コード例 #1
  * Ajax handler for Media Manager "fill compat-attachment-fields" queries 
  * Prepares an array of (HTML) taxonomy meta boxes with attachment-specific values.
  * @since 1.80
  * @return	void	passes array of results to wp_send_json_success() for JSON encoding and transmission
 public static function mla_fill_compat_fields_action()
     if (empty($_REQUEST['query']) || !($requested = $_REQUEST['query'])) {
     if (empty($_REQUEST['id']) || !($post_id = absint($_REQUEST['id']))) {
     if (null == ($post = get_post($post_id))) {
     $results = apply_filters('mla_media_modal_begin_fill_compat_fields', array(), $requested, $post);
     if (!empty($results)) {
      * Match all supported taxonomies against the requested list
     foreach (get_taxonomies(array('show_ui' => true), 'objects') as $key => $value) {
         if (MLAOptions::mla_taxonomy_support($key)) {
             if (is_integer($index = array_search($key, $requested))) {
                 $request = $requested[$index];
             } else {
             if (!($use_checklist = $value->hierarchical)) {
                 $use_checklist = MLAOptions::mla_taxonomy_support($key, 'flat-checklist');
             if ($use_checklist) {
                 if ('checked' == MLAOptions::mla_get_option(MLAOptions::MLA_MEDIA_MODAL_DETAILS_CATEGORY_METABOX)) {
                     $label = $value->label;
                     $terms = get_object_term_cache($post_id, $key);
                     if (false === $terms) {
                         $terms = wp_get_object_terms($post_id, $key);
                         wp_cache_add($post_id, $terms, $key . '_relationships');
                     if (is_wp_error($terms) || empty($terms)) {
                         $terms = array();
                     $list = array();
                     foreach ($terms as $term) {
                         $list[] = $term->term_id;
                     // foreach $term
                     $list = join(',', $list);
                      * Simulate the 'add_meta_boxes' callback
                     $box = array('id' => $key . 'div', 'title' => $label, 'callback' => 'MLAEdit::mla_checklist_meta_box', 'args' => array('taxonomy' => $key, 'in_modal' => true));
                     MLAEdit::mla_checklist_meta_box($post, $box);
                     $row_content = ob_get_clean();
                     $row = "\t\t<th class='label' valign='top' scope='row' style='width: 99%;'>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t<label for='mla-attachments-{$post_id}-{$key}'>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t<span title='" . __('Click to toggle', 'media-library-assistant') . "' class='alignleft' style='width: 99%; text-align: left;'>{$label}</span><br class='clear'>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t</label></th>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t<td class='field' style='width: 99%; display: none'>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t<div class='mla-taxonomy-field'>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t<input name='attachments[{$post_id}][{$key}]' class='text' id='mla-attachments-{$post_id}-{$key}' type='hidden' value='{$list}'>\n";
                     $row .= $row_content;
                     $row .= "\t\t</div>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t</td>\n";
                     $results[$key] = $row;
                 // checked
             } else {
                 // flat
                 if ('checked' == MLAOptions::mla_get_option(MLAOptions::MLA_MEDIA_MODAL_DETAILS_TAG_METABOX)) {
                     $label = $value->label;
                     $terms = get_object_term_cache($post_id, $key);
                     if (false === $terms) {
                         $terms = wp_get_object_terms($post_id, $key);
                         wp_cache_add($post_id, $terms, $key . '_relationships');
                     if (is_wp_error($terms) || empty($terms)) {
                         $terms = array();
                     $list = array();
                     foreach ($terms as $term) {
                         $list[] = $term->name;
                     // foreach $term
                     $hidden_list = join(',', $list);
                     $row = "\t\t<th class='label' valign='top' scope='row' style='width: 99%;'>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t<label for='mla-attachments-{$post_id}-{$key}'>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t<span title='" . __('Click to toggle', 'media-library-assistant') . "' class='alignleft' style='width: 99%; text-align: left;'>{$label}</span><br class='clear'>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t</label></th>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t<td class='field' style='width: 99%; display: none'>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t<div class='mla-taxonomy-field'>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t<div class='tagsdiv' id='mla-taxonomy-{$key}'>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t<div class='jaxtag'>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t<div class='nojs-tags hide-if-js'>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t<input name='attachments[{$post_id}][{$key}]' class='the-tags' id='mla-attachments-{$post_id}-{$key}' type='hidden' value='{$hidden_list}'>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t<input name='mla_tags[{$post_id}][{$key}]' class='server-tags' id='mla-tags-{$post_id}-{$key}' type='hidden' value='{$hidden_list}'>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t</div>\n";
                     // nojs-tags
                     $row .= "\t\t<div class='ajaxtag'>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t<label class='screen-reader-text' for='new-tag-{$key}'>" . __('Tags', 'media-library-assistant') . "</label>\n";
                     /* translators: %s: add new taxonomy label */
                     $row .= "\t\t<div class='taghint'>" . sprintf(__('Add New %1$s', 'media-library-assistant'), $label) . "</div>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t<p>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t<input name='newtag[{$key}]' class='newtag form-input-tip' id='new-tag-{$key}' type='text' size='16' value='' autocomplete='off'>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t<input class='button tagadd' type='button' value='Add'>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t</p>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t</div>\n";
                     // ajaxtag
                     $row .= "\t\t<p class='howto'>Separate tags with commas</p>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t</div>\n";
                     // jaxtag
                     $row .= "\t\t<div class='tagchecklist'>\n";
                     foreach ($list as $index => $term) {
                         $row .= "\t\t<span><a class='ntdelbutton' id='post_tag-check-num-{$index}'>X</a>&nbsp;{$term}</span>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t</div>\n";
                     // tagchecklist
                     $row .= "\t\t</div>\n";
                     // tagsdiv
                     $row .= "\t\t<p><a class='tagcloud-link' id='mla-link-{$key}' href='#titlediv'>" . __('Choose from the most used tags', 'media-library-assistant') . "</a></p>\n";
                     $row .= "\t\t</div>\n";
                     // mla-taxonomy-field
                     $row .= "\t\t</td>\n";
                     $results[$key] = $row;
                 // checked
             // flat
         // is supported
     // foreach
      * Any left-over requests are for unsupported taxonomies
     foreach ($requested as $key) {
         $row = "\t\t<tr class='compat-field-{$key} mla-taxonomy-row'>\n";
         $row .= "\t\t<th class='label' valign='top' scope='row'>\n";
         $row .= "\t\t<label for='mla-attachments-{$post_id}-{$key}'>\n";
         $row .= "\t\t<span title='" . __('Click to toggle', 'media-library-assistant') . "' class='alignleft'>{$label}</span><br class='clear'>\n";
         $row .= "\t\t</label></th>\n";
         $row .= "\t\t<td class='field' style='display: none'>\n";
         $row .= "\t\t<div class='mla-taxonomy-field'>\n";
         $row .= "\t\t<input name='attachments[{$post_id}][{$key}]' class='text' id='mla-attachments-{$post_id}-{$key}' type='hidden' value=''>\n";
         $row .= "\t\t<div id='taxonomy-{$key}' class='categorydiv'>\n";
         $row .= __('Not Supported', 'media-library-assistant') . ".\n";
         $row .= "\t\t</div>\n";
         $row .= "\t\t</div>\n";
         $row .= "\t\t</td>\n";
         $row .= "\t\t</tr>\n";
         $results[$key] = $row;
     wp_send_json_success(apply_filters('mla_media_modal_end_fill_compat_fields', $results, $_REQUEST['query'], $requested, $post));
コード例 #2
  * Renders the MLA Gallery in meta box on the Edit Media page.
  * Declared public because it is a callback function.
  * @since 0.80
  * @param	object	current post
  * @return	void	echoes the HTML markup for the meta box content
 public static function mla_mla_gallery_in_handler($post)
     if (is_null(self::$mla_references)) {
         self::$mla_references = MLAQuery::mla_fetch_attachment_references($post->ID, $post->post_parent);
     $galleries = '';
     if (is_array(self::$mla_references)) {
         foreach (self::$mla_references['mla_galleries'] as $gallery_id => $gallery) {
             if ($gallery_id == $post->post_parent) {
                 $parent = __('PARENT', 'media-library-assistant') . ' ';
             } else {
                 $parent = '';
             $galleries .= sprintf('%1$s (%2$s %3$s), %4$s', $parent, $gallery['post_type'], $gallery_id, $gallery['post_title']) . "\n";
         // foreach $feature
     $galleries = apply_filters('mla_mla_gallery_in_meta_box', array('galleries' => $galleries, 'rows' => 5, 'cols' => 80), self::$mla_references, $post);
     $html = '<label class="screen-reader-text" for="mla_mla_gallery_in">' . __('MLA Gallery in', 'media-library-assistant') . '</label><textarea class="readonly" id="mla_mla_gallery_in" rows="' . absint($galleries['rows']) . '" cols="' . absint($galleries['cols']) . '" readonly="readonly" name="mla_mla_gallery_in" >' . esc_textarea($galleries['galleries']) . "</textarea>\n";
     echo apply_filters('mla_mla_gallery_in_meta_box_html', $html, $galleries, self::$mla_references, $post);
コード例 #3
  * Renders the Gallery in meta box on the Edit Media page.
  * Declared public because it is a callback function.
  * @since 0.80
  * @param	object	current post
  * @return	void	echoes the HTML markup for the meta box content
 public static function mla_mla_gallery_in_handler($post)
     if (is_null(self::$mla_references)) {
         self::$mla_references = MLAData::mla_fetch_attachment_references($post->ID, $post->post_parent);
     $galleries = '';
     if (is_array(self::$mla_references)) {
         foreach (self::$mla_references['mla_galleries'] as $gallery_id => $gallery) {
             if ($gallery_id == $post->post_parent) {
                 $parent = 'PARENT ';
             } else {
                 $parent = '';
             $galleries .= sprintf('%1$s (%2$s %3$s), %4$s', $parent, $gallery['post_type'], $gallery_id, $gallery['post_title']) . "\r\n";
         // foreach $feature
     echo '<label class="screen-reader-text" for="mla_mla_gallery_in">MLA Gallery in</label><textarea class="readonly" id="mla_mla_gallery_in" rows="5" cols="80" readonly="readonly" name="mla_mla_gallery_in" >' . esc_textarea($galleries) . "</textarea>\r\n";