コード例 #1
 public function testSave()
     $loc = new Location();
     $this->assertTrue($loc->getID() != NULL);
     $fetched = new Location();
     $this->assertEquals($fetched->getID(), $loc->getID());
     $this->assertEquals($fetched->getBuildingID(), $loc->getBuildingID());
     $this->assertEquals($fetched->getRoom(), $loc->getRoom());
     //delete from DB for cleanup
     //TODO -- replace with proper delete method
     $sql = "DELETE FROM `locations` WHERE id=?";
     $sql = $this->db->prepareQuery($sql, $loc->getID());
コード例 #2
ファイル: test.php プロジェクト: JakeDawkins/NiceCatch

require 'models/config.php';
$loc = new Location();
echo $loc->getID();
コード例 #3
ファイル: class.kill.php プロジェクト: jjlupa/edk-mods
  * Really add the kill.
  * @param integer $id If set, use the given id to post this kill.
  * @return integer
 protected function realadd($id = null)
     if ($this->timestamp == "" || !$this->getVictim()->getID() || !$this->victimship->getName() || !$this->solarsystem->getID() || !$this->victimallianceid || !$this->victimcorpid || !$this->getFBPilotID() || !$this->getHash(false, false)) {
         return 0;
     // TODO: Redo accounting for ammo (see kill_detail).
     //              // Check slot counts.
     //              $locations = array();
     //              foreach ($this->droppeditems_ as $dest) {
     //                      $locations[$dest->getLocationID()] += $dest->getQuantity();
     //              }
     //              foreach ($this->destroyeditems_ as $dest) {
     //                      $locations[$dest->getLocationID()] += $dest->getQuantity();
     //              }
     //              $dogma = Cacheable::factory('dogma', $this->victimship->getID());
     //              $lowcount = (int)$dogma->attrib['lowSlots']['value'];
     //              $medcount = (int)$dogma->attrib['medSlots']['value'];
     //              $hicount = (int)$dogma->attrib['hiSlots']['value'];
     //              // Is there anything flyable that has no rig slots?
     //              $rigcount = (int)($dogma->attrib['rigSlots']['value'] ?
     //                              $dogma->attrib['rigSlots']['value'] : 3);
     //              $subcount = 5;
     //              if ($lowcount
     //                              && ($locations[1] > $hicount
     //                              || $locations[2] > $medcount
     //                              ||  $locations[3] > $lowcount
     //                              || $locations[5] > $rigcount)
     //                              ) {
     //                      return 0;
     //              } else if ((!$lowcount && $locations[7])
     //                              && ($locations[7] > $subcount
     //                              || $locations[5] > $rigcount)
     //                              ) {
     //                      return 0;
     //              }
     if ($id == null) {
         $qid = 'null';
     } else {
         $qid = $id;
     if (!$this->dmgtaken) {
         $this->dmgtaken = 0;
     if (is_null($this->xCoordinate)) {
         $this->xCoordinate = 0;
     if (is_null($this->yCoordinate)) {
         $this->yCoordinate = 0;
     if (is_null($this->zCoordinate)) {
         $this->zCoordinate = 0;
     $mysqlTimestamp = toMysqlDateTime($this->timestamp);
     $qry = DBFactory::getDBQuery();
     $sql = "INSERT INTO kb3_kills\n            (kll_id , kll_timestamp , kll_victim_id , kll_all_id , kll_crp_id , kll_ship_id , kll_system_id , kll_fb_plt_id , kll_points , kll_dmgtaken, kll_external_id, kll_isk_loss, kll_x, kll_y, kll_z, kll_location)\n            VALUES (" . $qid . ",\n            '" . $mysqlTimestamp . "',\n            " . $this->victimid . ",\n            " . $this->victimallianceid . ",\n            " . $this->victimcorpid . ",\n            " . $this->victimship->getID() . ",\n            " . $this->solarsystem->getID() . ",\n            " . $this->getFBPilotID() . ",\n            " . $this->calculateKillPoints() . ",\n            " . $this->dmgtaken . ", ";
     if ($this->externalid) {
         $sql .= $this->externalid . ", ";
     } else {
         $sql .= "NULL, ";
     $sql .= $this->getISKLoss() . ",\n            " . $this->xCoordinate . ",\n            " . $this->yCoordinate . ",\n            " . $this->zCoordinate . ",";
     if (!is_null($this->getNearestCelestial())) {
         $sql .= $this->nearestCelestial->getID();
     } else {
         $sql .= "NULL";
     $sql .= " )";
     if (!$qry->execute($sql)) {
         return $this->rollback($qry);
     if ($id) {
         $this->id = $id;
     } else {
         $this->id = $qry->getInsertID();
     if (!$this->id) {
         return $this->rollback($qry);
     // involved
     $order = 0;
     $invall = array();
     $invcrp = array();
     $involveddsql = 'insert into kb3_inv_detail
                 (ind_kll_id, ind_timestamp, ind_plt_id, ind_sec_status, ind_all_id, ind_crp_id, ind_shp_id, ind_wep_id, ind_order, ind_dmgdone )
                 values ';
     $involvedasql = 'insert into kb3_inv_all
                 (ina_kll_id, ina_all_id, ina_timestamp) values ';
     $involvedcsql = 'insert into kb3_inv_crp
                 (inc_kll_id, inc_crp_id, inc_timestamp) values ';
     $notfirstd = false;
     $notfirsta = false;
     $notfirstc = false;
     // Make sure involved parties are ordered by damage done.
     usort($this->involvedparties_, array('Kill', 'involvedComparator'));
     foreach ($this->involvedparties_ as $inv) {
         $ship = $inv->getShip();
         $weapon = $inv->getWeapon();
         if (!$inv->getPilotID() || !$inv->getAllianceID() || !$inv->getCorpID() || !$ship->getName() || !$weapon->getID()) {
             return $this->rollback();
         if ($notfirstd) {
             $involveddsql .= ", ";
         $involveddsql .= "( " . $this->getID() . ", '" . $mysqlTimestamp . "', " . $inv->getPilotID() . ", '" . $inv->getSecStatus() . "', " . $inv->getAllianceID() . ", " . $inv->getCorpID() . ", " . $ship->getID() . ", " . $weapon->getID() . ", " . $order++ . ", " . $inv->getDamageDone() . ")";
         $notfirstd = true;
         if (!in_array($inv->getAllianceID(), $invall)) {
             if ($notfirsta) {
                 $involvedasql .= ", ";
             $involvedasql .= "( " . $this->getID() . ", " . $inv->getAllianceID() . ", '" . $mysqlTimestamp . "')";
             $notfirsta = true;
             $invall[] = $inv->getAllianceID();
         if (!in_array($inv->getCorpID(), $invcrp)) {
             if ($notfirstc) {
                 $involvedcsql .= ", ";
             $involvedcsql .= "( " . $this->getID() . ", " . $inv->getCorpID() . ", '" . $mysqlTimestamp . "')";
             $notfirstc = true;
             $invcrp[] = $inv->getCorpID();
     if ($notfirstd && !$qry->execute($involveddsql)) {
         return $this->rollback($qry);
     if ($notfirsta && !$qry->execute($involvedasql)) {
         return $this->rollback($qry);
     if ($notfirstc && !$qry->execute($involvedcsql)) {
         return $this->rollback($qry);
     // destroyed
     $notfirstitd = false;
     $itdsql = "insert into kb3_items_destroyed (itd_kll_id, itd_itm_id, itd_quantity, itd_itl_id, itd_singleton) values ";
     foreach ($this->destroyeditems_ as $dest) {
         $item = $dest->getItem();
         $loc_id = $dest->getLocationID();
         if (!is_numeric($this->getID()) || !is_numeric($item->getID()) || !is_numeric($dest->getQuantity()) || !is_numeric($loc_id) || !is_numeric($dest->getSingleton())) {
             trigger_error('error with destroyed item.', E_USER_WARNING);
         if ($notfirstitd) {
             $itdsql .= ", ";
         $itdsql .= "( " . $this->getID() . ", " . $item->getID() . ", " . $dest->getQuantity() . ", " . $loc_id . ", " . $dest->getSingleton() . " )";
         $notfirstitd = true;
     if ($notfirstitd && !$qry->execute($itdsql)) {
         return $this->rollback($qry);
     // dropped
     $notfirstitd = false;
     $itdsql = "insert into kb3_items_dropped (itd_kll_id, itd_itm_id, itd_quantity, itd_itl_id, itd_singleton) values ";
     foreach ($this->droppeditems_ as $dest) {
         $item = $dest->getItem();
         $loc_id = $dest->getLocationID();
         if (!is_numeric($this->getID()) || !is_numeric($item->getID()) || !is_numeric($dest->getQuantity()) || !is_numeric($loc_id) || !is_numeric($dest->getSingleton())) {
             trigger_error('error with dropped item.', E_USER_WARNING);
         if ($notfirstitd) {
             $itdsql .= ", ";
         $itdsql .= "( " . $this->getID() . ", " . $item->getID() . ", " . $dest->getQuantity() . ", " . $loc_id . ", " . $dest->getSingleton() . " )";
         $notfirstitd = true;
     if ($notfirstitd && !$qry->execute($itdsql)) {
         return $this->rollback($qry);
     // try calculate CREST hash
     if (!$this->crestHash) {
         $this->crestHash = $this->calculateCrestHash();
     $sql = "INSERT INTO kb3_mails (  `kll_id`, `kll_timestamp`, `kll_external_id`, `kll_hash`, `kll_trust`, `kll_modified_time`, `kll_crest_hash`)" . "VALUES(" . $this->getID() . ", '" . $this->getTimeStamp() . "', ";
     if ($this->externalid) {
         $sql .= $this->externalid . ", ";
     } else {
         $sql .= "NULL, ";
     $sql .= "'" . $qry->escape($this->getHash(false, false)) . "', 0, UTC_TIMESTAMP(), ";
     // add CREST hash
     if ($this->crestHash) {
         $sql .= "'{$this->crestHash}'";
     } else {
         $sql .= "NULL";
     $sql .= ")";
     if (!@$qry->execute($sql)) {
         return $this->rollback($qry);
     //Update cache tables.
     // call the event that we added this mail
     event::call('killmail_added', $this);
     return $this->id;
コード例 #4
 private function setUpLocation()
     $location = new Location();
     $buildingID = Location::lookupBuildingID($this->request['buildingName']);
     if ($buildingID == false) {
         //building not found
         return -1;
     //handle reports with no room or blank room set
     if (isset($this->request['room']) && strtolower($this->request['room']) != 'null' && $this->request['room'] != '') {
     //creates new location if necessary. sets id
     return $location->getID();
コード例 #5
ファイル: API.class.php プロジェクト: performics/ga-cli-api
  * Creates a location and returns the new location as returned from the
  * API.
  * @param Google\MyBusiness\Location $location
  * @param Google\MyBusiness\Account $account = null
  * @param boolean $dryRun = false
 public function createLocation(Location $location, Account $account = null, $dryRun = false)
     $ownerAccountID = $location->getOwnerAccountID();
     if (strlen($ownerAccountID)) {
         $account = new Account();
     } elseif ($account) {
     } else {
         $account = $this->_getCachedAccount();
     if ($location->getID() !== null) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('A new location may not already contain an ID.');
     /* Even if the creation of new locations is disabled, we'll still allow
        dry runs. */
         throw new RuntimeException('Cannot create new locations unless the ' . 'GOOGLE_MYBUSINESS_API_ALLOW_NEW_LOCATIONS setting is ' . 'defined as true.');
     $requestBody = array('location' => $location->toREST(), 'languageCode' => $location->getLanguageCode(), 'validateOnly' => $dryRun, 'requestId' => $location->getHash());
     $request = new APIRequest($account->getName() . '/locations');
     $this->_parseCallback = '_parseLocationResponse';
     return $this->_makeRequest($request);