コード例 #1
	function get_search_feed() {
		global $wgSitename, $wgOut;
		// set up search obj:
		$sms = new MV_SpecialMediaSearch();
		// setup filters:
		// do the search:
		// get the search page title:
		$msTitle = Title::MakeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, 'MediaSearch' );

		$this->feed = new mvRSSFeed(
		$wgSitename . ' - ' . wfMsg( 'mediasearch' ) . ' : ' . strip_tags( $sms->getFilterDesc() ), // title
		strip_tags( $sms->getFilterDesc() ), // description
		$msTitle->getFullUrl() . '?' . $sms->get_httpd_filters_query() // link

		$this->feed->outHeader( $this->output_xml_header );
		$MV_Overlay = new MV_Overlay();
		// for each search result:
		foreach ( $sms->results as $inx => & $mvd ) {
			// get Stream title for mvd match:
			$mvTitle = new MV_Title( $mvd->wiki_title );
			$stremTitle = Title::MakeTitle( MV_NS_STREAM, $mvTitle->getStreamName() . '/' . $mvTitle->getTimeRequest() );
			$this->feed->outPutItem( $mvTitle, $MV_Overlay->getMVDhtml( $mvd, $absolute_links = true ) );
コード例 #2
 function getTopSearches()
     $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_READ);
     $o = '';
     $options = array();
     /*$result = $dbr->select('mv_search_digest', '`query_key`, COUNT(1) as `hit_count`', "`time` >= '$start_time' ",
     	 array('GROUP BY' => 'query_key', 'ORDER BY `hit_count` ASC',
     	 'LIMIT 0,'.$this->params['num_results']) );*/
     /*$sql="SELECT `mv_search_digest`.`query_key`, COUNT(1) as `hit_count`, `mv_query_key_lookup`.`filters`
     	 FROM `mv_search_digest`
     	 LEFT JOIN `mv_query_key_lookup` ON (`mv_search_digest`.`query_key` = `mv_query_key_lookup`.`query_key`)
     	 WHERE `time` >= '{$this->getStartTime()}' GROUP BY `mv_search_digest`.`query_key`
     	 LIMIT 0, {$this->params[num_results]}";*/
     // $from_tables
     $vars = array($dbr->tableName('mv_search_digest') . '.query_key', 'COUNT(1) as `hit_count`', $dbr->tableName('mv_query_key_lookup') . '.filters');
     $from_tables = $dbr->tableName('mv_search_digest') . ' JOIN' . $dbr->tableName('mv_query_key_lookup') . ' ON ( ' . $dbr->tableName('mv_search_digest') . '.query_key = ' . $dbr->tableName('mv_query_key_lookup') . '.query_key ' . ' ) ';
     $conds = '`time` >= ' . $dbr->addQuotes($this->getStartTime());
     $options['GROUP BY'] = $dbr->tableName('mv_search_digest') . '.query_key';
     $options['ORDER BY'] = '`hit_count`  DESC';
     $options['LIMIT'] = $this->params['num_results'];
     $result = $dbr->select($from_tables, $vars, $conds, __METHOD__, $options);
     if ($dbr->numRows($result) == 0) {
         return '';
     } else {
         // @@todo probably should try to abstract out formating..
         // but will need to wait until we have a few more test cases to do a productive abstraction
         if ($this->params['format'] == 'ul_list') {
             $class_attr = $this->params['class'] != '' ? ' class="' . htmlspecialchars($this->params['class']) . '"' : '';
             $o .= '<ul' . $class_attr . '>';
         $mvms = new MV_SpecialMediaSearch();
         $sTitle = Title::MakeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, 'MediaSearch');
         while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($result)) {
             $title_desc = htmlspecialchars($row->hit_count) . ' ' . wfMsg('mv_date_' . $this->params['time_range']);
             $o .= '<li><a title="' . $title_desc . '" href="' . $sTitle->escapeLocalURL($mvms->get_httpd_filters_query() . '&tl=1') . '">' . $mvms->getFilterDesc($query_key = true) . '</li>';
         if ($this->params['format'] == 'ul_list') {
             $o .= '</ul>';
     return $o;