コード例 #1
ファイル: Framework.php プロジェクト: henrikau/confusa
 public function start()
     /* From OWASP (prevent clickjacking):
      * This new (nonstandard) X-FRAME-OPTIONS header is used to mark
      * responses that shouldn't be framed. There are two options with
      * X-FRAME-OPTIONS. The first is DENY, which prevents everyone from
      * framing the content.
      * This can also be done by apache itself:
      * a2enmod headers
      * Add to the Virtualhost, directory that hosts confusa:
      * Header set X-Frame-Options "DENY"
     header('X-Frame-Options: DENY');
      * Strict-Transport-Security (RFC 6797)
      * Once page has been accessed over HTTPS and this header was present,
      * confirmant browsers will force subsequent requests over HTTPS aswell.
     header('Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000');
     /* Set tpl object to content page */
     /* check the authentication-thing, catch the login-hook
      * This is done via confusa_auth
     try {
     } catch (CGE_CriticalAttributeException $cae) {
         $msg = "<b>" . $this->contentPage->translateMessageTag('fw_error_critical_attribute1') . "</b><br /><br />";
         $msg .= htmlentities($cae->getMessage()) . "<br /><br />";
         $msg .= $this->contentPage->translateMessageTag('fw_error_critical_attribute2');
         $this->renderError = true;
     } catch (MapNotFoundException $mnfe) {
         $msg = $this->contentPage->translateMessageTag('fw_error_map_notfound');
         /* if user is admin */
         if ($this->person->isNRENAdmin()) {
             $msg .= "<br /><br />";
             $msg .= "<a href=\"attributes.php?mode=admin&anticsrf=" . Framework::getAntiCSRF() . "\">";
             $msg .= $this->contentPage->translateMessageTag('fw_error_map_updatemap');
             $msg .= "</>\n";
         $this->renderError = true;
     } catch (ConfusaGenException $cge) {
         Framework::error_output($this->contentPage->translateMessageTag('fw_error_auth') . htmlentities($cge->getMessage()));
         $this->renderError = true;
     if ($this->isCSRFAttempt()) {
         $this->tpl->assign('instance', Config::get_config('system_name'));
         $this->tpl->assign('errors', self::$errors);
     /* Create a new anti CSRF token and export to the template engine */
     $this->current_anticsrf = self::getAntiCSRF();
     $this->tpl->assign('ganticsrf', 'anticsrf=' . $this->current_anticsrf);
     $this->tpl->assign('panticsrf', '<input type="hidden" name="anticsrf" value="' . $this->current_anticsrf . '" />');
      * Try to run the pre-processing
     try {
         $res = $this->contentPage->pre_process($this->person);
         if ($res) {
     } catch (CGE_RemoteCredentialException $rce) {
         $msg = $this->contentPage->translateMessageTag('fw_error_remote_credential1');
         $msg .= "<i>" . htmlentities($rce->getMessage()) . "</i><br /><br />";
         if ($this->person->isNRENAdmin()) {
             $msg .= "<div style=\"text-align: center\">";
             $msg .= self::translateMessageTag('fw_error_remote_credential2') . "</div>";
         } else {
             $msg .= Framework::error_output($this->contentPage->translateMessageTag('fw_error_remote_credential3'));
             $this->renderError = true;
     } catch (KeyNotFoundException $knfe) {
         $this->renderError = true;
         $errorTag = PW::create(8);
         $msg = "[{$errorTag}] " . $this->contentPage->translateMessageTag('fw_keynotfound1');
         Logger::logEvent(LOG_NOTICE, "Framework", "start()", "Config-file not properly configured: " . $knfe->getMessage(), __LINE__, $errorTag);
         $msg .= htmlentities($knfe->getMessage());
         $msg .= "<br />" . $this->contentPage->translateMessageTag('fw_keynotfound2');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Framework::error_output($this->contentPage->translateMessageTag('fw_unhandledexp1') . "<br />" . htmlentities($e->getMessage()));
         $this->renderError = true;
     /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
      * Admin messages, trigger on missing elements
     if ($this->person->isNRENAdmin()) {
     /* Mode-hook, to catch mode-change regardless of target-page (not only
      * index) */
     if (isset($_GET['mode'])) {
         $new_mode = NORMAL_MODE;
         if (htmlentities($_GET['mode']) == 'admin') {
             $new_mode = ADMIN_MODE;
     $this->tpl->assign('title_logo', $this->contentPage->translateMessageTag('l10n_title_logo'));
     $this->tpl->assign('person', $this->person);
     $this->tpl->assign('subscriber', $this->person->getSubscriber());
     $this->tpl->assign('nren', $this->person->getNREN());
     $this->tpl->assign('is_online', Config::get_config('ca_mode') === CA_COMODO);
     /* If we have a renderError, do not allow the user-page to
      * render, otherwise, run it, and catch all unhandled exception
      * The general idea, is that the process() should be
      * self-contained wrt to exceptions.
      * A NREN admin is supposed to be able to "fix stuff" such as for instance
      * CGE_CriticalAttributeExceptions and should hence see the pages also if
      * renderError is set.
     if (!$this->renderError || $this->person->isNRENAdmin()) {
         try {
         } catch (KeyNotFoundException $knfe) {
             $errorTag = PW::create(8);
             $msg = "[{$errorTag}] " . $this->contentPage->translateMessageTag('fw_keynotfound1');
             Logger::logEvent(LOG_NOTICE, "Framework", "start()", "Config-file not properly configured: " . $knfe->getMessage(), __LINE__, $errorTag);
             $msg .= htmlentities($knfe->getMessage());
             $msg .= "<br />" . $this->contentPage->translateMessageTag('fw_keynotfound2');
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             Logger::logEvent(LOG_INFO, "Framework", "start()", "Unhandleded exception when running contentPage->process()", __LINE__);
             Framework::error_output($this->contentPage->translateMessageTag('fw_unhandledexp1') . "<br />\n" . htmlentities($e->getMessage()));
     } else {
         $nren = $this->person->getNREN();
         if (isset($nren)) {
             /* if all else fails, at least give the user some recovery information */
             Framework::message_output($this->contentPage->translateMessageTag('fw_unrecoverable_nren') . htmlentities($this->person->getEPPN()));
         } else {
             $errorTag = PW::create();
             Framework::error_output("[{$errorTag}] " . $this->contentPage->translateMessageTag('fw_unrecoverable_nonren'));
             Logger::logEvent(LOG_WARNING, "Framework", "start()", "User contacting us from " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " tried to login from IdP that appears to have no NREN-mapping!", __LINE__, $errorTag);
     $this->tpl->assign('logoutUrl', 'logout.php');
     // see render_menu($this->person)
     $this->tpl->assign('menu', $this->tpl->fetch('menu.tpl'));
     $this->tpl->assign('errors', self::$errors);
     $this->tpl->assign('messages', self::$messages);
     $this->tpl->assign('successes', self::$successes);
     $this->tpl->assign('warnings', self::$warnings);
     if (Config::get_config('debug')) {
         $db_debug_res = "";
         $db_debug_res .= "<address>\n";
         $db_debug_res .= "During this session, we had ";
         $db_debug_res .= MDB2Wrapper::getConnCounter() . " individual DB-connections.<br />\n";
         $db_debug_res .= "</address>\n";
         $this->tpl->assign('db_debug', $db_debug_res);
     if (!$this->renderError) {