コード例 #1
 * create a new member and let it become participant of the supplied ballot
 * @param Period  $period
 * @param mixed   $ballot Ballot, true or null
 * @param integer $case
 * @param string  $i
function add_participant(Period $period, $ballot, $case, $i) {
	global $date, $password;

	Login::$member = new Member;
	Login::$member->invite = Login::generate_token(24);
	Login::$member->eligible = true;
	Login::$member->verified = true;
	Login::$member->username = "******".$date."c".$case."p".(is_object($ballot)?$ballot->id:$ballot).$i;
	Login::$member->password = $password;
	$update_fields = array('username', 'password', 'eligible');

	// Enable this only in local development environment, because it may lead to a lot if notification mails!
	//Login::$member->mail = ERROR_MAIL;
	//$update_fields[] = "mail";

	Login::$member->update($update_fields, 'activated=now()');
	if ($ballot) {
		if (is_object($ballot)) $period->select_ballot($ballot); else $period->select_postal();
コード例 #2
ファイル: Member.php プロジェクト: ppschweiz/basisentscheid
	 * save not yet confirmed mail address and send confirmation request
	 * @param string  $mail
	public function set_mail($mail) {

		if ( strtotime($this->mail_lock_expiry) > time() ) {
			warning(_("We have sent an email with a confirmation code already in the last hour. Please try again later!"));

		$this->mail_unconfirmed = $mail;

		do {
			$this->mail_code = Login::generate_token(16);
			$sql = "SELECT id FROM member WHERE mail_code=".DB::esc($this->mail_code);
		} while ( DB::numrows($sql) );
		// The member has 7 days to confirm the email address.
		$this->update(['mail_unconfirmed', 'mail_code'], "mail_code_expiry = now() + interval '7 days'");

		$subject = _("Email confirmation request");
		$body = _("Please confirm your email address by clicking the following link:")."\n"
			._("If this link does not work, please open the following URL in your web browser:")."\n"
			._("On that page enter the code:")."\n"
		if ( send_mail($mail, $subject, $body) ) {
			$this->update(array(), "mail_lock_expiry = now() + interval '1 hour'");
			success(_("Your email address has been saved. An email with a confirmation code has been sent."));
		} else {
			warning(sprintf(_("Your email address has been saved, but the email with the confirmation code could not be sent. Try again later or contact %s.")), MAIL_SUPPORT);

		// notification to old mail address
		if ($this->mail) {
			$subject = _("Change of your email address");
			$body = _("Someone, probably you, changed your email address to:")."\n"
				._("If this was not you, somebody else got access to your account. In this case please log in as soon as possible and change your password:"******"\n"
				.sprintf(_("Then try to set the email address back to your one and contact %s!"), MAIL_SUPPORT);
			send_mail($this->mail, $subject, $body);

コード例 #3
 * create a member once
 * @param string  $username
function create_member($username) {
	global $password, $ngroup;

	// make usernames unique
	$username .= " ".$ngroup->id;

	static $members = array();
	if (isset($members[$username])) {
		Login::$member = $members[$username];

	Login::$member = new Member;
	Login::$member->invite = Login::generate_token(24);
	Login::$member->eligible = true;
	Login::$member->verified = true;
	Login::$member->username = $username;
	Login::$member->password = $password;
	$update_fields = array('username', 'password', 'eligible');

	// Enable this only in local development environment, because it will lead to extremely many notification mails!
	//Login::$member->mail = ERROR_MAIL;
	//$update_fields[] = "mail";

	Login::$member->update($update_fields, 'activated=now()');
	DB::insert("member_ngroup", array('member'=>Login::$member->id, 'ngroup'=>$ngroup->id));

	// activate all notifications
	foreach ( Notification::$default_settings as $interest => $types ) {
		$fields_values = array('member'=>Login::$member->id, 'interest'=>$interest);
		foreach ( $types as $type => $value ) {
			$fields_values[$type] = true;
		DB::insert_or_update("notify", $fields_values, array('member', 'interest'));

	$members[$username] = Login::$member;

コード例 #4
ファイル: Period.php プロジェクト: ppschweiz/basisentscheid
	 * start online voting
	 * @param array   $issues
	public function start_voting(array $issues) {

		// entitled members of the ngroup
		$sql = "SELECT member.* FROM member
			JOIN member_ngroup ON member.id = member_ngroup.member AND member_ngroup.ngroup=".intval($this->ngroup)."
			WHERE activated IS NOT NULL AND eligible=TRUE AND verified=TRUE";
		$members = DB::fetchobjectarray($sql, "Member");

		$personal_tokens = array();
		$all_tokens      = array();
		foreach ($issues as $issue) {
			/** @var $issue Issue */

			// generate vote tokens
			$all_tokens[$issue->id] = array();
			foreach ( $members as $member ) {
				do {
					$token = Login::generate_token(8);
					$sql = "SELECT token FROM vote_token WHERE token=".DB::esc($token);
				} while ( DB::numrows($sql) );
				$sql = "INSERT INTO vote_token (member, issue, token) VALUES (".intval($member->id).", ".intval($issue->id).", ".DB::esc($token).")";
				$personal_tokens[$member->id][$issue->id] = $token;
				$all_tokens[$issue->id][]                 = $token;

			$issue->state = "voting";
			$issue->update(["state"], 'voting_started=now()');


		// notification mails
		$subject = sprintf(_("Voting started in period %d"), $this->id);
		$body_top = _("Group").": ".$this->ngroup()->name."\n\n"
			._("Online voting has started on the following proposals").":\n";
		$body_lists = "\n"._("Voting end").": ".datetimeformat($this->counting)
			."\n\n===== "._("Lists of all vote tokens")." =====\n";
		$issues_blocks = array();
		foreach ( $issues as $issue ) {
			$body_lists .= "\n"
				._("Issue")." ".$issue->id.":\n"
				.join(", ", $all_tokens[$issue->id])."\n";
			$issues_blocks[$issue->id] = "\n"._("Issue")." ".$issue->id."\n";
			foreach ( $issue->proposals(true) as $proposal ) {
				$issues_blocks[$issue->id] .= _("Proposal")." ".$proposal->id.": ".$proposal->title."\n"
		foreach ( $members as $member ) {
			if (!$member->mail) continue;
			$body = $body_top;
			foreach ( $issues as $issue ) {
				$body .= $issues_blocks[$issue->id]
					._("Vote").": ".BASE_URL."vote.php?issue=".$issue->id."\n"
					._("Your vote token").": ".$personal_tokens[$member->id][$issue->id]."\n";
			$body .= $body_lists;
			send_mail($member->mail, $subject, $body, array(), $member->fingerprint);

コード例 #5
ファイル: Issue.php プロジェクト: ppschweiz/basisentscheid
	 * create a unique token for the member and the current issue
	 * @param string  $table  database table
	 * @param Member  $member
	 * @return string
	private function create_unique_token($table, Member $member) {
		do {
			$token = Login::generate_token(8);
			$sql = "SELECT token FROM $table WHERE token=".DB::esc($token);
		} while ( DB::numrows($sql) );
		$sql = "INSERT INTO $table (member, issue, token) VALUES (".intval($member->id).", ".intval($this->id).", ".DB::esc($token).")";
		return $token;
コード例 #6
 * @author Magnus Rosenbaum <*****@*****.**>
 * @package Basisentscheid

require "inc/common_http.php";


if ($action) {
	switch ($action) {
	case "create":

		$member = new Member;
		$member->invite = Login::generate_token(24);
		$member->eligible = true;
		$member->verified = true;

		// become member of ngroups
		if (!empty($_POST['ngroups'])) {
			foreach ( $_POST['ngroups'] as $ngroup ) {
				$ngroup_int = intval($ngroup);
				if (!$ngroup_int or $ngroup_int!=$ngroup) continue;
				DB::insert("member_ngroup", array('member'=>$member->id, 'ngroup'=>$ngroup_int));

コード例 #7

		if (!$_POST['username']) break;

		$sql = "SELECT * FROM member
	        WHERE username="******"
			AND ( password_reset_code IS NULL OR password_reset_code_expiry < now() )";
		$result = DB::query($sql);
		if ( $member = DB::fetch_object($result, "Member") ) {

			if (!$member->mail) {
				warning(sprintf(_("Sorry, but there is no confirmed email address for this account. Please contact %s!"), MAIL_SUPPORT), true);

			$member->password_reset_code = Login::generate_token(24);
			if ( ! $member->update(['password_reset_code'], "password_reset_code_expiry = now() + interval '1 day'") ) {
				warning(sprintf(_("The generated code could not be saved. Please try again or contact %s!"), MAIL_SUPPORT), true);

			$subject = _("Password reset request");

			$body = sprintf(_("Hello %s!"), $member->username)."\n\n"
				._("To reset your password please click on the following link:")."\n"
				._("If this link does not work, please open the following URL in your web browser:")."\n"
				._("On that page please enter the code:")."\n"
				._("This code is only valid for one day.");