public static function initialize($delegate, $value, $user="", $pass="", $from=""){ self::$delegate = $delegate; self::$value = $value; self::$user = $user; self::$pass = $pass; self::$from = $from; }
public static function template_new_gameserver_mail($param, $is_resend = false) { $param = json_decode(json_encode($param), FALSE); $user_name = str_replace('', '', $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']); $user_name = str_replace('.', ' ', ucfirst($user_name)); //$cc[] = MAIL_MEX; foreach ($param as $key => $value) { unset($to); unset($cc); unset($bcc); $to[] = ENVIRONMENT == LOCAL || ENVIRONMENT == BETA ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] : MAIL_OGI; $cc[] = ENVIRONMENT == LOCAL || ENVIRONMENT == BETA ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] : MAIL_MEX; $dolly_users = explode(',', $param->{$key}->dolly_users); foreach ($dolly_users as $key2 => $value2) { if (array_search($value2, $dolly_users)) { if ($value2 == $param->{$key}->requested_by) { unset($dolly_users[$key2]); } else { $cc[] = $value2; } } } $product = Product::load($param->{$key}->product_id)->to_array(); $product_name = $product['name']; $tpl = $param->{$key}; $tpl->server_type = $key; $tpl->comments = $param->{$key}->comments_ogi; $tpl->dolly_users = $param->{$key}->dolly_users; //Get email template ob_start(); $subject = '[TUNA][chklst] ' . $param->{$key}->environment . ' ' . $key . ' checklist for ' . $product_name; include 'mail_templates/new_gameserver_checklist.php'; $body = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $m = new Mail('text/plain'); $m->from($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']); $m->to(@implode(',', $to)); $m->cc(@implode(',', $cc)); $m->bcc(@implode(',', $bcc)); $m->subject($subject); $m->body($body); $m->send(); } TunaLog::info_log(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], ''); }
public static function from($mail, $name = null) { self::$from = self::format($mail, $name); }
/** * @param Mail $mail * @throws RuntimeException */ public function tryToSendTheMailOrThrowARuntimeException(Mail $mail) { $couldNotSent = !mail($mail->to(), $mail->subject(), $mail->content(), 'From: ' . $mail->from()); if ($couldNotSent) { throw new RuntimeException('could not sent the mail' . PHP_EOL . 'values: ' . var_export($mail, true)); } }
/** * Display and treat the form when the user forgot his password */ public function forgottenPassword() { $form = new Form(array('id' => 'forgotten-password-form', 'fieldsets' => array('form' => array(new EmailInput(array('name' => 'email', 'required' => true, 'label' => Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.forgotten-pwd-form-email-label')))), 'submits' => array(new SubmitInput(array('name' => 'valid', 'label' => Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.valid-button'))), new ButtonInput(array('name' => 'cancel', 'label' => Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.cancel-button'), 'href' => App::router()->getUri('login'), 'target' => 'dialog')))), 'onsuccess' => ' app.dialog(app.getUri("reset-password")); app.notify("warning", Lang.get("main.forgotten-pwd-sent-email-message")); ')); if (!$form->submitted()) { Lang::addKeysToJavascript($this->_plugin . '.forgotten-pwd-sent-email-message'); return Dialogbox::make(array('title' => Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.forgotten-pwd-form-title'), 'icon' => 'lock-alt', 'page' => $form)); } else { if ($form->check()) { $user = User::getByEmail($form->getData('email')); if (!$user) { // The user does not exists. For security reasons, // reply the email was successfully sent, after a random delay to work around robots usleep(mt_rand(0, 500) * 100); return $form->response(Form::STATUS_SUCCESS, Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.forgotten-pwd-sent-email-message')); } try { // The user exists, send an email with a 6 chars random verification code $code = Crypto::generateKey(6); // Register the verification code in the session App::session()->setData('forgottenPassword', array('email' => $form->getData('email'), 'code' => Crypto::aes256Encode($code))); $mail = new Mail(); $mail->from(Option::get($this->_plugin . '.mailer-from'), Option::get($this->_plugin . '.mailer-from-name'))->to($form->getData('email'))->subject(Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.reset-pwd-email-title', array('sitename' => Option::get($this->_plugin . '.sitename'))))->title(Lang::get('main.reset-pwd-email-title', array('sitename' => Option::get('main.sitename'))))->content(View::make(Plugin::current()->getView('reset-password-email.tpl'), array('sitename' => Option::get($this->_plugin . '.sitename'), 'code' => $code)))->send(); return $form->response(Form::STATUS_SUCCESS, Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.forgotten-pwd-sent-email-message')); } catch (\Exception $e) { return $form->response(Form::STATUS_ERROR, DEBUG_MODE ? $e->getMessage() : Lang::get($this->_plugin . '.forgotten-pwd-form-error')); } } } }