function callback() { //var_dump($_REQUEST); //这个key就是这个用户的令牌,很NB,要好好保存 $callback = site_url() . '/binding/tqq/callback'; //var_dump($this->session); $o = new MBOpenTOAuth(MB_AKEY, MB_SKEY, $this->session->userdata('oauth_token'), $this->session->userdata('oauth_token_secret')); $result = $o->getAccessToken($_REQUEST['oauth_verifier']); //获取ACCESSTOKEN //var_dump($result); $sns_oauth_token = $result['oauth_token']; $sns_oauth_token_secret = $result['oauth_token_secret']; $sns_uid = $result['name']; //让人吃金啊 if (empty($sns_uid)) { throw new Exception('oauth fail, havnt got getAccessToken()'); } //获取用户信息 //$c = new WeiboClient( WB_AKEY , WB_SKEY , $sns_oauth_token , $sns_oauth_token_secret); $c = new MBApiClient(MB_AKEY, MB_SKEY, $sns_oauth_token, $sns_oauth_token_secret); $me = $c->getUserInfo(); $me = $me['data']; //把资料准备好之后,剩下的就交给父类里的模版方法了! parent::post_login(UserManager::sns_website_tqq, $sns_uid, $sns_oauth_token, $sns_oauth_token_secret, $me['name']); /* $binding = $this->usermanager->get_binding_by_sns_uid(UserManager::sns_website_tqq, $sns_uid); if(empty($binding)) { //初次登录用户 //创建用户(同时创建sns_binding) $user = $this->usermanager->create_user(UserManager::sns_website_tqq, $sns_uid, $sns_oauth_token, $sns_oauth_token_secret, $me['name']); //把新创建的用户放到ci->weixiao里 $this->weixiao->set_user_token($user->user_token); $cur_user = $this->weixiao->get_cur_user(); if(empty($cur_user)) throw new Exception("something strange happens, cant get user just login."); $data = array('user'=>$cur_user); $this->load->view('binding/first_binding', $data); } else { //老用户 //TODO 初次登录进入binding/first_binding,否则关闭弹出窗口,刷新父页面 $user = $this->usermanager->get_by_id($binding->user_id); //把新创建的用户放到ci->weixiao里 $this->weixiao->set_user_token($user->user_token); $cur_user = $this->weixiao->get_cur_user(); if(empty($cur_user)) throw new Exception("something strange happens, cant get user just login."); $data = array('user'=>$cur_user); $this->load->view('binding/not_first_binding', $data); } */ }
/** * 此函数,供Callback处调用,如果返回false,认证失败,否则返回以下哈希表: * last_key -> callback得到的last_key * oauth_token -> 上述lastkey中的oauth_token * oauth_token_secret -> 上述lastkey中的oauth_token_secret * user_id -> 用户ID * user_name -> 用户昵称 * user_email -> 用户邮箱 */ function AuthCallback_tencent() { // 取得腾讯Auth对象 $o = new MBOpenTOAuth(MB_AKEY, MB_SKEY, $_SESSION['keys']['oauth_token'], $_SESSION['keys']['oauth_token_secret']); // 获取last_key $last_key = $o->getAccessToken($_REQUEST['oauth_verifier']); if ($last_key) { $rtn = array(); $rtn['last_key'] = $last_key; $rtn['oauth_token'] = $last_key['oauth_token']; $rtn['oauth_token_secret'] = $last_key['oauth_token_secret']; $rtn['user_id'] = $last_key['name']; $client = new MBApiClient(MB_AKEY, MB_SKEY, $last_key['oauth_token'], $last_key['oauth_token_secret']); $user = $client->getUserInfo(); $rtn['user_name'] = $user['data']['nick']; $rtn['user_email'] = $user['data']['email']; return $rtn; } else { return $last_key; } }
<?php @header('Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); include_once 'config.php'; include_once 'lib/oauth.php'; include_once 'lib/sina_api.php'; include_once 'lib/qq_api.php'; $sina_c = new WeiboClient(SINA_AKEY, SINA_SKEY, SINA_TOKEN, SINA_SECRET); $qq_c = new MBApiClient(QQ_AKEY, QQ_SKEY, QQ_TOKEN, QQ_SECRET); $mmc = memcache_init(); /* if(!isset(memcache_get($mmc,"sina_last_update"))){ memcache_set($mmc,"sina_last_update","0"); } if(!isset(memcache_get($mmc,"qq_last_update"))){ memcache_set($mmc,"qq_last_update","0"); } */ $sina_last_update = memcache_get($mmc, "sina_last_update"); $qq_last_update = memcache_get($mmc, "qq_last_update"); //同步腾讯微博到新浪微博 if (TOSINA == 0) { try { $qq_tweets = $qq_c->getMyTweet(); } catch (Exception $e) { exit; } $isQqTrue = true; switch ($isQqTrue) { case $qq_tweets['data']['info'][0]['timestamp'] <= $qq_last_update: $isQqTrue = false; break;
public function send_message($data) { static $client = NULL; if ($client === NULL) { define("MB_RETURN_FORMAT", 'json'); define("MB_API_HOST", ''); require_once APP_ROOT_PATH . 'system/api_login/Tencent/api_client.php'; $uid = intval($GLOBALS['user_info']['id']); $udata = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow("select tencent_app_key,tencent_app_secret from " . DB_PREFIX . "user where id = " . $uid); $client = new MBApiClient($this->api['config']['app_key'], $this->api['config']['app_secret'], $udata['tencent_app_key'], $udata['tencent_app_secret']); } $p['c'] = $data['content']; //组装autho类所需的图片参数内容 if (!empty($data['img'])) { $filename = $data['img']; $pic[0] = $this->get_image_mime($filename); $pic[1] = reset(explode('?', basename($filename))); $pic[2] = file_get_contents($filename); $p['p'] = $pic; } $p['ip'] = get_client_ip(); $p['type'] = 1; try { $msg = $client->postOne($p); // echo "success"; // print_r($msg); } catch (Exception $e) { // echo "error"; // print_r($e); } }
<?php @header('Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); session_start(); @(require_once 'config.php'); @(require_once 'oauth.php'); @(require_once 'opent.php'); @(require_once 'api_client.php'); $c = new MBApiClient(MB_AKEY, MB_SKEY, $_SESSION['last_key']['oauth_token'], $_SESSION['last_key']['oauth_token_secret']); //时间线 $p = array('f' => 0, 't' => 0, 'n' => 5); var_dump($c->getTimeline($p)); //拉取username的信息 $p = array('f' => 0, 't' => 0, 'n' => 5, 'name' => 'username'); //var_dump($c->getTimeline($p)); //拉取广播大厅消息 $p = array('p' => 0, 'n' => 5); //var_dump($c->getPublic($p)); //拉取关于我的消息 $p = array('f' => 0, 'n' => 5, 't' => 0, 'l' => '', 'type' => 1); //var_dump($c->getMyTweet($p)); // //单条消息 $p = array('id' => 26016073563599); //var_dump($c->getOne($p)); // //发消息 // *@content: 微博内容 $p = array('c' => '火车侠', 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'j' => '', 'w' => ''); //var_dump($c->postOne($p)); //
function sendtalk() { $weibo = D('Weibobind'); $ctent = D('Content'); $user = Action::$login_user; $contentid = mysql_insert_id(); if ($contentid) { $content = $ctent->where("content_id='{$contentid}'")->find(); $text = $content['content_body']; $media = $content['media_body']; $text = str_replace('&', '&', $text); $text = ubbreplace($text); $media = ubbreplace($content['media_body']); $st = getsubstr($media, 0, 7, false); if ($st == 'http://' || $st == '/photo/') { if ($st == '/photo/') { $media = __PUBLIC__ . '/attachments' . $media; $media = str_replace('s_', '', $media); } $text = $text . $media; } $text = clean_html($text); } if ($text) { $bind = $weibo->where("uid='{$user['user_id']}'")->find(); if ($bind['sina_uid'] && $bind['sina_token'] && $bind['sina_tsecret'] && $bind['sendtosina'] == 1) { $sinawb = new WeiboClient(WB_AKEY, WB_SKEY, $bind['sina_token'], $bind['sina_tsecret']); $me = $sinawb->verify_credentials(); if ($me['id'] == $bind['sina_uid']) { $rssina = $sinawb->update($text); } } if ($bind['qq_uid'] && $bind['qq_token'] && $bind['qq_tsecret'] && $bind['sendtoqq'] == 1) { include_once "qqweibo/api_client.php"; $qqwb = new MBApiClient(MB_AKEY, MB_SKEY, $bind['qq_token'], $bind['qq_tsecret']); $me = $qqwb->getUserInfo(); if ($me['data']['name'] == $bind['qq_uid']) { $p = array('c' => $text, 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'j' => '', 'w' => ''); $rsqq = $qqwb->postOne($p); } } } }
/** * 发送腾讯微博 */ function sendTencentWeibo($weibocontent, $P) { // 如果没有腾讯的授权,直接返回 if (!$P['tencentlastkey']) { return; } // 准备微博对象 $c = new MBApiClient(MB_AKEY, MB_SKEY, $P['tencentlastkey']['oauth_token'], $P['tencentlastkey']['oauth_token_secret']); // 如果有图片,上传图片,发表有图片的微博 if ($weibocontent['imgfile']) { $p = array('c' => $weibocontent['text'], 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'j' => '', 'w' => '', 'p' => array(null, 'pic from joomla', $weibocontent['imgfile']), 'type' => 0); } else { // 发表没有图片的微博 $p = array('c' => $weibocontent['text'], 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'j' => '', 'w' => ''); } $rtn = $c->postOne($p); }
} //if has video then add $user = sql_query('SELECT * FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'user WHERE username = "******"'); $user = mysql_fetch_array($user); $microblog = unserialize($user['microblog']); if (is_array($mblog)) { foreach ($mblog as $key => $var) { if ($var == 'fanfou') { sync_fanfou(strip_tags($entry), $microblog['ff']['name'], $microblog['ff']['pass']); } elseif ($var == 'sina') { $c = new WeiboClient(WB_AKEY, WB_SKEY, $microblog['sina']['oauth_token'], $microblog['sina']['oauth_token_secret']); $c->update($entry); } elseif ($var == 'digu') { sync_digu(strip_tags($entry), $microblog['dg']['name'], $microblog['dg']['pass']); } elseif ($var == 'qq') { $tecent = new MBApiClient(MB_AKEY, MB_SKEY, $microblog['qq']['oauth_token'], $microblog['qq']['oauth_token_secret']); $p = array('c' => $entry, 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'j' => '', 'w' => ''); $tecent->postOne($p); } elseif ($var == '163') { $wangyi = new wy_WeiboClient(WY_AKEY, WY_SKEY, $microblog['163']['oauth_token'], $microblog['163']['oauth_token_secret']); $wangyi->update($entry); } elseif ($var == 'sohu') { sync_sohu($entry, $microblog['sh']['name'], $microblog['sh']['pass']); } elseif ($var == 'tumblr') { sync_tumblr($entry, $microblog['tumblr']['name'], $microblog['tumblr']['pass']); } elseif ($var == 'leihou') { sync_leihou($entry, $microblog['lh']['name'], $microblog['lh']['pass']); } } } if ($_GET['type'] == 'm') {
/** * 发送腾讯微博 */ function sendTencentWeibo($row, $P) { // 如果没有得到本类微博的授权,不发表 if (!$P['tencentlastkey']) { return false; } $option = $P['typeoption']['tencent']; if (!$option) { return false; } // 准备微博文字和图片 getWeiboText($row, $option, $weibocontent); // 准备微博对象 try { $c = new MBApiClient(MB_AKEY, MB_SKEY, $P['tencentlastkey']['oauth_token'], $P['tencentlastkey']['oauth_token_secret']); // 如果有图片,上传图片,发表有图片的微博 if ($weibocontent['imgfile']) { $p = array('c' => $weibocontent['text'], 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'j' => '', 'w' => '', 'p' => array(null, 'pic from joomla', $weibocontent['imgfile']), 'type' => 0); } else { // 发表没有图片的微博 $p = array('c' => $weibocontent['text'], 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'j' => '', 'w' => ''); } $rtninfo = $c->postOne($p); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } if ($rtninfo['error_code']) { return false; } return "type=tencent:id={$rtninfo['data']['id']}"; }
function yjl_uwb($u, $c, $i, $e = '', $p = '') { global $r_main, $yjl_tpath, $dbprefix, $yjl_url, $yjl_isdebug; if ($yjl_isdebug == 0) { if (trim($r_main['sina_k']) != '' && trim($r_main['sina_s']) != '') { $q_rex = sprintf('select profile, access_token from %s where uid=%s and length(access_token)>0 limit 1', $dbprefix . 'xwb_bind_info', $u); $rex = mysql_query($q_rex) or die(mysql_error()); $r_rex = mysql_fetch_assoc($rex); if (mysql_num_rows($rex) > 0) { $a_xwb = json_decode($r_rex['profile'], true); if (isset($a_xwb['bind_setting']) && $a_xwb['bind_setting'] == 1) { require_once $e . 'lib/saetv2.ex.class.php'; $so = new SaeTClientV2($r_main['sina_k'], $r_main['sina_s'], $r_rex['access_token']); if ($p != '') { $rs = $so->upload($c, $e . $p); } else { $rs = $so->update($c); } if (isset($rs['mid']) && $rs['mid'] != '') { $iSQL = sprintf('insert into %s (tid, mid) values (%s, %s)', $dbprefix . 'xwb_bind_topic', $i, $rs['mid']); $result = mysql_query($iSQL) or die(mysql_error()); } } } mysql_free_result($rex); } if (trim($r_main['tqq_k']) != '' && trim($r_main['tqq_s']) != '') { $q_rex = sprintf('select token, tsecret from %s where uid=%s and length(token)>0 and length(tsecret)>0 and synctoqq>0 limit 1', $dbprefix . 'qqwb_bind_info', $u); $rex = mysql_query($q_rex) or die(mysql_error()); $r_rex = mysql_fetch_assoc($rex); if (mysql_num_rows($rex) > 0) { require_once $e . 'lib/tqq_opent.php'; require_once $e . 'lib/tqq_client.php'; $tqq = new MBApiClient($r_main['tqq_k'], $r_main['tqq_s'], $r_rex['token'], $r_rex['tsecret']); $tqq_a = array('c' => $c, 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'j' => '', 'w' => '', 'type' => 1); if ($p != '') { $ps = getimagesize($p); $p_data = file_get_contents($p); $tqq_a['p'] = array($ps['mime'], $p, $p_data); } $rq = $tqq->postOne($tqq_a); if (isset($rq['data']['id']) && $rq['data']['id'] != '') { $iSQL = sprintf('insert into %s (tid, qqwb_id) values (%s, %s)', $dbprefix . 'qqwb_bind_topic', $i, $rq['data']['id']); $result = mysql_query($iSQL) or die(mysql_error()); } } mysql_free_result($rex); } } }
<?php @header('Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); session_start(); @(require_once 'config.php'); @(require_once 'oauth.php'); @(require_once 'opent.php'); @(require_once 'api_client.php'); if (isset($_POST['content'])) { $c = new MBApiClient(MB_AKEY, MB_SKEY, $_SESSION['last_key']['oauth_token'], $_SESSION['last_key']['oauth_token_secret']); //发消息 // *@content: 微博内容 $p = array('c' => $_POST['content'], 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'j' => '', 'w' => '', 'p' => array($_FILES['pic']['type'], $_FILES['pic']['name'], file_get_contents($_FILES['pic']['tmp_name'])), 'type' => 0); print_r($c->postOne($p)); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>无标题文档</title> </head> <body> <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1" id="form1"> 内容:<input type="text" name="content" id="content" /> 图片:<input type="file" name="pic" id="pic" /> <input type="submit" name="button" id="button" value="提交" /> </form>