public function execute() { $mysql = new LTMySQL(); if (!$mysql->connect(LTRODBConfig::HOST, LTRODBConfig::USER, LTRODBConfig::PASS)) { throw new Exception('Failed to connect to DB. Try later.'); } $mysql->selectdb(LTRODBConfig::DB); $this->id = mysql_real_escape_string($this->id, $mysql->link()); // Retrieve Message from DB $res = $mysql->query("select,,t1.added,t1.title,t2.body from ehead as t1 join entry as t2 where'{$this->id}' and;"); if (1 !== $mysql->numrows()) { throw new Exception('Message does not exist.'); } $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); if (!$_row) { throw new RuntimeException('Failed to read message from DB. Try later.'); } return json_encode(array('id' => $row['id'], 'author' => $row['author'], 'added' => $row['added'], 'title' => $row['title'], 'body' => $row['body'])); }
* Copyright 2009, Your Company All rights reserved. */ define("TLDIR_INDEX", $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); @(include_once TLDIR_INDEX . '/php/LTConfig.php'); @(include_once TLDIR_INDEX . '/php/LTMySQL.php'); $pass = trim(strip_tags(urldecode(stripslashes($_GET['pass'])))); try { if (!preg_match('/[a-z0-9]{32}/', $pass)) { throw new RuntimeException('Invalid PASS.'); } $mysql = new LTMySQL(); if (!$mysql->connect(LTRWDBConfig::HOST, LTRWDBConfig::USER, LTRWDBConfig::PASS)) { throw new Exception('DB Connection Failed. Can not register user at the moment. Try later.'); } $mysql->selectdb(LTRWDBConfig::DB); $pass = mysql_real_escape_string($pass, $mysql->link()); $res = $mysql->query("select name,login,email from candidate where pass='******';"); if (!$mysql->numrows()) { throw new RuntimeException('Link is not valid any more.'); } $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); if (!$row) { throw new RuntimeException('Failed to find user in DB. Try to re-register.'); } $mysql->query("delete from candidate where pass='******';"); // Generate password for user. $pass = uniqid(); $mysql->query("insert into user set login='******'login']}',pass='******'\';'); $id = $mysql->insertid(); $mysql->query("insert into uinfo set id='{$id}',name='{$row['name']}',email='{$row['email']}',added=unix_timestamp();"); mail($row['email'], '[' . LTConfig::HOST . '] User registration.', $row['name'] . ",\n\nYou have successfuly registered. Your password is: {$pass}", 'From: ' . LTConfig::SUPPORT . "\r\n" . 'Reply-To: ' . LTConfig::SUPPORT);
public function execute() { $mysql = new LTMySQL(); if (!$mysql->connect(LTRODBConfig::HOST, LTRODBConfig::USER, LTRODBConfig::PASS)) { throw new Exception('DB Connection Failed. Can not read user at the moment. Try later.'); } $mysql->selectdb(LTRODBConfig::DB); $this->uid = mysql_real_escape_string($this->uid, $mysql->link()); $res = $mysql->query("select name,added from uinfo where id='{$this->uid}';"); if (!$mysql->numrows()) { throw new Exception('User does not exist.'); } $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res); if (!$row) { throw new RuntimeException('Failed to read user from DB. Try later.'); } return json_encode(array('name' => $_row['name'], 'added' => $_row['added'])); }