // call function to get sub vendors drop down filters.
        $svendor_filters = MappingUtil::getCurrentSubVendorsTopNavFilters($svendor_active_domain_link, "spending");
        $svendor_amount = $node->data[7]['check_amount_sum'];
// tm_wbe is an exception case for total MWBE link. When prime data is not present but sub data is present for the agency vendor combination.
if (_getRequestParamValue("tm_wbe") == 'Y') {
    $svendor_amount = $mwbe_amount;
// make amounts zero for non mwbe and indviduals and others mwbe categories.
if (preg_match('/mwbe\\/7/', $_GET['q']) || preg_match('/mwbe\\/11/', $_GET['q'])) {
    $mwbe_amount = 0;
    $svendor_amount == 0;
// dont hightlight mwbe for advanced search pages.
if (!preg_match('/smnid/', $_GET['q']) && (preg_match('/spending\\/transactions/', $_GET['q']) || preg_match('/contract\\/all\\/transactions/', $_GET['q']) || preg_match('/contract\\/search\\/transactions/', $_GET['q']))) {
    $mwbeclass = ' ';