コード例 #1
     $result = $enc_obj->encounter;
     //gjergji ... urgent is available only for chamlabor
     //if($subtarget == trim('chemlabor') ) {
     // 	 $urgent = $lab_obj->GetTestUrgent($test_request['batch_nr']);
     // 	 $tmp = $urgent->FetchRow();
     // 	 if($tmp['urgent'] == 1) $bgcolor="red"; else $bgcolor = "#D3E3F6";
     $info = $result['name_last'] . " " . $result['name_first'] . "<br>" . $result['encounter_date'] . "<br>" . $result['pid'];
 if ($batch_nr != $test_request['batch_nr']) {
     $result =& $enc_obj->encounter;
     //gjergji ... urgent is available only for chamlabor
     if ($subtarget == trim('chemlabor')) {
         $urgent = $lab_obj->GetTestUrgent($test_request['batch_nr']);
         $tmp = $urgent->FetchRow();
         if ($tmp['urgent'] == 1) {
             $bgcolor = "red";
         } else {
             $bgcolor = "#D3E3F6";
     $info = $result['name_last'] . " " . $result['name_first'] . "<br>" . $result['encounter_date'] . "<br>" . $result['pid'];
     echo "<img src=\"" . $root_path . "gui/img/common/default/pixel.gif\" border=0 width=4 height=7> <a href=\"" . $thisfile . URL_APPEND . "&target=" . $target . "&subtarget=" . $subtarget . "&pn=" . $test_request['encounter_nr'] . "&batch_nr=" . $test_request['batch_nr'] . "&user_origin=" . $user_origin . "&tracker=" . $tracker . "\" onmouseover=\"Tip('" . $info . "',BGCOLOR,'" . $bgcolor . "')\" >" . $test_request['batch_nr'] . " " . $test_request['room_nr'] . "</a><br>";
 } else {
     echo "<img " . createComIcon($root_path, 'redpfeil.gif', '0', '', TRUE) . "> <FONT onmouseover=\"Tip('" . $info . "',BGCOLOR,'" . $bgcolor . "')\"  size=1 color=\"red\">" . $test_request['batch_nr'] . " " . $test_request['room_nr'] . "</font><br>";
     $track_item = $tracker;
 /* Check for the barcode png image, if nonexistent create it in the cache */
 if (!file_exists($root_path . "cache/barcodes/en_" . $test_request['encounter_nr'] . ".png")) {