public static function newInstance() { if (!self::$instance instanceof self) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; }
function purge_latest_searches_weekly() { $purge = osc_purge_latest_searches(); if ($purge == 'week') { LatestSearches::newInstance()->purgeDate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 7 * 24 * 3600)); } }
function purge_latest_searches_hourly() { $purge = osc_purge_latest_searches(); if ($purge == 'hour') { LatestSearches::newInstance()->purgeDate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 3600)); } else { if (!in_array($purge, array('forever', 'day', 'week'))) { LatestSearches::newInstance()->purgeNumber($purge); } } }
function purge_latest_searches_hourly() { $purge = osc_purge_latest_searches(); if ($purge == 'day') { LatestSearches::newInstance()->purgeDate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 3600)); } else { if ($purge != 'forever' && $purge != 'day' && $purge != 'week') { LatestSearches::newInstance()->purgeNumber($purge); } } }
function doModel() { osc_run_hook('before_search'); $mCategories = Category::newInstance(); if (osc_rewrite_enabled()) { // IF rewrite is not enabled, skip this part, preg_match is always time&resources consuming task $p_sParams = "/" . Params::getParam('sParams', false, false); if (preg_match_all('|\\/([^,]+),([^\\/]*)|', $p_sParams, $m)) { $l = count($m[0]); for ($k = 0; $k < $l; $k++) { switch ($m[1][$k]) { case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_country'): $m[1][$k] = 'sCountry'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_region'): $m[1][$k] = 'sRegion'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_city'): $m[1][$k] = 'sCity'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_city_area'): $m[1][$k] = 'sCityArea'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_category'): $m[1][$k] = 'sCategory'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_user'): $m[1][$k] = 'sUser'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_pattern'): $m[1][$k] = 'sPattern'; break; default: break; } $_REQUEST[$m[1][$k]] = $m[2][$k]; $_GET[$m[1][$k]] = $m[2][$k]; unset($_REQUEST['sParams']); unset($_GET['sParams']); unset($_POST['sParams']); } } } //////////////////////////////// //GETTING AND FIXING SENT DATA// //////////////////////////////// $p_sCategory = Params::getParam('sCategory'); if (!is_array($p_sCategory)) { if ($p_sCategory == '') { $p_sCategory = array(); } else { $p_sCategory = explode(",", $p_sCategory); } } $p_sCityArea = Params::getParam('sCityArea'); if (!is_array($p_sCityArea)) { if ($p_sCityArea == '') { $p_sCityArea = array(); } else { $p_sCityArea = explode(",", $p_sCityArea); } } $p_sCity = Params::getParam('sCity'); if (!is_array($p_sCity)) { if ($p_sCity == '') { $p_sCity = array(); } else { $p_sCity = explode(",", $p_sCity); } } $p_sRegion = Params::getParam('sRegion'); if (!is_array($p_sRegion)) { if ($p_sRegion == '') { $p_sRegion = array(); } else { $p_sRegion = explode(",", $p_sRegion); } } $p_sCountry = Params::getParam('sCountry'); if (!is_array($p_sCountry)) { if ($p_sCountry == '') { $p_sCountry = array(); } else { $p_sCountry = explode(",", $p_sCountry); } } $p_sUser = Params::getParam('sUser'); if (!is_array($p_sUser)) { if ($p_sUser == '') { $p_sUser = ''; } else { $p_sUser = explode(",", $p_sUser); } } $p_sPattern = strip_tags(Params::getParam('sPattern')); // ADD TO THE LIST OF LAST SEARCHES if (osc_save_latest_searches()) { if (trim($p_sPattern) != '') { LatestSearches::newInstance()->insert(array('s_search' => trim($p_sPattern), 'd_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); } } $p_bPic = Params::getParam('bPic'); $p_bPic == 1 ? $p_bPic = 1 : ($p_bPic = 0); $p_sPriceMin = Params::getParam('sPriceMin'); $p_sPriceMax = Params::getParam('sPriceMax'); //WE CAN ONLY USE THE FIELDS RETURNED BY Search::getAllowedColumnsForSorting() $p_sOrder = Params::getParam('sOrder'); if (!in_array($p_sOrder, Search::getAllowedColumnsForSorting())) { $p_sOrder = osc_default_order_field_at_search(); } $old_order = $p_sOrder; //ONLY 0 ( => 'asc' ), 1 ( => 'desc' ) AS ALLOWED VALUES $p_iOrderType = Params::getParam('iOrderType'); $allowedTypesForSorting = Search::getAllowedTypesForSorting(); $orderType = osc_default_order_type_at_search(); foreach ($allowedTypesForSorting as $k => $v) { if ($p_iOrderType == $v) { $orderType = $k; break; } } $p_iOrderType = $orderType; $p_sFeed = Params::getParam('sFeed'); $p_iPage = 0; if (is_numeric(Params::getParam('iPage')) && Params::getParam('iPage') > 0) { $p_iPage = intval(Params::getParam('iPage')) - 1; } if ($p_sFeed != '') { $p_sPageSize = 1000; } $p_sShowAs = Params::getParam('sShowAs'); $aValidShowAsValues = array('list', 'gallery'); if (!in_array($p_sShowAs, $aValidShowAsValues)) { $p_sShowAs = osc_default_show_as_at_search(); } // search results: it's blocked with the maxResultsPerPage@search defined in t_preferences $p_iPageSize = intval(Params::getParam('iPagesize')); if ($p_iPageSize > 0) { if ($p_iPageSize > osc_max_results_per_page_at_search()) { $p_iPageSize = osc_max_results_per_page_at_search(); } } else { $p_iPageSize = osc_default_results_per_page_at_search(); } //FILTERING CATEGORY $bAllCategoriesChecked = false; if (count($p_sCategory) > 0) { foreach ($p_sCategory as $category) { $this->mSearch->addCategory($category); } } else { $bAllCategoriesChecked = true; } //FILTERING CITY_AREA foreach ($p_sCityArea as $city_area) { $this->mSearch->addCityArea($city_area); } $p_sCityArea = implode(", ", $p_sCityArea); //FILTERING CITY foreach ($p_sCity as $city) { $this->mSearch->addCity($city); } $p_sCity = implode(", ", $p_sCity); //FILTERING REGION foreach ($p_sRegion as $region) { $this->mSearch->addRegion($region); } $p_sRegion = implode(", ", $p_sRegion); //FILTERING COUNTRY foreach ($p_sCountry as $country) { $this->mSearch->addCountry($country); } $p_sCountry = implode(", ", $p_sCountry); // FILTERING PATTERN if ($p_sPattern != '') { $this->mSearch->addPattern($p_sPattern); $osc_request['sPattern'] = $p_sPattern; } else { // hardcoded - if there isn't a search pattern, order by dt_pub_date desc if ($p_sOrder == 'relevance') { $p_sOrder = 'dt_pub_date'; foreach ($allowedTypesForSorting as $k => $v) { if ($p_iOrderType == 'desc') { $orderType = $k; break; } } $p_iOrderType = $orderType; } } // FILTERING USER if ($p_sUser != '') { $this->mSearch->fromUser($p_sUser); } // FILTERING IF WE ONLY WANT ITEMS WITH PICS if ($p_bPic) { $this->mSearch->withPicture(true); } //FILTERING BY RANGE PRICE $this->mSearch->priceRange($p_sPriceMin, $p_sPriceMax); //ORDERING THE SEARCH RESULTS $this->mSearch->order($p_sOrder, $allowedTypesForSorting[$p_iOrderType]); //SET PAGE $this->mSearch->page($p_iPage, $p_iPageSize); osc_run_hook('search_conditions', Params::getParamsAsArray()); if (!Params::existParam('sFeed')) { // RETRIEVE ITEMS AND TOTAL $aItems = $this->mSearch->doSearch(); $iTotalItems = $this->mSearch->count(); $iStart = $p_iPage * $p_iPageSize; $iEnd = min(($p_iPage + 1) * $p_iPageSize, $iTotalItems); $iNumPages = ceil($iTotalItems / $p_iPageSize); osc_run_hook('search', $this->mSearch); //preparing variables... $regionName = $p_sRegion; if (is_numeric($p_sRegion)) { $r = Region::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($p_sRegion); if ($r) { $regionName = $r['s_name']; } } $cityName = $p_sCity; if (is_numeric($p_sCity)) { $c = City::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($p_sCity); if ($c) { $cityName = $c['s_name']; } } //$this->_exportVariableToView('non_empty_categories', $aCategories) ; $this->_exportVariableToView('search_start', $iStart); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_end', $iEnd); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_category', $p_sCategory); // hardcoded - non pattern and order by relevance $p_sOrder = $old_order; $this->_exportVariableToView('search_order_type', $p_iOrderType); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_order', $p_sOrder); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_pattern', $p_sPattern); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_from_user', $p_sUser); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_total_pages', $iNumPages); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_page', $p_iPage); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_has_pic', $p_bPic); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_region', $regionName); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_city', $cityName); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_price_min', $p_sPriceMin); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_price_max', $p_sPriceMax); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_total_items', $iTotalItems); $this->_exportVariableToView('items', $aItems); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_show_as', $p_sShowAs); $this->_exportVariableToView('search', $this->mSearch); // json $json = $this->mSearch->toJson(); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_alert', base64_encode($json)); //calling the view... $this->doView('search.php'); } else { $this->mSearch->page(0, osc_num_rss_items()); // RETRIEVE ITEMS AND TOTAL $iTotalItems = $this->mSearch->count(); $aItems = $this->mSearch->doSearch(); $this->_exportVariableToView('items', $aItems); if ($p_sFeed == '' || $p_sFeed == 'rss') { // FEED REQUESTED! header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8'); $feed = new RSSFeed(); $feed->setTitle(__('Latest listings added') . ' - ' . osc_page_title()); $feed->setLink(osc_base_url()); $feed->setDescription(__('Latest listings added in') . ' ' . osc_page_title()); if (osc_count_items() > 0) { while (osc_has_items()) { if (osc_count_item_resources() > 0) { osc_has_item_resources(); $feed->addItem(array('title' => osc_item_title(), 'link' => htmlentities(osc_item_url(), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"), 'description' => osc_item_description(), 'dt_pub_date' => osc_item_pub_date(), 'image' => array('url' => htmlentities(osc_resource_thumbnail_url(), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"), 'title' => osc_item_title(), 'link' => htmlentities(osc_item_url(), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8")))); } else { $feed->addItem(array('title' => osc_item_title(), 'link' => htmlentities(osc_item_url(), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"), 'description' => osc_item_description(), 'dt_pub_date' => osc_item_pub_date())); } } } osc_run_hook('feed', $feed); $feed->dumpXML(); } else { osc_run_hook('feed_' . $p_sFeed, $aItems); } } }
/** * Gets the next latest search * * @return array */ function osc_has_latest_searches() { if (!View::newInstance()->_exists('latest_searches')) { View::newInstance()->_exportVariableToView('latest_searches', LatestSearches::newInstance()->getSearches()); } return View::newInstance()->_next('latest_searches'); }
function doModel() { osc_run_hook('before_search'); $mCategories = new Category(); //////////////////////////////// //GETTING AND FIXING SENT DATA// //////////////////////////////// $p_sCategory = Params::getParam('sCategory'); if (!is_array($p_sCategory)) { if ($p_sCategory == '') { $p_sCategory = array(); } else { $p_sCategory = explode(",", $p_sCategory); } } $p_sCityArea = Params::getParam('sCityArea'); if (!is_array($p_sCityArea)) { if ($p_sCityArea == '') { $p_sCityArea = array(); } else { $p_sCityArea = explode(",", $p_sCityArea); } } $p_sCity = Params::getParam('sCity'); if (!is_array($p_sCity)) { if ($p_sCity == '') { $p_sCity = array(); } else { $p_sCity = explode(",", $p_sCity); } } $p_sRegion = Params::getParam('sRegion'); if (!is_array($p_sRegion)) { if ($p_sRegion == '') { $p_sRegion = array(); } else { $p_sRegion = explode(",", $p_sRegion); } } $p_sCountry = Params::getParam('sCountry'); if (!is_array($p_sCountry)) { if ($p_sCountry == '') { $p_sCountry = array(); } else { $p_sCountry = explode(",", $p_sCountry); } } $p_sPattern = strip_tags(Params::getParam('sPattern')); $p_sUser = strip_tags(Params::getParam('sUser')); // ADD TO THE LIST OF LAST SEARCHES if (osc_save_latest_searches()) { if (trim($p_sPattern) != '') { LatestSearches::newInstance()->insert(array('s_search' => trim($p_sPattern), 'd_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); } } $p_bPic = Params::getParam('bPic'); $p_bPic == 1 ? $p_bPic = 1 : ($p_bPic = 0); $p_sPriceMin = Params::getParam('sPriceMin'); $p_sPriceMax = Params::getParam('sPriceMax'); //WE CAN ONLY USE THE FIELDS RETURNED BY Search::getAllowedColumnsForSorting() $p_sOrder = Params::getParam('sOrder'); if (!in_array($p_sOrder, Search::getAllowedColumnsForSorting())) { $p_sOrder = osc_default_order_field_at_search(); } //ONLY 0 ( => 'asc' ), 1 ( => 'desc' ) AS ALLOWED VALUES $p_iOrderType = Params::getParam('iOrderType'); $allowedTypesForSorting = Search::getAllowedTypesForSorting(); $orderType = osc_default_order_type_at_search(); foreach ($allowedTypesForSorting as $k => $v) { if ($p_iOrderType == $v) { $orderType = $k; break; } } $p_iOrderType = $orderType; $p_sFeed = Params::getParam('sFeed'); $p_iPage = intval(Params::getParam('iPage')); if ($p_sFeed != '') { $p_sPageSize = 1000; } $p_sShowAs = Params::getParam('sShowAs'); $aValidShowAsValues = array('list', 'gallery'); if (!in_array($p_sShowAs, $aValidShowAsValues)) { $p_sShowAs = osc_default_show_as_at_search(); } // search results: it's blocked with the maxResultsPerPage@search defined in t_preferences $p_iPageSize = intval(Params::getParam('iPagesize')); if ($p_iPageSize > 0) { if ($p_iPageSize > osc_max_results_per_page_at_search()) { $p_iPageSize = osc_max_results_per_page_at_search(); } } else { $p_iPageSize = osc_default_results_per_page_at_search(); } //FILTERING CATEGORY $bAllCategoriesChecked = false; if (count($p_sCategory) > 0) { foreach ($p_sCategory as $category) { $this->mSearch->addCategory($category); } } else { $bAllCategoriesChecked = true; } //FILTERING CITY_AREA foreach ($p_sCityArea as $city_area) { $this->mSearch->addCityArea($city_area); } $p_sCityArea = implode(", ", $p_sCityArea); //FILTERING CITY foreach ($p_sCity as $city) { $this->mSearch->addCity($city); } $p_sCity = implode(", ", $p_sCity); //FILTERING REGION foreach ($p_sRegion as $region) { $this->mSearch->addRegion($region); } $p_sRegion = implode(", ", $p_sRegion); //FILTERING COUNTRY foreach ($p_sCountry as $country) { $this->mSearch->addCountry($country); } $p_sCountry = implode(", ", $p_sCountry); // FILTERING PATTERN if ($p_sPattern != '') { $this->mSearch->addConditions(sprintf("MATCH(d.s_title, d.s_description) AGAINST('%s' IN BOOLEAN MODE)", $p_sPattern)); $osc_request['sPattern'] = $p_sPattern; } // FILTERING USER if ($p_sUser != '') { $this->mSearch->fromUser(explode(",", $p_sUser)); } // FILTERING IF WE ONLY WANT ITEMS WITH PICS if ($p_bPic) { $this->mSearch->withPicture(true); } //FILTERING BY RANGE PRICE $this->mSearch->priceRange($p_sPriceMin, $p_sPriceMax); //ORDERING THE SEARCH RESULTS $this->mSearch->order($p_sOrder, $allowedTypesForSorting[$p_iOrderType]); //SET PAGE $this->mSearch->page($p_iPage, $p_iPageSize); osc_run_hook('search_conditions', Params::getParamsAsArray()); if (!Params::existParam('sFeed')) { // RETRIEVE ITEMS AND TOTAL $aItems = $this->mSearch->doSearch(); $iTotalItems = $this->mSearch->count(); $iStart = $p_iPage * $p_iPageSize; $iEnd = min(($p_iPage + 1) * $p_iPageSize, $iTotalItems); $iNumPages = ceil($iTotalItems / $p_iPageSize); osc_run_hook('search', $this->mSearch); //preparing variables... //$this->_exportVariableToView('non_empty_categories', $aCategories) ; $this->_exportVariableToView('search_start', $iStart); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_end', $iEnd); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_category', $p_sCategory); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_order_type', $p_iOrderType); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_order', $p_sOrder); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_pattern', $p_sPattern); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_from_user', $p_sUser); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_total_pages', $iNumPages); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_page', $p_iPage); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_has_pic', $p_bPic); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_region', $p_sRegion); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_city', $p_sCity); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_price_min', $p_sPriceMin); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_price_max', $p_sPriceMax); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_total_items', $iTotalItems); $this->_exportVariableToView('items', $aItems); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_show_as', $p_sShowAs); $this->_exportVariableToView('search', $this->mSearch); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_alert', base64_encode(serialize($this->mSearch))); //calling the view... $this->doView('search.php'); } else { $this->mSearch->page(0, osc_num_rss_items()); // RETRIEVE ITEMS AND TOTAL $iTotalItems = $this->mSearch->count(); $aItems = $this->mSearch->doSearch(); $this->_exportVariableToView('items', $aItems); if ($p_sFeed == '' || $p_sFeed == 'rss') { // FEED REQUESTED! header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8'); $feed = new RSSFeed(); $feed->setTitle(__('Latest items added') . ' - ' . osc_page_title()); $feed->setLink(osc_base_url()); $feed->setDescription(__('Latest items added in') . ' ' . osc_page_title()); if (osc_count_items() > 0) { while (osc_has_items()) { if (osc_count_item_resources() > 0) { osc_has_item_resources(); $feed->addItem(array('title' => osc_item_title(), 'link' => htmlentities(osc_item_url()), 'description' => osc_item_description(), 'dt_pub_date' => osc_item_pub_date(), 'image' => array('url' => htmlentities(osc_resource_thumbnail_url()), 'title' => osc_item_title(), 'link' => htmlentities(osc_item_url())))); } else { $feed->addItem(array('title' => osc_item_title(), 'link' => htmlentities(osc_item_url()), 'description' => osc_item_description(), 'dt_pub_date' => osc_item_pub_date())); } } } osc_run_hook('feed', $feed); $feed->dumpXML(); } else { osc_run_hook('feed_' . $p_sFeed, $aItems); } } }
function doModel() { osc_run_hook('before_search'); if (osc_rewrite_enabled()) { // IF rewrite is not enabled, skip this part, preg_match is always time&resources consuming task $p_sParams = "/" . Params::getParam('sParams', false, false); if (preg_match_all('|\\/([^,]+),([^\\/]*)|', $p_sParams, $m)) { $l = count($m[0]); for ($k = 0; $k < $l; $k++) { switch ($m[1][$k]) { case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_country'): $m[1][$k] = 'sCountry'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_region'): $m[1][$k] = 'sRegion'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_city'): $m[1][$k] = 'sCity'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_city_area'): $m[1][$k] = 'sCityArea'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_category'): $m[1][$k] = 'sCategory'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_user'): $m[1][$k] = 'sUser'; break; case osc_get_preference('rewrite_search_pattern'): $m[1][$k] = 'sPattern'; break; default: // custom fields if (preg_match("/meta(\\d+)-?(.*)?/", $m[1][$k], $results)) { $meta_key = $m[1][$k]; $meta_value = $m[2][$k]; $array_r = array(); if (Params::existParam('meta')) { $array_r = Params::getParam('meta'); } if ($results[2] == '') { // meta[meta_id] = meta_value $meta_key = $results[1]; $array_r[$meta_key] = $meta_value; } else { // meta[meta_id][meta_key] = meta_value $meta_key = $results[1]; $meta_key2 = $results[2]; $array_r[$meta_key][$meta_key2] = $meta_value; } $m[1][$k] = 'meta'; $m[2][$k] = $array_r; } break; } Params::setParam($m[1][$k], $m[2][$k]); } Params::unsetParam('sParams'); } } $uriParams = Params::getParamsAsArray(); $searchUri = osc_search_url($uriParams); if ($this->uri != 'feed') { if (str_replace("%20", '+', $searchUri) != str_replace("%20", '+', WEB_PATH . $this->uri)) { $this->redirectTo($searchUri, 301); } } //////////////////////////////// //GETTING AND FIXING SENT DATA// //////////////////////////////// $p_sCategory = Params::getParam('sCategory'); if (!is_array($p_sCategory)) { if ($p_sCategory == '') { $p_sCategory = array(); } else { $p_sCategory = explode(",", $p_sCategory); } } $p_sCityArea = Params::getParam('sCityArea'); if (!is_array($p_sCityArea)) { if ($p_sCityArea == '') { $p_sCityArea = array(); } else { $p_sCityArea = explode(",", $p_sCityArea); } } $p_sCity = Params::getParam('sCity'); if (!is_array($p_sCity)) { if ($p_sCity == '') { $p_sCity = array(); } else { $p_sCity = explode(",", $p_sCity); } } $p_sRegion = Params::getParam('sRegion'); if (!is_array($p_sRegion)) { if ($p_sRegion == '') { $p_sRegion = array(); } else { $p_sRegion = explode(",", $p_sRegion); } } $p_sCountry = Params::getParam('sCountry'); if (!is_array($p_sCountry)) { if ($p_sCountry == '') { $p_sCountry = array(); } else { $p_sCountry = explode(",", $p_sCountry); } } $p_sUser = Params::getParam('sUser'); if (!is_array($p_sUser)) { if ($p_sUser == '') { $p_sUser = ''; } else { $p_sUser = explode(",", $p_sUser); } } $p_sLocale = Params::getParam('sLocale'); if (!is_array($p_sLocale)) { if ($p_sLocale == '') { $p_sLocale = ''; } else { $p_sLocale = explode(",", $p_sLocale); } } $p_sPattern = trim(strip_tags(Params::getParam('sPattern'))); // ADD TO THE LIST OF LAST SEARCHES if (osc_save_latest_searches() && (!Params::existParam('iPage') || Params::getParam('iPage') == 1)) { $savePattern = osc_apply_filter('save_latest_searches_pattern', $p_sPattern); if ($savePattern != '') { LatestSearches::newInstance()->insert(array('s_search' => $savePattern, 'd_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))); } } $p_bPic = Params::getParam('bPic'); $p_bPic = $p_bPic == 1 ? 1 : 0; $p_bPremium = Params::getParam('bPremium'); $p_bPremium = $p_bPremium == 1 ? 1 : 0; $p_sPriceMin = Params::getParam('sPriceMin'); $p_sPriceMax = Params::getParam('sPriceMax'); //WE CAN ONLY USE THE FIELDS RETURNED BY Search::getAllowedColumnsForSorting() $p_sOrder = Params::getParam('sOrder'); if (!in_array($p_sOrder, Search::getAllowedColumnsForSorting())) { $p_sOrder = osc_default_order_field_at_search(); } $old_order = $p_sOrder; //ONLY 0 ( => 'asc' ), 1 ( => 'desc' ) AS ALLOWED VALUES $p_iOrderType = Params::getParam('iOrderType'); $allowedTypesForSorting = Search::getAllowedTypesForSorting(); $orderType = osc_default_order_type_at_search(); foreach ($allowedTypesForSorting as $k => $v) { if ($p_iOrderType == $v) { $orderType = $k; break; } } $p_iOrderType = $orderType; $p_sFeed = Params::getParam('sFeed'); $p_iPage = 0; if (is_numeric(Params::getParam('iPage')) && Params::getParam('iPage') > 0) { $p_iPage = intval(Params::getParam('iPage')) - 1; } if ($p_sFeed != '') { $p_sPageSize = 1000; } $p_sShowAs = Params::getParam('sShowAs'); $aValidShowAsValues = array('list', 'gallery'); if (!in_array($p_sShowAs, $aValidShowAsValues)) { $p_sShowAs = osc_default_show_as_at_search(); } // search results: it's blocked with the maxResultsPerPage@search defined in t_preferences $p_iPageSize = intval(Params::getParam('iPagesize')); if ($p_iPageSize > 0) { if ($p_iPageSize > osc_max_results_per_page_at_search()) { $p_iPageSize = osc_max_results_per_page_at_search(); } } else { $p_iPageSize = osc_default_results_per_page_at_search(); } //FILTERING CATEGORY $bAllCategoriesChecked = false; $successCat = false; if (count($p_sCategory) > 0) { foreach ($p_sCategory as $category) { $successCat = $this->mSearch->addCategory($category) || $successCat; } } else { $bAllCategoriesChecked = true; } //FILTERING CITY_AREA foreach ($p_sCityArea as $city_area) { $this->mSearch->addCityArea($city_area); } $p_sCityArea = implode(", ", $p_sCityArea); //FILTERING CITY foreach ($p_sCity as $city) { $this->mSearch->addCity($city); } $p_sCity = implode(", ", $p_sCity); //FILTERING REGION foreach ($p_sRegion as $region) { $this->mSearch->addRegion($region); } $p_sRegion = implode(", ", $p_sRegion); //FILTERING COUNTRY foreach ($p_sCountry as $country) { $this->mSearch->addCountry($country); } $p_sCountry = implode(", ", $p_sCountry); // FILTERING PATTERN if ($p_sPattern != '') { $this->mSearch->addPattern($p_sPattern); $osc_request['sPattern'] = $p_sPattern; } else { // hardcoded - if there isn't a search pattern, order by dt_pub_date desc if ($p_sOrder == 'relevance') { $p_sOrder = 'dt_pub_date'; foreach ($allowedTypesForSorting as $k => $v) { if ($p_iOrderType == 'desc') { $orderType = $k; break; } } $p_iOrderType = $orderType; } } // FILTERING USER if ($p_sUser != '') { $this->mSearch->fromUser($p_sUser); } // FILTERING LOCALE $this->mSearch->addLocale($p_sLocale); // FILTERING IF WE ONLY WANT ITEMS WITH PICS if ($p_bPic) { $this->mSearch->withPicture(true); } // FILTERING IF WE ONLY WANT PREMIUM ITEMS if ($p_bPremium) { $this->mSearch->onlyPremium(true); } //FILTERING BY RANGE PRICE $this->mSearch->priceRange($p_sPriceMin, $p_sPriceMax); //ORDERING THE SEARCH RESULTS $this->mSearch->order($p_sOrder, $allowedTypesForSorting[$p_iOrderType]); //SET PAGE if ($p_sFeed == 'rss') { // If param sFeed=rss, just output last 'osc_num_rss_items()' $this->mSearch->page(0, osc_num_rss_items()); } else { $this->mSearch->page($p_iPage, $p_iPageSize); } // CUSTOM FIELDS $custom_fields = Params::getParam('meta'); $fields = Field::newInstance()->findIDSearchableByCategories($p_sCategory); $table = DB_TABLE_PREFIX . 't_item_meta'; if (is_array($custom_fields)) { foreach ($custom_fields as $key => $aux) { if (in_array($key, $fields)) { $field = Field::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($key); switch ($field['e_type']) { case 'TEXTAREA': case 'TEXT': case 'URL': if ($aux != '') { $aux = "%{$aux}%"; $sql = "SELECT fk_i_item_id FROM {$table} WHERE "; $str_escaped = Search::newInstance()->dao->escape($aux); $sql .= $table . '.fk_i_field_id = ' . $key . ' AND '; $sql .= $table . ".s_value LIKE " . $str_escaped; $this->mSearch->addConditions(DB_TABLE_PREFIX . 't_item.pk_i_id IN (' . $sql . ')'); } break; case 'DROPDOWN': case 'RADIO': if ($aux != '') { $sql = "SELECT fk_i_item_id FROM {$table} WHERE "; $str_escaped = Search::newInstance()->dao->escape($aux); $sql .= $table . '.fk_i_field_id = ' . $key . ' AND '; $sql .= $table . ".s_value = " . $str_escaped; $this->mSearch->addConditions(DB_TABLE_PREFIX . 't_item.pk_i_id IN (' . $sql . ')'); } break; case 'CHECKBOX': if ($aux != '') { $sql = "SELECT fk_i_item_id FROM {$table} WHERE "; $sql .= $table . '.fk_i_field_id = ' . $key . ' AND '; $sql .= $table . ".s_value = 1"; $this->mSearch->addConditions(DB_TABLE_PREFIX . 't_item.pk_i_id IN (' . $sql . ')'); } break; case 'DATE': if ($aux != '') { $y = (int) date('Y', $aux); $m = (int) date('n', $aux); $d = (int) date('j', $aux); $start = mktime('0', '0', '0', $m, $d, $y); $end = mktime('23', '59', '59', $m, $d, $y); $sql = "SELECT fk_i_item_id FROM {$table} WHERE "; $sql .= $table . '.fk_i_field_id = ' . $key . ' AND '; $sql .= $table . ".s_value >= " . $start . " AND "; $sql .= $table . ".s_value <= " . $end; $this->mSearch->addConditions(DB_TABLE_PREFIX . 't_item.pk_i_id IN (' . $sql . ')'); } break; case 'DATEINTERVAL': if (is_array($aux) && (!empty($aux['from']) && !empty($aux['to']))) { $from = $aux['from']; $to = $aux['to']; $start = $from; $end = $to; $sql = "SELECT fk_i_item_id FROM {$table} WHERE "; $sql .= $table . '.fk_i_field_id = ' . $key . ' AND '; $sql .= $start . " >= " . $table . ".s_value AND s_multi = 'from'"; $sql1 = "SELECT fk_i_item_id FROM {$table} WHERE "; $sql1 .= $table . ".fk_i_field_id = " . $key . " AND "; $sql1 .= $end . " <= " . $table . ".s_value AND s_multi = 'to'"; $sql_interval = "select a.fk_i_item_id from (" . $sql . ") a where a.fk_i_item_id IN (" . $sql1 . ")"; $this->mSearch->addConditions(DB_TABLE_PREFIX . 't_item.pk_i_id IN (' . $sql_interval . ')'); } break; default: break; } } } } osc_run_hook('search_conditions', Params::getParamsAsArray()); // RETRIEVE ITEMS AND TOTAL $key = md5(osc_base_url() . $this->mSearch->toJson()); $found = null; $cache = osc_cache_get($key, $found); $aItems = null; $iTotalItems = null; if ($cache) { $aItems = $cache['aItems']; $iTotalItems = $cache['iTotalItems']; } else { $aItems = $this->mSearch->doSearch(); $iTotalItems = $this->mSearch->count(); $_cache['aItems'] = $aItems; $_cache['iTotalItems'] = $iTotalItems; osc_cache_set($key, $_cache, OSC_CACHE_TTL); } $iStart = $p_iPage * $p_iPageSize; $iEnd = min(($p_iPage + 1) * $p_iPageSize, $iTotalItems); $iNumPages = ceil($iTotalItems / $p_iPageSize); // works with cache enabled ? osc_run_hook('search', $this->mSearch); //preparing variables... $countryName = $p_sCountry; if (strlen($p_sCountry) == 2) { $c = Country::newInstance()->findByCode($p_sCountry); if ($c) { $countryName = $c['s_name']; } } $regionName = $p_sRegion; if (is_numeric($p_sRegion)) { $r = Region::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($p_sRegion); if ($r) { $regionName = $r['s_name']; } } $cityName = $p_sCity; if (is_numeric($p_sCity)) { $c = City::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($p_sCity); if ($c) { $cityName = $c['s_name']; } } $this->_exportVariableToView('search_start', $iStart); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_end', $iEnd); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_category', $p_sCategory); // hardcoded - non pattern and order by relevance $p_sOrder = $old_order; $this->_exportVariableToView('search_order_type', $p_iOrderType); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_order', $p_sOrder); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_pattern', $p_sPattern); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_from_user', $p_sUser); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_total_pages', $iNumPages); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_page', $p_iPage); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_has_pic', $p_bPic); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_only_premium', $p_bPremium); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_country', $countryName); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_region', $regionName); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_city', $cityName); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_price_min', $p_sPriceMin); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_price_max', $p_sPriceMax); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_total_items', $iTotalItems); $this->_exportVariableToView('items', $aItems); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_show_as', $p_sShowAs); $this->_exportVariableToView('search', $this->mSearch); // json $json = $this->mSearch->toJson(); $encoded_alert = base64_encode(osc_encrypt_alert($json)); // Create the HMAC signature and convert the resulting hex hash into base64 $stringToSign = osc_get_alert_public_key() . $encoded_alert; $signature = hex2b64(hmacsha1(osc_get_alert_private_key(), $stringToSign)); $server_signature = Session::newInstance()->_set('alert_signature', $signature); $this->_exportVariableToView('search_alert', $encoded_alert); // calling the view... if (count($aItems) === 0) { header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); } osc_run_hook("after_search"); if (!Params::existParam('sFeed')) { $this->doView('search.php'); } else { if ($p_sFeed == '' || $p_sFeed == 'rss') { // FEED REQUESTED! header('Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8'); $feed = new RSSFeed(); $feed->setTitle(__('Latest listings added') . ' - ' . osc_page_title()); $feed->setLink(osc_base_url()); $feed->setDescription(__('Latest listings added in') . ' ' . osc_page_title()); if (osc_count_items() > 0) { while (osc_has_items()) { if (osc_count_item_resources() > 0) { osc_has_item_resources(); $feed->addItem(array('title' => osc_item_title(), 'link' => htmlentities(osc_item_url(), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"), 'description' => osc_item_description(), 'country' => osc_item_country(), 'region' => osc_item_region(), 'city' => osc_item_city(), 'city_area' => osc_item_city_area(), 'category' => osc_item_category(), 'dt_pub_date' => osc_item_pub_date(), 'image' => array('url' => htmlentities(osc_resource_thumbnail_url(), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"), 'title' => osc_item_title(), 'link' => htmlentities(osc_item_url(), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8")))); } else { $feed->addItem(array('title' => osc_item_title(), 'link' => htmlentities(osc_item_url(), ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"), 'description' => osc_item_description(), 'country' => osc_item_country(), 'region' => osc_item_region(), 'city' => osc_item_city(), 'city_area' => osc_item_city_area(), 'category' => osc_item_category(), 'dt_pub_date' => osc_item_pub_date())); } } } osc_run_hook('feed', $feed); $feed->dumpXML(); } else { osc_run_hook('feed_' . $p_sFeed, $aItems); } } }
// update the next execution time in t_cron $d_next = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $i_now + 24 * 3600); Cron::newInstance()->update(array('d_last_exec' => $d_now, 'd_next_exec' => $d_next), array('e_type' => 'DAILY')); // Run cron AFTER updating the next execution time to avoid double run of cron $purge = osc_purge_latest_searches(); if ($purge == 'day') { LatestSearches::newInstance()->purgeDate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 24 * 3600)); } osc_runAlert('DAILY'); osc_update_cat_stats(); osc_run_hook('cron_daily'); } } // Weekly crons $cron = Cron::newInstance()->getCronByType('WEEKLY'); if (is_array($cron)) { $i_next = strtotime($cron['d_next_exec']); if (CLI && Params::getParam('cron-type') === 'weekly' || $i_now - $i_next >= 0 && !CLI) { // update the next execution time in t_cron $d_next = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $i_now + 7 * 24 * 3600); Cron::newInstance()->update(array('d_last_exec' => $d_now, 'd_next_exec' => $d_next), array('e_type' => 'WEEKLY')); // Run cron AFTER updating the next execution time to avoid double run of cron $purge = osc_purge_latest_searches(); if ($purge == 'week') { LatestSearches::newInstance()->purgeDate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 7 * 24 * 3600)); } osc_run_hook('cron_weekly'); } } osc_run_hook('cron'); /* file end: ./oc-includes/osclass/cron.php */