コード例 #1
  * Parse a single token
  * @param string token
 function parseonetoken($token)
     $x = $token;
     $this->a = 0;
     // for referencing in WAITING_FOR_DECL_KEYWORD
     if (DEBUG) {
         printf("%s:%d: Token=[%s] state=%d\n", $this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, $token, $this->state);
     switch ($this->state) {
         case self::INITIALIZE:
             $this->prevrule = 0;
             $this->preccounter = 0;
             $this->firstrule = $this->lastrule = 0;
             $this->gp->nrule = 0;
             /* Fall thru to next case */
         /* Fall thru to next case */
         case self::WAITING_FOR_DECL_OR_RULE:
             if ($x[0] == '%') {
                 $this->state = self::WAITING_FOR_DECL_KEYWORD;
             } elseif (preg_match('/[a-z]/', $x[0])) {
                 $this->lhs = LemonSymbol::Symbol_new($x);
                 $this->nrhs = 0;
                 $this->lhsalias = 0;
                 $this->state = self::WAITING_FOR_ARROW;
             } elseif ($x[0] == '{') {
                 if ($this->prevrule === 0) {
                     Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "There is no prior rule opon which to attach the code\n                             fragment which begins on this line.");
                 } elseif ($this->prevrule->code != 0) {
                     Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "Code fragment beginning on this line is not the first \\\n                             to follow the previous rule.");
                 } else {
                     $this->prevrule->line = $this->tokenlineno;
                     $this->prevrule->code = substr($x, 1);
             } elseif ($x[0] == '[') {
                 $this->state = self::PRECEDENCE_MARK_1;
             } else {
                 Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "Token \"%s\" should be either \"%%\" or a nonterminal name.", $x);
         case self::PRECEDENCE_MARK_1:
             if (!preg_match('/[A-Z]/', $x[0])) {
                 Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "The precedence symbol must be a terminal.");
             } elseif ($this->prevrule === 0) {
                 Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "There is no prior rule to assign precedence \"[%s]\".", $x);
             } elseif ($this->prevrule->precsym != 0) {
                 Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "Precedence mark on this line is not the first to follow the previous rule.");
             } else {
                 $this->prevrule->precsym = LemonSymbol::Symbol_new($x);
             $this->state = self::PRECEDENCE_MARK_2;
         case self::PRECEDENCE_MARK_2:
             if ($x[0] != ']') {
                 Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "Missing \"]\" on precedence mark.");
             $this->state = self::WAITING_FOR_DECL_OR_RULE;
         case self::WAITING_FOR_ARROW:
             if ($x[0] == ':' && $x[1] == ':' && $x[2] == '=') {
                 $this->state = self::IN_RHS;
             } elseif ($x[0] == '(') {
                 $this->state = self::LHS_ALIAS_1;
             } else {
                 Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "Expected to see a \":\" following the LHS symbol \"%s\".", $this->lhs->name);
                 $this->state = self::RESYNC_AFTER_RULE_ERROR;
         case self::LHS_ALIAS_1:
             if (preg_match('/[A-Za-z]/', $x[0])) {
                 $this->lhsalias = $x;
                 $this->state = self::LHS_ALIAS_2;
             } else {
                 Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "\"%s\" is not a valid alias for the LHS \"%s\"\n", $x, $this->lhs->name);
                 $this->state = self::RESYNC_AFTER_RULE_ERROR;
         case self::LHS_ALIAS_2:
             if ($x[0] == ')') {
                 $this->state = self::LHS_ALIAS_3;
             } else {
                 Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "Missing \")\" following LHS alias name \"%s\".", $this->lhsalias);
                 $this->state = self::RESYNC_AFTER_RULE_ERROR;
         case self::LHS_ALIAS_3:
             if ($x == '::=') {
                 $this->state = self::IN_RHS;
             } else {
                 Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "Missing \"->\" following: \"%s(%s)\".", $this->lhs->name, $this->lhsalias);
                 $this->state = self::RESYNC_AFTER_RULE_ERROR;
         case self::IN_RHS:
             if ($x[0] == '.') {
                 $rp = new LemonRule();
                 $rp->ruleline = $this->tokenlineno;
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $this->nrhs; $i++) {
                     $rp->rhs[$i] = $this->rhs[$i];
                     $rp->rhsalias[$i] = $this->alias[$i];
                 $rp->lhs = $this->lhs;
                 $rp->lhsalias = $this->lhsalias;
                 $rp->nrhs = $this->nrhs;
                 $rp->code = 0;
                 $rp->precsym = 0;
                 $rp->index = $this->gp->nrule++;
                 $rp->nextlhs = $rp->lhs->rule;
                 $rp->lhs->rule = $rp;
                 $rp->next = 0;
                 if ($this->firstrule === 0) {
                     $this->firstrule = $this->lastrule = $rp;
                 } else {
                     $this->lastrule->next = $rp;
                     $this->lastrule = $rp;
                 $this->prevrule = $rp;
                 $this->state = self::WAITING_FOR_DECL_OR_RULE;
             } elseif (preg_match('/[a-zA-Z]/', $x[0])) {
                 if ($this->nrhs >= Lemon::MAXRHS) {
                     Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "Too many symbols on RHS or rule beginning at \"%s\".", $x);
                     $this->state = self::RESYNC_AFTER_RULE_ERROR;
                 } else {
                     if (isset($this->rhs[$this->nrhs - 1])) {
                         $msp = $this->rhs[$this->nrhs - 1];
                         if ($msp->type == LemonSymbol::MULTITERMINAL) {
                             $inf = array_reduce($msp->subsym, array($this, '_printmulti'), '');
                             Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, 'WARNING: symbol ' . $x . ' will not' . ' be part of previous multiterminal %s', substr($inf, 0, strlen($inf) - 1));
                     $this->rhs[$this->nrhs] = LemonSymbol::Symbol_new($x);
                     $this->alias[$this->nrhs] = 0;
             } elseif (($x[0] == '|' || $x[0] == '/') && $this->nrhs > 0) {
                 $msp = $this->rhs[$this->nrhs - 1];
                 if ($msp->type != LemonSymbol::MULTITERMINAL) {
                     $origsp = $msp;
                     $msp = new LemonSymbol();
                     $msp->type = LemonSymbol::MULTITERMINAL;
                     $msp->nsubsym = 1;
                     $msp->subsym = array($origsp);
                     $msp->name = $origsp->name;
                     $this->rhs[$this->nrhs - 1] = $msp;
                 $msp->subsym[$msp->nsubsym - 1] = LemonSymbol::Symbol_new(substr($x, 1));
                 if (preg_match('/[a-z]/', $x[1]) || preg_match('/[a-z]/', $msp->subsym[0]->name[0])) {
                     Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "Cannot form a compound containing a non-terminal");
             } elseif ($x[0] == '(' && $this->nrhs > 0) {
                 $this->state = self::RHS_ALIAS_1;
             } else {
                 Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "Illegal character on RHS of rule: \"%s\".", $x);
                 $this->state = self::RESYNC_AFTER_RULE_ERROR;
         case self::RHS_ALIAS_1:
             if (preg_match('/[A-Za-z]/', $x[0])) {
                 $this->alias[$this->nrhs - 1] = $x;
                 $this->state = self::RHS_ALIAS_2;
             } else {
                 Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "\"%s\" is not a valid alias for the RHS symbol \"%s\"\n", $x, $this->rhs[$this->nrhs - 1]->name);
                 $this->state = self::RESYNC_AFTER_RULE_ERROR;
         case self::RHS_ALIAS_2:
             if ($x[0] == ')') {
                 $this->state = self::IN_RHS;
             } else {
                 Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "Missing \")\" following LHS alias name \"%s\".", $this->lhsalias);
                 $this->state = self::RESYNC_AFTER_RULE_ERROR;
         case self::WAITING_FOR_DECL_KEYWORD:
             if (preg_match('/[A-Za-z]/', $x[0])) {
                 $this->declkeyword = $x;
                 $this->declargslot =& $this->a;
                 $this->decllnslot =& $this->a;
                 $this->state = self::WAITING_FOR_DECL_ARG;
                 if ('name' == $x) {
                     $this->declargslot =& $this->gp->name;
                 } elseif ('include' == $x) {
                     $this->declargslot =& $this->gp->include_code;
                     $this->decllnslot =& $this->gp->includeln;
                 } elseif ('include_class' == $x) {
                     $this->declargslot =& $this->gp->include_classcode;
                     $this->decllnslot =& $this->gp->include_classln;
                 } elseif ('declare_class' == $x) {
                     $this->declargslot =& $this->gp->declare_classcode;
                     $this->decllnslot =& $this->gp->declare_classln;
                 } elseif ('code' == $x) {
                     $this->declargslot =& $this->gp->extracode;
                     $this->decllnslot =& $this->gp->extracodeln;
                 } elseif ('token_destructor' == $x) {
                     $this->declargslot =& $this->gp->tokendest;
                     $this->decllnslot =& $this->gp->tokendestln;
                 } elseif ('default_destructor' == $x) {
                     $this->declargslot =& $this->gp->vardest;
                     $this->decllnslot =& $this->gp->vardestln;
                 } elseif ('token_prefix' == $x) {
                     $this->declargslot =& $this->gp->tokenprefix;
                 } elseif ('syntax_error' == $x) {
                     $this->declargslot =& $this->gp->error;
                     $this->decllnslot =& $this->gp->errorln;
                 } elseif ('parse_accept' == $x) {
                     $this->declargslot =& $this->gp->accept;
                     $this->decllnslot =& $this->gp->acceptln;
                 } elseif ('parse_failure' == $x) {
                     $this->declargslot =& $this->gp->failure;
                     $this->decllnslot =& $this->gp->failureln;
                 } elseif ('stack_overflow' == $x) {
                     $this->declargslot =& $this->gp->overflow;
                     $this->decllnslot =& $this->gp->overflowln;
                 } else {
                     if ('extra_argument' == $x) {
                         $this->declargslot =& $this->gp->arg;
                     } elseif ('token_type' == $x) {
                         $this->declargslot =& $this->gp->tokentype;
                     } elseif ('default_type' == $x) {
                         $this->declargslot =& $this->gp->vartype;
                     } elseif ('stack_size' == $x) {
                         $this->declargslot =& $this->gp->stacksize;
                     } elseif ('start_symbol' == $x) {
                         $this->declargslot =& $this->gp->start;
                     } elseif ('left' == $x) {
                         $this->declassoc = LemonSymbol::LEFT;
                         $this->state = self::WAITING_FOR_PRECEDENCE_SYMBOL;
                     } elseif ('right' == $x) {
                         $this->declassoc = LemonSymbol::RIGHT;
                         $this->state = self::WAITING_FOR_PRECEDENCE_SYMBOL;
                     } elseif ('nonassoc' == $x) {
                         $this->declassoc = LemonSymbol::NONE;
                         $this->state = self::WAITING_FOR_PRECEDENCE_SYMBOL;
                     } elseif ('destructor' == $x) {
                         $this->state = self::WAITING_FOR_DESTRUCTOR_SYMBOL;
                     } elseif ('type' == $x) {
                         $this->state = self::WAITING_FOR_DATATYPE_SYMBOL;
                     } elseif ('fallback' == $x) {
                         $this->fallback = 0;
                         $this->state = self::WAITING_FOR_FALLBACK_ID;
                     } else {
                         Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "Unknown declaration keyword: \"%%%s\".", $x);
                         $this->state = self::RESYNC_AFTER_DECL_ERROR;
             } else {
                 Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "Illegal declaration keyword: \"%s\".", $x);
                 $this->state = self::RESYNC_AFTER_DECL_ERROR;
             if (!preg_match('/[A-Za-z]/', $x[0])) {
                 Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "Symbol name missing after %destructor keyword");
                 $this->state = self::RESYNC_AFTER_DECL_ERROR;
             } else {
                 $sp = LemonSymbol::Symbol_new($x);
                 $this->declargslot =& $sp->destructor;
                 $this->decllnslot =& $sp->destructorln;
                 $this->state = self::WAITING_FOR_DECL_ARG;
         case self::WAITING_FOR_DATATYPE_SYMBOL:
             if (!preg_match('/[A-Za-z]/', $x[0])) {
                 Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "Symbol name missing after %destructor keyword");
                 $this->state = self::RESYNC_AFTER_DECL_ERROR;
             } else {
                 $sp = LemonSymbol::Symbol_new($x);
                 $this->declargslot =& $sp->datatype;
                 $this->state = self::WAITING_FOR_DECL_ARG;
             if ($x[0] == '.') {
                 $this->state = self::WAITING_FOR_DECL_OR_RULE;
             } elseif (preg_match('/[A-Z]/', $x[0])) {
                 $sp = LemonSymbol::Symbol_new($x);
                 if ($sp->prec >= 0) {
                     Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "Symbol \"%s\" has already been given a precedence.", $x);
                 } else {
                     $sp->prec = $this->preccounter;
                     $sp->assoc = $this->declassoc;
             } else {
                 Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "Can't assign a precedence to \"%s\".", $x);
         case self::WAITING_FOR_DECL_ARG:
             if (preg_match('/[A-Za-z0-9{"]/', $x[0])) {
                 if ($this->declargslot != 0) {
                     Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "The argument \"%s\" to declaration \"%%%s\" is not the first.", $x[0] == '"' ? substr($x, 1) : $x, $this->declkeyword);
                     $this->state = self::RESYNC_AFTER_DECL_ERROR;
                 } else {
                     $this->declargslot = $x[0] == '"' || $x[0] == '{' ? substr($x, 1) : $x;
                     $this->a = 1;
                     if (!$this->decllnslot) {
                         $this->decllnslot = $this->tokenlineno;
                     $this->state = self::WAITING_FOR_DECL_OR_RULE;
             } else {
                 Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "Illegal argument to %%%s: %s", $this->declkeyword, $x);
                 $this->state = self::RESYNC_AFTER_DECL_ERROR;
         case self::WAITING_FOR_FALLBACK_ID:
             if ($x[0] == '.') {
                 $this->state = self::WAITING_FOR_DECL_OR_RULE;
             } elseif (!preg_match('/[A-Z]/', $x[0])) {
                 Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "%%fallback argument \"%s\" should be a token", $x);
             } else {
                 $sp = LemonSymbol::Symbol_new($x);
                 if ($this->fallback === 0) {
                     $this->fallback = $sp;
                 } elseif (is_object($sp->fallback)) {
                     Lemon::ErrorMsg($this->filename, $this->tokenlineno, "More than one fallback assigned to token %s", $x);
                 } else {
                     $sp->fallback = $this->fallback;
                     $this->gp->has_fallback = 1;
         case self::RESYNC_AFTER_RULE_ERROR:
             /*      if ($x[0] == '.') $this->state = self::WAITING_FOR_DECL_OR_RULE;
              **      break; */
         /*      if ($x[0] == '.') $this->state = self::WAITING_FOR_DECL_OR_RULE;
          **      break; */
         case self::RESYNC_AFTER_DECL_ERROR:
             if ($x[0] == '.') {
                 $this->state = self::WAITING_FOR_DECL_OR_RULE;
             if ($x[0] == '%') {
                 $this->state = self::WAITING_FOR_DECL_KEYWORD;