function deleteDB() { $dbw =& wfGetDB(DB_WRITE); //remove any MVD index items: MV_Index::remove_by_stream_id($this->id); //remove any digest $dbw->delete('mv_clipview_digest', array('stream_id' => $this->id)); //remove any images $dbw->delete('mv_stream_images', array('stream_id' => $this->id)); //remove pointers to any files: $dbw->delete('mv_stream_files', array('stream_id' => $this->id)); }
function mvDeleteHook(&$article, &$user, &$reason) { global $mvgIP; //print 'mvDeleteHook'."\n"; //only need to update the mvd index when in the mvd namespace: if ($article->mTitle->getNamespace() == MV_NS_MVD) { //remove article with that title: MV_Index::remove_by_wiki_title($article->mTitle->getDBkey()); } else { if ($article->mTitle->getNamespace() == MV_NS_STREAM) { MV_Index::remove_by_stream_id($article->mvTitle->mvStream->getStreamId()); $article->mvTitle->mvStream->deleteDB(); } } return true; // always return true, in order not to stop MW's hook processing! }