コード例 #1
  * Checks, if some BuddyPress pages overlap with M2 membership pages.
  * In some cases people used the same page-ID for both BuddyPress
  * registration and M2 registration. This will cause problems and must be
  * resolved to have M2 and BuddyPress work symbiotically.
  * @since
 protected function collission_check()
     $buddy_pages = MS_Factory::get_option('bp-pages');
     if (!is_array($buddy_pages)) {
         // Okay, no BuddyPress pages set up yet.
     $duplicates = array();
     foreach ($buddy_pages as $type => $page_id) {
         $collission = MS_Model_Pages::get_page_by('id', $page_id);
         if ($collission) {
             $title = $collission->post_title;
             if (!$title) {
                 $title = $collission->post_name;
             $duplicates[] = sprintf('%s - %s', $page_id, $title);
     if (count($duplicates)) {
         $msg = sprintf('%s<br><br>%s', sprintf(__('BuddyPress uses a page that is also used as a Membership page by Membership 2.<br>Please assign a different page for either %sMembership 2%s or %sBuddyPress%s to avoid conflicts.', 'membership2'), '<a href="' . MS_Controller_Plugin::get_admin_url('settings') . '">', '</a>', '<a href="' . admin_url('admin.php?page=bp-page-settings') . '">', '</a>'), implode('<br>', $duplicates));
         lib3()->ui->admin_message($msg, 'error');
コード例 #2
  * Filter returns the default contents of a Membership Page if the URL param
  * &ms-default=1 is set.
  * Effectively this will display the default contents inside the Post-Editor
  * without changing the page itself. Only after the user saves the content
  * it will affect the Membership page
  * @since  1.0.0
  * @param  string $content Default page content.
  * @return string Modified page content.
 public function show_default_content($content)
     static $Message = false;
     global $post, $post_type;
     if (!isset($_GET['ms-default'])) {
         return $content;
     if ('1' != $_GET['ms-default']) {
         return $content;
     if ('page' != $post_type) {
         return $content;
     $ms_page = MS_Model_Pages::get_page_by('id', $post->ID);
     if (empty($ms_page)) {
         return $content;
     $type = MS_Model_Pages::get_page_type($ms_page);
     if (!$Message) {
         $Message = true;
         lib3()->ui->admin_message(__('<strong>Tipp</strong>:<br />' . 'The page content is reset to the default content but is <em>not saved yet</em>!<br />' . 'You can simply close this page to keep your current page contents.', 'membership2'));
     return MS_Model_Pages::get_default_content($type);