コード例 #1
 * Generate and display the content for the Events Overview dashboard widget.
 * @since	1.3
 * @param
 * @return
function mdjm_widget_events_overview()
    global $current_user;
    if (mdjm_employee_can('manage_mdjm')) {
        $stats = new MDJM_Stats();
        $enquiry_counts = array('month' => 0, 'this_year' => 0, 'last_year' => 0);
        $conversion_counts = array('month' => 0, 'this_year' => 0, 'last_year' => 0);
        $enquiry_periods = array('month' => date('Y-m-01'), 'this_year' => date('Y-01-01'), 'last_year' => date('Y-01-01', strtotime('-1 year')));
        foreach ($enquiry_periods as $period => $date) {
            $current_count = mdjm_count_events(array('start-date' => $date, 'end-date' => $period != 'last_year' ? date('Y-m-d') : date('Y-12-31', strtotime('-1 year'))));
            foreach ($current_count as $status => $count) {
                $enquiry_counts[$period] += $count;
                if (in_array($status, array('mdjm-approved', 'mdjm-contract', 'mdjm-completed', 'mdjm-cancelled'))) {
                    $conversion_counts[$period] += $count;
        $completed_counts = array('month' => 0, 'this_year' => 0, 'last_year' => 0);
        $event_periods = array('month' => array(date('Y-m-01'), date('Y-m-d')), 'this_year' => array(date('Y-01-01'), date('Y-m-d')), 'last_year' => array(date('Y-m-01', strtotime('-1 year')), date('Y-12-31', strtotime('-1 year'))));
        foreach ($event_periods as $period => $date) {
            $current_count = mdjm_count_events(array('date' => $date, 'status' => 'mdjm-completed'));
            foreach ($current_count as $status => $count) {
                $completed_counts[$period] += $count;
        $income_month = $stats->get_income_by_date(null, date('n'), date('Y'));
        $income_year = $stats->get_income_by_date(null, '', date('Y'));
        $income_last = $stats->get_income_by_date(null, '', date('Y') - 1);
        $expense_month = $stats->get_expenses_by_date(null, date('n'), date('Y'));
        $expense_year = $stats->get_expenses_by_date(null, '', date('Y'));
        $expense_last = $stats->get_expenses_by_date(null, '', date('Y') - 1);
        $earnings_month = $income_month - $expense_month;
        $earnings_year = $income_year - $expense_year;
        $earnings_last = $income_last - $expense_last;
		<div class="mdjm_stat_grid">
        _e('MTD', 'mobile-dj-manager');
        _e('YTD', 'mobile-dj-manager');
        echo date('Y', strtotime('-1 year'));
        printf(__('%s Received', 'mobile-dj-manager'), get_post_status_object('mdjm-enquiry')->plural);
        echo $enquiry_counts['month'];
        echo $enquiry_counts['this_year'];
        echo $enquiry_counts['last_year'];
        printf(__('%s Converted', 'mobile-dj-manager'), get_post_status_object('mdjm-enquiry')->plural);
        echo $conversion_counts['month'];
        echo $conversion_counts['this_year'];
        echo $conversion_counts['last_year'];
        printf(__('%s Completed', 'mobile-dj-manager'), mdjm_get_label_plural());
        echo $completed_counts['month'];
        echo $completed_counts['this_year'];
        echo $completed_counts['last_year'];
        _e('Income', 'mobile-dj-manager');
        echo mdjm_currency_filter(mdjm_format_amount($income_month));
        echo mdjm_currency_filter(mdjm_format_amount($income_year));
        echo mdjm_currency_filter(mdjm_format_amount($income_last));
        _e('Outgoings', 'mobile-dj-manager');
        echo mdjm_currency_filter(mdjm_format_amount($expense_month));
        echo mdjm_currency_filter(mdjm_format_amount($expense_year));
        echo mdjm_currency_filter(mdjm_format_amount($expense_last));
        _e('Earnings', 'mobile-dj-manager');
        echo mdjm_currency_filter(mdjm_format_amount($earnings_month));
        echo mdjm_currency_filter(mdjm_format_amount($earnings_year));
        echo mdjm_currency_filter(mdjm_format_amount($earnings_last));
        printf(__('<a href="%s">Create %s</a>', 'mobile-dj-manager'), admin_url('post-new.php?post_type=mdjm-event'), mdjm_get_label_singular());
        printf(__('<a href="%s">Manage %s</a>', 'mobile-dj-manager'), admin_url('edit.php?post_type=mdjm-event'), mdjm_get_label_plural());
        printf(__('<a href="%s">Transactions</a>', 'mobile-dj-manager'), admin_url('edit.php?post_type=mdjm-transaction'));
        printf(__('<a href="%s">Settings</a>', 'mobile-dj-manager'), admin_url('admin.php?page=mdjm-settings'));

        $sources = $stats->get_enquiry_sources_by_date('this_month');

        if (!empty($sources)) {
            foreach ($sources as $count => $source) {
                printf(__('<p>Most enquiries have been received via <strong>%s (%d)</strong> so far this month.', 'mobile-dj-manager'), $source, (int) $count);
        } else {
            _e('No enquiries yet this month.', 'mobile-dj-manager');

コード例 #2
 * Show report graphs for earnings.
 * @since	1.4
 * @return	void
function mdjm_transactions_reports_graph()
    // Retrieve the queried dates
    $dates = mdjm_get_report_dates();
    $stats = new MDJM_Stats();
    // Determine graph options
    switch ($dates['range']) {
        case 'today':
        case 'yesterday':
            $day_by_day = true;
        case 'last_year':
        case 'this_year':
            $day_by_day = false;
        case 'last_quarter':
        case 'this_quarter':
            $day_by_day = true;
        case 'other':
            if ($dates['m_end'] - $dates['m_start'] >= 3 || $dates['year_end'] > $dates['year'] && $dates['m_start'] - $dates['m_end'] != 10) {
                $day_by_day = false;
            } else {
                $day_by_day = true;
            $day_by_day = true;
    $income_totals = 0.0;
    // Total income for time period shown
    $expense_totals = 0.0;
    // Total expense for time period shown
    $events_totals = 0;
    // Total events for the time period shown
    if ($dates['range'] == 'today' || $dates['range'] == 'yesterday') {
        // Hour by hour
        $hour = 1;
        $month = $dates['m_start'];
        while ($hour <= 23) {
            $income = $stats->get_income_by_date($dates['day'], $month, $dates['year'], $hour);
            $expense = $stats->get_expenses_by_date($dates['day'], $month, $dates['year'], $hour);
            $events = $stats->get_events_by_date($dates['day'], $month, $dates['year'], $hour);
            $income_totals += $income;
            $expense_totals += $expense;
            $events_totals += $events;
            $date = mktime($hour, 0, 0, $month, $dates['day'], $dates['year']) * 1000;
            $income_data[] = array($date, $income);
            $expense_data[] = array($date, $expense);
            $events_data[] = array($date, $events);
    } elseif ($dates['range'] == 'this_week' || $dates['range'] == 'last_week') {
        $num_of_days = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $dates['m_start'], $dates['year']);
        $report_dates = array();
        $i = 0;
        while ($i <= 6) {
            if ($dates['day'] + $i <= $num_of_days) {
                $report_dates[$i] = array('day' => (string) $dates['day'] + $i, 'month' => $dates['m_start'], 'year' => $dates['year']);
            } else {
                $report_dates[$i] = array('day' => (string) $i, 'month' => $dates['m_end'], 'year' => $dates['year_end']);
        foreach ($report_dates as $report_date) {
            $income = $stats->get_income_by_date($report_date['day'], $report_date['month'], $report_date['year']);
            $income_totals += $income;
            $expense = $stats->get_expenses_by_date($report_date['day'], $report_date['month'], $report_date['year']);
            $expense_totals += $expense;
            $events = $stats->get_events_by_date($report_date['day'], $report_date['month'], $report_date['year']);
            $events_totals += $events;
            $date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $report_date['month'], $report_date['day'], $report_date['year']) * 1000;
            $income_data[] = array($date, $income);
            $expense_data[] = array($date, $expense);
            $events_data[] = array($date, $events);
    } else {
        $y = $dates['year'];
        $temp_data = array('income' => array(), 'expense' => array());
        while ($y <= $dates['year_end']) {
            $last_year = false;
            if ($dates['year'] == $dates['year_end']) {
                $month_start = $dates['m_start'];
                $month_end = $dates['m_end'];
                $last_year = true;
            } elseif ($y == $dates['year']) {
                $month_start = $dates['m_start'];
                $month_end = 12;
            } elseif ($y == $dates['year_end']) {
                $month_start = 1;
                $month_end = $dates['m_end'];
            } else {
                $month_start = 1;
                $month_end = 12;
            $i = $month_start;
            while ($i <= $month_end) {
                $d = $dates['day'];
                if ($i == $month_end) {
                    $num_of_days = $dates['day_end'];
                    if ($month_start < $month_end) {
                        $d = 1;
                } else {
                    $num_of_days = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $i, $y);
                while ($d <= $num_of_days) {
                    $income = $stats->get_income_by_date($d, $i, $y);
                    $income_totals += $income;
                    $expense = $stats->get_expenses_by_date($d, $i, $y);
                    $expense_totals += $expense;
                    $events = $stats->get_events_by_date($d, $i, $y);
                    $events_totals += $events;
                    $temp_data['income'][$y][$i][$d] = $income;
                    $temp_data['expense'][$y][$i][$d] = $expense;
                    $temp_data['events'][$y][$i][$d] = $events;
        $income_data = array();
        $expense_data = array();
        // When using 3 months or smaller as the custom range, show each day individually on the graph
        if ($day_by_day) {
            foreach ($temp_data['income'] as $year => $months) {
                foreach ($months as $month => $days) {
                    foreach ($days as $day => $income) {
                        $date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year) * 1000;
                        $income_data[] = array($date, $income);
            foreach ($temp_data['expense'] as $year => $months) {
                foreach ($months as $month => $days) {
                    foreach ($days as $day => $expense) {
                        $date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year) * 1000;
                        $expense_data[] = array($date, $expense);
            foreach ($temp_data['events'] as $year => $months) {
                foreach ($months as $month => $days) {
                    foreach ($days as $day => $events) {
                        $date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year) * 1000;
                        $events_data[] = array($date, $events);
            // When showing more than 3 months of results, group them by month, by the first (except for the last month, group on the last day of the month selected)
        } else {
            foreach ($temp_data['income'] as $year => $months) {
                $month_keys = array_keys($months);
                $last_month = end($month_keys);
                foreach ($months as $month => $days) {
                    $day_keys = array_keys($days);
                    $last_day = end($day_keys);
                    $consolidated_date = $month === $last_month ? $last_day : 1;
                    $income = array_sum($days);
                    $date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $consolidated_date, $year) * 1000;
                    $income_data[] = array($date, $income);
            foreach ($temp_data['expense'] as $year => $months) {
                $month_keys = array_keys($months);
                $last_month = end($month_keys);
                foreach ($months as $month => $days) {
                    $day_keys = array_keys($days);
                    $last_day = end($day_keys);
                    $consolidated_date = $month === $last_month ? $last_day : 1;
                    $expense = array_sum($days);
                    $date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $consolidated_date, $year) * 1000;
                    $expense_data[] = array($date, $expense);
            foreach ($temp_data['events'] as $year => $months) {
                $month_keys = array_keys($months);
                $last_month = end($month_keys);
                foreach ($months as $month => $days) {
                    $day_keys = array_keys($days);
                    $last_day = end($day_keys);
                    $consolidated_date = $month === $last_month ? $last_day : 1;
                    $events = array_sum($days);
                    $date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $consolidated_date, $year) * 1000;
                    $events_data[] = array($date, $events);
    $data = array(__('Income', 'mobile-dj-manager') => $income_data, __('Expense', 'mobile-dj-manager') => $expense_data, mdjm_get_label_plural() => $events_data);
    // start our own output buffer
	<div id="mdjm-dashboard-widgets-wrap">
		<div class="metabox-holder" style="padding-top: 0;">
			<div class="postbox">
    _e('Transactions Over Time', 'mobile-dj-manager');

				<div class="inside">
    $graph = new MDJM_Graph($data);
    $graph->set('x_mode', 'time');
    $graph->set('multiple_y_axes', false);

					<p class="mdjm_graph_totals">
    _e('Total income for period shown: ', 'mobile-dj-manager');
    echo mdjm_currency_filter(mdjm_format_amount($income_totals));
					<p class="mdjm_graph_totals">
    _e('Total expense for period shown: ', 'mobile-dj-manager');
    echo mdjm_currency_filter(mdjm_format_amount($expense_totals));
                    <p class="mdjm_graph_totals">
    _e('Total earnings for period shown: ', 'mobile-dj-manager');
    echo mdjm_currency_filter(mdjm_format_amount($income_totals - $expense_totals));
					<p class="mdjm_graph_totals">
    printf(__('Total %s for period shown: ', 'mobile-dj-manager'), mdjm_get_label_plural());
    echo $events_totals;


					<p class="mdjm-graph-notes">
                            <em><sup>&dagger;</sup> <?php 
    printf(__('Stats include all %s taking place within the date period selected.', 'mobile-dj-manager'), mdjm_get_label_plural(true));

    // get output buffer contents and end our own buffer
    $output = ob_get_contents();
    echo $output;