public static function updater_move_legacy_templates() { /* move copy of legacy core templates to the uploads folder and delete from core templates directory */ $templates_to_move = array('rsvp-envelope', 'super-slick'); chmod(LANDINGPAGES_UPLOADS_PATH, 0755); $template_paths = Landing_Pages_Load_Extensions::get_core_template_ids(); if (count($template_paths) > 0) { foreach ($template_paths as $name) { if (in_array($name, $templates_to_move)) { $old_path = LANDINGPAGES_PATH . "templates/{$name}/"; $new_path = LANDINGPAGES_UPLOADS_PATH . "{$name}/"; /* echo "oldpath: $old_path<br>"; echo "newpath: $new_path<br>"; */ @mkdir($new_path, 0775); chmod($old_path, 0775); self::move_files($old_path, $new_path); rmdir($old_path); } } } }
function lp_display_meta_box_select_template_container() { global $post; $current_url = "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . ""; if (isset($post) && $post->post_type != 'landing-page' || !isset($post)) { return false; } !strstr($current_url, 'post-new.php') ? $toggle = "display:none" : ($toggle = ""); $extension_data = lp_get_extension_data(); $extension_data_cats = Landing_Pages_Load_Extensions::get_template_categories(); unset($extension_data['lp']); ksort($extension_data_cats); $uploads = wp_upload_dir(); $uploads_path = $uploads['basedir']; $extended_path = $uploads_path . '/landing-pages/templates/'; $template = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'lp-selected-template', true); $template = apply_filters('lp_selected_template', $template); echo "<div class='lp-template-selector-container' style='{$toggle}'>"; echo "<div class='lp-selection-heading'>"; echo "<h1>" . __('Select Your Landing Page Template!', 'landing-pages') . "</h1>"; echo '<a class="button-secondary" style="display:none;" id="lp-cancel-selection">' . __('Cancel Template Change', 'landing-pages') . '</a>'; echo "</div>"; echo '<ul id="template-filter" >'; echo '<li class="button-primary button"><a href="#" data-filter=".template-item-boxes">' . __('All', 'landing-pages') . '</a></li>'; echo '<li class="button-primary button"><a href="#" data-filter=".theme">' . __('Theme', 'landing-pages') . '</a></li>'; $categories = array('Theme'); foreach ($extension_data_cats as $cat) { $slug = str_replace(' ', '-', $cat['value']); $slug = strtolower($slug); $cat['value'] = ucwords($cat['value']); if (!in_array($cat['value'], $categories)) { echo '<li class="button"><a href="#" data-filter=".' . $slug . '">' . $cat['value'] . '</a></li>'; $categories[] = $cat['value']; } } echo "</ul>"; echo '<div id="templates-container" >'; foreach ($extension_data as $this_extension => $data) { if (substr($this_extension, 0, 4) == 'ext-') { continue; } if (isset($data['info']['data_type']) && $data['info']['data_type'] == 'metabox') { continue; } $cats = explode(',', $data['info']['category']); foreach ($cats as $key => $cat) { $cat = trim($cat); $cat = str_replace(' ', '-', $cat); $cats[$key] = trim(strtolower($cat)); } $cat_slug = implode(' ', $cats); $thumb = false; // Get Thumbnail if (file_exists(LANDINGPAGES_PATH . 'templates/' . $this_extension . "/thumbnail.png")) { if ($this_extension == 'default') { $thumbnail = get_bloginfo('template_directory') . "/screenshot.png"; } else { $thumbnail = LANDINGPAGES_URLPATH . 'templates/' . $this_extension . "/thumbnail.png"; } $thumb = true; } if (file_exists(LANDINGPAGES_UPLOADS_PATH . $this_extension . "/thumbnail.png")) { $thumbnail = LANDINGPAGES_UPLOADS_URLPATH . $this_extension . "/thumbnail.png"; $thumb = true; } if ($thumb === false) { $thumbnail = LANDINGPAGES_URLPATH . 'templates/default/thumbnail.png'; } $demo_link = isset($data['info']['demo']) ? $data['info']['demo'] : ''; ?> <div id='template-item' class="<?php echo $cat_slug; ?> template-item-boxes"> <div id="template-box"> <div class="lp_tooltip_templates" title="<?php echo $data['info']['description']; ?> "></div> <a class='lp_select_template' href='#' label='<?php echo $data['info']['label']; ?> ' id='<?php echo $this_extension; ?> '> <img src="<?php echo $thumbnail; ?> " class='template-thumbnail' alt="<?php echo $data['info']['label']; ?> " id='lp_<?php echo $this_extension; ?> '> </a> <p> <div id="template-title"><?php echo $data['info']['label']; ?> </div> <a href='#' label='<?php echo $data['info']['label']; ?> ' id='<?php echo $this_extension; ?> ' class='lp_select_template'><?php _e('Select', 'landing-pages'); ?> </a> | <a class='<?php echo $cat_slug; ?> ' target="_blank" href='<?php echo $demo_link; ?> ' id='lp_preview_this_template'><?php _e('Preview', 'landing-pages'); ?> </a> </p> </div> </div> <?php } echo '</div>'; echo "<div class='clear'></div>"; echo "</div>"; echo "<div style='display:none;' class='currently_selected'>" . __('This is Currently Selected', 'landing-pages') . "</a></div>"; }
function lp_get_extension_data() { return Landing_Pages_Load_Extensions::get_extended_data(); }