/** * 控制器执行主逻辑函数, 处理移动文件或者文件夹 * * @return mixed $value 返回最终需要执行完的结果 */ public function invoke($uri = null) { // 调用父类初始化函数,注册自定义的异常和错误处理逻辑 parent::init(); $this->setAction(MConst::MOVE); $params = $_REQUEST; // 检查参数 if (isset($params) === false) { throw new MException(Yii::t('api', 'Bad Request 7')); } // // 获取用户数据,如user_id $user = MUserManager::getInstance()->getCurrentUser(); $device = MUserManager::getInstance()->getCurrentDevice(); $this->_userId = $user["user_id"]; $this->master = $user["user_id"]; $user_nick = $user["user_name"]; $user_device_id = $device["device_id"]; $this->_user_device_name = $device["user_device_name"]; // 文件大小格式化参数 $this->_locale = "bytes"; if (isset($params["locale"])) { $this->_locale = $params["locale"]; } if (isset($params["root"]) === false || isset($params["from_path"]) === false || isset($params["to_path"]) === false) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Bad Request'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_400); } $this->_root = $params["root"]; $from_path = $params["from_path"]; $to_path = $params["to_path"]; $arr = explode('/', $from_path); $isRoot = false; $isMine = false; if (count($arr) == 3) { $isRoot = true; } $fileOwnerId = $arr[1]; $currentUserId = $this->_userId; if ($fileOwnerId == $currentUserId) { $isMine = true; } if ($isRoot && !$isMine) { //如果是在根目录下且不是自己的目录 则后台控制不准取消共享 throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Internal Server Error'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_409); } $to_parts = explode('/', $to_path); $from_parts = explode('/', $from_path); if (count($to_parts) == 2) { $to_path = '/' . $this->_userId . $to_path; } $to_parts = explode('/', $to_path); $file = MiniFile::getInstance()->getByPath($from_path); $isSelfFile = false; if (!empty($file) && $file['user_id'] == $this->_userId) { $isSelfFile = true; } // 转换路径分隔符,便于以后跨平台,如:将 "\"=>"/" $from_path = MUtils::convertStandardPath($from_path); $to_path = MUtils::convertStandardPath($to_path); if ($to_path[strlen($to_path) - 1] == "/") { // 目标文件无效,403 error throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'The file or folder name is invalid'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_403); } // 检查共享 $this->from_share_filter = MSharesFilter::init(); $this->to_share_filter = MSharesFilter::init(); $isSharedPath = true; $this->rename = false; // 检查移动方式 if ($this->rename == true) { // 先copy再删除,如果是移动共享文件夹则只copy,再执行shareManager取消共享 $copy_handler = new MCopyController(); $copy_handler->isOutput = false; $response = $copy_handler->invoke(); $_REQUEST['path'] = $params["from_path"]; $delete_handler = new MDeleteController(); $delete_handler->isOutput = false; $delete_handler->completely_remove = true; $delete_handler->invoke(); if (MUserManager::getInstance()->isWeb() === true) { $this->buildWebResponse(); exit; return; } echo json_encode($response); return; } $file_name = MUtils::get_basename($to_path); // 检查文件名是否有效 $is_invalid = MUtils::checkNameInvalid($file_name); if ($is_invalid) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'The file or folder name is invalid'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_400); } // 检查是否移动到其子目录下 if (strpos($to_path, $from_path . "/") === 0) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Can not be moved to the subdirectory'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_403); } if ($to_path == "/{$this->_userId}" || $to_path == "/{$this->_userId}/") { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Can not be moved to the error directory'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_403); } $from_parent = CUtils::pathinfo_utf($from_path); $to_parent = CUtils::pathinfo_utf($to_path); $privilegeModel = new PrivilegeBiz(); if (!(count($to_parts) == 3)) { $isSharedPath = false; $toPathArr = explode('/', $to_path); $masterId = $toPathArr[1]; if ($masterId != $this->_userId) { $isSharedPath = true; } else { $model = new GeneralFolderPermissionBiz($to_parent['dirname']); if ($model->isParentShared($to_parent['dirname'])) { //如果是父目录被共享 $isSharedPath = true; } } if ($isSharedPath) { $toPrivilege = UserPermissionBiz::getInstance()->getPermission($to_parent['dirname'], $this->_userId); if (empty($toPrivilege)) { $toPrivilege['permission'] = MConst::SUPREME_PERMISSION; } else { $this->to_share_filter->slaves = $privilegeModel->getSlaveIdsByPath($toPrivilege['share_root_path']); $this->to_share_filter->is_shared = true; } } else { $toPrivilege['permission'] = MConst::SUPREME_PERMISSION; } $toFilter = new MiniPermission($toPrivilege['permission']); } else { if ($to_parent['dirname'] == $from_parent['dirname']) { $isSharedPath = false; $fromPathArr = explode('/', $from_path); $masterId = $fromPathArr[1]; if ($masterId != $this->_userId) { $isSharedPath = true; } else { $model = new GeneralFolderPermissionBiz($from_path); if ($model->isParentShared($from_path)) { //如果是父目录被共享 $isSharedPath = true; } } if ($isSharedPath) { $toPrivilege = UserPermissionBiz::getInstance()->getPermission($from_path, $this->_userId); if (!empty($toPrivilege)) { $this->to_share_filter->slaves = $privilegeModel->getSlaveIdsByPath($toPrivilege['share_root_path']); $this->to_share_filter->is_shared = true; } else { $toPrivilege['permission'] = MConst::SUPREME_PERMISSION; } } else { $toPrivilege['permission'] = MConst::SUPREME_PERMISSION; } } $toFilter = new MiniPermission(MConst::SUPREME_PERMISSION); } $isSharedPath = false; $fromPathArr = explode('/', $from_path); $masterId = $fromPathArr[1]; if ($masterId != $this->_userId) { $isSharedPath = true; } else { $model = new GeneralFolderPermissionBiz($from_path); if ($model->isParentShared($from_path)) { //如果是父目录被共享 $isSharedPath = true; } } if ($isSharedPath) { $fromPrivilege = UserPermissionBiz::getInstance()->getPermission($from_path, $this->_userId); if (empty($fromPrivilege)) { $fromPrivilege['permission'] = MConst::SUPREME_PERMISSION; } else { $this->from_share_filter->slaves = $privilegeModel->getSlaveIdsByPath($fromPrivilege['share_root_path']); $this->from_share_filter->is_shared = true; } } else { $fromPrivilege['permission'] = MConst::SUPREME_PERMISSION; } $fromFilter = new MiniPermission($fromPrivilege['permission']); if ($to_parent['dirname'] == $from_parent['dirname']) { $this->setAction(MConst::RENAME); $this->isRename = true; $canRenameFile = $fromFilter->canModifyFileName(); $canRenameFolder = $fromFilter->canModifyFolderName(); $canRenameFile2 = $toFilter->canModifyFileName(); $canRenameFolder2 = $toFilter->canModifyFolderName(); if ($file['file_type'] > 0 && !$canRenameFolder && !$isSelfFile) { //如果目标是目录,则当其不为己文件,且无更名权限时 exception throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'have no permission to rename folder'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_409); } if ($file['file_type'] == 0 && !$canRenameFile && !$isSelfFile) { //如果目标是文件,则当其不为己文件,且无更名权限时 exception throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'have no permission to rename file'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_409); } if ($file['file_type'] > 0 && !$canRenameFolder2 && !$isSelfFile) { //如果目标是目录,则当其不为己文件,且无更名权限时 exception throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'have no permission to rename folder'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_409); } if ($file['file_type'] == 0 && !$canRenameFile2 && !$isSelfFile) { //如果目标是文件,则当其不为己文件,且无更名权限时 exception throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'have no permission to rename file'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_409); } } else { $canDeleteFile = $fromFilter->canDeleteFile(); $canDeleteFile2 = $toFilter->canDeleteFile(); if (!$canDeleteFile || !$canDeleteFile2) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'have no permission to move file'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_409); } } // 先检查源目录是否存在,如果不存在抛出404错误 // $query_db_file = MFiles::queryFilesByPath($from_path); if ($query_db_file === false || empty($query_db_file)) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'The source file was not found at the specified path'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_404); } // // 检查目标是否存在(包括已被删除的状态) // $deleted = null; $query_db_goal_file = MFiles::queryAllFilesByPath($to_path); if ($query_db_goal_file) { if ($from_path !== $to_path && $query_db_goal_file[0]["is_deleted"] == false) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'There is already a item at the given destination'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_403); } // 已删除文件的处理 if ($query_db_goal_file[0]["is_deleted"] == 1) { MFiles::deleteById($query_db_goal_file[0]["id"]); if ($query_db_goal_file[0]["file_type"] != 0) { // 文件则直接删除 $deleted = $query_db_goal_file[0]["id"]; } } } $query_db_file = MFiles::queryFilesByPath($from_path); if ($query_db_file === false || empty($query_db_file)) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Not found the source files of the specified path'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_404); } // // 检查移动原路径与目标路径是否一致,一致则则返回其文件信息 // if ($from_path === $to_path) { $this->buildResult($query_db_file[0]); return; } // // 查询目标路径父目录信息 // $pathInfo = MUtils::pathinfo_utf($to_path); $parent_path = $pathInfo["dirname"]; $create_folder = new MCreateFolderController(); $create_folder->_user_device_id = $user_device_id; $create_folder->_user_id = $this->_userId; if (count(explode('/', $parent_path)) == 2) { $parent_file_id = 0; } else { $parent_file_id = $create_folder->handlerParentFolder($parent_path); } $fromUserId = $from_parts[1]; $toUserId = $to_parts[1]; // // 组装对象信息 // $file_detail = new MFiles(); $file_detail->file_name = $file_name; $file_detail->file_path = $to_path; $file_detail->file_type = $query_db_file[0]["file_type"]; $file_detail->id = $query_db_file[0]["id"]; $file_detail->from_path = $from_path; $file_detail->parent_file_id = $parent_file_id; $file_detail->user_id = $toUserId; $file_detail->mime_type = NULL; $create_array = array(); // // 判断操作的是文件夹,还是文件 // if ($file_detail->file_type > MConst::OBJECT_TYPE_FILE) { if ($file['user_id'] != $this->_userId) { $updateUserId = $query_db_file[0]["user_id"]; } else { $updateUserId = $this->master; } // // 文件夹,将会对其子文件做进一步处理 // $ret_value = MFiles::updateMoveChildrenFileDetail($updateUserId, $file_detail); if ($ret_value === false) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Not found the source files of the specified path'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_404); } // // 针对文件夹下的文件,组装需要添加版本信息的文件 // $create_array = $this->handleChildrenVersions($create_array, $this->_userId, $user_nick, $from_path, $to_path, $query_db_file[0]["id"], $this->_user_device_name, $query_db_file[0]["file_size"]); } else { $file_detail->mime_type = MiniUtil::getMimeType($file_name); $file_meta = new MFileMetas(); $file_meta->version_id = $query_db_file[0]["version_id"]; // // 查询之前是否包含其版本 // $file_version = MFileMetas::queryFileMeta($to_path, MConst::VERSION); if ($file_version) { $meta_value = MUtils::getFileVersions($this->_user_device_name, $query_db_file[0]['file_size'], $file_meta->version_id, MConst::CREATE_FILE, $this->_userId, $user_nick, $file_version[0]["meta_value"]); $file_meta->is_add = false; } else { $meta_value = MUtils::getFileVersions($this->_user_device_name, $query_db_file[0]['file_size'], $file_meta->version_id, MConst::CREATE_FILE, $this->_userId, $user_nick); $file_meta->is_add = true; } $file_meta->meta_value = $meta_value; $file_meta->file_path = $to_path; $create_array[$to_path] = $file_meta; // // 添加到需要更新的版本ref // array_push($this->versions, $file_meta->version_id); } if ($file['file_type'] == 2 || $file['file_type'] == 4) { MiniUserPrivilege::getInstance()->updateByPath($from_path, $to_path); MiniGroupPrivilege::getInstance()->updateByPath($from_path, $to_path); if ($to_parent['dirname'] != $from_parent['dirname']) { MiniUserPrivilege::getInstance()->deleteByFilePath($to_path); MiniGroupPrivilege::getInstance()->deleteByFilePath($to_path); } } // // 创建版本信息 // $ret = MFileMetas::batchCreateFileMetas($create_array, MConst::VERSION); // if ($ret === false) // { // throw new MFileopsException( // Yii::t('api','Internal Server Error'), // MConst::HTTP_CODE_500); // } // // 更新版本 // foreach ($create_array as $file_meta) { if ($file_meta->is_add === true) { // 不存在记录,不需要更新 continue; } MFileMetas::updateFileMeta($file_meta->file_path, MConst::VERSION, $file_meta->meta_value); } // // 更新版本引用次数 // foreach ($this->versions as $vid) { MiniVersion::getInstance()->updateRefCount($vid); } // // 更新该对象元数据 // $file_detail->event_uuid = MiniUtil::getEventRandomString(MConst::LEN_EVENT_UUID); $ret_value = MFiles::updateMoveFileDetail($file_detail); // 移动目录 or 文件 if ($ret_value === false) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Internal Server Error'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_500); } $updates = array(); if ($file['file_type'] == 2 || $file['file_type'] == 4) { if ($to_parent['dirname'] != $from_parent['dirname']) { $updates['file_type'] = 1; $updates['user_id'] = $this->_userId; } } if ($fromUserId != $toUserId) { $updates['user_id'] = $toUserId; } MiniFile::getInstance()->updateByPath($to_path, $updates); //被共享者更改文件名更新file_meta记录 MiniFileMeta::getInstance()->modifyFilePath($from_path, 'create_id', $to_path, $file['file_type']); // // 保存移动事件 // by Kindac; // $event_action = $this->getGroupMove($file_detail->from_path, $file_detail->file_path); $ret_value = MiniEvent::getInstance()->createEvent($this->_userId, $user_device_id, $event_action, $file_detail->from_path, $file_detail->file_path, $file_detail->event_uuid, $this->to_share_filter->type); if ($ret_value === false) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Internal Server Error'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_500); } if ($file['type'] != 0) { $eventAction = MConst::CREATE_DIRECTORY; } else { $eventAction = MConst::CREATE_FILE; } if ($to_parent['dirname'] == $from_parent['dirname']) { $this->to_share_filter->handlerAction($event_action, $user_device_id, $file_detail->from_path, $file_detail->file_path); } else { if ($this->to_share_filter->is_shared) { $this->to_share_filter->handlerAction($eventAction, $user_device_id, $file_detail->file_path, $file_detail->file_path); } if ($this->from_share_filter->is_shared) { $this->from_share_filter->handlerAction(MConst::DELETE, $user_device_id, $file_detail->from_path, $file_detail->from_path); } } $query_db_file[0]["file_path"] = $file_detail->file_path; $query_db_file[0]["event_uuid"] = $file_detail->event_uuid; if (!empty($deleted)) { MFiles::updateParentId($deleted, $file_detail->id); } //进行扩展操作 $this->extend($from_path, $to_path); //执行完删除操作后执行的额外事物 $after = new MMoveAfter(); $after->action = self::$scene; // $after->from_share_filter = $from_share_filter; $after->to_share_filter = $this->to_share_filter; $after->from_path = $from_path; $after->to_path = $to_path; $after->file_detail = $file_detail; $after->execute(); $this->buildResult($query_db_file[0], $to_path); }
public function handlerChildrenFile($fileDetail) { $directories = array(); // 记录这层中文件夹的对象 $files = array(); // 记录需要处理的文件对象(包括文件夹) // // 文件夹,查询其子文件这一层数据 // $dbChildrenFiles = MFiles::queryChildrenFilesByParentFileID($fileDetail->from_id); if ($dbChildrenFiles === false) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Internal Server Error'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_500); } if (empty($dbChildrenFiles)) { $p = $fileDetail->file_path; return; // 没有子文件,返回 } // // 检查文件数量,复制数量限制在10000条内 // if (count($dbChildrenFiles) > MConst::MAX_FILES_COUNT) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Too many files or folders need to be copied'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_406); } // // 转换数据 // foreach ($dbChildrenFiles as $dbFile) { $newFileDetail = new MFiles(); // // 排除已被删除的对象 // if ($dbFile["is_deleted"] == true) { continue; } $this->assembleFileDetail($dbFile['file_name'], $fileDetail->id, $newFileDetail, $dbFile); array_push($files, $newFileDetail); if ($dbFile["file_type"] == MConst::OBJECT_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { array_push($directories, $newFileDetail); } } if (empty($files)) { return; } // // 批量处理这批数据 // $ret = MFiles::batchCreateFileDetails($this->_user_id, $files); if ($ret === false || empty($ret)) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Not found the source files of the specified path'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_404); } $this->updateVerRef($files); $ret = MiniEvent::getInstance()->createEvents($this->_user_id, $this->_user_device_id, $files, $this->to_share_filter->type); if ($ret === false || empty($ret)) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Not found the source files of the specified path'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_404); } // // 为共享创建事件 // if ($this->to_share_filter->is_shared) { foreach ($files as $v) { $context = $v->context; if ($v->event_action == MConst::CREATE_FILE || $v->event_action == MConst::MODIFY_FILE) { $context = unserialize($context); } $this->to_share_filter->handlerAction($v->event_action, $this->_user_device_id, $v->from_path, $context); } } // // 处理这层中的文件夹 // foreach ($directories as $file) { // // 查询其复制目录路径id // $queryDbDirectory = MFiles::queryFilesByPath($file->file_path); if ($queryDbDirectory === false || empty($queryDbDirectory)) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Not found the source files of the specified path'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_404); } $file->id = $queryDbDirectory[0]["id"]; $this->handlerChildrenFile($file); } }
/** * 控制器执行主逻辑函数 * * @return mixed $value 返回最终需要执行完的结果 */ public function invoke($uri = null) { // 调用父类初始化函数,注册自定义的异常和错误处理逻辑 parent::init(); $params = $_REQUEST; // 检查参数 if (isset($params) === false || $params == null) { throw new Exception(Yii::t('api', 'Invalid parameters')); } // 文件大小格式化参数 $locale = "bytes"; if (isset($params["locale"])) { $locale = $params["locale"]; } $url = $uri; $url_manager = new MUrlManager(); $this->_root = $url_manager->parseRootFromUrl($uri); $path = $url_manager->parsePathFromUrl($uri); $path = MUtils::convertStandardPath($path); $originalPath = $path; // 检查共享 $share_filter = MSharesFilter::init(); // $share_filter // // 获取用户数据,如user_id $user = MUserManager::getInstance()->getCurrentUser(); $device = MUserManager::getInstance()->getCurrentDevice(); $this->_user_id = $user["user_id"]; $user_nick = $user["user_name"]; $user_device_id = $device["device_id"]; $this->_user_device_name = $device["user_device_name"]; $rev = $params["rev"]; $rev = intval($rev); $path = "/{$this->_user_id}{$path}"; // // 该文件是否具有此版本 // $file_meta = MFileMetas::queryFileMeta($path, MConst::VERSION); if ($file_meta == false || empty($file_meta)) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', ' Unable to find the revision at that path'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_404); } if (MUtils::isExistReversion($rev, $file_meta[0]["meta_value"]) == false) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', ' Unable to find the revision at that path'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_404); } // // 查询版本信息 // $version = MiniVersion::getInstance()->getVersion($rev); if ($version == null) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', ' Unable to find the revision at that path'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_404); } $size = $version["file_size"]; $file_hash = $version["file_signature"]; // // 查询文件信息 // $query_db_file = MFiles::queryFilesByPath($path); if ($query_db_file === false || empty($query_db_file)) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'not existed'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_404); } if ($query_db_file[0]["file_type"] == MConst::OBJECT_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { // 文件夹不需要版本 throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'folder not existed version'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_403); } if ($rev !== $query_db_file[0]["version_id"]) { // // 更新文件版本 // $updates = array(); $updates["version_id"] = $rev; $updates["file_update_time"] = time(); $updates["file_size"] = $size; $updates["event_uuid"] = MiniUtil::getEventRandomString(MConst::LEN_EVENT_UUID); $ret = MFiles::updateFileDetailById($query_db_file[0]["id"], $updates); if ($ret === false) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Internal Server Error'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_500); } $file_detail = new MFiles(); $file_detail->file_name = $query_db_file[0]["file_name"]; // // 保存事件 // $context = array("hash" => $file_hash, "rev" => (int) $rev, "bytes" => (int) $size); // // 增加修改事件 // $ret = MiniEvent::getInstance()->createEvent($this->_user_id, $user_device_id, MConst::MODIFY_FILE, $path, serialize($context), $updates["event_uuid"]); if ($ret === false) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Internal Server Error'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_500); } $this->handleFileMeta($path, $rev, $user_nick, $this->_user_device_name, $query_db_file[0]["file_size"]); } // TODO $mime_type = $version["mime_type"]; $response = array(); $response["size"] = MUtils::getSizeByLocale($locale, $size); $response["is_deleted"] = true; $response["bytes"] = intval($size); $response["thumb_exists"] = MUtils::isExistThumbnail($mime_type, $size); $response["path"] = $originalPath; $response["root"] = $this->_root; $response["is_dir"] = false; $response["mime_type"] = $mime_type; $response["modified"] = MUtils::formatIntTime(time()); $response["rev"] = strval($rev); $response["revision"] = $rev; echo json_encode($response); }
/** * 控制器执行主逻辑函数, 处理删除文件或者文件夹 */ public function invoke($uri = null) { $this->setAction(MConst::DELETE); // 调用父类初始化函数,注册自定义的异常和错误处理逻辑 parent::init(); $params = $_REQUEST; // 检查参数 if (isset($params) === false) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Bad Request 8'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_400); } // // 获取用户数据,如user_id $user = MUserManager::getInstance()->getCurrentUser(); $device = MUserManager::getInstance()->getCurrentDevice(); $this->_user_id = $user["user_id"]; $user_nick = $user["user_name"]; $user_device_id = $device["device_id"]; $this->_user_device_name = $device["user_device_name"]; // 文件大小格式化参数 $locale = "bytes"; if (isset($params["locale"])) { $locale = $params["locale"]; } if (isset($params["root"]) === false || isset($params["path"]) === false) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Bad Request 9'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_400); } $root = $params["root"]; $path = $params["path"]; $isDir = $params["is_dir"]; $pathArr = explode('/', $path); if ($path == '/' || empty($pathArr[2]) || empty($pathArr[1])) { return; } if ($isDir) { //避免人为添加删除目录 $arr = explode('/', $path); $isRoot = false; $isMine = false; if (count($arr) == 3) { $isRoot = true; } $fileOwnerId = $arr[1]; $currentUserId = $this->_user_id; if ($fileOwnerId == $currentUserId) { $isMine = true; } if ($isRoot && !$isMine) { //如果是在根目录下且不是自己的目录 则后台控制不准取消共享 throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Internal Server Error'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_409); } } // // 转换路径分隔符,便于以后跨平台,如:将 "\"=>"/" // $path = MUtils::convertStandardPath($path); if ($path == "" || $path == "/" || $path === false) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Bad request 10'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_400); } // 检查是否是共享目录 $share_filter = MSharesFilter::init(); if ($share_filter->handlerCheck($this->_user_id, $path)) { $this->_user_id = $share_filter->master; $path = $share_filter->_path; } // // 如果删除的是共享目录,则转到ShareManager处理 // if ($share_filter->_is_shared_path && $share_filter->operator != $share_filter->master) { $file = MFiles::queryFilesByPath("/" . $share_filter->operator . $share_filter->src_path); if (!$file) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Internal Server Error'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_500); } $id = $file[0]["id"]; $handler = new ShareManager(); $handler->_userId = $share_filter->operator; $handler->_id = $id; try { $handler->invoke(ShareManager::CANCEL_SHARED); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Internal Server Error'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_500); } // 输出返回值 $path = MUtils::convertStandardPath($share_filter->src_path); $this->buildResult($root, $path, $handler->_file["version_id"], $handler->_file["file_update_time"], true); return; } if ($share_filter->_is_shared_path && $share_filter->operator != $share_filter->master) { throw new MException(Yii::t('api', 'You do not have permission to perform the delete operation.'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_409); } // // 组装对象信息 // $file_name = MUtils::get_basename($path); $file_detail = new MFiles(); $file_detail->file_name = $file_name; $file_detail->file_path = $path; // // 查询其目录信息,是否存在 // $query_db_file = MFiles::queryFilesByPath($file_detail->file_path); //数据已不存在 if (count($query_db_file) <= 0) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Not found the source files of the specified path'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_404); } $data = array("obj" => $this, "share_filter" => $share_filter, "query_db_file" => $query_db_file[0]); //在共享文件夹中进行删除权限判断 if ($share_filter->is_shared && $query_db_file[0]["file_type"] != MConst::OBJECT_TYPE_BESHARED) { if ($query_db_file[0]["file_type"] == 0) { //文件删除 $share_filter->hasPermissionExecute($query_db_file[0]["file_path"], MPrivilege::FILE_DELETE); } else { //文件夹删除 $share_filter->hasPermissionExecute($query_db_file[0]["file_path"], MPrivilege::FOLDER_DELETE); } } // // 可以删除包含子文件的目录 // 检查其是否为文件夹 // $files = array(); $file_detail->is_dir = false; $file_detail->id = $query_db_file[0]["id"]; $file_detail->file_size = $query_db_file[0]["file_size"]; $file_detail->file_type = $query_db_file[0]["file_type"]; if ($query_db_file[0]["file_type"] > MConst::OBJECT_TYPE_FILE) { $file_detail->is_dir = true; $files = $this->handleChildrenFile($file_detail->file_path, $files); } else { // 处理加入版本历史 $this->handleFileMeta($file_detail->file_path, $query_db_file[0]["version_id"], $this->_user_id, $user_nick, $this->_user_device_name, $file_detail->file_size); } $isSharedPath = false; $pathArr = explode('/', $file_detail->file_path); $masterId = $pathArr[1]; if ($masterId != $this->_user_id) { $isSharedPath = true; } else { $model = new GeneralFolderPermissionBiz($file_detail->file_path); if ($model->isParentShared($file_detail->file_path)) { //如果是父目录被共享 $isSharedPath = true; } } if ($isSharedPath) { $permissionArr = UserPermissionBiz::getInstance()->getPermission($file_detail->file_path, $user["user_id"]); $permission = $permissionArr['permission']; if (!empty($permission)) { $privilegeModel = new PrivilegeBiz(); $share_filter->slaves = $privilegeModel->getSlaveIdsByPath($permissionArr['share_root_path']); $share_filter->is_shared = true; if ($file_detail->file_type == 0) { //删除文件 $can_file_delete = substr($permission, 7, 1); if ($can_file_delete == 0) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'no permission'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_409); } } if ($file_detail->file_type == 1 || $file_detail->file_type == 2 || $file_detail->file_type == 4) { $can_folder_delete = substr($permission, 3, 1); if ($can_folder_delete == 0) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'no permission'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_409); } } } } // // 更新文件元数据的为删除数据 // $this->assembleFileDetail($file_detail, $query_db_file[0]); $ret_value = MFiles::updateRemoveFileDetail($file_detail); if ($ret_value === false) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Internal Server Error'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_500); } // // 将删除目录加入数组 // array_push($files, $file_detail); // // 保存事件 // $ret_value = MiniEvent::getInstance()->createEvents($this->_user_id, $user_device_id, $files, $share_filter->type); if ($ret_value === false) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Internal Server Error'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_500); } // // // if ($share_filter->is_shared) { foreach ($files as $file) { $share_filter->handlerAction($file->event_action, $user_device_id, $file->from_path, $file->context); } } // // 删除共享目录(删除共享目录,对应的权限也一起删除) // //首先判断用户有无删除权限 $userPrivilegeList = MiniUserPrivilege::getInstance()->getPrivilegeList($file_detail->file_path); $groupPrivilegeList = MiniGroupPrivilege::getInstance()->getPrivilegeList($file_detail->file_path); if (!empty($userPrivilegeList)) { MiniUserPrivilege::getInstance()->deleteByFilePath($file_detail->file_path); } if (!empty($groupPrivilegeList)) { MiniGroupPrivilege::getInstance()->deleteByFilePath($file_detail->file_path); } //并且将file_type改为1 if ($file_detail->file_type == 0) { MiniFile::getInstance()->togetherShareFile($file_detail->file_path, Mconst::OBJECT_TYPE_FILE); } else { MiniFile::getInstance()->togetherShareFile($file_detail->file_path, Mconst::OBJECT_TYPE_DIRECTORY); } if ($filter !== true && $share_filter->_is_shared_path && $share_filter->operator == $share_filter->master) { $file = MFiles::queryFilesByPath("/" . $share_filter->operator . $path, true); if (!$file) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Internal Server Error'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_500); } $id = $file[0]["id"]; $handler = new ShareManager(); $handler->_userId = $share_filter->operator; $handler->_id = $id; try { $handler->invoke(ShareManager::CANCEL_SHARED); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Internal Server Error'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_500); } } // 如果彻底删除,则调用回收站 if ($this->completely_remove) { $trash = new Trash(); $trash->_userId = $this->_user_id; $trash->fromIds = $file_detail->id; try { $trash->invoke(Trash::DELETE); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Internal Server Error'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_500); } //执行的额外操作 $this->extend($share_filter, $query_db_file, $file_detail); return; } $path = CUtils::removeUserFromPath($query_db_file[0]["file_path"]); $path_info = MUtils::pathinfo_utf($path); $path_info_out = MUtils::pathinfo_utf($share_filter->src_path); $path = MUtils::convertStandardPath($path_info_out['dirname'] . "/" . $path_info['basename']); //执行的额外操作 $this->extend($share_filter, $query_db_file, $file_detail); $this->buildResult($root, $path, $query_db_file[0]["version_id"], $query_db_file[0]["file_update_time"], $file_detail->is_dir); }
/** * 创建文件 * @param array $fileDetail * @throws * @return array */ private function createFile($fileDetail) { // // 如果创建文件标志为false,则不执行创建 // if ($this->create_file == false) { return; } // // 是否有标记为删除的对象,可能存在多个 // $conflictFile = MFiles::queryFilesByPath($this->file_path, TRUE); if ($conflictFile != false && empty($conflictFile) == false) { foreach ($conflictFile as $file) { // // 如果非文件类型,删除 // if ($file["file_type"] == MConst::OBJECT_TYPE_FILE) { $fileDetail = MFiles::exchange2Object($file, TRUE); $this->creatFileDeleted($fileDetail); return; } else { // 彻底删除之后再进行创建 $trash = new Trash(); $trash->_userId = $this->user_id; $trash->fromIds = $file['id']; try { $trash->invoke(Trash::DELETE); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new MFileopsException(Yii::t('api', 'Internal Server Error'), MConst::HTTP_CODE_500); } } } } $this->spaceFilter($this->size); // 过滤器,空间大小计算 $fileDetail->file_create_time = $this->file_create_time; $fileDetail->file_update_time = $this->file_update_time; $fileDetail->file_size = $this->size; $fileDetail->file_type = MConst::OBJECT_TYPE_FILE; $fileDetail->parent_file_id = $this->parent_file_id; $fileDetail->version_id = $this->version_id; $fileDetail->file_path = $this->path; $fileDetail->file_name = $this->file_name; $fileDetail->event_uuid = MiniUtil::getEventRandomString(MConst::LEN_EVENT_UUID); $fileDetail->mime_type = $this->type; // // 创建文件时,如果存在老的版本 需要兼容 不能覆盖 // $metaValue = null; $fileMeta = MFileMetas::queryFileMeta($fileDetail->file_path, MConst::VERSION); if ($fileMeta) { $metaValue = $fileMeta[0]['meta_value']; } // // 文件meta属性,版本信息 // $version = MUtils::getFileVersions($this->user_device_name, $fileDetail->file_size, $this->version_id, $this->action, $this->user_id, $this->user_nick, $metaValue); // // 保存文件元数据 // $retVal = MFiles::CreateFileDetail($fileDetail, $this->user_id, $this->user_nick); if ($retVal === false) { throw new MFilesException(Yii::t('api', MConst::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR), MConst::HTTP_CODE_500); } // // 保存事件 // $this->context = array("hash" => $this->file_hash, "rev" => (int) $this->version_id, "bytes" => (int) $this->size, "update_time" => (int) $this->file_update_time, "create_time" => (int) $this->file_create_time); $retVal = MiniEvent::getInstance()->createEvent($this->currentUserId, $this->user_device_id, $this->action, $this->file_path, serialize($this->context), $fileDetail->event_uuid, $this->share_filter->type); // 为每个共享用户创建事件 $this->share_filter->handlerAction($this->action, $this->user_device_id, $this->file_path, $this->context); if (isset($fileDetail->event_uuid)) { $this->event_uuid = $fileDetail->event_uuid; } if ($retVal === false) { throw new MFilesException(Yii::t('api', MConst::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR), MConst::HTTP_CODE_500); } // 文件版本引用次数更新 if (MiniVersion::getInstance()->updateRefCount($this->version_id) == false) { throw new MFilesException(Yii::t('api', MConst::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR), MConst::HTTP_CODE_500); } if ($fileMeta) { $retVal = MFileMetas::updateFileMeta($this->file_path, MConst::VERSION, $version); } else { $retVal = MFileMetas::createFileMeta($this->file_path, MConst::VERSION, $version); $pathArr = explode('/', $this->file_path); $user = Yii::app()->session["user"]; if ((int) $pathArr[1] !== (int) $user['user_id']) { //只有当被共享者在共享目录下创建文件时,才会记录create_id MFileMetas::createFileMeta($this->file_path, 'create_id', $user['user_id']); } } if ($retVal === false) { throw new MFilesException(Yii::t('api', MConst::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR), MConst::HTTP_CODE_500); } }