public function run() { try { $objChildLayouts = LayoutModel::findBy(array('isChild=1', 'specificFields<>\'\'', 'specificLegends=\'\''), array()); } catch (Exception $e) { return; } while (null !== $objChildLayouts && $objChildLayouts->next()) { $arrFields = deserialize($objChildLayouts->specificFields); $arrLegends = array(); foreach ($arrFields as $section) { preg_match('/\\{([^\\}]+?)\\}/', $section, $matches); $arrLegends[] = strstr($matches[1], ':', true) ?: $matches[1]; } $objChildLayouts->specificLegends = implode(',', $arrLegends); $objChildLayouts->save(); } }
/** * Update all child layouts belonging to parent layout * @category onsubmit_callback * * @param \DataContainer $dc */ public function updateChildLayouts(\DataContainer $dc) { if ($dc->activeRecord->isChild) { /** @type \Model $objParentLayout */ $objParentLayout = \LayoutModel::findByPk($dc->activeRecord->parentLayout); $arrData = $objParentLayout->row(); // Delete columns that must not be overridden foreach (self::getColumnsToPersist() as $v) { unset($arrData[$v]); } // Delete columns specific for this child layout if ($dc->activeRecord->specificLegends) { $this->deleteSpecificColumns($dc->activeRecord->specificLegends, $arrData, $dc->activeRecord->row()); } // Save parent data in database // Do not use the LayoutModel here \Database::getInstance()->prepare("UPDATE tl_layout %s WHERE id=?")->set($arrData)->execute($dc->id); } else { $objChildLayouts = \LayoutModel::findBy(array('tl_layout.isChild=1', ' IN (SELECT FROM tl_layout WHERE tl_layout.parentLayout=?)'), array($dc->id)); if (null !== $objChildLayouts) { $arrData = $dc->activeRecord->row(); // Delete columns specific for each layout foreach (self::getColumnsToPersist() as $v) { unset($arrData[$v]); } while ($objChildLayouts->next()) { if ($objChildLayouts->specificLegends) { $this->deleteSpecificColumns($objChildLayouts->specificLegends, $arrData, $objChildLayouts->row()); } // Update child layout row // Do not use the LayoutModel here \Database::getInstance()->prepare("UPDATE tl_layout %s WHERE id=?")->set($arrData)->execute($objChildLayouts->id); } } } }
public function buildArticleSections(CreateOptionsEvent $event) { $options = $event->getOptions(); $sections = $options->getArrayCopy(); $sections['header'] = 'header'; $sections['left'] = 'left'; $sections['right'] = 'right'; $sections['main'] = 'main'; $sections['footer'] = 'footer'; $layouts = \LayoutModel::findBy(array('sections!=?'), array('')); if ($layouts) { foreach ($layouts as $layout) { $temp = trimsplit(',', $layout->sections); foreach ($temp as $section) { if (!in_array($section, $sections)) { $sections[$section] = $section; } } } } $options->exchangeArray($sections); }
/** * List an file * * @param array * * @return string */ public function listFileFor($row, $layoutField = false) { switch ($row['type']) { case 'code': $label = $row['code_snippet_title']; break; case 'url': $label = preg_replace('#/([^/]+)$#', '/<strong>$1</strong>', $row['url']); break; case 'file': if ($row['filesource'] == $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['uploadPath'] && version_compare(VERSION, '3', '>=')) { $file = version_compare(VERSION, '3.2', '>=') ? \FilesModel::findByUuid($row['file']) : \FilesModel::findByPk($row['file']); if ($file) { $label = preg_replace('#/([^/]+)$#', '/<strong>$1</strong>', $file->path); break; } } else { $label = preg_replace('#([^/]+)$#', '<strong>$1</strong>', $row['file']); break; } default: $label = '?'; } if ($row['inline']) { \Controller::loadLanguageFile('tl_theme_plus_file'); $label = sprintf('<span title="%s">‹›</span> %s', htmlentities($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_theme_plus_file']['inline'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), $label); } else { if ($row['standalone']) { \Controller::loadLanguageFile('tl_theme_plus_file'); $label = sprintf('<span title="%s">×</span> %s', htmlentities($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['tl_theme_plus_file']['standalone'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), $label); } } if (strlen($row['position'])) { $label = '[' . strtoupper($row['position']) . '] ' . $label; } if (strlen($row['cc'])) { $label .= ' <span style="padding-left: 3px; color: #B3B3B3;">[' . $row['cc'] . ']</span>'; } $filterRules = static::renderFilterRules($row); if ($filterRules) { $label .= sprintf('<br><span style="margin-left: 20px; padding-left: 3px; color: #B3B3B3;">[%s]</span>', $filterRules); } if ($layoutField) { $assignedLayouts = []; $themes = \ThemeModel::findAll(['order' => 'name']); foreach ($themes as $theme) { $assignedThemeLayouts = []; $layouts = \LayoutModel::findBy('pid', $theme->id, ['order' => 'name']); foreach ($layouts as $layout) { $files = deserialize($layout->{$layoutField}, true); if (in_array($row['id'], $files)) { $assignedThemeLayouts[$layout->id] = $layout->name; } } if (count($assignedThemeLayouts)) { $assignedLayouts[$theme->name] = $assignedThemeLayouts; } } if (count($assignedLayouts)) { $label .= '<ul style="margin-left: 20px; padding-left: 3px; color: #B3B3B3;">'; foreach ($assignedLayouts as $theme => $layouts) { $label .= '<li>'; $label .= sprintf('<strong>%s</strong>', $theme); $label .= '<ul>'; foreach ($layouts as $id => $layout) { $label .= sprintf('<li> ↳ <a href="%s">%s</a></li>', \Backend::addToUrl('table=tl_layout&act=edit&id=' . $id), $layout); } $label .= '</ul>'; $label .= '</li>'; } $label .= '</ul>'; } } $image = 'assets/theme-plus/images/' . $row['type'] . '.png'; return '<div>' . ($image ? $this->generateImage($image, $label, 'style="vertical-align:-3px"') . ' ' : '') . $label . "</div>\n"; }