function getProposal($vendor) { $cat = LibCatalog::getInstance(); $cat->noCity = true; $q = "{$cat->selectProposal()} AND i.vendor={$vendor} ORDER BY sort DESC"; return DB::select($q)->toArray(); }
function actDefault() { $data = array('category' => 0); $page = new Page($this->cfg('PAGE_SIZE')); $condition = "b.status=1 AND date_to>='" . date('Y-m-d') . "'"; if ($c = $this->getUriIntVal('catalog')) { $condition .= " AND b.category={$c}"; $rs = DB::select("SELECT * FROM sc_shop_catalog WHERE id={$c}"); if ($rs->next()) { $this->setPageTitle($rs->get('name')); } $data['category'] = $c; } if ($this->getUriIntVal('my')) { $condition .= " AND b.userid={$this->getUserId()}"; } $queryStr = "SELECT COUNT(*) as c FROM sc_shop_board b WHERE {$condition}"; $rs = DB::select($queryStr); if ($rs->next()) { $page->all = $rs->getInt("c"); } $order = " ORDER BY time DESC"; $queryStr = "SELECT b.*,, AS c_name, AS c_id FROM sc_shop_board b\r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN sc_users u ON u.u_id=b.userid \r\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN sc_shop_catalog c ON \r\n\t\tWHERE {$condition} {$order} LIMIT " . $page->getBegin() . "," . $page->per; $rs = DB::select($queryStr)->toArray(); $data['rs'] = $rs; $data['pg'] = $page; $data['catalog_tree'] = LibCatalog::getInstance()->getCatalogTree(); $data['date_to'] = date('Y-m-d', time() + 3600 * 24 * 30); $this->setCommonCont(); $this->display($data, dirname(__FILE__) . '/board.tpl.php'); }
function getQuery($key) { $search = explode(' ', trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $this->search))); if (in_array($key, array('public', 'news'))) { $cond = " type IN('{$key}') \r\n\t\t\t\t\tAND (state='main' OR state='public') "; // $relev=" MATCH nws_title, nws_content,nws_desc AGAINST ('".$this->search."') "; // $cond.=" AND (content ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%' OR title ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%' OR description ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%')"; $subCond = array(); foreach ($search as $s) { $subCond[] = "(content LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($s) . "%' OR title LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($s) . "%' OR description LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($s) . "%')"; } // $cond.=" AND (".implode(' OR ',$subCond).")"; $cond .= " AND (" . implode(' AND ', $subCond) . ")"; $q = "SELECT id ,title, description FROM sc_news WHERE " . $cond . " "; $countQ = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS c FROM sc_news WHERE " . $cond; $href = "/news/view/"; $title = "Статьи"; } if ($key == 'gallery') { $cond = " type='gallery' \r\n\t\t\t\t\t"; $subCond = array(); foreach ($search as $s) { $subCond[] = "(text LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($s) . "%' OR name LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($s) . "%' OR description LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($s) . "%')"; } // $cond.=" AND (".implode(' OR ',$subCond).")"; $cond .= " AND (" . implode(' AND ', $subCond) . ")"; $q = "SELECT id ,name as title, description FROM sc_gallery WHERE " . $cond . " "; $countQ = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS c FROM sc_gallery WHERE " . $cond; $href = "/gallery/"; $title = "Галлерея"; } if ($key == 'content') { // $cond=" mod_content_id=c_id AND (mod_location LIKE 'main' OR mod_location LIKE 'footer' OR mod_location LIKE 'top') // AND (mod_name ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%' OR mod_title ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%' OR c_text ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%')"; // $cond=" c_name ILIKE '%'||mod_alias||'%' AND mod_alias <>'/'"; $cond = " mod_alias LIKE CONCAT('%',c_name,'%') AND mod_title<>'' AND c_text<>''"; // $cond=" mod_alias =c_name "; // $cond.=" AND (mod_location LIKE '%main%' OR mod_location LIKE '%footer%' OR mod_location LIKE '%top%')"; // $cond.=" AND (mod_name ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%' OR mod_title ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%' OR c_text ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%')"; $subCond = array(); foreach ($search as $s) { $subCond[] = "(mod_name LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($s) . "%' OR mod_title LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($s) . "%' OR c_text LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($s) . "%')"; } // $cond.=" AND (".implode(' OR ',$subCond).")"; $cond .= " AND (" . implode(' AND ', $subCond) . ")"; // $q="SELECT mod_alias AS id,mod_title AS title,mod_description AS description FROM sc_content,sc_module WHERE ".$cond." "; $q = "SELECT c_name AS id,mod_title AS title,mod_description AS description FROM sc_content,sc_module WHERE " . $cond . " "; $countQ = "SELECT COUNT(c_id) AS c FROM sc_content,sc_module WHERE " . $cond; $href = ""; $title = "Разделы сайта"; } if ($key == 'catalog') { $cond = ""; // $cond.=" AND ( ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%' OR g.description ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%' OR ILIKE '%".SQL::slashes($this->search)."%' )"; $subCond = array(); foreach ($search as $s) { $subCond[] = "( LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($s) . "%' OR i.description LIKE '%" . SQL::slashes($s) . "%' )"; } // $cond.=" AND (".implode(' OR ',$subCond).")"; $cond .= " AND (" . implode(' AND ', $subCond) . ")"; $cat = LibCatalog::getInstance(); $q = "SELECT g.*, AS id, AS title, g.description AS description FROM sc_shop_item g WHERE " . $cond . ""; $q = "{$cat->select()} " . $cond . ""; $countQ = "{$cat->selectCount()} " . $cond; $href = "/catalog/goods/"; $title = "Товары"; } return array($q, $countQ, $href, $title); }
function getBasket() { return LibCatalog::getInstance()->getBasket(); }
function actSend() { global $post; $item = $post->getArray('item'); $cat = LibCatalog::getInstance(); if ($item) { $rs = DB::select("SELECT * FROM sc_users WHERE u_id IN(" . implode(',', $item) . ")"); while ($rs->next()) { $rs1 = DB::select("SELECT * FROM sc_shop_item i,sc_shop_proposal p WHERE vendor={$rs->get('u_id')}\r\n\t\t\t\t{$cat->proposalCond()}\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t\t\t")->toArray(); $goods = $this->render(array('rs' => $rs1), dirname(__FILE__) . '/goods.snd.php'); $password = '******'; if ($post->getInt('with_pass')) { $password = substr(md5(time() . $rs->get('mail')), 0, 8); DB::update('sc_users', array('password' => md5($password)), "u_id={$rs->get('u_id')}"); } $notice = array('name' => $rs->get('name'), 'login' => $rs->get('login'), 'password' => $password, 'goods' => $goods, 'href' => "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}/"); $this->sendTemplateMail($rs->get('mail'), 'notice_check_vendor', $notice); } } echo printJSON(array('msg' => 'Отправлено')); exit; }
function getMainCat() { return LibCatalog::getInstance()->getCatalogTree(); }
function actRemove() { global $get; $key = $get->get('key'); $basket = LibCatalog::getInstance()->getBasketData(); unset($basket[$key]); $this->saveBasketData($basket); echo printJSON(array('key' => $key)); exit; }