public function check_authentification() { // begin authenticate part if (AUTH_TYPE == 1) { if (!$AUTHENTICATE) { header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"ADMIN " . CONF_SITE_NAME . "\""); header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized"); $ft = new FastTemplate(ADMIN_TEMPLATE_CONTENT_PATH); $ft->define(array("main" => "template_firstpage.html", "content" => "authentication_failed.html")); $ft->multiple_assign_define("LANG_"); $ft->multiple_assign_define("CONF_"); $ft->parse("BODY", array("content", "main")); $ft->showDebugInfo(ERROR_DEBUG); $ft->FastPrint(); exit; } } else { if (AUTH_TYPE == 2) { include_once INCLUDE_PATH . 'cls_session.php'; $sess = new MYSession(); if (!$sess->get(SESSION_ID)) { $sess->set('session_url_before', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); header("Location: login.php"); exit; } } } // end authenticate part }
$tokenr = sizeof($tokexample); $example = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $tokenr - 1; $i++) { if (!empty($example)) { $example .= ";"; } $example .= ucwords($tokexample[$i]); } $ft->assign("EXAMPLE", $example); } else { $xmlfilename = $all_url_vars['xmlfile']; if (!empty($xmlfilename)) { $xml = new Xml(); $xml->setXMLFile(INDEX_PATH . "/schema/" . $xmlfilename); $xmlarray = $xml->loadArray(); $session->set('XMLDATA', $xmlarray); $fields = ""; $example = ""; foreach ($xmlarray['data'] as $item) { if (!empty($fields)) { $fields .= ";"; } $fields .= $item['function']; if (!empty($example)) { $example .= ";"; } $example .= $item['function']; } // print_r($xmlarray);exit; $ft->assign("DEV_NAME", $xmlarray['developername']); $ft->assign("PROJECT_NAME", $xmlarray['projectname']);
$sess = new MYSession(); include_once INCLUDE_PATH . "cls_fast_template.php"; include_once INCLUDE_LANGUAGE_PATH . $LANG . ".inc.php"; include_once INCLUDE_LANGUAGE_PATH . $LANG . ""; include_once INCLUDE_PATH . "connection.php"; $stringutil = new String("nope"); $all_url_vars = array(); $all_url_vars = $stringutil->parse_all(); //$util=new Authenticate(); //$util->check_authentification(); if (empty($all_url_vars['action'])) { // unset session $url = $sess->get('session_url_before'); session_destroy(); //$sess = new MYSession(); $sess->set('session_url_before', $url); $ft = new FastTemplate(ADMIN_TEMPLATE_CONTENT_PATH); $ft->define(array("main" => "template_firstpage.html", "content" => "login.html")); $ft->assign("MESSAGE", $all_url_vars['message']); $ft->multiple_assign_define("LANG_"); $ft->multiple_assign_define("CONF_"); $ft->parse("BODY", array("content", "main")); $ft->showDebugInfo(ERROR_DEBUG); $ft->FastPrint(); } else { if ($all_url_vars['userid'] == USER && $all_url_vars['password'] == PASSWORD) { $sess->set(SESSION_ID, SESSION_ID); if ($sess->get('session_url_before')) { header("Location: " . $sess->get('session_url_before')); } else { header("Location: " . CONF_ADMIN_URL);
if (empty($fields)) { echo "Error on fields"; exit; } $ft = new FastTemplate(TEMPLATE_PATH); $fthtml = new FastTemplate(TEMPLATE_PATH); if ($action == "continue_selection") { if (empty($items)) { echo "Error on items"; exit; } $ft->define(array("main" => "template_body.html", "content" => "html2.html")); $ft->define_dynamic("dbitem", "content"); $ft->define_dynamic("dbactivelisting", "content"); // set to session which will be listed $session->set("listing", $all_url_vars['listing']); // set to session which will be required from checkbox $session->set("required", $all_url_vars['required']); // set to session which values will be the require IF is set $session->set("requiredset", $all_url_vars['requiredset']); } elseif ($action == "generate_html") { $items = $session->get("items"); if (empty($items)) { echo "Error on items"; exit; } $ft->define(array("main" => "template_body.html", "content" => "html3.html")); $fthtml->define(array("main" => "t_html_generator.html", "content" => "t_html_generator.html", "main_user" => "t_html_user_generator.html")); $fthtml->define_dynamic("dateelements", "main"); $fthtml->define_dynamic("formelements", "main"); } else {
if (substr($name, $remain) === "_en") { $name = substr($name, 0, $remain) . '_' . $replacement_lang; return $name; } else { return $name; } } $session = new MYSession(); $stringutil = new String(); $all_url_vars = $stringutil->parse_all(); // basic values if (!isset($all_url_vars['type'])) { $all_url_vars['type'] = "php"; } //print $all_url_vars['genfromsql']; $session->set("name", $all_url_vars['name']); // classname not specified if (!isset($all_url_vars['classname'])) { if ($all_url_vars['type'] == "php" or $all_url_vars['type'] == "php5") { $all_url_vars['classname'] = "cls_" . strtolower($all_url_vars['name']) . ".php"; } else { $all_url_vars['classname'] = $all_url_vars['name'] . ".java"; } } else { $namen = explode(".", $all_url_vars['classname']); if ($all_url_vars['type'] == "php" or $all_url_vars['type'] == "php5") { $all_url_vars['classname'] = $namen[0] . ".php"; } else { $all_url_vars['classname'] = $namen[0] . ".java"; } }