public function main() { $this->data->isMaster = Manager::checkAccess('MASTER', A_EXECUTE) ? 'true' : 'false'; $editor = MApp::getService('fnbr20', '', 'visualeditor'); $this->data->relationData = $editor->getRelationData(); $this->data->relationEntry = json_encode($this->data->relationData); $this->render(); }
public function saveCERelation() { $isMaster = Manager::checkAccess('MASTER', A_EXECUTE); $editor = MApp::getService('fnbr20', '', 'visualeditor'); if ($isMaster) { $editor->updateCERelation($this->data->graphceJson); $editor->deleteCERelation($this->data->linksceRemoved); $this->renderPrompt('info', 'Ok'); } else { $this->renderPrompt('error', 'Error'); } }
public function getLayersData($idSentence) { if (!\Manager::checkAccess('MASTER', A_EXECUTE)) { $condition = "AND (AnnotationSet.idAnnotationSet = {$this->getId()})"; } $idLanguage = \Manager::getSession()->idLanguage; $cmd = <<<HERE SELECT AnnotationSet.idAnnotationSet, l.idLayerType, l.idLayer, AS layer, ifnull(lb.startChar,-1) AS startChar, ifnull(lb.endChar,-1) AS endChar, ifnull(gl.idEntity, ifnull(fe.idEntity, ce.idEntity)) AS idLabelType, lb.idLabel, lt.entry as layerTypeEntry FROM AnnotationSet INNER JOIN Layer l ON (AnnotationSet.idAnnotationSet = l.idAnnotationSet) LEFT JOIN Label lb ON (l.idLayer=lb.idLayer) LEFT JOIN GenericLabel gl ON (lb.idLabelType=gl.idEntity) LEFT JOIN FrameElement fe ON (lb.idLabelType=fe.idEntity) LEFT JOIN Entry entry_fe ON (fe.entry = entry_fe.entry) LEFT JOIN ConstructionElement ce ON (lb.idLabelType=ce.idEntity) LEFT JOIN Entry entry_ce ON (ce.entry = entry_ce.entry) INNER JOIN LayerType lt ON (l.idLayerType=lt.idLayerType) INNER JOIN Entry entry_lt ON (lt.entry = entry_lt.entry) WHERE ((entry_lt.idLanguage = {$idLanguage} ) AND ((gl.idLanguage = {$idLanguage}) or (gl.idLanguage is null)) AND ((entry_fe.idLanguage = {$idLanguage}) or (entry_fe.idLanguage is null)) {$condition} AND (AnnotationSet.idSentence = {$idSentence} )) ORDER BY AnnotationSet.idAnnotationSet, lt.order,, l.idLayer, ifnull(lb.startChar,-1) HERE; $query = $this->getDb()->getQueryCommand($cmd); return $query; }
public function main() { $this->data->isMaster = Manager::checkAccess('MASTER', A_EXECUTE) ? 'true' : 'false'; $this->render(); }
public function checkAccess() { $result = true; $access = $this->getAccess(); if ($access && Manager::isLogged()) { $perms = explode(':', $access); $right = Manager::getPerms()->getRight($perms[1]); $result = Manager::checkAccess($perms[0], $right); } return $result; }
public function addGroupActions($transaction, $access, $label, $actions) { if (Manager::checkAccess($transaction, $access)) { $this->addBreak(); $this->addControl(new MLabel($label, '', true)); $this->addBreak(); $this->addControl(new MSeparator()); $this->addActions($actions); } }
public function formCorpusAnnotation() { $annotation = MApp::getService('fnbr20', '', 'annotation'); $this->data->isMaster = Manager::checkAccess('MASTER', A_EXECUTE) ? 'true' : 'false'; $this->data->isSenior = Manager::checkAccess('SENIOR', A_EXECUTE) ? 'true' : 'false'; $this->data->colors = $annotation->getColor(); $this->data->layerType = $annotation->getLayerType(); $it = $annotation->getInstantiationType(); $this->data->instantiationType = $it['array']; $this->data->instantiationTypeObj = $it['obj']; $this->render(); }
private function handleChildren($control, $node, $addMethod = 'addControl') { $context = $this->localContext; foreach ($node->children() as $i => $n) { if ($this->ignoreElement($n)) { continue; } $e = array(); if ($i == 'event') { foreach ($n->attributes() as $property => $value) { $e[$property] = trim(utf8_decode((string) $value)); } $control->addEvent($e['event'], $e['handler'], $e['preventDefault'] === 'true'); } elseif ($i == 'ajax') { foreach ($n->attributes() as $property => $value) { $e[$property] = trim(utf8_decode((string) $value)); } $url = $this->processValue($e['url']); $control->ajax($e['type'], $e['event'], $url, $e['load'], $e['preventDefault'] === 'true'); } elseif ($i == 'data') { foreach ($n->attributes() as $property => $value) { $e[$property] = trim(utf8_decode((string) $value)); } if ($e['load']) { $value = str_replace("\$this", "\$context", $e['load']); $control->setData(eval('return ' . $value . ';')); } if ($e['id']) { $id = $e['id']; $control->data->{$id} = $this->processValue($e['value']); } } elseif ($i == 'property') { foreach ($n->attributes() as $property => $value) { $control->{$property} = $this->processValue($value); } } elseif ($i == 'attribute') { foreach ($n->attributes() as $property => $value) { $control->addAttribute($property, $this->processValue($value)); } } elseif ($i == 'include') { $this->getControlsFromInclude($n, $control, true); } elseif ($i == 'fields') { $fields = $this->getControlsFromDOM($n); $control->addFields($fields); } elseif ($i == 'buttons') { $buttons = $this->getControlsFromDOM($n); $control->addButtons($buttons); } elseif ($i == 'auth') { foreach ($n->attributes() as $property => $value) { $e[$property] = trim(utf8_decode((string) $value)); } $perms = explode(':', $e['access']); $right = Manager::getPerms()->getRight($perms[1]); $ok = Manager::checkAccess($perms[0], $right); if ($ok) { $this->handleChildren($control, $n, $addMethod); } } elseif ($i == 'help') { $fields = $this->getControlsFromDOM($n); $control->addFields($fields); } elseif ($i == 'validators') { $validators = $this->getControlsFromDOM($n); $control->setValidators($validators); } elseif ($i == 'controls') { $controls = $this->getControlsFromDOM($n); $control->setControls($controls); } elseif ($i == 'actions') { $controls = $this->getControlsFromDOM($n); $control->addAction($controls); } elseif ($i == 'action') { foreach ($n->attributes() as $property => $value) { $e[$property] = $this->processValue($value); } $control->addAction($e['action'], $e['label'], $e['transaction'], $e['access']); } elseif ($i == 'tool') { foreach ($n->attributes() as $property => $value) { $e[$property] = $this->processValue(trim(utf8_decode((string) $value))); } $control->addTool($e['title'], $e['action'], $e['icon']); } elseif ($i == 'method') { foreach ($n->attributes() as $property => $value) { $e[$property] = trim(utf8_decode((string) $value)); } $func = create_function($e['args'], trim(utf8_decode((string) $n[0]))); $name = $e['name']; $control->{$name} = $func; } elseif ($i == 'css') { $this->handleNodeCSS($n); } elseif ($i == 'javascript') { $this->handleNodeJavascript($n); } else { $obj = $control->instance($i); if ($obj instanceof MValidator) { $control->setValidator($obj); } else { $obj->context = $control->context; $this->getControlFromDOM($obj, $n); $control->{$addMethod}($obj); } } } }
public function addUserAction($transaction, $access, $label, $action = '') { if (Manager::checkAccess($transaction, $access)) { $this->actions[$action] = $label; } }