コード例 #1
ファイル: BitBlogPost.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/blogs
  * Make sure the data is safe to store
  * @param pParamHash be sure to pass by reference in case we need to make modifcations to the hash
  * This function is responsible for data integrity and validation before any operations are performed with the $pParamHash
  * NOTE: This is a PRIVATE METHOD!!!! do not call outside this class, under penalty of death!
  * @param array pParams reference to hash of values that will be used to store the page, they will be modified where necessary
  * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE if verify failed. If FALSE, $this->mErrors will have reason why
  * @access private
 function verify(&$pParamHash)
     global $gBitUser, $gBitSystem, $gLibertySystem;
     // make sure we're all loaded up of we have a mPostId
     if ($this->verifyId($this->mPostId) && empty($this->mInfo)) {
     if (@$this->verifyId($this->mInfo['content_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['content_id'] = $this->mInfo['content_id'];
     // It is possible a derived class set this to something different
     if (empty($pParamHash['content_type_guid']) && !empty($this->mContentTypeGuid)) {
         $pParamHash['content_type_guid'] = $this->mContentTypeGuid;
     if (!empty($pParamHash['data'])) {
         $pParamHash['edit'] = $pParamHash['data'];
     // for two text field auto split
     if (!empty($pParamHash['edit_body'])) {
         $linebreak = $gLibertySystem->mPlugins[$pParamHash['format_guid']]['linebreak'];
         // we need two line breaks to simulate a paragraph break
         $pParamHash['edit'] .= "...split..." . $linebreak . $linebreak . $pParamHash['edit_body'];
     // truncate length if too long
     if (!empty($pParamHash['title'])) {
         $pParamHash['title'] = substr($pParamHash['title'], 0, 160);
     if (!empty($pParamHash['publish_Month'])) {
         //$dateString = $pParamHash['publish_Year'].'-'.$pParamHash['publish_Month'].'-'.$pParamHash['publish_Day'].' '.$pParamHash['publish_Hour'].':'.$pParamHash['publish_Minute'];
         //old way
         //$timestamp = $gBitSystem->mServerTimestamp->getUTCFromDisplayDate( strtotime( $dateString ) );
         //new way
         $this->mDate = new BitDate(0);
         $offset = $this->mDate->get_display_offset();
         $dateString = $this->mDate->gmmktime($pParamHash['publish_Hour'], $pParamHash['publish_Minute'], isset($pParamHash['publish_Second']) ? $pParamHash['publish_Second'] : 0, $pParamHash['publish_Month'], $pParamHash['publish_Day'], $pParamHash['publish_Year']);
         $timestamp = $this->mDate->getUTCFromDisplayDate($dateString);
         if ($timestamp !== -1) {
             $pParamHash['publish_date'] = $timestamp;
     if (!empty($pParamHash['publish_date'])) {
         $pParamHash['post_store']['publish_date'] = $pParamHash['publish_date'];
     } else {
         $pParamHash['post_store']['publish_date'] = $gBitSystem->getUTCTime();
     if (!empty($pParamHash['expire_Month'])) {
         $dateString = $pParamHash['expire_Year'] . '-' . $pParamHash['expire_Month'] . '-' . $pParamHash['expire_Day'] . ' ' . $pParamHash['expire_Hour'] . ':' . $pParamHash['expire_Minute'];
         //old way
         //$timestamp = $gBitSystem->mServerTimestamp->getUTCFromDisplayDate( strtotime( $dateString ) );
         //new way
         $this->mDate = new BitDate(0);
         $offset = $this->mDate->get_display_offset();
         $dateString = $this->mDate->gmmktime($pParamHash['expire_Hour'], $pParamHash['expire_Minute'], isset($pParamHash['expire_Second']) ? $pParamHash['expire_Second'] : 0, $pParamHash['expire_Month'], $pParamHash['expire_Day'], $pParamHash['expire_Year']);
         $timestamp = $this->mDate->getUTCFromDisplayDate($dateString);
         if ($timestamp !== -1) {
             $pParamHash['expire_date'] = $timestamp;
     if (!empty($pParamHash['expire_date'])) {
         $pParamHash['post_store']['expire_date'] = $pParamHash['expire_date'];
     } else {
         $pParamHash['post_store']['expire_date'] = $gBitSystem->getUTCTime();
     // if we have an error we get them all by checking parent classes for additional errors
     if (count($this->mErrors) > 0) {
     return count($this->mErrors) == 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: BitEvents.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/events
 function preview(&$pParamHash)
     global $gBitSmarty, $gBitSystem;
     // This is stupid! verify does NOT work how it should.
     // verify should call the super class verify at all levels.
     $this->mInfo = array_merge($pParamHash['events_store'], $pParamHash['content_store'], empty($pParamHash['events_prefs_store']) ? array() : $pParamHash['events_prefs_store']);
     $this->mInfo['data'] = $pParamHash['edit'];
     $this->mInfo['parsed'] = $this->parseData($pParamHash['edit'], empty($pParamHash['format_guid']) ? $pParamHash['format_guid'] : $gBitSystem->getConfig('default_format'));
     $gBitSmarty->assign('preview', true);
コード例 #3
ファイル: BitBlog.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/blogs
 function verify(&$pParamHash)
     global $gBitUser;
     $pParamHash['blog_store']['max_posts'] = !empty($pParamHash['max_posts']) && is_numeric($pParamHash['max_posts']) ? $pParamHash['max_posts'] : NULL;
     $pParamHash['blog_store']['use_title'] = isset($pParamHash['use_title']) ? 'y' : 'n';
     $pParamHash['blog_store']['allow_comments'] = isset($pParamHash['allow_comments']) ? 'y' : 'n';
     $pParamHash['blog_store']['use_find'] = isset($pParamHash['use_find']) ? 'y' : 'n';
     // if we have an error we get them all by checking parent classes for additional errors
     if (count($this->mErrors) > 0) {
     return count($this->mErrors) == 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: LibertyComment.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/liberty
 function verifyComment(&$pParamHash)
     global $gBitUser, $gBitSystem;
     /* should be unnecessary
     		if( !empty( $_REQUEST['format_guid'] )) {
     			$storeRow['format_guid'] = $_REQUEST['format_guid'];
     $pParamHash['content_id'] = @BitBase::verifyId($this->mContentId) ? $this->mContentId : NULL;
     if (empty($pParamHash['root_id']) && !empty($pParamHash['comments_parent_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['root_id'] = $pParamHash['comments_parent_id'];
     if (!$pParamHash['root_id']) {
         $this->mErrors['root_id'] = "Missing root id for comment";
     if (empty($pParamHash['parent_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['parent_id'] = @BitBase::verifyId($this->mInfo['parent_id']) ? $this->mInfo['parent_id'] : (!@BitBase::verifyId($pParamHash['post_comment_reply_id']) ? $pParamHash['comments_parent_id'] : $pParamHash['post_comment_reply_id']);
     if (!$pParamHash['parent_id']) {
         $this->mErrors['parent_id'] = "Missing parent id for comment";
     if (empty($pParamHash['anon_name'])) {
         $pParamHash['anon_name'] = null;
     if (!@$gBitUser->verifyCaptcha($pParamHash['captcha'])) {
         $this->mErrors['store'] = tra('Incorrect validation code');
     if (!empty($pParamHash['comment_title'])) {
         $pParamHash['title'] = $pParamHash['comment_title'];
     if (!empty($pParamHash['comment_data'])) {
         $pParamHash['edit'] = $pParamHash['comment_data'];
     if (empty($pParamHash['edit'])) {
         $this->mErrors['store'] = tra('Your comment was empty.');
     } elseif (!$gBitUser->hasPermission('p_liberty_trusted_editor') && ($linkCount = preg_match_all('/http\\:\\/\\//', $pParamHash['edit'], $links)) > $gBitSystem->getConfig('liberty_unstrusted_max_http_in_content', 0)) {
         $this->mErrors['store'] = tra('Links are not allowed.');
     } else {
         $dupeQuery = "SELECT `data` FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "liberty_content` lc INNER JOIN `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "liberty_comments` lcom ON (lc.`content_id`=lcom.`content_id`) WHERE `user_id`=? AND `content_type_guid`='" . BITCOMMENT_CONTENT_TYPE_GUID . "' AND `ip`=? AND lcom.`root_id`=? ORDER BY `created` DESC";
         if ($lastPostData = $this->mDb->getOne($dupeQuery, array($gBitUser->mUserId, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $pParamHash['root_id']))) {
             if (empty($this->mCommentId) && trim($lastPostData) == trim($pParamHash['edit'])) {
                 $this->mErrors['store'] = tra('Duplicate comment.');
     // verify attachments are allowed on comments
     if ((isset($pParamHash['_files_override']) || !empty($_FILES)) && !$gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('comments_allow_attachments')) {
         $this->mErrors['comment_attachments'] = tra('Files can not be uploaded with comments.');
     // if we have an error we get them all by checking parent classes for additional errors
     if (count($this->mErrors) > 0) {
     return count($this->mErrors) == 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: LibertyMime.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/liberty
  * Store a new upload
  * @param array $pStoreHash contains all data to store the gallery
  * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE if store could not occur. If FALSE, $this->mErrors will have reason why
  * @access public
 public function store(&$pStoreHash)
     global $gLibertySystem;
     // make sure all the data is in order
     if (LibertyMime::verify($pStoreHash) && (!empty($pStoreHash['skip_content_store']) || LibertyContent::store($pStoreHash))) {
         // files have been uploaded
         if (!empty($pStoreHash['upload_store']['files']) && is_array($pStoreHash['upload_store']['files'])) {
             foreach ($pStoreHash['upload_store']['files'] as $key => $upload) {
                 // if we don't have an upload, we'll simply update the file settings using the mime plugins
                 if (empty($upload['tmp_name'])) {
                     if (@BitBase::verifyId($upload['attachment_id'])) {
                         // since the form might have all options unchecked, we need to call the update function regardless
                         // currently i can't think of a better way to get the plugin guid back when $pStoreHash[plugin] is
                         // empty. - xing - Friday Jul 11, 2008   20:21:18 CEST
                         if (!empty($this->mStorage[$upload['attachment_id']])) {
                             $attachment = $this->mStorage[$upload['attachment_id']];
                             $data = array();
                             if (!empty($pStoreHash['plugin'][$upload['attachment_id']][$attachment['attachment_plugin_guid']])) {
                                 $data = $pStoreHash['plugin'][$upload['attachment_id']][$attachment['attachment_plugin_guid']];
                             if (!$this->updateAttachmentParams($upload['attachment_id'], $attachment['attachment_plugin_guid'], $data)) {
                                 $this->mErrors['attachment_update'] = "There was a problem updating the file settings.";
                     // skip rest of process
                 $storeRow = $pStoreHash['upload_store'];
                 // copy by reference that filetype changes are made in lookupMimeHandler()
                 $storeRow['upload'] =& $upload;
                 if (isset($pStoreHash['thumbnail'])) {
                     $storeRow['upload']['thumbnail'] = $pStoreHash['thumbnail'];
                 // when content is created the content_id is only available after LibertyContent::store()
                 $storeRow['content_id'] = $pStoreHash['content_id'];
                 // let the plugin do the rest
                 $guid = $gLibertySystem->lookupMimeHandler($upload);
                 $this->pluginStore($storeRow, $guid, @BitBase::verifyId($upload['attachment_id']));
                 // finally, we need to update the original hash with the new values
                 $pStoreHash['upload_store']['files'][$key] = $storeRow;
         // some mime plugins might not have file uploads - these plugins will tell us what mime handlers they are using
         if (!empty($pStoreHash['mimeplugin']) && is_array($pStoreHash['mimeplugin'])) {
             foreach ($pStoreHash['mimeplugin'] as $guid => $storeRow) {
                 // check to see if we have anything worth storing in the array
                 $plugin_store = FALSE;
                 foreach (array_values($storeRow) as $value) {
                     if (!empty($value)) {
                         $plugin_store = TRUE;
                 if (!empty($plugin_store)) {
                     // when content is created the content_id is only available after LibertyContent::store()
                     $storeRow['content_id'] = $pStoreHash['content_id'];
                     $this->pluginStore($storeRow, $guid, @BitBase::verifyId($upload['attachment_id']));
         // deal with the primary attachment after we've dealt with all the files
         $this->setPrimaryAttachment($pStoreHash['liberty_attachments']['primary'], $pStoreHash['content_id'], empty($pStoreHash['liberty_attachments']['auto_primary']) || $pStoreHash['liberty_attachments']['auto_primary'] ? TRUE : FALSE);
         // Roll back if something went wrong
         if (empty($this->mErrors)) {
         } else {
     return count($this->mErrors) == 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: BitArticle.php プロジェクト: kailIII/articles
  * Make sure the data is safe to store
  * @param pParamHash be sure to pass by reference in case we need to make modifcations to the hash
  * @param array pParams reference to hash of values that will be used to store the page, they will be modified where necessary
  * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE if verify failed. If FALSE, $this->mErrors will have reason why
  * @access private
 public function verify(&$pParamHash)
     global $gBitUser, $gBitSystem;
     // make sure we're all loaded up of we have a mArticleId
     if ($this->mArticleId && empty($this->mInfo)) {
     if (@$this->verifyId($this->mInfo['content_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['content_id'] = $this->mInfo['content_id'];
     // It is possible a derived class set this to something different
     if (empty($pParamHash['content_type_guid']) && !empty($this->mContentTypeGuid)) {
         $pParamHash['content_type_guid'] = $this->mContentTypeGuid;
     if (@$this->verifyId($pParamHash['content_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['article_store']['content_id'] = $pParamHash['content_id'];
     if (!empty($pParamHash['author_name'])) {
         $pParamHash['article_store']['author_name'] = $pParamHash['author_name'];
     if (@$this->verifyId($pParamHash['topic_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['article_store']['topic_id'] = (int) $pParamHash['topic_id'];
     if (@$this->verifyId($pParamHash['article_type_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['article_store']['article_type_id'] = (int) $pParamHash['article_type_id'];
     if (!empty($pParamHash['format_guid'])) {
         $pParamHash['content_store']['format_guid'] = $pParamHash['format_guid'];
     // we do the substr on load. otherwise we need to store the same data twice.
     if (!empty($pParamHash['edit'])) {
         $pParamHash['content_store']['data'] = $pParamHash['edit'];
     if (!empty($pParamHash['rating'])) {
         $pParamHash['article_store']['rating'] = (int) $pParamHash['rating'];
     // check for name issues, first truncate length if too long
     if (!empty($pParamHash['title'])) {
         if (!$this->isValid()) {
             if (empty($pParamHash['title'])) {
                 $this->mErrors['title'] = 'You must specify a title.';
             } else {
                 $pParamHash['content_store']['title'] = substr($pParamHash['title'], 0, BIT_CONTENT_MAX_TITLE_LEN);
         } else {
             $pParamHash['content_store']['title'] = isset($pParamHash['title']) ? substr($pParamHash['title'], 0, BIT_CONTENT_MAX_TITLE_LEN) : '';
     } elseif (empty($pParamHash['title'])) {
         // no name specified
         $this->mErrors['title'] = 'You must specify a title';
     if (!empty($pParamHash['publish_Month'])) {
         $dateString = $this->mDate->gmmktime($pParamHash['publish_Hour'], $pParamHash['publish_Minute'], isset($pParamHash['publish_Second']) ? $pParamHash['publish_Second'] : 0, $pParamHash['publish_Month'], $pParamHash['publish_Day'], $pParamHash['publish_Year']);
         $timestamp = $this->mDate->getUTCFromDisplayDate($dateString);
         if ($timestamp !== -1) {
             $pParamHash['publish_date'] = $timestamp;
     if (!empty($pParamHash['publish_date'])) {
         $pParamHash['article_store']['publish_date'] = $pParamHash['publish_date'];
     if (!empty($pParamHash['expire_Month'])) {
         $dateString = $this->mDate->gmmktime($pParamHash['expire_Hour'], $pParamHash['expire_Minute'], isset($pParamHash['expire_Second']) ? $pParamHash['expire_Second'] : 0, $pParamHash['expire_Month'], $pParamHash['expire_Day'], $pParamHash['expire_Year']);
         $timestamp = $this->mDate->getUTCFromDisplayDate($dateString);
         if ($timestamp !== -1) {
             $pParamHash['expire_date'] = $timestamp;
     if (!empty($pParamHash['expire_date'])) {
         $pParamHash['article_store']['expire_date'] = $pParamHash['expire_date'];
     if (@$this->verifyId($pParamHash['status_id'])) {
         if ($pParamHash['status_id'] > ARTICLE_STATUS_PENDING) {
             if ($gBitUser->hasPermission('p_articles_approve_submission')) {
                 $pParamHash['article_store']['status_id'] = (int) $pParamHash['status_id'];
             } else {
                 $pParamHash['article_store']['status_id'] = ARTICLE_STATUS_PENDING;
         } else {
             $pParamHash['article_store']['status_id'] = (int) $pParamHash['status_id'];
     } elseif (@$this->verifyId($this->mInfo['status_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['article_store']['status_id'] = $this->mInfo['status_id'];
     } else {
         if ($gBitUser->hasPermission('p_articles_approve_submission') || $gBitUser->hasPermission('p_articles_auto_approve')) {
             $pParamHash['article_store']['status_id'] = ARTICLE_STATUS_APPROVED;
         } else {
             $pParamHash['article_store']['status_id'] = ARTICLE_STATUS_PENDING;
             // Default status
     // content preferences
     $prefs = array();
     if ($gBitUser->hasPermission('p_liberty_enter_html')) {
         $prefs[] = 'content_enter_html';
     foreach ($prefs as $pref) {
         if (!empty($pParamHash['preferences'][$pref])) {
             $pParamHash['preferences_store'][$pref] = $pParamHash['preferences'][$pref];
         } else {
             $pParamHash['preferences_store'][$pref] = NULL;
     if (array_search($pParamHash['article_store']['status_id'], array(ARTICLE_STATUS_DENIED, ARTICLE_STATUS_DRAFT, ARTICLE_STATUS_PENDING))) {
         $this->mInfo["no_index"] = true;
     // if we have an error we get them all by checking parent classes for additional errors
     if (count($this->mErrors) > 0) {
     return count($this->mErrors) == 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: BitGroup.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/groups
  * Make sure the data is safe to store
  * @param pParamHash be sure to pass by reference in case we need to make modifcations to the hash
  * This function is responsible for data integrity and validation before any operations are performed with the $pParamHash
  * NOTE: This is a PRIVATE METHOD!!!! do not call outside this class, under penalty of death!
  * @param array pParams reference to hash of values that will be used to store the page, they will be modified where necessary
  * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE if verify failed. If FALSE, $this->mErrors will have reason why
  * @access private
 function verify(&$pParamHash)
     global $gBitUser, $gBitSystem;
     // make sure we're all loaded up of we have a mGroupId
     if ($this->verifyId($this->mGroupId) && empty($this->mInfo)) {
     if (@$this->verifyId($this->mInfo['content_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['content_id'] = $this->mInfo['content_id'];
     if (@$this->verifyId($this->mInfo['group_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['group_id'] = $this->mInfo['group_id'];
     if (@$this->verifyId($this->mInfo['user_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['user_id'] = $this->mInfo['user_id'];
     // It is possible a derived class set this to something different
     if (@$this->verifyId($pParamHash['content_type_guid'])) {
         $pParamHash['content_type_guid'] = $this->mContentTypeGuid;
     if (@$this->verifyId($pParamHash['content_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['group_pkg_store']['content_id'] = $pParamHash['content_id'];
     if (@$this->verifyId($pParamHash['group_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['group_store']['group_id'] = $pParamHash['group_id'];
         $pParamHash['group_pkg_store']['group_id'] = $pParamHash['group_id'];
     if (!empty($pParamHash['data'])) {
         $pParamHash['edit'] = $pParamHash['data'];
     // check for name issues, first truncate length if too long
     if (!empty($pParamHash['title'])) {
         if (empty($this->mGroupId)) {
             if (empty($pParamHash['title'])) {
                 $this->mErrors['title'] = tra('You must enter a name for this group.');
             } else {
                 $bindVars = array($pParamHash['title'], $this->mContentTypeGuid);
                 // check to see if this name is already taken
                 $query = "SELECT lc.title \n\t\t\t\t           \t  FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "liberty_content` lc\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t  WHERE lc.`title` = ? AND lc.`content_type_guid` = ?";
                 if ($this->mDb->getOne($query, $bindVars)) {
                     $this->mErrors['title'] = tra("We're sorry, this group name is already taken, please create a unique group name");
                 $pParamHash['content_store']['title'] = substr($pParamHash['title'], 0, 160);
                 // Copy title to name for group verify
                 $pParamHash['name'] = $pParamHash['content_store']['title'];
         } else {
             $pParamHash['content_store']['title'] = isset($pParamHash['title']) ? substr($pParamHash['title'], 0, 160) : '';
             // Copy title to name for group verify
             $pParamHash['name'] = $pParamHash['content_store']['title'];
     } else {
         if (empty($pParamHash['title'])) {
             // no name specified
             $this->mErrors['title'] = tra('You must specify a name for this group.');
     // Constrain summary to 250 to fit in groups desc table as well
     if (isset($pParamHash['summary'])) {
         $pParamHash['summary'] = substr($pParamHash['summary'], 0, 250);
         $pParamHash['desc'] = $pParamHash['summary'];
     // Setup the group home URL
     if (@$this->verifyId($this->mGroupId)) {
         $pParamHash['home'] = GROUP_PKG_URL . "index.php?group_id=" . $this->mGroupId;
     } elseif (!empty($pParamHash['name'])) {
         $pParamHash['home'] = GROUP_PKG_URL . urlencode($pParamHash['name']);
     // Do we have after_registration data?
     if (!empty($pParamHash['after_registration']) && !empty($pParamHash['name'])) {
         $pParamHash['data_store']['after_registration'] = $pParamHash['after_registration'];
         $pParamHash['after_registration_page'] = $pParamHash['home'] = GROUP_PKG_URL . 'registered/' . $pParamHash['name'];
     } else {
         if (!empty($pParamHash['name'])) {
             $pParamHash['data_store']['after_registration'] = NULL;
             $pParamHash['after_registration_page'] = GROUP_PKG_URL . urlencode($pParamHash['name']);
     $pParamHash['group_pkg_store']['view_content_public'] = !empty($pParamHash['view_content_public']) ? $pParamHash['view_content_public'] : 'n';
     $pParamHash['group_pkg_store']['mod_msgs'] = !empty($pParamHash['mod_msgs']) ? $pParamHash['mod_msgs'] : 'n';
     $pParamHash['group_pkg_store']['mod_content'] = !empty($pParamHash['mod_content']) ? $pParamHash['mod_content'] : 'n';
     $pParamHash['group_pkg_store']['admin_content_strict'] = !empty($pParamHash['admin_content_strict']) ? $pParamHash['admin_content_strict'] : 'n';
     // Make sure we don't set is_default or batch_set_default for security
     if (isset($pParamHash['is_default']) || isset($pParamHash['batch_set_default'])) {
         $this->mErrors['default'] = tra('Attempt to set group as default group or batch set default. This is not allowed.');
     // Verify the group information
     // Merge errors from the group checks
     $this->mErrors = array_merge($gBitUser->mErrors, $this->mErrors);
     // if we have an error we get them all by checking parent classes for additional errors
     if (count($this->mErrors) > 0) {
     return count($this->mErrors) == 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: SalsaAction.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/diasalsa
 function verify(&$pParamHash)
     // prep hash for local storage
     // $pParamHash['action_store']
     global $gBitUser, $gBitSystem, $gLibertySystem;
     if (@$this->verifyId($this->mInfo['content_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['content_id'] = $this->mInfo['content_id'];
     if (@$this->verifyId($this->mInfo['action_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['action_id'] = $this->mInfo['action_id'];
     if (@$this->verifyId($this->mInfo['key_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['key_id'] = $this->mInfo['key_id'];
     if (@$this->verifyId($pParamHash['content_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['action_store']['content_id'] = $pParamHash['content_id'];
     // this is stupid requiring the summary, but client really really wanted it
     if (empty($pParamHash['summary'])) {
         $this->mErrors['summary'] = tra('You must provide a description of your action item.');
     if ($this->isValid() && empty($pParamHash['key_id'])) {
         $this->mErrors['key_id'] = tra('Key Id is missing, please check the database and load process.');
     } elseif (@$this->verifyId($pParamHash['key_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['action_store']['key_id'] = $pParamHash['key_id'];
         // for dia
         $pParamHash['key'] = $pParamHash['key_id'];
     if (@$this->verifyId($pParamHash['action_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['action_store']['action_id'] = $pParamHash['action_id'];
     if (!empty($pParamHash['edit'])) {
         $pParamHash['data'] = $pParamHash['edit'];
         // for dia
         $pParamHash['Description'] = $pParamHash['data'];
     if (!empty($pParamHash['title'])) {
         // for dia
         $pParamHash['Title'] = $pParamHash['title'];
         $pParamHash['Reference_Name'] = $pParamHash['title'];
     } else {
         $this->mErrors['title'] = tra('You did not provide a title for your action.');
     // spot check of related data so that we dont bother storing an action just to have these parts fail
     if (empty($pParamHash['recommended_subject'])) {
         $this->mErrors['recommended_subject'] = tra('You did not provide a subject for your letter.');
     if (empty($pParamHash['recommended_content'])) {
         $this->mErrors['recommended_content'] = tra('You did not provide any text for your letter.');
     if (empty($pParamHash['action_targets'])) {
         $this->mErrors['action_targets'] = tra('You must select targets for your letter. Please click the Targets tab and select at least one target for your letter.');
     // end spot check
     if (!empty($pParamHash['thankyou_data'])) {
         $pParamHash['action_store']['thankyou_data'] = $pParamHash['thankyou_data'];
         // for dia
         // deprecated because losers dont suport html anymore $pParamHash['Thank_You_Text'] = $pParamHash['thankyou_data'];
     // expire date
     if (!empty($pParamHash['expire']) && !empty($pParamHash['expire_Month'])) {
         $dateString = $pParamHash['expire_Year'] . '-' . $pParamHash['expire_Month'] . '-' . $pParamHash['expire_Day'] . ' ' . $pParamHash['expire_Hour'] . ':' . $pParamHash['expire_Minute'];
         $offset = $gBitSystem->get_display_offset();
         $this->mDate = new BitDate($offset);
         $dateString = $this->mDate->gmmktime($pParamHash['expire_Hour'], $pParamHash['expire_Minute'], isset($pParamHash['expire_Second']) ? $pParamHash['expire_Second'] : 0, $pParamHash['expire_Month'], $pParamHash['expire_Day'], $pParamHash['expire_Year']);
         $timestamp = $this->mDate->getUTCFromDisplayDate($dateString);
         if ($timestamp !== -1) {
             $pParamHash['expire_date'] = $timestamp;
     $pParamHash['action_store']['expire_date'] = !empty($pParamHash['expire_date']) ? $pParamHash['expire_date'] : NULL;
     // target data
     // national
     if (!empty($pParamHash['targets_ids'])) {
         if (!is_array($_REQUEST['targets_ids'])) {
             $pParamHash['person_legislator_IDS'] = $_REQUEST['targets_ids'];
         } else {
             $pParamHash['person_legislator_IDS'] = implode(",", $pParamHash['targets_ids']);
     } else {
         // this deletes all from the salsa database
         $pParamHash['person_legislator_IDS'] = '';
     // force values in diasalsa
     if ($gBitSystem->getConfig('diasalsa_organization_key')) {
         $pParamHash['organization_KEY'] = $gBitSystem->getConfig('diasalsa_organization_key');
     } else {
         $this->mErrors['organization_key'] = tra('The Salsa organization key is not set, please report this error to an administrator');
     $pParamHash['object'] = 'action';
     $pParamHash['Style'] = 'Targeted';
     $pParamHash['Suppress_Automatic_Response_Email'] = TRUE;
     $pParamHash['Status'] = 'Active';
     $pParamHash['Allow_Emails'] = TRUE;
     $pParamHash['Allow_Faxes'] = FALSE;
     $pParamHash['Hide_Message_Type_Options'] = TRUE;
     $pParamHash['alternate_action_path'] = '/o/' . $gBitSystem->getConfig('diasalsa_organization_key') . '/p/d/tekimaki/action/public/preaction.sjs';
     // this is the map4change template in the salsa account
     // $pParamHash['template_KEY'] = 3655;
     if ($this->isValid()) {
         // $pParamHash['redirect_path'] = BIT_ROOT_URI.substr( $this->getDisplayUrl(), 1 ).'&thankyou=y';
         // redirect path is to a special script at salsa - the url is relative
         $pParamHash['redirect_path'] = '/o/' . $gBitSystem->getConfig('diasalsa_organization_key') . '/p/d/tekimaki/action/public/postaction.sjs';
     // Max_Number_Of_Faxes
     // prep hash for storage at diasalsa
     $actionParams = array('organization_KEY', 'object', 'Style', 'key', 'Reference_Name', 'Title', 'Description', 'redirect_path', 'alternate_action_path', 'Allow_Emails', 'Allow_Faxes', 'Hide_Message_Type_Options', 'Thank_You_Text');
     foreach ($pParamHash as $key => $value) {
         if (in_array($key, $actionParams)) {
             $pParamHash['salsa_action_store'][$key] = $value;
     // if we have an error we get them all by checking parent classes for additional errors
     if (count($this->mErrors) > 0) {
     return count($this->mErrors) == 0;
コード例 #9
ファイル: BitPage.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/wiki
  * verify This function is responsible for data integrity and validation before any operations are performed with the $pParamHash
  * NOTE: This is a PRIVATE METHOD!!!! do not call outside this class, under penalty of death!
  * @param array pParams reference to hash of values that will be used to store the page, they will be modified where necessary
  * @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE if verify failed. If FALSE, $this->mErrors will have reason why
  * @access private
 function verify(&$pParamHash)
     global $gBitUser, $gBitSystem;
     // make sure we're all loaded up of we have a mPageId
     if ($this->verifyId($this->mPageId) && empty($this->mInfo)) {
     if (isset($this->mInfo['content_id']) && $this->verifyId($this->mInfo['content_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['content_id'] = $this->mInfo['content_id'];
     // It is possible a derived class set this to something different
     if (empty($pParamHash['content_type_guid'])) {
         $pParamHash['content_type_guid'] = $this->mContentTypeGuid;
     if (@$this->verifyId($pParamHash['content_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['page_store']['content_id'] = $pParamHash['content_id'];
     // check for name issues, first truncate length if too long
     if (empty($pParamHash['title'])) {
         $this->mErrors['title'] = 'You must specify a title';
     } elseif (!empty($pParamHash['title']) || !empty($this->mPageName)) {
         if (!$this->verifyId($this->mPageId)) {
             if (empty($pParamHash['title'])) {
                 $this->mErrors['title'] = 'You must enter a name for this page.';
             } else {
                 $pParamHash['content_store']['title'] = substr($pParamHash['title'], 0, 160);
                 if ($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('wiki_allow_dup_page_names')) {
                     # silently allow pages with duplicate names to be created
                 } else {
                     if ($this->pageExists($pParamHash['title'])) {
                         $this->mErrors['title'] = 'Page "' . $pParamHash['title'] . '" already exists. Please choose a different name.';
         } else {
             $pParamHash['content_store']['title'] = isset($pParamHash['title']) ? substr($pParamHash['title'], 0, 160) : $this->mPageName;
             if ($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('wiki_allow_dup_page_names')) {
                 # silently allow pages with duplicate names to be created
             } else {
                 if ($gBitUser->hasPermission('p_wiki_rename_page') && (isset($this->mInfo['title']) && $pParamHash['title'] != $this->mInfo['title'])) {
                     if ($this->pageExists($pParamHash['title'])) {
                         $this->mErrors['title'] = 'Page "' . $pParamHash['title'] . '" already exists. Please choose a different name.';
     if (empty($pParamHash['edit_comment'])) {
         $pParamHash['page_store']['edit_comment'] = NULL;
     } else {
         $pParamHash['page_store']['edit_comment'] = substr($pParamHash['edit_comment'], 0, 200);
     if (!empty($pParamHash['minor']) && $this->isValid()) {
         // we can only minor save over our own versions
         if (!$gBitUser->isRegistered() || $this->mInfo['modifier_user_id'] != $gBitUser->mUserId && !$gBitUser->isAdmin()) {
     // if we have an error we get them all by checking parent classes for additional errors
     if (count($this->mErrors) > 0) {
     return count($this->mErrors) == 0;
コード例 #10
  * verify Make sure the data is safe to store
  * @param pParamHash be sure to pass by reference in case we need to make modifcations to the hash
  * This function is responsible for data integrity and validation before any operations are performed with the $pParamHash
  * NOTE: This is a PRIVATE METHOD!!!! do not call outside this class, under penalty of death!
  * @param array $pParamHash reference to hash of values that will be used to store the page, they will be modified where necessary
  * @access private
  * @return boolean TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - $this->mErrors will contain reason for failure
 function verify(&$pParamHash)
     // make sure we're all loaded up of we have a mEnergyMeasuresId
     if ($this->verifyId($this->mEnergyMeasuresId) && empty($this->mInfo)) {
     if (@$this->verifyId($this->mInfo['content_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['content_id'] = $this->mInfo['content_id'];
     // It is possible a derived class set this to something different
     if (@$this->verifyId($pParamHash['content_type_guid'])) {
         $pParamHash['content_type_guid'] = $this->mContentTypeGuid;
     if (@$this->verifyId($pParamHash['content_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['energymeasures_store']['content_id'] = $pParamHash['content_id'];
     if (!empty($pParamHash['data'])) {
         $pParamHash['edit'] = $pParamHash['data'];
     // If title specified truncate to make sure not too long
     if (!empty($pParamHash['title'])) {
         if (strlen($pParamHash['title']) > 160) {
             $this->mErrors['title'] = 'The title is too long. Maximum title length is 160 characters.';
         } else {
             $pParamHash['content_store']['title'] = $pParamHash['title'];
     } else {
         if (empty($pParamHash['title'])) {
             // else is error as must have title
             $this->mErrors['title'] = 'You must enter a title.';
     // required type
     if (!empty($pParamHash['type'])) {
         $pParamHash['energymeasures_store']['type'] = $pParamHash['type'];
     } else {
         $this->mErrors['type'] = "You must selected a type.";
     // required MwH
     if (!empty($pParamHash['mwh'])) {
         $mwh = $pParamHash['mwh'];
         // someone might have put in commas, remove them
         $mwh = str_replace(',', '', $mwh);
         if (is_int((int) $mwh)) {
             $pParamHash['energymeasures_store']['mwh'] = $mwh;
         } else {
             $this->mErrors['mwh'] = "MwH must be an Integer. Commas will be automatically stripped.";
     } else {
         $this->mErrors['mwh'] = "You must provide a MwH value.";
     // if we have an error we get them all by checking parent classes for additional errors
     if (count($this->mErrors) > 0) {
     return count($this->mErrors) == 0;
コード例 #11
ファイル: RoleUser.php プロジェクト: bitweaver/users
  * verify store hash
  * @param array $pParamHash Data to be verified
  * @access public
  * @return TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
 function verify(&$pParamHash)
     global $gBitSystem;
     // DO NOT REMOVE - to allow specific setting of the user_id during the first store.
     // used by ROOT_USER_ID or ANONYMOUS_USER_ID during install.
     if (@$this->verifyId($pParamHash['user_id'])) {
         $pParamHash['user_store']['user_id'] = $pParamHash['user_id'];
     // require login
     if (!empty($pParamHash['login']) && $pParamHash['login'] != $this->getField('login')) {
         $pParamHash['login'] = strip_tags($pParamHash['login']);
         if ($this->userExists(array('login' => $pParamHash['login']))) {
             $this->mErrors['login'] = '******' . $pParamHash['login'] . '" is already in use';
         } elseif (preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9_.-]/', $pParamHash["login"])) {
             $this->mErrors['login'] = tra("Your username can only contain numbers, characters, underscores and hyphens.");
         } else {
             // LOWER CASE all logins
             $pParamHash['login'] = strtolower($pParamHash['login']);
             $pParamHash['user_store']['login'] = $pParamHash['login'];
     // some people really like using first and last names
     // push them into real_name
     if (!empty($pParamHash['first_name'])) {
         $pParamHash['real_name'] = $pParamHash['first_name'];
     if (!empty($pParamHash['last_name'])) {
         $pParamHash['real_name'] = !empty($pParamHash['real_name']) ? $pParamHash['real_name'] . " " : '';
         $pParamHash['real_name'] .= $pParamHash['last_name'];
     // real_name
     if (!empty($pParamHash['real_name'])) {
         $pParamHash['user_store']['real_name'] = substr(strip_tags($pParamHash['real_name']), 0, 64);
     // require email
     if (!empty($pParamHash['email'])) {
         // LOWER CASE all emails
         $pParamHash['email'] = strtolower($pParamHash['email']);
         if ($emailResult = $this->verifyEmail($pParamHash['email'], $this->mErrors)) {
             $pParamHash['verified_email'] = $emailResult === true;
     // check some new user requirements
     if (!$this->isRegistered()) {
         if (empty($pParamHash['login'])) {
             // choose a login based on the username in the email
             if (empty($pParamHash['email'])) {
                 // obviously if they didnt enter an email address we cant help them out
                 $this->mErrors['email'] = tra('You must enter your email address');
             } else {
                 $loginBase = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/', '', substr($pParamHash['email'], 0, strpos($pParamHash['email'], '@')));
                 $login = $loginBase;
                 do {
                     if ($loginTaken = $this->userExists(array('login' => $login))) {
                         $login = $loginBase . rand(100, 999);
                 } while ($loginTaken);
                 $pParamHash['login'] = $login;
         if (empty($pParamHash['registration_date'])) {
             $pParamHash['registration_date'] = date("U");
         $pParamHash['user_store']['registration_date'] = $pParamHash['registration_date'];
         if (!empty($pParamHash['email']) && empty($this->mErrors['email'])) {
             $pParamHash['user_store']['email'] = substr($pParamHash['email'], 0, 200);
         } elseif (empty($pParamHash['email'])) {
             $this->mErrors['email'] = tra('You must enter your email address');
         if ($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('users_validate_user')) {
             $pParamHash['user_store']['provpass'] = md5(BitSystem::genPass());
             $pParamHash['pass_due'] = 0;
         } elseif (empty($pParamHash['password'])) {
             $this->mErrors['password'] = tra('Your password should be at least ' . $gBitSystem->getConfig('users_min_pass_length', 4) . ' characters long');
     } elseif ($this->isValid()) {
         // Prevent losing user info on save
         if (empty($pParamHash['edit'])) {
             $pParamHash['edit'] = $this->mInfo['data'];
     if (isset($pParamHash['password'])) {
         if (isset($pParamHash["password2"]) && $pParamHash["password"] != $pParamHash["password2"]) {
             $passwordErrors['password2'] = tra("The passwords didn't match");
         if ((!$this->isValid() || isset($pParamHash['password'])) && ($error = $this->verifyPasswordFormat($pParamHash['password']))) {
             $passwordErrors['password'] = $error;
         if (!empty($passwordErrors)) {
             $this->mErrors = array_merge($this->mErrors, $passwordErrors);
         } else {
             // Generate a unique hash
             //$pParamHash['user_store']['hash'] = md5( strtolower( (!empty($pParamHash['login'])?$pParamHash['login']:'') ).$pPassword.$pParamHash['email'] );
             $pParamHash['user_store']['hash'] = md5($pParamHash['password']);
             $now = $gBitSystem->getUTCTime();
             // set password due date
             // if no pass_due and no user_pass_due value user will never have to update the password
             if (empty($pParamHash['pass_due']) && $gBitSystem->getConfig('users_pass_due')) {
                 // renew password according to config value
                 $pParamHash['user_store']['pass_due'] = $now + 60 * 60 * 24 * $gBitSystem->getConfig('users_pass_due');
             } elseif (!empty($pParamHash['pass_due'])) {
                 // renew password only next half year ;)
                 $pParamHash['user_store']['pass_due'] = $now + 60 * 60 * 24 * $pParamHash['pass_due'];
             if ($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('users_clear_passwords') || !empty($pParamHash['user_store']['provpass'])) {
                 $pParamHash['user_store']['user_password'] = $pParamHash['password'];
     // if we have an error we get them all by checking parent classes for additional errors
     if (count($this->mErrors) > 0) {
     return count($this->mErrors) == 0;