コード例 #1
  * test for grabbing a listing by a parent id that doesn't exist
 public function testGetInvalidListingParentId()
     $listing = Listing::getListingByParentId($this->getPDO(), 1000001);
     $this->assertSame($listing->getSize(), 0);
コード例 #2
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: brbrown59/bread-basket
 $listingParentId = filter_input(INPUT_GET, "listingParentId", FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
 $listingPostTime = filter_input(INPUT_GET, "listingPostTime", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
 $listingTypeId = filter_input(INPUT_GET, "listingTypeId", FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
 //handle all RESTful calls to listing //get some or all Listings
 if ($method === "GET") {
     //set an XSRF cookie on get requests
     //get the listing based on the given field TODO I think this needs fixing. TF
     if (empty($id) === false) {
         $reply->data = Listing::getListingByListingId($pdo, $id);
     } elseif (empty($orgId) === false) {
         $reply->data = Listing::getListingByOrgId($pdo, $orgId)->toArray();
     } elseif (empty($postTime) === false) {
         $reply->data = Listing::getListingByListingPostTime($pdo, $listingPostTime)->toArray();
     } elseif (empty($parentId) === false) {
         $reply->data = Listing::getListingByParentId($pdo, $listingParentId)->toArray();
     } elseif (empty($typeId) === false) {
         $reply->data = Listing::getListingByTypeId($pdo, $listingTypeId)->toArray();
     } else {
         //sets up if block to determine if the current organization is a giver ('G') or a receiver ('R')
         //if organization is 'G' then show only the listings pertaining to that organization
         //if organization is 'R' then show all listings
         $currentOrgType = Organization::getOrganizationByOrgId($pdo, $_SESSION["volunteer"]->getOrgId());
         if ($currentOrgType !== null && $currentOrgType->getOrgType() === 'G') {
             $reply->data = Listing::getListingByOrgId($pdo, $_SESSION["volunteer"]->getOrgId())->toArray();
         } elseif ($currentOrgType !== null && $currentOrgType->getOrgType() === 'R') {
             $reply->data = Listing::getAllListings($pdo)->toArray();
 //verify admin and verify object not empty