private function _doMail($data) { $pageSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('portfolio_insurance_quote'); $customerRefNo = $pageSession->CustomerRefNo; // Get Customer $customerManager = new Manager_Insurance_Portfolio_LegacyCustomer(); $customerObject = new Model_Insurance_Portfolio_LegacyCustomer(); $customerObject = $customerManager->fetchByRefNo($customerRefNo); // Get Properties $propertyManager = new Manager_Insurance_Portfolio_Property(); $properties = array(); // Fetch all the properties related to this customer refNo $properties = $propertyManager->fetchAllProperties($customerRefNo)->toArray(); $propertyHtml = $this->view->partialLoop('portfolio-insurance-quote/partials/email-templates/property-details.phtml', $properties); // Fetch claims releted to this customer refNo $claimsManager = new Manager_Insurance_Portfolio_PreviousClaims(); $claims = $claimsManager->fetchWithClaimTypes($customerRefNo); $claimsHtml = $this->view->partialLoop('portfolio-insurance-quote/partials/email-templates/claims.phtml', $claims); // Fetch bank interest related to this customer refNo $bankInterestManager = new Manager_Insurance_Portfolio_BankInterest(); $bankInterest = $bankInterestManager->fetchAllInterests($customerRefNo); $bankInterestHtml = $this->view->partialLoop('portfolio-insurance-quote/partials/email-templates/bank-interest.phtml', $bankInterest); $uwManager = new Manager_Insurance_Portfolio_UnderwritingAnswers(); $uwAnswers = $uwManager->fetchByRefNo($customerRefNo); // Merge the claim and Interest info into the UW template $uwQuestionsHtml = $this->view->partial('portfolio-insurance-quote/partials/email-templates/uw-questions.phtml', array('claimsHtml' => $claimsHtml, 'bankInterestHtml' => $bankInterestHtml, 'uwAnswers' => $uwAnswers->toArray())); // Merge all the html together $mailBody = $this->view->partial('portfolio-insurance-quote/partials/email-templates/emailQuote.phtml', array('theData' => $data, 'theCustomer' => $customerObject->toArray(), 'propertyHtml' => $propertyHtml, 'uwQuestionsHtml' => $uwQuestionsHtml)); // Get some parameter stuffs $params = Zend_Registry::get('params'); $emailArray = explode(",", $params->email->portfolioAdmin); $toAddress = $emailArray[0]; $ccAddress = $emailArray[1]; $fromAddress = $params->email->noreply; // Mail that bad boy if (isset($data['referred'])) { $referred = " - REFERRED"; } $email = new Application_Core_Mail(); $email->setFrom($fromAddress, "PORTFOLIO NEW BUSINESS {$referred}"); $email->setTo($toAddress, "Underwriting"); $email->setCC($ccAddress); $email->setSubject("Portfolio Website Query - ref: {$customerRefNo}"); $email->setBodyHtml($mailBody); $email->send(); return; }
public function quote($refNo) { $buildingAreaSum = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $buildingAreaPremium = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $contentsAreaSum = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $contentsAreaPremium = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $professionalprop = 0; $total_sum_buildings = 0; $total_sum_contents = 0; $limited_contents_cost = 0; $professionalRate = 0; $buildingsAccidentalDamage = 0; $buildingsNoExcess = 0; $contentsAccidentalDamage = 0; $contentsNoExcess = 0; $limited_contents_cost = 0; $bReferred = false; $has_claims = 0; $tenantnum = 0; // Fetch some rates information // Agents Rate ID $agent = new Manager_Core_Agent(); # TODO: need to reove this schemenumber $pageSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('portfolio_insurance_quote'); $session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('homelet_global'); $this->_agentsRateID = $agent->getRatesetIDByASN($session->referrer); $portfolioRates = new Datasource_Insurance_Portfolio_PortfolioRates(); $this->_rates = $this->_fetchRates(); $this->_factors = $this->_fetchFactors(); // Fetch some fees information // Monthly admin fee $propertyManager = new Manager_Insurance_Portfolio_Property(); $properties = array(); // Fetch all the properties related to this customer refNo $properties = $propertyManager->fetchAllProperties($refNo)->toArray(); $tenantnum = count($properties); if ($tenantnum < 2) { header("location: /portfolio/insurance-quote/step2"); return; } $dsBuildingsRiskArea = new Datasource_Insurance_RiskAreas_Buildings(); $dsContentsRiskArea = new Datasource_Insurance_RiskAreas_LandlordsContents(); // Now iterate thru the properties foreach ($properties as $property) { // Calculate Buildings $riskAreaB = $dsBuildingsRiskArea->getCurrentRate($property['postcode']); $arrayNum = $riskAreaB - 1; // array sets first location to 0 if ($riskAreaB >= 1 && $riskAreaB <= 7) { if ($property['tenantOccupation'] != "DSS") { $buildingAreaSum[$arrayNum] += $property['buildingsSumInsured']; } else { $buildingAreaSum[7] += $property['buildingsSumInsured']; } $total_sum_buildings += $property['buildingsSumInsured']; } if ($property['buildingsAccidentalDamage'] == "Yes" && $property['tenantOccupation'] != "DSS") { $buildingsAccidentalDamage += $property['buildingsSumInsured']; } if ($property['buildingsNilExcess'] == "Yes" && $property['tenantOccupation'] != "DSS") { $buildingsNoExcess += $property['buildingsSumInsured']; } // End Calculate Buildings // Calculate Contents if ($property['limitedContents'] != "Yes") { // If Contents Insurance for Unfurnished Properties was not selected $contentsRiskArea = $dsContentsRiskArea->getCurrentRate($property['postcode']); $arrayNum = $contentsRiskArea - 1; if ($contentsRiskArea >= 1 && $contentsRiskArea <= 5) { if ($property['tenantOccupation'] != "DSS") { $contentsAreaSum[$arrayNum] += $property['contentsSumInsured']; } else { $contentsAreaSum[5] += $property['contentsSumInsured']; } $total_sum_contents += $property['contentsSumInsured']; } if ($property['contentsAccidentalDamage'] == "Yes" && $property['tenantOccupation'] != "DSS") { $contentsAccidentalDamage += $property['contentsSumInsured']; } if ($property['contentsNilExcess'] == "Yes" && $property['tenantOccupation'] != "DSS") { $contentsNoExcess += $property['contentsSumInsured']; } } else { // calculate the cost of limited contents $limited_contents_cost += $this->_rates['limited_contents_price']; } // Count Professional Tenants switch ($property['tenantOccupation']) { case "Employed": case "Retired": case "Self Employed": $professionalprop++; break; case "DSS": // If the occupier is classified as DSS and the user has opted for contents insurance // then the referral display should be shown instead of the calculated premium $tenantnum = $tenantnum == 1 ? 1 : $tenantnum--; if ($limited_contents_cost > 0 || $total_sum_contents > 0) { $bReferred = true; } break; default: //$bReferred = true; // non-proffessional tenants no longer need referring break; } } // Calculate Premiums /* buildings premiums ---------------------------------- */ $buildings_premium = 0; for ($i = 0; $i <= 7; $i++) { $buildingAreaPremium[$i] = $buildingAreaSum[$i] / 100 * $this->_rates['buildingNet'][$i]; $buildings_premium += $buildingAreaPremium[$i]; } $buildingsAD_premium = $buildingsAccidentalDamage == "" ? 0 : $buildingsAccidentalDamage / 100 * $this->_rates['buildingsAD_multiplyer']; $buildingsNE_premium = $buildingsNoExcess == "" ? 0 : $buildingsNoExcess / 100 * $this->_rates['buildingsNE_multiplyer']; $buildingsEX_premium = $buildingsAD_premium + $buildingsNE_premium; $premium = $buildings_premium; $premium += $buildingsEX_premium; /* contents premiums ---------------------------------- */ $contents_premium = 0; for ($i = 0; $i <= 4; $i++) { $contentsAreaPremium[$i] = $contentsAreaSum[$i] / 100 * $this->_rates['contentsNet'][$i]; $contents_premium += $contentsAreaPremium[$i]; } $contentsAD_premium = $contentsAccidentalDamage == "" ? 0 : $contentsAccidentalDamage / 100 * $this->_rates['contentsAD_multiplyer']; $contentsNE_premium = $contentsNoExcess == "" ? 0 : $contentsNoExcess / 100 * $this->_rates['contentsNE_multiplyer']; $contentsEX_premium = $contentsAD_premium + $contentsNE_premium; $premium += $contents_premium; $premium += $contentsEX_premium; $total_premium = $premium; //------------------------------------------ // Calculate Tenancy //------------------------------------------ $professionalRate = $professionalprop / $tenantnum * 100; $excess = 0; if ($professionalRate >= 85) { $total_premium *= $this->_factors['professionalRate']["85-100"]; } else { if ($professionalRate >= 70) { $total_premium *= $this->_factors['professionalRate']["70-84"]; } else { if ($professionalRate >= 50) { $total_premium *= $this->_factors['professionalRate']["50-69"]; } else { if ($professionalRate >= 40) { $excess = 500; $total_premium *= $this->_factors['professionalRate']["40-49"]; } else { if ($professionalRate >= 30) { $excess = 500; $total_premium *= $this->_factors['professionalRate']["30-39"]; } else { if ($professionalRate >= 20) { $excess = 750; $total_premium *= $this->_factors['professionalRate']["20-29"]; } else { if ($professionalRate >= 10) { $excess = 750; $total_premium *= $this->_factors['professionalRate']["10-19"]; } else { $excess = 750; $total_premium *= $this->_factors['professionalRate']["0-9"]; } } } } } } } $tenantPremium = $total_premium; //------------------------------------------ // Calculate Claims //------------------------------------------ #$previousClaims = explode("|","|||||||||||||||"); $claimsManager = new Manager_Insurance_Portfolio_PreviousClaims(); $claimsAmount = $claimsManager->getClaimsTotal($refNo); #$claimsAmount = $previousClaims[3]+$previousClaims[7]+$previousClaims[11]+$previousClaims[15]; if ($claimsAmount > 0 && $total_premium > 0) { $number_of_years = 3; $claimsRatio = $claimsAmount / ($total_premium * $number_of_years); // Covers three years $bReferred = true; $has_claims = true; } else { $claimsRatio = 0; } if ($claimsRatio == 0) { $claimsExperience = $total_premium * $this->_factors['claimRate']["0-0"]; } else { if ($claimsRatio < 25) { $claimsExperience = $total_premium * $this->_factors['claimRate']["1-24"]; } else { if ($claimsRatio < 50) { $claimsExperience = $total_premium * $this->_factors['claimRate']["25-49"]; } else { if ($claimsRatio < 60) { $claimsExperience = $total_premium * $this->_factors['claimRate']["50-59"]; } else { if ($claimsRatio < 70) { $claimsExperience = $total_premium * $this->_factors['claimRate']["60-69"]; } else { if ($claimsRatio < 80) { $claimsExperience = $total_premium * $this->_factors['claimRate']["70-79"]; } else { if ($claimsRatio < 90) { $claimsExperience = $total_premium * $this->_factors['claimRate']["80-89"]; } else { if ($claimsRatio < 100) { $claimsExperience = $total_premium * $this->_factors['claimRate']["90-99"]; } else { if ($claimsRatio < 120) { $claimsExperience = $total_premium * $this->_factors['claimRate']["100-119"]; } else { if ($claimsRatio < 140) { $claimsExperience = $total_premium * $this->_factors['claimRate']["120-139"]; } else { if ($claimsRatio < 160) { $claimsExperience = $total_premium * $this->_factors['claimRate']["140-159"]; } else { $claimsExperience = $total_premium; $bReferred = true; } } } } } } } } } } } // discounts on total sums if ($total_sum_buildings < 1000000) { // less than 1 million $sumInsuredDiscount = $this->_factors['sumInsuredDiscRate']["0-999999"]; } else { if ($total_sum_buildings < 2000000) { // less than 2 million $sumInsuredDiscount = $this->_factors['sumInsuredDiscRate']["1000000-1999999"]; } else { if ($total_sum_buildings < 3000000) { // less than 3 million $sumInsuredDiscount = $this->_factors['sumInsuredDiscRate']["2000000-2999999"]; } else { if ($total_sum_buildings >= 3000000) { // greater than 3 million $sumInsuredDiscount = $this->_factors['sumInsuredDiscRate']["3000000-0"]; } } } } $netPremium = $sumInsuredDiscount * $claimsExperience; // Net Rates if ($total_sum_buildings) { $netRateA = $total_sum_buildings * $this->_factors['netRate_multiplyer'] / 100; $netRateB = $netPremium; $netRateBmultiply = $netRateB / $total_sum_buildings * 100; $loadingDiscount = $netRateBmultiply / $this->_factors['netRate_multiplyer'] * 100 - 100; } // PREMIUM SUMMARY ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gross Premium Details $gross = $total_sum_buildings * $this->_factors['gross_premium_multiplyer'] / 100; $grossExcIPTmultiply = $this->_factors['gross_premium_multiplyer'] * $loadingDiscount / 100 + $this->_factors['gross_premium_multiplyer']; $grossExcIPT = $total_sum_buildings * $grossExcIPTmultiply / 100; $grossIncIPT = $grossExcIPT * 105 / 100; $grossIPT = $grossIncIPT - $grossExcIPT; // Gross Premium with 45 % commission // Annual calculation $UserQuoteAnnualPremium = $netPremium * $this->_factors['commission']; $UserQuoteAnnualPremium += $limited_contents_cost; $UserQuoteAnnualIPT = $UserQuoteAnnualPremium * $this->_factors['ipt_multiplyer']; //Monthly Calculation $UserQuoteMonthlyPremium = $netPremium * $this->_factors['commission']; $UserQuoteMonthlyPremium += $limited_contents_cost; $UserQuoteMonthlyPremium = $UserQuoteMonthlyPremium / 12; $UserQuoteMonthlyIPT = $UserQuoteMonthlyPremium * $this->_factors['ipt_multiplyer']; // Insurer Disbursement details $IPTonGross = $UserQuoteAnnualIPT; $UWTotal = $netPremium + $IPTonGross; $netnetPremium = $netPremium * $this->_factors['netnetPremium_multiplyer']; $UWPremium = $netnetPremium + $IPTonGross; // USER QUOTE based on chosen payment method $frmPayment = "Monthly"; $UserQuotePremium = $frmPayment == "Annually" ? sprintf("%01.2f", $UserQuoteAnnualPremium) : sprintf("%01.2f", $UserQuoteMonthlyPremium); $UserQuoteIPT = $frmPayment == "Annually" ? sprintf("%01.2f", $UserQuoteAnnualIPT) : sprintf("%01.2f", $UserQuoteMonthlyIPT); $UserQuoteService = $frmPayment == "Annually" ? 0.0 : $this->_factors['serviceCharge']; $UserQuote = $UserQuotePremium + $UserQuoteIPT + $UserQuoteService; $premiums = array(); $premiums['UserQuoteAnnualPremium'] = round($UserQuoteAnnualPremium, 2); $premiums['UserQuoteMonthlyPremium'] = round($UserQuoteMonthlyPremium, 2); $premiums['UserQuoteAnnualIPT'] = round($UserQuoteAnnualIPT, 2); $premiums['UserQuoteMonthlyIPT'] = round($UserQuoteMonthlyIPT, 2); $premiums['UserQuoteAnnualPremiumInc'] = $premiums['UserQuoteAnnualPremium'] + $premiums['UserQuoteAnnualIPT']; $premiums['UserQuoteMonthlyPremiumInc'] = $premiums['UserQuoteMonthlyPremium'] + $premiums['UserQuoteMonthlyIPT'] + $this->_factors['serviceCharge']; $returnArray = array('premiums' => $premiums, 'referred' => $bReferred, 'has_claims' => $has_claims, 'buildingAreaSum' => $buildingAreaSum, 'buildings_premium' => $buildings_premium, 'buildingAreaPremium' => $buildingAreaPremium, 'contentsAreaSum' => $contentsAreaSum, 'contentsAreaPremium' => $contentsAreaPremium, 'contents_premium' => $contents_premium, 'tenantnum' => $tenantnum, 'professionalprop' => $professionalprop, 'professionalRate' => $professionalRate, 'total_sum_buildings' => $total_sum_buildings, 'total_sum_contents' => $total_sum_contents, 'limited_contents_cost' => $limited_contents_cost, 'buildingsAccidentalDamage' => $buildingsAccidentalDamage, 'buildingsNoExcess' => $buildingsNoExcess, 'contentsAccidentalDamage' => $contentsAccidentalDamage, 'contentsNoExcess' => $contentsNoExcess, 'gross' => $gross, 'grossExcIPTmultiply' => $grossExcIPTmultiply, 'grossExcIPT' => $grossExcIPT, 'grossIncIPT' => $grossIncIPT, 'grossIPT' => $grossIPT, 'premium' => $premium, 'excess' => $excess, 'sumInsuredDiscount' => $sumInsuredDiscount, 'UserQuoteAnnualPremium' => $UserQuoteAnnualPremium, 'UserQuoteAnnualIPT' => $UserQuoteAnnualIPT, 'UserQuoteMonthlyPremium' => $UserQuoteMonthlyPremium, 'UserQuoteMonthlyIPT' => $UserQuoteMonthlyIPT, 'IPTonGross' => $IPTonGross, 'UWTotal' => $UWTotal, 'netnetPremium' => $netnetPremium, 'UWPremium' => $UWPremium, 'netRateA' => $netRateA, 'netRateB' => $netRateB, 'netRateBmultiply' => $netRateBmultiply, 'loadingDiscount' => $loadingDiscount, 'claimsExperience' => $claimsExperience, 'professionalRate' => $professionalRate, 'tenantPremium' => $tenantPremium, 'claimsAmount' => $claimsAmount, 'claimsRatio' => $claimsRatio, 'buildingsAD_premium' => $buildingsAD_premium, 'buildingsNE_premium' => $buildingsNE_premium, 'buildingsEX_premium' => $buildingsEX_premium, 'contentsAD_premium' => $contentsAD_premium, 'contentsNE_premium' => $contentsNE_premium, 'contentsEX_premium' => $contentsEX_premium, 'UserQuotePremium' => $UserQuotePremium, 'UserQuoteIPT' => $UserQuoteIPT, 'UserQuoteService' => $UserQuoteService, 'UserQuote' => $UserQuote, 'Additional' => $pageSession->step3, 'Dpa' => $pageSession->step1, 'agentschemeno' => $session->referrer, 'csuid' => $session->csu, 'origin' => $session->origin); return $returnArray; }
/** * remove Previous claims add previous claims to the previous claims table (?) * @param POST vars * @return JSON Encoded html * @author John Burrin * @since 1.3 * */ public function removePreviousClaimAction() { $pageSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('portfolio_insurance_quote'); $customerReferenceNumber = $pageSession->CustomerRefNo; $ajaxForm = new Form_PortfolioInsuranceQuote_claimsDialog(); $return = array(); $request = $this->getRequest(); $postdata = $request->getPost(); $return['success'] = false; if ($ajaxForm->isValid($postdata)) { $claimsManager = new Manager_Insurance_Portfolio_PreviousClaims(); $claimsManager->removeClaim($postdata['id']); // Do the update stuffs // Get the properties to shove back into the page $claimsArray = $claimsManager->fetchAllClaims($customerReferenceNumber); if ($claimsArray->count() > 0) { $return['html'] = $this->view->partialLoop('portfolio-insurance-quote/partials/claims-list.phtml', $claimsArray); } else { $return['html'] = '<em>None</em>'; } $return['success'] = true; } else { // TODO: This shouldn't do this should it? Zend_Debug::dump($ajaxForm->getMessages()); } echo Zend_Json::encode($return); }