コード例 #1
What if employees and customers were all co-creators if they chose to be? Everyone would still make tons of money. Because in a system of co-creation, money is a symptom of prosperity, not its underlying goal.

The legal, intellectual property, and regulatory systems would have to be rewritten, or become obsolete, irrelevant. And many industries would have to transform or die outright. It isn’t hard to figure out which.

Adobe gets it. Microsoft is starting to get it. Apple still has to get it IMO, but shows promise every once and a while. Is your company getting it? Are you getting it? Are you talking WITH your customers, instead of talking down to them?

Are you listening, Acme Company, secure in your broadcast marketing paradigm? Get this: NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOUR PR, YOUR ADVERTS, YOUR TALKING HEADS, YOUR REVIEWS IN THE TIMES OR THE VALUE OF YOUR STOCK. We don’t even give a shit about your product, or your clueless attempts to ‘fake it’ by ‘going viral’ and ‘engendering community’. Either you talk with your customers, ask them how you can become a better company, how they can help you make better products, or forget it. You might as well close up shop. And pretty soon you’ll be a dinosaur picking the bones off a dead corpse. Because the more people clue into their ability to find their voice, to treat their work as a craft, the more they will refuse to act as consumers, and will insist on living as co-creators.

Because of the RIA industry, Adobe, and my fellow co-creators, today I build cool stuff for a living, and make a damn good living doing it. I am a Flex and Flash Platform developer. As is my choice I am not tied to a geographical location, I can live pretty much anywhere there is an internet connection, I can take lunch breaks and vacations whenever I feel like, go to as many conferences as my schedule and my pocketbook will allow, and love accepting a certain amount of risk in having my freedom. And I create and have conversations. If work is an indication of total time spent in front of the computer, since there really is no division between work and play for me, then I have a 70-hour work week. And I love every minute of it.

My thanks goes to Tom and John, for building a conference which adheres to the principles of the Cluetrain Manifesto. For turning me on to this book. Which has reminded me of why I am in this industry in the first place, and why I love what I do.

I have a new dream. To continue building cool stuff, exploring the co-creating potential of the RIA industry, and inspire others to join in on the conversation. So collectively we can be an example, a beacon to the rest of the world. And maybe, one day I’ll be able to mail order myself a custom kit for a new all-terrain, 4 wheel drive, zero-point cell-powered electric car. Which was co-designed by five million people who care about our world.';
echo '<h1>Blog Test 1: <a href="http://www.cmswatch.com/Trends/1492-The-case-against-Flex-based-application">The case against Flex-based application UIs</a></h1>';
printf('<h3>goodness of "Flex": %f</h3>', $linguistics->goodness('flex', $a));
echo '<hr />';
echo '<h1>Blog Test 2: <a href="http://blog.simb.net/2009/01/12/source-does-not-open-source-make/">Flex SDK Source does not an “open source” project make</a></h1>';
printf('<h3>goodness of "Flex": %f</h3>', $linguistics->goodness('flex', $b));
echo '<hr />';
echo '<h1>Blog Test 3: <a href="http://www.rachaelandtom.info/content/flex-sdk-team-talk">The Flex SDK team talk</a></h1>';
printf('<h3>goodness of "Flex": %f</h3>', $linguistics->goodness('flex', $c));
echo '<hr />';
echo '<h1>Blog Test 4: <a href="http://blog.simb.net/2009/01/19/take-flex-back-for-the-community/">Take Flex Back For the Community (and other subheadings)</a></h1>';
printf('<h3>goodness of "Flex": %f</h3>', $linguistics->goodness('flex', $d));
echo '<hr />';
echo '<h1>Blog Test 5: <a href="http://www.joeflash.ca/blog/2009/01/entering-into-the-conversation.html">Entering Into The Conversation in the Post-Cluetrain World</a></h1>';
printf('<h3>goodness of "Adobe": %f</h3>', $linguistics->goodness('adobe', $e));
// echo '<hr><h2>Spelling</h3>';
// printf('<i>%s</i><br /><br /><b>spelling:</b> %f', $a, $linguistics->spelling($a));
// echo '<hr><h2>Punctuation</h3>';
コード例 #2
						a keyword from the text:
						<input type="text" name="keyword" />
						<input type="submit" value="analyze" />
} else {
    $linguistics = new Linguistics();
    printf('<h3>original text</h3>%s<hr />', $_POST['text']);
    printf('<h3>goodness of "%s": %f</h3>', $_POST['keyword'], $linguistics->goodness($_POST['keyword'], $_POST['text']));
コード例 #3
$f = 'I am good at "punctuation" and (can) "be" trusted.';
$i = 'i rush when typing... often i don\'t capitalize!! don\'t trust me?!?! I only capitalize one sentence';
$j = 'I am a careful writer! I take my time to capitalize. Trust me!';
$k = 'With the economy deteriorating rapidly, the nation’s employers shed 533,000 jobs in November, the 11th consecutive monthly decline, the government reported Friday morning, and the unemployment rate rose to 6.7 percent.';
$m = 'old ur breath and copy this and then paste it to another vid. if u dont let ur breath go ur a gd kisser. (i managed) ';
$n = 'do you like sci-fi? watch Firefly.
do you like westerns? watch Firefly.
do you like space? watch Firefly.
do you like well-written dialog? watch Firefly.
do you like awesome characters? watch Firefly.

$z = 'I wish Photoshop had been more efficient. He suffered from using the slow Photoshop.';
echo '<h1>linguistics test</h1>';
echo '<hr><h2>trash talking</h3>';
printf('<i>%s</i><br /><br /><b>goodness of "adobe":</b> %f', $a, $linguistics->goodness('adobe', $a));
echo '<hr><h2>negated trash talking</h3>';
printf('<i>%s</i><br /><br /><b>goodness of "adobe":</b> %f', $b, $linguistics->goodness('adobe', $b));
echo '<hr><h2>ass kissing</h3>';
printf('<i>%s</i><br /><br /><b>goodness of "adobe":</b> %f', $g, $linguistics->goodness('adobe', $g));
echo '<hr><h2>severe ass kissing</h3>';
printf('<i>%s</i><br /><br /><b>goodness of "adobe":</b> %f', $h, $linguistics->goodness('adobe', $h));
echo '<hr><h2>split personality</h3>';
printf('<i>%s</i><br /><br /><b>goodness of "adobe":</b> %f', $o, $linguistics->goodness('adobe', $o));
echo '<hr><h2>multi-word inverters</h3>';
printf('<i>%s</i><br /><br /><b>goodness of "adobe":</b> %f', $p, $linguistics->goodness('adobe', $p));
echo '<hr><h2>wishes</h3>';
printf('<i>%s</i><br /><br /><b>goodness of "photoshop":</b> %f', $z, $linguistics->goodness('photoshop', $z));
echo '<hr><h2>misspelling</h3>';
printf('<i>%s</i><br /><br /><b>spelling:</b> %f', $c, $linguistics->spelling($c));
echo '<hr><h2>correct spelling</h3>';