コード例 #1
  * Metod to load defaults options
  * @return void
 function loadDefaults()
     $params = array("enable-effect" => array("id" => "enable-effect", "group" => "General", "order" => "10", "default" => "Zoom &amp; Expand", "label" => "Enable Magic Zoom Plus™", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("Zoom &amp; Expand", "Zoom", "Expand", "Swap images only", "No"), "scope" => "profile"), "template" => array("id" => "template", "group" => "General", "order" => "20", "default" => "bottom", "label" => "Thumbnail layout", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("original", "bottom", "left", "right", "top"), "scope" => "profile"), "include-headers-on-all-pages" => array("id" => "include-headers-on-all-pages", "group" => "General", "order" => "21", "default" => "No", "label" => "Include headers on all pages", "description" => "To be able to apply an effect on any page", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "profile"), "magicscroll" => array("id" => "magicscroll", "group" => "General", "order" => "22", "default" => "No", "label" => "Scroll thumbnails", "description" => "<br/>Powered by the versatile <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.magictoolbox.com/magicscroll/examples/\">Magic Scroll</a>™. Normally \$49, yours is discounted to \$39. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.magictoolbox.com/magiczoomplus/magicscroll/\">Buy a license</a> and upload magicscroll.js to your server. <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"http://www.magictoolbox.com/contact/\">Contact us</a> for help.", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "profile"), "thumb-max-width" => array("id" => "thumb-max-width", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "10", "default" => "250", "label" => "Maximum width of thumbnail (in pixels)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "profile"), "thumb-max-height" => array("id" => "thumb-max-height", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "11", "default" => "250", "label" => "Maximum height of thumbnail (in pixels)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "profile"), "square-images" => array("id" => "square-images", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "40", "default" => "No", "label" => "Always create square images", "description" => "", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "profile"), "zoom-width" => array("id" => "zoom-width", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "140", "default" => "300", "label" => "Zoomed area width (in pixels or percent)", "type" => "text", "scope" => "tool"), "zoom-height" => array("id" => "zoom-height", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "150", "default" => "300", "label" => "Zoomed area height (in pixels or percent)", "type" => "text", "scope" => "tool"), "zoom-position" => array("id" => "zoom-position", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "160", "default" => "right", "label" => "Zoomed area position", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("top", "right", "bottom", "left", "inner"), "scope" => "tool"), "zoom-align" => array("id" => "zoom-align", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "161", "default" => "top", "label" => "How to align zoom window to an image", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("right", "left", "top", "bottom", "center"), "scope" => "tool"), "zoom-distance" => array("id" => "zoom-distance", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "170", "default" => "15", "label" => "Distance between small image and zoom window (in pixels)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "expand-size" => array("id" => "expand-size", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "210", "default" => "fit-screen", "label" => "Size of the expanded image", "type" => "text", "description" => "The value can be 'fit-screen', 'original' or width/height. E.g. 'width=400' or 'height=350'", "scope" => "tool"), "expand-position" => array("id" => "expand-position", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "220", "default" => "center", "label" => "Precise position of enlarged image (px)", "type" => "text", "description" => "The value can be 'center' or coordinates. E.g. 'top=0, left=0' or 'bottom=100, left=100'", "scope" => "tool"), "expand-align" => array("id" => "expand-align", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "230", "default" => "screen", "label" => "Align expanded image relative to screen or thumbnail", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("screen", "image"), "scope" => "tool"), "expand-effect" => array("id" => "expand-effect", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "10", "default" => "back", "label" => "Effect while expanding image", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("linear", "cubic", "back", "elastic", "bounce"), "scope" => "tool"), "restore-effect" => array("id" => "restore-effect", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "20", "default" => "linear", "label" => "Effect while restoring image", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("linear", "cubic", "back", "elastic", "bounce"), "scope" => "tool"), "expand-speed" => array("id" => "expand-speed", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "30", "default" => "500", "label" => "Expand duration (milliseconds: 0-10000)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "restore-speed" => array("id" => "restore-speed", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "40", "default" => "-1", "label" => "Restore duration (milliseconds: 0-10000, -1: use expand duration value)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "expand-trigger" => array("id" => "expand-trigger", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "50", "default" => "click", "label" => "Trigger for the enlarge effect", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("click", "mouseover"), "scope" => "tool"), "expand-trigger-delay" => array("id" => "expand-trigger-delay", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "60", "default" => "200", "label" => "Delay before mouseover triggers expand effect (milliseconds: 0 or larger)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "restore-trigger" => array("id" => "restore-trigger", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "70", "default" => "auto", "label" => "Trigger to restore image to its small state", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("auto", "click", "mouseout"), "scope" => "tool"), "keep-thumbnail" => array("id" => "keep-thumbnail", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "80", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Show/hide thumbnail when image enlarged", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "opacity" => array("id" => "opacity", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "270", "default" => "50", "label" => "Square opacity", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "opacity-reverse" => array("id" => "opacity-reverse", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "280", "default" => "No", "label" => "Add opacity to background instead of hovered area", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "zoom-fade" => array("id" => "zoom-fade", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "290", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Zoom window fade effect", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "zoom-window-effect" => array("id" => "zoom-window-effect", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "291", "default" => "shadow", "label" => "Apply shadow or glow on a zoom window", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("shadow", "glow", "false"), "scope" => "tool"), "zoom-fade-in-speed" => array("id" => "zoom-fade-in-speed", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "300", "default" => "200", "label" => "Zoom window fade-in speed (in milliseconds)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "zoom-fade-out-speed" => array("id" => "zoom-fade-out-speed", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "310", "default" => "200", "label" => "Zoom window fade-out speed  (in milliseconds)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "fps" => array("id" => "fps", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "320", "default" => "25", "label" => "Frames per second for zoom effect", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "smoothing" => array("id" => "smoothing", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "330", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Enable smooth zoom movement", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "smoothing-speed" => array("id" => "smoothing-speed", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "340", "default" => "40", "label" => "Speed of smoothing (1-99)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "pan-zoom" => array("id" => "pan-zoom", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "341", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Zoom/pan the expanded image", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "selector-max-width" => array("id" => "selector-max-width", "group" => "Multiple images", "order" => "10", "default" => "56", "label" => "Maximum width of additional thumbnails (in pixels)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "profile"), "selector-max-height" => array("id" => "selector-max-height", "group" => "Multiple images", "order" => "11", "default" => "56", "label" => "Maximum height of additional thumbnails (in pixels)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "profile"), "show-selectors-on-category-page" => array("id" => "show-selectors-on-category-page", "group" => "Multiple images", "order" => "20", "default" => "No", "label" => "Show selectors on category page", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "profile"), "use-individual-titles" => array("id" => "use-individual-titles", "group" => "Multiple images", "order" => "40", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Use individual image titles for additional images?", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "profile"), "selectors-margin" => array("id" => "selectors-margin", "group" => "Multiple images", "order" => "40", "default" => "5", "label" => "Margin between selectors and main image (in pixels)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "profile"), "selectors-change" => array("id" => "selectors-change", "group" => "Multiple images", "order" => "110", "default" => "click", "label" => "Method to switch between multiple images", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("click", "mouseover"), "scope" => "tool"), "selectors-class" => array("id" => "selectors-class", "group" => "Multiple images", "order" => "111", "default" => "", "label" => "Define a CSS class of the active selector", "type" => "text", "scope" => "tool"), "preload-selectors-small" => array("id" => "preload-selectors-small", "group" => "Multiple images", "order" => "120", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Multiple images, preload small images", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "preload-selectors-big" => array("id" => "preload-selectors-big", "group" => "Multiple images", "order" => "130", "default" => "No", "label" => "Multiple images, preload large images", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "selectors-effect" => array("id" => "selectors-effect", "group" => "Multiple images", "order" => "140", "default" => "fade", "label" => "Dissolve or cross fade thumbnail when switching thumbnails", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("dissolve", "fade", "pounce", "disable"), "scope" => "tool"), "selectors-effect-speed" => array("id" => "selectors-effect-speed", "group" => "Multiple images", "order" => "150", "default" => "400", "label" => "Selectors effect speed, ms", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "selectors-mouseover-delay" => array("id" => "selectors-mouseover-delay", "group" => "Multiple images", "order" => "160", "default" => "60", "label" => "Multiple images delay in ms before switching thumbnails", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "initialize-on" => array("id" => "initialize-on", "group" => "Initialization", "order" => "70", "default" => "load", "label" => "How to initialize Magic Zoom Plus and download large image", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("load", "click", "mouseover"), "scope" => "tool"), "click-to-activate" => array("id" => "click-to-activate", "group" => "Initialization", "order" => "80", "default" => "No", "label" => "Click to show the zoom", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "click-to-deactivate" => array("id" => "click-to-deactivate", "group" => "Initialization", "order" => "81", "default" => "No", "label" => "Allow click to hide the zoom window", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "show-loading" => array("id" => "show-loading", "group" => "Initialization", "order" => "90", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Loading message", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "loading-msg" => array("id" => "loading-msg", "group" => "Initialization", "order" => "100", "default" => "Loading zoom...", "label" => "Loading message text", "type" => "text", "scope" => "tool"), "loading-opacity" => array("id" => "loading-opacity", "group" => "Initialization", "order" => "110", "default" => "75", "label" => "Loading message opacity (0-100)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "loading-position-x" => array("id" => "loading-position-x", "group" => "Initialization", "order" => "120", "default" => "-1", "label" => "Loading message X-axis position, -1 is center", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "loading-position-y" => array("id" => "loading-position-y", "group" => "Initialization", "order" => "130", "default" => "-1", "label" => "Loading message Y-axis position, -1 is center", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "entire-image" => array("id" => "entire-image", "group" => "Initialization", "order" => "140", "default" => "No", "label" => "Show entire large image on hover", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "show-title" => array("id" => "show-title", "group" => "Title and Caption", "order" => "10", "default" => "top", "label" => "Show the title of the image in the zoom window", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("top", "bottom", "disable"), "scope" => "tool"), "show-caption" => array("id" => "show-caption", "group" => "Title and Caption", "order" => "20", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Show caption", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No")), "caption-source" => array("id" => "caption-source", "group" => "Title and Caption", "order" => "30", "default" => "Label", "label" => "Caption source", "type" => "text", "values" => array("Label", "Title", "Short description", "Description", "All"), "scope" => "profile"), "caption-width" => array("id" => "caption-width", "group" => "Title and Caption", "order" => "40", "default" => "300", "label" => "Max width of bottom caption (pixels: 0 or larger)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "caption-height" => array("id" => "caption-height", "group" => "Title and Caption", "order" => "50", "default" => "300", "label" => "Max height of bottom caption (pixels: 0 or larger)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "caption-position" => array("id" => "caption-position", "group" => "Title and Caption", "order" => "60", "default" => "bottom", "label" => "Where to position the caption", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("bottom", "right", "left"), "scope" => "tool"), "caption-speed" => array("id" => "caption-speed", "group" => "Title and Caption", "order" => "70", "default" => "250", "label" => "Speed of the caption slide effect (milliseconds: 0 or larger)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "link-to-product-page" => array("id" => "link-to-product-page", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "30", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Link enlarged image to the product page", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "profile"), "option-associated-with-images" => array("id" => "option-associated-with-images", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "40", "default" => "color", "label" => "Options names associated with images separated by commas (e.g 'Color,Size')", "description" => "You should named all product images associated with option values. e.g If option values is 'red', 'blue' and 'white' then you should have 3 images with labels 'red', 'blue' and 'white'", "type" => "text", "scope" => "profile"), "show-associated-product-images" => array("id" => "show-associated-product-images", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "41", "default" => "No", "label" => "Show associated product's images", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "profile"), "load-associated-product-images" => array("id" => "load-associated-product-images", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "42", "default" => "when option is selected", "label" => "Load associated product's images", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("when option is selected", "within a gallery"), "scope" => "profile"), "ignore-magento-css" => array("id" => "ignore-magento-css", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "50", "default" => "No", "label" => "Ignore magento CSS width/height styles for additional images", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "profile"), "show-message" => array("id" => "show-message", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "370", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Show message under image?", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No")), "message" => array("id" => "message", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "380", "default" => "Move your mouse over image or click to enlarge", "label" => "Message under images", "type" => "text"), "right-click" => array("id" => "right-click", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "385", "default" => "No", "label" => "Show right-click menu on the image", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "Original", "Expanded", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "background-opacity" => array("id" => "background-opacity", "group" => "Background", "order" => "10", "default" => "30", "label" => "Opacity of the background effect (0-100)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "background-color" => array("id" => "background-color", "group" => "Background", "order" => "20", "default" => "#000000", "label" => "Fade background color (RGB)", "type" => "text", "scope" => "tool"), "background-speed" => array("id" => "background-speed", "group" => "Background", "order" => "30", "default" => "200", "label" => "Speed of the fade effect (milliseconds: 0 or larger)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "buttons" => array("id" => "buttons", "group" => "Buttons", "order" => "10", "default" => "show", "label" => "Whether to show navigation buttons", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("show", "hide", "autohide"), "scope" => "tool"), "buttons-display" => array("id" => "buttons-display", "group" => "Buttons", "order" => "20", "default" => "previous, next, close", "label" => "Display button", "type" => "text", "description" => "Show all three buttons or just one or two. E.g. 'previous, next' or 'close, next'", "scope" => "tool"), "buttons-position" => array("id" => "buttons-position", "group" => "Buttons", "order" => "30", "default" => "auto", "label" => "Location of navigation buttons", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("auto", "top left", "top right", "bottom left", "bottom right"), "scope" => "tool"), "always-show-zoom" => array("id" => "always-show-zoom", "group" => "Zoom mode", "order" => "10", "default" => "No", "label" => "Always show zoom?", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "drag-mode" => array("id" => "drag-mode", "group" => "Zoom mode", "order" => "20", "default" => "No", "label" => "Use drag mode?", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "move-on-click" => array("id" => "move-on-click", "group" => "Zoom mode", "order" => "30", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Click alone will also move zoom (drag mode only)", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "x" => array("id" => "x", "group" => "Zoom mode", "order" => "40", "default" => "-1", "label" => "Initial zoom X-axis position for drag mode, -1 is center", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "y" => array("id" => "y", "group" => "Zoom mode", "order" => "50", "default" => "-1", "label" => "Initial zoom Y-axis position for drag mode, -1 is center", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "preserve-position" => array("id" => "preserve-position", "group" => "Zoom mode", "order" => "60", "default" => "No", "label" => "Position of zoom can be remembered for multiple images and drag mode", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "fit-zoom-window" => array("id" => "fit-zoom-window", "group" => "Zoom mode", "order" => "70", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Resize zoom window if big image is smaller than zoom window", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "slideshow-effect" => array("id" => "slideshow-effect", "group" => "Expand mode", "order" => "10", "default" => "dissolve", "label" => "Visual effect for switching images", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("dissolve", "fade", "expand"), "scope" => "tool"), "slideshow-loop" => array("id" => "slideshow-loop", "group" => "Expand mode", "order" => "20", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Restart slideshow after last image", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "slideshow-speed" => array("id" => "slideshow-speed", "group" => "Expand mode", "order" => "30", "default" => "800", "label" => "Speed of slideshow effect (milliseconds: 0 or larger)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "z-index" => array("id" => "z-index", "group" => "Expand mode", "order" => "40", "default" => "10001", "label" => "The z-index for the enlarged image", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "keyboard" => array("id" => "keyboard", "group" => "Expand mode", "order" => "50", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Ability to use keyboard shortcuts", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "keyboard-ctrl" => array("id" => "keyboard-ctrl", "group" => "Expand mode", "order" => "60", "default" => "No", "label" => "Require Ctrl key to permit shortcuts", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "hint" => array("id" => "hint", "group" => "Hint", "order" => "10", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Display a hint to suggest that image is zoomable", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "hint-text" => array("id" => "hint-text", "group" => "Hint", "order" => "15", "default" => "Zoom", "label" => "Show text in the hint", "type" => "text", "scope" => "tool"), "hint-position" => array("id" => "hint-position", "group" => "Hint", "order" => "20", "default" => "top left", "label" => "Position of the hint", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("top left", "top right", "top center", "bottom left", "bottom right", "bottom center"), "scope" => "tool"), "hint-opacity" => array("id" => "hint-opacity", "group" => "Hint", "order" => "25", "default" => "75", "label" => "Opacity of the hint (0-100)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "scroll-style" => array("id" => "scroll-style", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "5", "default" => "default", "label" => "Style", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("default", "with-borders"), "scope" => "profile"), "show-image-title" => array("id" => "show-image-title", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "6", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Show image title under images", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No")), "loop" => array("id" => "loop", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "10", "default" => "continue", "label" => "Restart scroll after last image", "description" => "Continue to next image or scroll all the way back", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("continue", "restart"), "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "speed" => array("id" => "speed", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "20", "default" => "0", "label" => "Scroll speed", "description" => "Change the scroll speed in miliseconds (0 = manual)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "width" => array("id" => "width", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "30", "default" => "0", "label" => "Scroll width (pixels)", "description" => "0 - auto", "type" => "num", "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "height" => array("id" => "height", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "40", "default" => "0", "label" => "Scroll height (pixels)", "description" => "0 - auto", "type" => "num", "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "item-width" => array("id" => "item-width", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "50", "default" => "0", "label" => "Scroll item width (pixels)", "description" => "0 - auto", "type" => "num", "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "item-height" => array("id" => "item-height", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "60", "default" => "0", "label" => "Scroll item height (pixels)", "description" => "0 - auto", "type" => "num", "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "step" => array("id" => "step", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "70", "default" => "3", "label" => "Scroll step", "type" => "num", "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "items" => array("id" => "items", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "80", "default" => "3", "label" => "Items to show", "description" => "0 - manual", "type" => "num", "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "arrows" => array("id" => "arrows", "group" => "Scroll Arrows", "order" => "10", "default" => "outside", "label" => "Show arrows", "label" => "Where arrows should be placed", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("outside", "inside", "false"), "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "arrows-opacity" => array("id" => "arrows-opacity", "group" => "Scroll Arrows", "order" => "20", "default" => "60", "label" => "Opacity of arrows (0-100)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "arrows-hover-opacity" => array("id" => "arrows-hover-opacity", "group" => "Scroll Arrows", "order" => "30", "default" => "100", "label" => "Opacity of arrows on mouse over (0-100)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "slider-size" => array("id" => "slider-size", "group" => "Scroll Slider", "order" => "10", "default" => "10%", "label" => "Slider size (numeric or percent)", "type" => "text", "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "slider" => array("id" => "slider", "group" => "Scroll Slider", "order" => "20", "default" => "false", "label" => "Slider postion", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("top", "right", "bottom", "left", "false"), "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "direction" => array("id" => "direction", "group" => "Scroll effect", "order" => "10", "default" => "right", "value" => "bottom", "label" => "Direction of scroll", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("top", "right", "bottom", "left"), "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "duration" => array("id" => "duration", "group" => "Scroll effect", "order" => "20", "default" => "1000", "label" => "Duration of effect (miliseconds)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "MagicScroll"));
コード例 #2
  * Method to load defaults options
  * @return void
 function loadDefaults()
     $params = array("template" => array("id" => "template", "group" => "General", "order" => "20", "default" => "original", "label" => "Thumbnail layout", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("original", "bottom", "left", "right", "top"), "scope" => "profile"), "magicscroll" => array("id" => "magicscroll", "group" => "General", "order" => "22", "default" => "No", "label" => "Scroll thumbnails", "description" => "&lt;br/&gt;Powered by the versatile &lt;a target=&#34;_blank&#34; href=&#34;http://www.magictoolbox.com/magicscroll/examples/&#34;&gt;Magic Scroll&lt;/a&gt;™. Normally £29, yours is discounted to £19. &lt;a target=&#34;_blank&#34; href=&#34;http://www.magictoolbox.com/magiczoom/magicscroll/&#34;&gt;Buy a license&lt;/a&gt; and upload magicscroll.js to your server. &lt;a target=&#34;_blank&#34; href=&#34;http://www.magictoolbox.com/contact/&#34;&gt;Contact us&lt;/a&gt; for help.", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "profile"), "thumb-max-width" => array("id" => "thumb-max-width", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "10", "default" => "0", "label" => "Maximum width of thumbnail (in pixels)", "type" => "num"), "thumb-max-height" => array("id" => "thumb-max-height", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "11", "default" => "0", "label" => "Maximum height of thumbnail (in pixels)", "type" => "num"), "quick-view-thumb-max-width" => array("id" => "quick-view-thumb-max-width", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "12", "default" => "0", "label" => "Maximum width of quick view thumbnail (in pixels)", "type" => "num"), "quick-view-thumb-max-height" => array("id" => "quick-view-thumb-max-height", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "13", "default" => "0", "label" => "Maximum height of quick view thumbnail (in pixels)", "type" => "num"), "zoomWidth" => array("id" => "zoomWidth", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "20", "default" => "auto", "label" => "Width of zoom window", "description" => "pixels or percentage, e.g. 400 or 100%.", "type" => "text", "scope" => "tool"), "zoomHeight" => array("id" => "zoomHeight", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "30", "default" => "auto", "label" => "Height of zoom window", "description" => "pixels or percentage, e.g. 400 or 100%.", "type" => "text", "scope" => "tool"), "zoomPosition" => array("id" => "zoomPosition", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "40", "default" => "right", "label" => "Position of zoom window", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("top", "right", "bottom", "left", "inner"), "scope" => "tool"), "zoomDistance" => array("id" => "zoomDistance", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "50", "default" => "15", "label" => "Zoom distance", "description" => "Distance between small image and zoom window (in pixels).", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "square-images" => array("id" => "square-images", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "310", "default" => "disable", "label" => "Create square images", "description" => "The white/transparent padding will be added around the image or the image will be cropped.", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("extend", "crop", "disable"), "scope" => "profile"), "selectorTrigger" => array("id" => "selectorTrigger", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Multiple images", "order" => "10", "default" => "click", "label" => "Switch between images on", "description" => "Mouse event used to swtich between multiple images.", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("click", "hover"), "scope" => "tool"), "selector-max-width" => array("id" => "selector-max-width", "group" => "Multiple images", "order" => "10", "default" => "80", "label" => "Maximum width of additional thumbnails (in pixels)", "type" => "num"), "selector-max-height" => array("id" => "selector-max-height", "group" => "Multiple images", "order" => "11", "default" => "50", "label" => "Maximum height of additional thumbnails (in pixels)", "type" => "num"), "transitionEffect" => array("id" => "transitionEffect", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Multiple images", "order" => "20", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Use transition effect when switching images", "description" => "Whether to enable dissolve effect when switching between images.", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "cssClass" => array("id" => "cssClass", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Multiple images", "order" => "30", "default" => "", "label" => "Extra CSS", "description" => "Extra CSS class(es) to apply to zoom instance.", "type" => "text", "scope" => "tool"), "zoomCaption" => array("id" => "zoomCaption", "group" => "Title and Caption", "order" => "10", "default" => "off", "label" => "Caption in zoom window", "description" => "Position of caption on zoomed image. off - disable caption on zoom window.", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("top", "bottom", "off"), "scope" => "tool"), "lazyZoom" => array("id" => "lazyZoom", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "10", "default" => "No", "label" => "Lazy load of zoom image", "description" => "Whether to load large image on demand (on first activation).", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "enable-effect" => array("id" => "enable-effect", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "10", "default" => "No", "label" => "Enable effect", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("Yes", "No")), "activate-in-quick-view" => array("id" => "activate-in-quick-view", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "10", "default" => "No", "label" => "Activate effect in quick view window?", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No")), "rightClick" => array("id" => "rightClick", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "20", "default" => "No", "label" => "Enable right-click menu on image", "description" => "Whether to allow context menu on right click.", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "link-to-product-page" => array("id" => "link-to-product-page", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "20", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Link enlarged image to the product page", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("Yes", "No")), "show-message" => array("id" => "show-message", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "370", "default" => "No", "label" => "Show message under images", "description" => "Whether to show message under image", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No")), "message" => array("id" => "message", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "380", "default" => "Move your mouse over image", "label" => "Enter message to appear under images", "type" => "text"), "imagemagick" => array("id" => "imagemagick", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "550", "default" => "auto", "label" => "Path to ImageMagick binaries (convert tool)", "description" => "You can set 'auto' to automatically detect ImageMagick location or 'off' to disable ImageMagick and use php GD lib instead", "type" => "text", "scope" => "profile"), "image-quality" => array("id" => "image-quality", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "560", "default" => "100", "label" => "Quality of thumbnails and watermarked images (1-100)", "description" => "1 = worse quality / 100 = best quality", "type" => "num", "scope" => "profile"), "zoomMode" => array("id" => "zoomMode", "group" => "Zoom mode", "order" => "10", "default" => "zoom", "label" => "Zoom mode", "description" => "How to zoom image. off - disable zoom.", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("zoom", "magnifier", "preview", "off"), "scope" => "tool"), "zoomOn" => array("id" => "zoomOn", "group" => "Zoom mode", "order" => "20", "default" => "hover", "label" => "Zoom on", "description" => "When activate zoom.", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("hover", "click"), "scope" => "tool"), "upscale" => array("id" => "upscale", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Zoom mode", "order" => "30", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Upscale image", "description" => "Whether to scale up the large image if its original size is not enough for a zoom effect.", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "variableZoom" => array("id" => "variableZoom", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Zoom mode", "order" => "40", "default" => "No", "label" => "Variable zoom", "description" => "Whether to allow changing zoom ratio with mouse wheel.", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "watermark" => array("id" => "watermark", "group" => "Watermark", "order" => "10", "default" => "", "label" => "Watermark image path", "description" => "Enter location of watermark image on your server. Leave field empty to disable watermark", "type" => "text", "scope" => "profile"), "watermark-max-width" => array("id" => "watermark-max-width", "group" => "Watermark", "order" => "20", "default" => "50%", "label" => "Maximum width of watermark image", "description" => "pixels = fixed size (e.g. 50) / percent = relative for image size (e.g. 50%)", "type" => "text", "scope" => "profile"), "watermark-max-height" => array("id" => "watermark-max-height", "group" => "Watermark", "order" => "21", "default" => "50%", "label" => "Maximum height of watermark image", "description" => "pixels = fixed size (e.g. 50) / percent = relative for image size (e.g. 50%)", "type" => "text", "scope" => "profile"), "watermark-opacity" => array("id" => "watermark-opacity", "group" => "Watermark", "order" => "40", "default" => "50", "label" => "Watermark image opacity (1-100)", "description" => "0 = transparent, 100 = solid color", "type" => "num", "scope" => "profile"), "watermark-position" => array("id" => "watermark-position", "group" => "Watermark", "order" => "50", "default" => "center", "label" => "Watermark position", "description" => "Watermark size settings will be ignored when watermark position is set to 'stretch'", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("top", "right", "bottom", "left", "top-left", "bottom-left", "top-right", "bottom-right", "center", "stretch"), "scope" => "profile"), "watermark-offset-x" => array("id" => "watermark-offset-x", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Watermark", "order" => "60", "default" => "0", "label" => "Watermark horizontal offset", "description" => "Offset from left and/or right image borders. Pixels = fixed size (e.g. 20) / percent = relative for image size (e.g. 20%). Offset will disable if 'watermark position' set to 'center'", "type" => "text", "scope" => "profile"), "watermark-offset-y" => array("id" => "watermark-offset-y", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Watermark", "order" => "70", "default" => "0", "label" => "Watermark vertical offset", "description" => "Offset from top and/or bottom image borders. Pixels = fixed size (e.g. 20) / percent = relative for image size (e.g. 20%). Offset will disable if 'watermark position' set to 'center'", "type" => "text", "scope" => "profile"), "hint" => array("id" => "hint", "group" => "Hint", "order" => "10", "default" => "once", "label" => "Display hint to suggest image is zoomable", "description" => "How to show hint. off - disable hint.", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("once", "always", "off"), "scope" => "tool"), "textHoverZoomHint" => array("id" => "textHoverZoomHint", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Hint", "order" => "20", "default" => "Hover to zoom", "label" => "Hint to suggest image is zoomable (on hover)", "description" => "Hint that shows when zoom mode is enabled, but inactive, and zoom activates on hover (Zoom on: hover).", "type" => "text", "scope" => "tool"), "textClickZoomHint" => array("id" => "textClickZoomHint", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Hint", "order" => "21", "default" => "Click to zoom", "label" => "Hint to suggest image is zoomable (on click)", "description" => "Hint that shows when zoom mode is enabled, but inactive, and zoom activates on click (Zoom on: click).", "type" => "text", "scope" => "tool"), "zoomModeForMobile" => array("id" => "zoomModeForMobile", "group" => "Mobile", "order" => "10", "default" => "zoom", "label" => "Zoom mode", "description" => "How to zoom image. off - disable zoom.", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("zoom", "magnifier", "off"), "scope" => "profile"), "textHoverZoomHintForMobile" => array("id" => "textHoverZoomHintForMobile", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Mobile", "order" => "20", "default" => "Touch to zoom", "label" => "Hint to suggest image is zoomable (on hover)", "description" => "Hint that shows when zoom mode is enabled, but inactive, and zoom activates on hover (Zoom on: hover).", "type" => "text", "scope" => "profile"), "textClickZoomHintForMobile" => array("id" => "textClickZoomHintForMobile", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Mobile", "order" => "21", "default" => "Double tap to zoom", "label" => "Hint to suggest image is zoomable (on click)", "description" => "Hint that shows when zoom mode is enabled, but inactive, and zoom activates on click (Zoom on: click).", "type" => "text", "scope" => "profile"), "width" => array("id" => "width", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "10", "default" => "auto", "label" => "Scroll width", "description" => "auto | pixels | percetage", "type" => "text", "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "height" => array("id" => "height", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "20", "default" => "auto", "label" => "Scroll height", "description" => "auto | pixels | percetage", "type" => "text", "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "orientation" => array("id" => "orientation", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "30", "default" => "horizontal", "label" => "Orientation of scroll", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("horizontal", "vertical"), "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "mode" => array("id" => "mode", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "40", "default" => "scroll", "label" => "Scroll mode", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("scroll", "animation", "carousel", "cover-flow"), "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "items" => array("id" => "items", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "50", "default" => "fit", "label" => "Items to show", "description" => "auto | fit | integer | array", "type" => "text", "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "speed" => array("id" => "speed", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "60", "default" => "600", "label" => "Scroll speed (in milliseconds)", "description" => "e.g. 5000 = 5 seconds", "type" => "num", "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "autoplay" => array("id" => "autoplay", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "70", "default" => "0", "label" => "Autoplay speed (in milliseconds)", "description" => "e.g. 0 = disable autoplay; 600 = 0.6 seconds", "type" => "num", "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "loop" => array("id" => "loop", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "80", "advanced" => "1", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Continue scroll after the last(first) image", "description" => "infinite - scroll in loop; rewind - rewind to the first item after the last, or vice versa; off - stop at the last (first) item", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("infinite", "rewind", "off"), "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "step" => array("id" => "step", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "90", "default" => "auto", "label" => "Number of items to scroll", "description" => "auto | integer", "type" => "text", "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "arrows" => array("id" => "arrows", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "100", "default" => "inside", "label" => "Prev/Next arrows", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("inside", "outside", "off"), "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "pagination" => array("id" => "pagination", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "110", "advanced" => "1", "default" => "No", "label" => "Show pagination (bullets)", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "easing" => array("id" => "easing", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "120", "advanced" => "1", "default" => "cubic-bezier(.8, 0, .5, 1)", "label" => "CSS3 Animation Easing", "description" => "see cubic-bezier.com", "type" => "text", "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "scrollOnWheel" => array("id" => "scrollOnWheel", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "130", "advanced" => "1", "default" => "auto", "label" => "Scroll On Wheel mode", "description" => "auto - automatically turn off scrolling on mouse wheel in the 'scroll' and 'animation' modes, and enable it in 'carousel' and 'cover-flow' modes", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("auto", "turn on", "turn off"), "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "lazy-load" => array("id" => "lazy-load", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "140", "advanced" => "1", "default" => "No", "label" => "Lazy load", "description" => "Delay image loading. Images outside of view will be loaded on demand.", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "MagicScroll"), "scroll-extra-styles" => array("id" => "scroll-extra-styles", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "150", "advanced" => "1", "default" => "", "label" => "Scroll extra styles", "description" => "mcs-rounded | mcs-shadows | bg-arrows | mcs-border", "type" => "text", "scope" => "profile"), "show-image-title" => array("id" => "show-image-title", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "160", "default" => "No", "label" => "Show image title under images", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "profile"));
コード例 #3
  * Method to load defaults options
  * @return void
 function loadDefaults()
     $params = array("image-size" => array("id" => "image-size", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "210", "default" => "fit-screen", "label" => "Size of the enlarged image", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("original", "fit-screen"), "scope" => "tool"), "expand-position" => array("id" => "expand-position", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "220", "default" => "center", "label" => "Position of enlarged window", "type" => "text", "description" => "The value can be 'center' or coordinates (e.g. 'top:0, left:0' or 'bottom:100, left:100')", "scope" => "tool"), "expand-align" => array("id" => "expand-align", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "230", "default" => "screen", "label" => "Align expanded image relative to screen or small image", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("screen", "image"), "scope" => "tool"), "expand-effect" => array("id" => "expand-effect", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "10", "default" => "linear", "label" => "Effect while enlarging image", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("linear", "cubic", "back", "elastic", "bounce"), "scope" => "tool"), "restore-effect" => array("id" => "restore-effect", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "20", "default" => "linear", "label" => "Effect while restoring enlarged image to small state", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("linear", "cubic", "back", "elastic", "bounce"), "scope" => "tool"), "expand-speed" => array("id" => "expand-speed", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "30", "default" => "500", "label" => "Duration when enlarging image (milliseconds)", "description" => "0-10000, e.g. 2000 = 2 seconds", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "restore-speed" => array("id" => "restore-speed", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "40", "default" => "-1", "label" => "Duration when restoring enlarged image (milliseconds)", "description" => "0-10000, e.g. 2000 = 2 seconds. Use same value as enlarging duration = -1", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "expand-trigger" => array("id" => "expand-trigger", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "50", "default" => "click", "label" => "How to trigger enlarge effect", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("click", "mouseover"), "scope" => "tool"), "expand-trigger-delay" => array("id" => "expand-trigger-delay", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "60", "default" => "500", "label" => "Delay before mouseover triggers expand effect (milliseconds)", "description" => "0 or larger  e.g. 0 = instant; 400 = 0.4 seconds", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "restore-trigger" => array("id" => "restore-trigger", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "70", "default" => "auto", "label" => "How to restore enlarged image to small state", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("auto", "click", "mouseout"), "scope" => "tool"), "keep-thumbnail" => array("id" => "keep-thumbnail", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Effects", "order" => "80", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Show/hide image on web page when enlarged", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "use-selectors" => array("id" => "use-selectors", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Multiple images", "order" => "200", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Use thumbnails to change main image", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No")), "swap-image" => array("id" => "swap-image", "group" => "Multiple images", "order" => "210", "default" => "click", "label" => "Method to switch between multiple images", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("click", "mouseover"), "scope" => "tool"), "swap-image-delay" => array("id" => "swap-image-delay", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Multiple images", "order" => "220", "default" => "100", "label" => "Delay before switching thumbnails (milliseconds)", "description" => "0 or larger e.g. 0 = instant; 100 = 0.1 seconds", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "click-to-initialize" => array("id" => "click-to-initialize", "group" => "Initialization", "order" => "10", "default" => "No", "label" => "Click to download large image", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "show-loading" => array("id" => "show-loading", "group" => "Initialization", "order" => "20", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Loading message appears when zoom tool begins", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "loading-msg" => array("id" => "loading-msg", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Initialization", "order" => "30", "default" => "Loading", "label" => "Text to appear as Loading message", "type" => "text", "scope" => "tool"), "loading-opacity" => array("id" => "loading-opacity", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Initialization", "order" => "40", "default" => "75", "label" => "Loading message opacity (0-100)", "description" => "0 = transparent, 100 = solid color", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "show-caption" => array("id" => "show-caption", "group" => "Title and Caption", "order" => "20", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Show caption", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No")), "caption-source" => array("id" => "caption-source", "group" => "Title and Caption", "order" => "30", "default" => "Title", "label" => "Caption source", "description" => "allowed values: Title, Short description, Description, All", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("Title", "Description", "Both")), "caption-width" => array("id" => "caption-width", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Title and Caption", "order" => "40", "default" => "300", "label" => "Max width of bottom caption", "description" => "pixels: 0 or larger", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "caption-height" => array("id" => "caption-height", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Title and Caption", "order" => "50", "default" => "300", "label" => "Max height of bottom caption", "description" => "pixels: 0 or larger", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "caption-position" => array("id" => "caption-position", "group" => "Title and Caption", "order" => "60", "default" => "bottom", "label" => "Position caption appears", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("bottom", "right", "left"), "scope" => "tool"), "caption-speed" => array("id" => "caption-speed", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Title and Caption", "order" => "70", "default" => "250", "label" => "Duration caption appears (milliseconds)", "description" => "e.g. 0 = instant; 250 = 0.25 seconds", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "show-message" => array("id" => "show-message", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "500", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Show message under image?", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No")), "message" => array("id" => "message", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "510", "default" => "Click to enlarge", "label" => "Enter message to appear under images", "type" => "text"), "image-magick-path" => array("id" => "image-magick-path", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "570", "default" => "/usr/bin", "label" => "Path to ImageMagick binaries (convert tool)", "description" => "You can set 'auto' to automatically detect ImageMagick location or 'off' to disable ImageMagick and use php GD lib instead", "type" => "text"), "background-opacity" => array("id" => "background-opacity", "group" => "Background", "order" => "10", "default" => "0", "label" => "Background opacity (0-100)", "description" => "0 = transparent, 100 = solid color", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "background-color" => array("id" => "background-color", "group" => "Background", "order" => "20", "default" => "#000000", "label" => "Background color (#RGB)", "description" => "#000000 = black", "type" => "text", "scope" => "tool"), "background-speed" => array("id" => "background-speed", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Background", "order" => "30", "default" => "200", "label" => "Duration of fade (milliseconds)", "description" => "e.g. 0 = instant; 200 = 0.2 seconds", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "buttons" => array("id" => "buttons", "group" => "Buttons", "order" => "10", "default" => "show", "label" => "Display navigation buttons", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("show", "hide", "autohide"), "scope" => "tool"), "buttons-display" => array("id" => "buttons-display", "group" => "Buttons", "order" => "20", "default" => "previous, next, close", "label" => "Navigation button text", "type" => "text", "description" => "Show all three buttons or just one or two. E.g. 'previous, next' or 'close, next'", "scope" => "tool"), "buttons-position" => array("id" => "buttons-position", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Buttons", "order" => "30", "default" => "auto", "label" => "Position of navigation buttons", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("auto", "top left", "top right", "bottom left", "bottom right"), "scope" => "tool"), "slideshow-effect" => array("id" => "slideshow-effect", "group" => "Expand mode", "order" => "10", "default" => "dissolve", "label" => "Effect when switching images", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("dissolve", "fade", "expand"), "scope" => "tool"), "slideshow-loop" => array("id" => "slideshow-loop", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Expand mode", "order" => "20", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Restart slideshow after last image", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "slideshow-speed" => array("id" => "slideshow-speed", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Expand mode", "order" => "30", "default" => "800", "label" => "Duration when changing images (milliseconds)", "description" => "0 or larger e.g. 0 = instant; 800 = 0.8 seconds", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "z-index" => array("id" => "z-index", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Expand mode", "order" => "40", "default" => "10001", "label" => "The z-index for the enlarged image", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "keyboard" => array("id" => "keyboard", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Expand mode", "order" => "50", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Use keyboard arrows to move between images", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "keyboard-ctrl" => array("id" => "keyboard-ctrl", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Expand mode", "order" => "60", "default" => "No", "label" => "Use CTRL key with keyboard arrows", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"));
コード例 #4
  * Metod to load defaults options
  * @return void
 function loadDefaults()
     $params = array("enable-effect" => array("id" => "enable-effect", "group" => "General", "order" => "10", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Enable Magic Slideshow™", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "profile"), "block-title" => array("id" => "block-title", "group" => "General", "order" => "20", "default" => "", "label" => "Block title", "type" => "text", "scope" => "profile"), "include-headers-on-all-pages" => array("id" => "include-headers-on-all-pages", "group" => "General", "order" => "21", "default" => "No", "label" => "Include headers on all pages", "description" => "To be able to apply an effect on any page", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "profile"), "thumb-max-width" => array("id" => "thumb-max-width", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "10", "default" => "250", "label" => "Maximum width of slideshow images (in pixels)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "profile"), "thumb-max-height" => array("id" => "thumb-max-height", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "11", "default" => "250", "label" => "Maximum height of slideshow images (in pixels)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "profile"), "selector-max-width" => array("id" => "selector-max-width", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "12", "default" => "56", "label" => "Maximum width of thumbnails (in pixels)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "profile"), "selector-max-height" => array("id" => "selector-max-height", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "13", "default" => "56", "label" => "Maximum height of thumbnails (in pixels)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "profile"), "square-images" => array("id" => "square-images", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "40", "default" => "No", "label" => "Always create square images", "description" => "", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "profile"), "width" => array("id" => "width", "group" => "Common settings", "order" => "10", "default" => "auto", "label" => "Slideshow width", "description" => "auto | pixels | percentage", "type" => "text", "scope" => "tool"), "height" => array("id" => "height", "group" => "Common settings", "order" => "20", "default" => "100%", "label" => "Slideshow height", "description" => "auto | pixels | percentage", "type" => "text", "scope" => "tool"), "orientation" => array("id" => "orientation", "group" => "Common settings", "order" => "30", "default" => "horizontal", "label" => "Slideshow direction", "description" => "vertical (up/down) / horizontal (right/left)", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("horizontal", "vertical"), "scope" => "tool"), "arrows" => array("id" => "arrows", "group" => "Common settings", "order" => "40", "default" => "No", "label" => "Show navigation arrows", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "loop" => array("id" => "loop", "group" => "Common settings", "order" => "45", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Continue slideshow after last slide", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "effect" => array("id" => "effect", "group" => "Common settings", "order" => "50", "default" => "slide", "label" => "Slide change effect", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("slide", "fade", "dissolve"), "scope" => "tool"), "effect-speed" => array("id" => "effect-speed", "group" => "Common settings", "order" => "60", "default" => "600", "label" => "Slide-in duration (milliseconds)", "description" => "e.g. 0 = instant; 600 = 0.6 seconds", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "autoplay" => array("id" => "autoplay", "group" => "Autoplay", "order" => "10", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Autoplay slideshow", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "slide-duration" => array("id" => "slide-duration", "group" => "Autoplay", "order" => "20", "default" => "3000", "label" => "Duration slide displayed (milliseconds)", "description" => "e.g. 3000 = 3 seconds", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "shuffle" => array("id" => "shuffle", "group" => "Autoplay", "order" => "30", "default" => "No", "label" => "Shuffle order of slides", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "kenburns" => array("id" => "kenburns", "group" => "Autoplay", "order" => "40", "default" => "No", "label" => "Use Ken Burns effect", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "pause" => array("id" => "pause", "group" => "Autoplay", "order" => "50", "default" => "false", "label" => "Pause autoplay", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("hover", "click", "selector-click", "false"), "scope" => "tool"), "selectors" => array("id" => "selectors", "group" => "Selectors", "order" => "10", "default" => "none", "label" => "Selectors position", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("bottom", "top", "right", "left", "none"), "scope" => "tool"), "selectors-style" => array("id" => "selectors-style", "group" => "Selectors", "order" => "20", "default" => "bullets", "label" => "Selectors style", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("bullets", "thumbnails"), "scope" => "tool"), "selectors-eye" => array("id" => "selectors-eye", "group" => "Selectors", "order" => "40", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Highlight thumbnail when selected", "description" => "only available when 'selectors style' is set to thumbnails", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "caption" => array("id" => "caption", "group" => "Caption", "order" => "10", "default" => "No", "label" => "Add caption under each image", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "caption-effect" => array("id" => "caption-effect", "group" => "Caption", "order" => "20", "default" => "fade", "label" => "Effect when changing captions", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("fade", "dissolve", "fixed"), "scope" => "tool"), "fullscreen" => array("id" => "fullscreen", "group" => "Other settings", "order" => "10", "default" => "No", "label" => "Enable full-screen version of slideshow", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "preload" => array("id" => "preload", "group" => "Other settings", "order" => "20", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Load images at start or on demand", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "keyboard" => array("id" => "keyboard", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Other settings", "order" => "30", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Use keyboard arrows to move between slides", "description" => "always enabled in Full Screen mode", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "links" => array("id" => "links", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Other settings", "order" => "40", "default" => "_self", "label" => "Location to open links associated with image slides", "description" => "use false to disable links", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("_self", "_blank", "false"), "scope" => "tool"), "loader" => array("id" => "loader", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Other settings", "order" => "50", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Show loading icon while downloading", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "show-message" => array("id" => "show-message", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "200", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Show message under slideshow", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No")), "message" => array("id" => "message", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "210", "default" => "", "label" => "Enter message to appear under slideshow", "type" => "text"));
コード例 #5
  * Metod to load defaults options
  * @return void
 function loadDefaults()
     $params = array("thumb-image" => array("id" => "thumb-image", "group" => "Image type", "order" => "10", "default" => "large", "label" => "What image type should be used as thumb image", "description" => "(NOTE: Original image can't be shown when 'Friendly URLs' option is enabled)", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("original", "large")), "max-number-of-products" => array("id" => "max-number-of-products", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "0", "default" => "1", "label" => "Products displayed", "description" => "Set the number of products to be displayed in this block", "type" => "num"), "enable-effect" => array("id" => "enable-effect", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "10", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Enable effect", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("Yes", "No")), "link-to-product-page" => array("id" => "link-to-product-page", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "20", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Link enlarged image to the product page", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("Yes", "No")), "include-headers-on-all-pages" => array("id" => "include-headers-on-all-pages", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "21", "default" => "No", "label" => "Include headers on all pages", "description" => "To be able to apply an effect on any page", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No")), "scroll-style" => array("id" => "scroll-style", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "5", "default" => "default", "label" => "Style", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("default", "with-borders"), "scope" => "profile"), "show-image-title" => array("id" => "show-image-title", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "6", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Show image title under images", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No")), "loop" => array("id" => "loop", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "10", "default" => "continue", "label" => "Restart scroll after last image", "description" => "After last item, continue or go back to beginning", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("continue", "restart"), "scope" => "tool"), "speed" => array("id" => "speed", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "20", "default" => "5000", "label" => "Duration item displayed (milliseconds)", "description" => "0 = manual scroll; 5000 = 5 seconds", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "width" => array("id" => "width", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "30", "default" => "0", "label" => "Scroll width (pixels)", "description" => "0 - auto", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "height" => array("id" => "height", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "40", "default" => "0", "label" => "Scroll height (pixels)", "description" => "0 - auto", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "item-width" => array("id" => "item-width", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "50", "default" => "0", "label" => "Width of entire scroll area (pixels)", "description" => "0 - auto", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "item-height" => array("id" => "item-height", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "60", "default" => "0", "label" => "Height of entire scroll area (pixels)", "description" => "0 - auto", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "step" => array("id" => "step", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "70", "default" => "3", "label" => "Number of items moved on each scroll", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "items" => array("id" => "items", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "80", "default" => "3", "label" => "Items to show", "description" => "0 - manual", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "arrows" => array("id" => "arrows", "group" => "Scroll Arrows", "order" => "10", "default" => "outside", "label" => "Show arrows", "label" => "Where arrows should be placed", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("outside", "inside", "false"), "scope" => "tool"), "arrows-opacity" => array("id" => "arrows-opacity", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Scroll Arrows", "order" => "20", "default" => "60", "label" => "Arrows opacity (0-100)", "description" => "0 = transparent, 100 = solid color", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "arrows-hover-opacity" => array("id" => "arrows-hover-opacity", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Scroll Arrows", "order" => "30", "default" => "100", "label" => "Arrows opacity on mouse over (0-100)", "description" => "0 = transparent, 100 = solid color", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "slider-size" => array("id" => "slider-size", "group" => "Scroll Slider", "order" => "10", "default" => "10%", "label" => "Slider size (numeric or percent)", "type" => "text", "scope" => "tool"), "slider" => array("id" => "slider", "group" => "Scroll Slider", "order" => "20", "default" => "false", "label" => "Slider postion", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("top", "right", "bottom", "left", "false"), "scope" => "tool"), "direction" => array("id" => "direction", "group" => "Scroll effect", "order" => "10", "default" => "right", "value" => "bottom", "label" => "Scroll direction", "description" => "bottom = scroll moves from bottom to top", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("top", "right", "bottom", "left"), "scope" => "tool"), "duration" => array("id" => "duration", "group" => "Scroll effect", "order" => "20", "default" => "1000", "label" => "Duration of each scroll (milliseconds)", "description" => "e.g. 0 = instant; 1000 = 1 second", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"));
コード例 #6
  * Metod to load defaults options
  * @return void
 function loadDefaults()
     $params = array("enable-effect" => array("id" => "enable-effect", "group" => "General", "order" => "10", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Enable Magic 360™", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "profile"), "include-headers-on-all-pages" => array("id" => "include-headers-on-all-pages", "group" => "General", "order" => "21", "default" => "No", "label" => "Include headers on all pages", "description" => "To be able to apply an effect on any page", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "profile"), "product-ids" => array("id" => "product-ids", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "40", "default" => "all", "label" => "Product IDs (all = all products have 360)", "description" => "Choose which products has 360 images (comma separated, e.g. 1,4,5,12,14)", "type" => "text"), "columns" => array("id" => "columns", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "50", "default" => "36", "label" => "Number of images on X-axis", "description" => "Enter number of images used to create 360 degree spin (left/right)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "magnify" => array("id" => "magnify", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "60", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Enable magnifier effect", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "magnifier-width" => array("id" => "magnifier-width", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "70", "default" => "80%", "label" => "Magnifier width", "description" => "Magnifier size in % of small image width or fixed size in px", "type" => "text", "scope" => "tool"), "magnifier-shape" => array("id" => "magnifier-shape", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "71", "default" => "inner", "label" => "Magnifier shape", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("inner", "circle", "square"), "scope" => "tool"), "fullscreen" => array("id" => "fullscreen", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "72", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Enable full-screen spin", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "spin" => array("id" => "spin", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "110", "default" => "drag", "label" => "Spin", "description" => "Method for spinning the image", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("drag", "hover"), "scope" => "tool"), "autospin-direction" => array("id" => "autospin-direction", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "111", "default" => "clockwise", "label" => "Auto-spin direction", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("clockwise", "anticlockwise", "alternate-clockwise", "alternate-anticlockwise"), "scope" => "tool"), "speed" => array("id" => "speed", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "120", "default" => "50", "label" => "Spin speed (1-100)", "description" => "1 = very slow, 100 = very fast", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "mousewheel-step" => array("id" => "mousewheel-step", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "121", "default" => "1", "label" => "Mousewheel step", "description" => "Number of frames to spin on mousewheel", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "autospin-speed" => array("id" => "autospin-speed", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "122", "default" => "3600", "label" => "Auto-spin speed", "description" => "e.g. 1 = fast / 10000 = slow", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "smoothing" => array("id" => "smoothing", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "130", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Smoothing", "description" => "Smoothly stop the image spinning", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "autospin" => array("id" => "autospin", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "140", "default" => "once", "label" => "Auto-spin duration", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("once", "twice", "infinite", "off"), "scope" => "tool"), "autospin-start" => array("id" => "autospin-start", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "150", "default" => "load,hover", "label" => "Start auto-spin", "description" => "Start automatic spin on page load, click or hover", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("load", "hover", "click", "load,hover", "load,click"), "scope" => "tool"), "autospin-stop" => array("id" => "autospin-stop", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "160", "default" => "click", "label" => "Stop auto-spin", "description" => "Stop automatic spin on click or hover", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("click", "hover", "never"), "scope" => "tool"), "initialize-on" => array("id" => "initialize-on", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "170", "default" => "load", "label" => "Initialization", "description" => "When to download images", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("load", "hover", "click"), "scope" => "tool"), "start-column" => array("id" => "start-column", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "220", "default" => "1", "label" => "Start column (left/right movement)", "description" => "Image from which to start spin. 'auto' means to start from the middle", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "start-row" => array("id" => "start-row", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "230", "default" => "auto", "label" => "Start row (up/down movement)", "description" => "Position from which to start spin. 'auto' means to start from the middle", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "loop-column" => array("id" => "loop-column", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "240", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Loop column", "description" => "Continue spin after the last image on X-axis (left/right)", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "loop-row" => array("id" => "loop-row", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "250", "default" => "No", "label" => "Loop row", "description" => "Continue spin after the last image on Y-axis (up/down)", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "reverse-column" => array("id" => "reverse-column", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "260", "default" => "No", "label" => "Reverse rotation on X-axis (left/right)", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "reverse-row" => array("id" => "reverse-row", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "270", "default" => "No", "label" => "Reverse rotation on Y-axis (up/down)", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "column-increment" => array("id" => "column-increment", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "280", "default" => "1", "label" => "Column increment (left/right)", "description" => "Load only every second (2) or third (3) column so that spins load faster", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "row-increment" => array("id" => "row-increment", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Magic360", "order" => "290", "default" => "1", "label" => "Row increment (up/down)", "description" => "Load only every second (2) or third (3) row so that spins load faster", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "thumb-max-width" => array("id" => "thumb-max-width", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "10", "default" => "250", "label" => "Maximum width of thumbnail (in pixels)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "profile"), "thumb-max-height" => array("id" => "thumb-max-height", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "11", "default" => "250", "label" => "Maximum height of thumbnail (in pixels)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "profile"), "square-images" => array("id" => "square-images", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "40", "default" => "No", "label" => "Always create square images", "description" => "", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "profile"), "icon" => array("id" => "icon", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "10", "default" => "media/magictoolbox/magic360/360icon.jpg", "label" => "Icon for thumbnail", "description" => "Relative for site base path.", "type" => "text", "scope" => "profile"), "show-message" => array("id" => "show-message", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "150", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Show message under image?", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No")), "message" => array("id" => "message", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "160", "default" => "Drag image to spin", "label" => "Enter message to appear under spins", "type" => "text"), "loading-text" => array("id" => "loading-text", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "258", "default" => "Loading...", "label" => "Loading text", "description" => "Text displayed while images are loading.", "type" => "text"), "fullscreen-loading-text" => array("id" => "fullscreen-loading-text", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "258", "default" => "Loading large spin...", "label" => "Fullscreen loading text", "description" => "Text shown while full-screen images are loading.", "type" => "text"), "hint" => array("id" => "hint", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "259", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Show hint message", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "tool"), "hint-text" => array("id" => "hint-text", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "260", "default" => "Drag to spin", "label" => "Hint text appears on desktop", "type" => "text"), "mobile-hint-text" => array("id" => "mobile-hint-text", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "261", "default" => "Swipe to spin", "label" => "Hint text appears on iOS/Android devices", "type" => "text"));
コード例 #7
  * Metod to load defaults options
  * @return void
 function loadDefaults()
     $params = array("enable-effect" => array("id" => "enable-effect", "group" => "General", "order" => "10", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Enable Magic Scroll™", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "profile"), "block-title" => array("id" => "block-title", "group" => "General", "order" => "20", "default" => "", "label" => "Block title", "type" => "text", "scope" => "profile"), "include-headers-on-all-pages" => array("id" => "include-headers-on-all-pages", "group" => "General", "order" => "21", "default" => "No", "label" => "Include headers on all pages", "description" => "To be able to apply an effect on any page", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "profile"), "thumb-max-width" => array("id" => "thumb-max-width", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "10", "default" => "250", "label" => "Maximum width of thumbnail (in pixels)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "profile"), "thumb-max-height" => array("id" => "thumb-max-height", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "11", "default" => "250", "label" => "Maximum height of thumbnail (in pixels)", "type" => "num", "scope" => "profile"), "square-images" => array("id" => "square-images", "group" => "Positioning and Geometry", "order" => "40", "default" => "No", "label" => "Always create square images", "description" => "", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "profile"), "use-individual-titles" => array("id" => "use-individual-titles", "group" => "Multiple images", "order" => "40", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Use individual image titles for additional images?", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "profile"), "item-tag" => array("id" => "item-tag", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "0", "default" => "A", "label" => "Item tag", "description" => "HTML tag that will be recognized as item element", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("A", "IMG", "DIV"), "scope" => "profile"), "link-to-product-page" => array("id" => "link-to-product-page", "group" => "Miscellaneous", "order" => "30", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Link enlarged image to the product page", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("Yes", "No"), "scope" => "profile"), "scroll-style" => array("id" => "scroll-style", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "5", "default" => "default", "label" => "Style", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("default", "with-borders"), "scope" => "profile"), "show-image-title" => array("id" => "show-image-title", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "6", "default" => "Yes", "label" => "Show image title under images", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("Yes", "No")), "loop" => array("id" => "loop", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "10", "default" => "continue", "label" => "Restart scroll after last image", "description" => "After last item, continue or go back to beginning", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("continue", "restart"), "scope" => "tool"), "speed" => array("id" => "speed", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "20", "default" => "5000", "label" => "Duration item displayed (milliseconds)", "description" => "0 = manual scroll; 5000 = 5 seconds", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "width" => array("id" => "width", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "30", "default" => "0", "label" => "Scroll width (pixels)", "description" => "0 - auto", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "height" => array("id" => "height", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "40", "default" => "0", "label" => "Scroll height (pixels)", "description" => "0 - auto", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "item-width" => array("id" => "item-width", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "50", "default" => "0", "label" => "Width of entire scroll area (pixels)", "description" => "0 - auto", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "item-height" => array("id" => "item-height", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "60", "default" => "0", "label" => "Height of entire scroll area (pixels)", "description" => "0 - auto", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "step" => array("id" => "step", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "70", "default" => "3", "label" => "Number of items moved on each scroll", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "items" => array("id" => "items", "group" => "Scroll", "order" => "80", "default" => "3", "label" => "Items to show", "description" => "0 - manual", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "arrows" => array("id" => "arrows", "group" => "Scroll Arrows", "order" => "10", "default" => "outside", "label" => "Show arrows", "label" => "Where arrows should be placed", "type" => "array", "subType" => "radio", "values" => array("outside", "inside", "false"), "scope" => "tool"), "arrows-opacity" => array("id" => "arrows-opacity", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Scroll Arrows", "order" => "20", "default" => "60", "label" => "Arrows opacity (0-100)", "description" => "0 = transparent, 100 = solid color", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "arrows-hover-opacity" => array("id" => "arrows-hover-opacity", "advanced" => "1", "group" => "Scroll Arrows", "order" => "30", "default" => "100", "label" => "Arrows opacity on mouse over (0-100)", "description" => "0 = transparent, 100 = solid color", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"), "slider-size" => array("id" => "slider-size", "group" => "Scroll Slider", "order" => "10", "default" => "10%", "label" => "Slider size (numeric or percent)", "type" => "text", "scope" => "tool"), "slider" => array("id" => "slider", "group" => "Scroll Slider", "order" => "20", "default" => "false", "label" => "Slider postion", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("top", "right", "bottom", "left", "false"), "scope" => "tool"), "direction" => array("id" => "direction", "group" => "Scroll effect", "order" => "10", "default" => "right", "value" => "bottom", "label" => "Scroll direction", "description" => "bottom = scroll moves from bottom to top", "type" => "array", "subType" => "select", "values" => array("top", "right", "bottom", "left"), "scope" => "tool"), "duration" => array("id" => "duration", "group" => "Scroll effect", "order" => "20", "default" => "1000", "label" => "Duration of each scroll (milliseconds)", "description" => "e.g. 0 = instant; 1000 = 1 second", "type" => "num", "scope" => "tool"));