コード例 #1
ファイル: LMSNodeGroupManager.php プロジェクト: prezeskk/lms
    public function GetNodesWithGroup($groupid, $network = NULL)
        if ($network) {
            $network_manager = new LMSNetworkManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
            $net = $network_manager->GetNetworkParams($network);
        return $this->db->GetAll('SELECT n.id AS id, n.name AS nodename, a.nodeid
			FROM nodes n
			JOIN customerview c ON (n.ownerid = c.id)
			JOIN nodegroupassignments a ON (n.id = a.nodeid) 
			WHERE a.nodegroupid = ?' . ($network ? ' AND ((ipaddr > ' . $net['address'] . ' AND ipaddr < ' . $net['broadcast'] . ') 
					OR (ipaddr_pub > ' . $net['address'] . ' AND ipaddr_pub < ' . $net['broadcast'] . ')) ' : '') . ' ORDER BY nodename', array($groupid));
コード例 #2
ファイル: LMSNodeManager.php プロジェクト: pkarecki/lms
    public function GetNodeList($order = 'name,asc', $search = NULL, $sqlskey = 'AND', $network = NULL, $status = NULL, $customergroup = NULL, $nodegroup = NULL)
        if ($order == '') {
            $order = 'name,asc';
        list($order, $direction) = sscanf($order, '%[^,],%s');
        $direction == 'desc' ? $direction = 'desc' : ($direction = 'asc');
        switch ($order) {
            case 'name':
                $sqlord = ' ORDER BY n.name';
            case 'id':
                $sqlord = ' ORDER BY n.id';
            case 'mac':
                $sqlord = ' ORDER BY n.mac';
            case 'ip':
                $sqlord = ' ORDER BY n.ipaddr';
            case 'ip_pub':
                $sqlord = ' ORDER BY n.ipaddr_pub';
            case 'ownerid':
                $sqlord = ' ORDER BY n.ownerid';
            case 'owner':
                $sqlord = ' ORDER BY owner';
            case 'location':
                $sqlord = ' ORDER BY location';
        if (sizeof($search)) {
            foreach ($search as $idx => $value) {
                if ($value != '') {
                    switch ($idx) {
                        case 'ipaddr':
                            $searchargs[] = '(inet_ntoa(n.ipaddr) ?LIKE? ' . $this->db->Escape('%' . trim($value) . '%') . ' OR inet_ntoa(n.ipaddr_pub) ?LIKE? ' . $this->db->Escape('%' . trim($value) . '%') . ')';
                        case 'state':
                            if ($value != '0') {
                                $searchargs[] = 'n.location_city IN (SELECT lc.id FROM location_cities lc 
								JOIN location_boroughs lb ON lb.id = lc.boroughid 
								JOIN location_districts ld ON ld.id = lb.districtid 
								JOIN location_states ls ON ls.id = ld.stateid WHERE ls.id = ' . $this->db->Escape($value) . ')';
                        case 'district':
                            if ($value != '0') {
                                $searchargs[] = 'n.location_city IN (SELECT lc.id FROM location_cities lc 
								JOIN location_boroughs lb ON lb.id = lc.boroughid 
								JOIN location_districts ld ON ld.id = lb.districtid WHERE ld.id = ' . $this->db->Escape($value) . ')';
                        case 'borough':
                            if ($value != '0') {
                                $searchargs[] = 'n.location_city IN (SELECT lc.id FROM location_cities lc WHERE lc.boroughid = ' . $this->db->Escape($value) . ')';
                            $searchargs[] = 'n.' . $idx . ' ?LIKE? ' . $this->db->Escape("%{$value}%");
        if (isset($searchargs)) {
            $searchargs = ' AND (' . implode(' ' . $sqlskey . ' ', $searchargs) . ')';
        $totalon = 0;
        $totaloff = 0;
        if ($network) {
            $network_manager = new LMSNetworkManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
            $net = $network_manager->GetNetworkParams($network);
        if ($nodelist = $this->db->GetAll('SELECT n.id AS id, n.ipaddr, inet_ntoa(n.ipaddr) AS ip, ipaddr_pub,
				inet_ntoa(n.ipaddr_pub) AS ip_pub, n.mac, n.name, n.ownerid, n.access, n.warning,
				n.netdev, n.lastonline, n.info, ' . $this->db->Concat('c.lastname', "' '", 'c.name') . ' AS owner, net.name AS netname, n.location,
				lb.name AS borough_name, lb.type AS borough_type,
				ld.name AS district_name, ls.name AS state_name
				FROM vnodes n
				JOIN customersview c ON (n.ownerid = c.id)
				JOIN networks net ON net.id = n.netid 
				LEFT JOIN location_cities lc ON lc.id = n.location_city
				LEFT JOIN location_boroughs lb ON lb.id = lc.boroughid
				LEFT JOIN location_districts ld ON ld.id = lb.districtid
				LEFT JOIN location_states ls ON ls.id = ld.stateid ' . ($customergroup ? 'JOIN customerassignments ON (customerid = c.id) ' : '') . ($nodegroup ? 'JOIN nodegroupassignments ON (nodeid = n.id) ' : '') . ' WHERE 1=1 ' . ($network ? ' AND (n.netid = ' . $network . '
					OR (n.ipaddr_pub > ' . $net['address'] . ' AND n.ipaddr_pub < ' . $net['broadcast'] . '))' : '') . ($status == 1 ? ' AND n.access = 1' : '') . ($status == 2 ? ' AND n.access = 0' : '') . ($status == 3 ? ' AND n.lastonline > ?NOW? - ' . intval(ConfigHelper::getConfig('phpui.lastonline_limit')) : '') . ($customergroup ? ' AND customergroupid = ' . intval($customergroup) : '') . ($nodegroup ? ' AND nodegroupid = ' . intval($nodegroup) : '') . (isset($searchargs) ? $searchargs : '') . ($sqlord != '' ? $sqlord . ' ' . $direction : ''))) {
            foreach ($nodelist as $idx => $row) {
                $row['access'] ? $totalon++ : $totaloff++;
        $nodelist['total'] = sizeof($nodelist);
        $nodelist['order'] = $order;
        $nodelist['direction'] = $direction;
        $nodelist['totalon'] = $totalon;
        $nodelist['totaloff'] = $totaloff;
        return $nodelist;
コード例 #3
     * Returns customer nodes
     * @param int $id Customer id
     * @param int $count Limit
     * @return array Nodes
    public function getCustomerNodes($id, $count = null)
        if ($result = $this->db->GetAll('SELECT n.id, n.name, mac, ipaddr,
				inet_ntoa(ipaddr) AS ip, ipaddr_pub,
				inet_ntoa(ipaddr_pub) AS ip_pub, passwd, access,
				warning, info, ownerid, lastonline, location,
				(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM nodegroupassignments
					WHERE nodeid = n.id) AS gcount,
				n.netid, net.name AS netname
				FROM vnodes n
				JOIN networks net ON net.id = n.netid
				WHERE ownerid = ?
				ORDER BY n.name ASC ' . ($count ? 'LIMIT ' . $count : ''), array($id))) {
            // assign network(s) to node record
            $network_manager = new LMSNetworkManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache);
            $networks = (array) $network_manager->GetNetworks();
            foreach ($result as $idx => $node) {
                $ids[$node['id']] = $idx;
                $result[$idx]['lastonlinedate'] = lastonline_date($node['lastonline']);
                //foreach ($networks as $net)
                //	if (isipin($node['ip'], $net['address'], $net['mask'])) {
                //		$result[$idx]['network'] = $net;
                //		break;
                //	}
                if ($node['ipaddr_pub']) {
                    foreach ($networks as $net) {
                        if (isipin($node['ip_pub'], $net['address'], $net['mask'])) {
                            $result[$idx]['network_pub'] = $net;
            // get EtherWerX channels
            if (ConfigHelper::checkValue(ConfigHelper::getConfig('phpui.ewx_support', false))) {
                $channels = $this->db->GetAllByKey('SELECT nodeid, channelid, c.name, c.id, cid,
				        nc.upceil, nc.downceil
					FROM ewx_stm_nodes
					JOIN ewx_stm_channels nc ON (channelid = nc.id)
					LEFT JOIN ewx_channels c ON (c.id = nc.cid)
					WHERE nodeid IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($ids)) . ')', 'nodeid');
                if ($channels) {
                    foreach ($channels as $channel) {
                        $idx = $ids[$channel['nodeid']];
                        $result[$idx]['channelid'] = $channel['id'] ? $channel['id'] : $channel['channelid'];
                        $result[$idx]['channelname'] = $channel['name'];
                        $result[$idx]['cid'] = $channel['cid'];
                        $result[$idx]['downceil'] = $channel['downceil'];
                        $result[$idx]['upceil'] = $channel['upceil'];
        return $result;
コード例 #4
ファイル: LMSNodeManager.php プロジェクト: prezeskk/lms
    public function GetNodeList($order = 'name,asc', $search = NULL, $sqlskey = 'AND', $network = NULL, $status = NULL, $customergroup = NULL, $nodegroup = NULL, $limit = null, $offset = null, $count = false)
        if ($order == '') {
            $order = 'name,asc';
        list($order, $direction) = sscanf($order, '%[^,],%s');
        $direction == 'desc' ? $direction = 'desc' : ($direction = 'asc');
        switch ($order) {
            case 'name':
                $sqlord = ' ORDER BY n.name';
            case 'id':
                $sqlord = ' ORDER BY n.id';
            case 'mac':
                $sqlord = ' ORDER BY n.mac';
            case 'ip':
                $sqlord = ' ORDER BY n.ipaddr';
            case 'ip_pub':
                $sqlord = ' ORDER BY n.ipaddr_pub';
            case 'ownerid':
                $sqlord = ' ORDER BY n.ownerid';
            case 'owner':
                $sqlord = ' ORDER BY owner';
            case 'location':
                $sqlord = ' ORDER BY location';
        if (sizeof($search)) {
            foreach ($search as $idx => $value) {
                if ($value != '') {
                    switch ($idx) {
                        case 'ipaddr':
                            $searchargs[] = '(inet_ntoa(n.ipaddr) ?LIKE? ' . $this->db->Escape('%' . trim($value) . '%') . ' OR inet_ntoa(n.ipaddr_pub) ?LIKE? ' . $this->db->Escape('%' . trim($value) . '%') . ')';
                        case 'state':
                            if ($value != '0') {
                                $searchargs[] = 'n.location_city IN (SELECT lc.id FROM location_cities lc 
								JOIN location_boroughs lb ON lb.id = lc.boroughid 
								JOIN location_districts ld ON ld.id = lb.districtid 
								JOIN location_states ls ON ls.id = ld.stateid WHERE ls.id = ' . $this->db->Escape($value) . ')';
                        case 'district':
                            if ($value != '0') {
                                $searchargs[] = 'n.location_city IN (SELECT lc.id FROM location_cities lc 
								JOIN location_boroughs lb ON lb.id = lc.boroughid 
								JOIN location_districts ld ON ld.id = lb.districtid WHERE ld.id = ' . $this->db->Escape($value) . ')';
                        case 'borough':
                            if ($value != '0') {
                                $searchargs[] = 'n.location_city IN (SELECT lc.id FROM location_cities lc WHERE lc.boroughid = ' . $this->db->Escape($value) . ')';
                        case 'project':
                            $projectid = intval($value);
                            if ($projectid) {
                                switch ($projectid) {
                                    case -2:
                                        $searchargs[] = 'n.invprojectid IS NULL';
                                    case -1:
                                        $searchargs[] = 'n.invprojectid = ' . $projectid;
                            $searchargs[] = 'n.' . $idx . ' ?LIKE? ' . $this->db->Escape("%{$value}%");
        if (isset($searchargs)) {
            $searchargs = ' AND (' . implode(' ' . $sqlskey . ' ', $searchargs) . ')';
        $totalon = 0;
        $totaloff = 0;
        if ($network) {
            $network_manager = new LMSNetworkManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
            $net = $network_manager->GetNetworkParams($network);
        $sql = '';
        if ($count) {
            $sql .= 'SELECT COUNT(n.id) ';
        } else {
            $sql .= 'SELECT n.id AS id, n.ipaddr, inet_ntoa(n.ipaddr) AS ip, ipaddr_pub,
				inet_ntoa(n.ipaddr_pub) AS ip_pub, n.mac, n.name, n.ownerid, n.access, n.warning,
				n.netdev, n.lastonline, n.info, ' . $this->db->Concat('c.lastname', "' '", 'c.name') . ' AS owner, net.name AS netname, n.location,
				lb.name AS borough_name, lb.type AS borough_type,
				ld.name AS district_name, ls.name AS state_name ';
        $sql .= 'FROM vnodes n 
				JOIN customerview c ON (n.ownerid = c.id)
				JOIN networks net ON net.id = n.netid 
				LEFT JOIN location_cities lc ON lc.id = n.location_city
				LEFT JOIN location_boroughs lb ON lb.id = lc.boroughid
				LEFT JOIN location_districts ld ON ld.id = lb.districtid
				LEFT JOIN location_states ls ON ls.id = ld.stateid ' . ($customergroup ? 'JOIN customerassignments ON (customerid = c.id) ' : '') . ($nodegroup ? 'JOIN nodegroupassignments ON (nodeid = n.id) ' : '') . ' WHERE 1=1 ' . ($network ? ' AND (n.netid = ' . $network . ' OR (n.ipaddr_pub > ' . $net['address'] . ' AND n.ipaddr_pub < ' . $net['broadcast'] . '))' : '') . ($status == 1 ? ' AND n.access = 1' : '') . ($status == 2 ? ' AND n.access = 0' : '') . ($status == 3 ? ' AND n.lastonline > ?NOW? - ' . intval(ConfigHelper::getConfig('phpui.lastonline_limit')) : '') . ($status == 4 ? ' AND n.id NOT IN (
					SELECT DISTINCT nodeid FROM nodeassignments na
					JOIN assignments a ON a.id = na.assignmentid
					WHERE a.suspended = 0 AND a.period IN (' . implode(',', array(YEARLY, HALFYEARLY, QUARTERLY, MONTHLY, DISPOSABLE)) . ')
						AND a.datefrom <= ?NOW? AND (a.dateto = 0 OR a.dateto >= ?NOW?)
					)' : '') . ($status == 5 ? ' AND n.location_city IS NULL' : '') . ($status == 6 ? ' AND n.netdev = 0' : '') . ($status == 7 ? ' AND n.warning = 1' : '') . ($status == 8 ? ' AND (n.latitude IS NULL OR n.longitude IS NULL)' : '') . ($customergroup ? ' AND customergroupid = ' . intval($customergroup) : '') . ($nodegroup ? ' AND nodegroupid = ' . intval($nodegroup) : '') . (isset($searchargs) ? $searchargs : '') . ($sqlord != '' && !$count ? $sqlord . ' ' . $direction : '') . ($limit !== null && !$count ? ' LIMIT ' . $limit : '') . ($offset !== null && !$count ? ' OFFSET ' . $offset : '');
        if (!$count) {
            $nodelist = $this->db->GetAll($sql);
            if (!empty($nodelist)) {
                foreach ($nodelist as $idx => $row) {
                    $row['access'] ? $totalon++ : $totaloff++;
                $nodelist['total'] = sizeof($nodelist);
                $nodelist['order'] = $order;
                $nodelist['direction'] = $direction;
                $nodelist['totalon'] = $totalon;
                $nodelist['totaloff'] = $totaloff;
                return $nodelist;
        } else {
            return $this->db->getOne($sql);
コード例 #5
     * Returns customer group
     * @param int $id Customer group id
     * @param int $network Network id
     * @return array Customer group
    public function CustomergroupGet($id, $network = NULL)
        if ($network) {
            $network_manager = new LMSNetworkManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
            $net = $network_manager->GetNetworkParams($network);
        $result = $this->db->GetRow('SELECT id, name, description 
			FROM customergroups WHERE id=?', array($id));
        $result['customers'] = $this->db->GetAll('SELECT c.id AS id,' . $this->db->Concat('c.lastname', "' '", 'c.name') . ' AS customername 
			FROM customerassignments, customers c ' . ($network ? 'LEFT JOIN nodes ON c.id = nodes.ownerid ' : '') . 'WHERE c.id = customerid AND customergroupid = ? ' . ($network ? 'AND ((ipaddr > ' . $net['address'] . ' AND ipaddr < ' . $net['broadcast'] . ') OR
			(ipaddr_pub > ' . $net['address'] . ' AND ipaddr_pub < ' . $net['broadcast'] . ')) ' : '') . ' GROUP BY c.id, c.lastname, c.name ORDER BY c.lastname, c.name', array($id));
        $result['customerscount'] = sizeof($result['customers']);
        $result['count'] = $network ? $this->CustomergroupWithCustomerGet($id) : $result['customerscount'];
        return $result;
コード例 #6
     * Returns customers without groups
     * @param int $groupid Customer group id
     * @param int $network Network id
     * @return array Customers
    public function GetCustomerWithoutGroupNames($groupid, $network = NULL)
        if ($network) {
            $network_manager = new LMSNetworkManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
            $net = $network_manager->GetNetworkParams($network);
        return $this->db->GetAll('SELECT c.id AS id, ' . $this->db->Concat('c.lastname', "' '", 'c.name') . ' AS customername
			FROM customerview c ' . ($network ? 'LEFT JOIN nodes ON (c.id = nodes.ownerid) ' : '') . 'WHERE c.deleted = 0 AND c.id NOT IN (
				SELECT customerid FROM customerassignments WHERE customergroupid = ?) ' . ($network ? 'AND ((ipaddr > ' . $net['address'] . ' AND ipaddr < ' . $net['broadcast'] . ') OR (ipaddr_pub > ' . $net['address'] . ' AND ipaddr_pub < ' . $net['broadcast'] . ')) ' : '') . 'GROUP BY c.id, c.lastname, c.name
			ORDER BY c.lastname, c.name', array($groupid));
コード例 #7
ファイル: LMSFinanceManager.php プロジェクト: Akheon23/lms
    public function GetTariff($id, $network = NULL)
        if ($network) {
            $network_manager = new LMSNetworkManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
            $net = $network_manager->GetNetworkParams($network);
        $result = $this->db->GetRow('SELECT t.*, taxes.label AS tax, taxes.value AS taxvalue
			FROM tariffs t
			LEFT JOIN taxes ON (t.taxid = taxes.id)
			WHERE t.id=?', array($id));
        $result['customers'] = $this->db->GetAll('SELECT c.id AS id, COUNT(c.id) AS cnt, ' . $this->db->Concat('c.lastname', "' '", 'c.name') . ' AS customername ' . ($network ? ', COUNT(vnodes.id) AS nodescount ' : '') . 'FROM assignments, customerview c ' . ($network ? 'LEFT JOIN vnodes ON (c.id = vnodes.ownerid) ' : '') . 'WHERE c.id = customerid AND deleted = 0 AND tariffid = ? ' . ($network ? 'AND ((ipaddr > ' . $net['address'] . ' AND ipaddr < ' . $net['broadcast'] . ') OR (ipaddr_pub > ' . $net['address'] . ' AND ipaddr_pub < ' . $net['broadcast'] . ')) ' : '') . 'GROUP BY c.id, c.lastname, c.name ORDER BY c.lastname, c.name', array($id));
        $unactive = $this->db->GetRow('SELECT COUNT(*) AS count,
            SUM(CASE t.period
				WHEN ' . MONTHLY . ' THEN t.value
				WHEN ' . QUARTERLY . ' THEN t.value/3
				WHEN ' . HALFYEARLY . ' THEN t.value/6
				WHEN ' . YEARLY . ' THEN t.value/12
				ELSE (CASE a.period
				    WHEN ' . MONTHLY . ' THEN t.value
				    WHEN ' . QUARTERLY . ' THEN t.value/3
				    WHEN ' . HALFYEARLY . ' THEN t.value/6
				    WHEN ' . YEARLY . ' THEN t.value/12
				    ELSE 0
				END) AS value
			FROM assignments a
			JOIN tariffs t ON (t.id = a.tariffid)
			WHERE t.id = ? AND (
			            a.suspended = 1
			            OR a.datefrom > ?NOW?
			            OR (a.dateto <= ?NOW? AND a.dateto != 0)
			            OR EXISTS (
			                    SELECT 1 FROM assignments b
					    WHERE b.customerid = a.customerid
						    AND liabilityid = 0 AND tariffid = 0
						    AND (b.datefrom <= ?NOW? OR b.datefrom = 0)
						    AND (b.dateto > ?NOW? OR b.dateto = 0)
			)', array($id));
        $all = $this->db->GetRow('SELECT COUNT(*) AS count,
			SUM(CASE t.period
				WHEN ' . MONTHLY . ' THEN t.value
				WHEN ' . QUARTERLY . ' THEN t.value/3
				WHEN ' . HALFYEARLY . ' THEN t.value/6
				WHEN ' . YEARLY . ' THEN t.value/12
				ELSE (CASE a.period
				    WHEN ' . MONTHLY . ' THEN t.value
				    WHEN ' . QUARTERLY . ' THEN t.value/3
				    WHEN ' . HALFYEARLY . ' THEN t.value/6
				    WHEN ' . YEARLY . ' THEN t.value/12
				    ELSE 0
				 END) AS value
			FROM assignments a
			JOIN tariffs t ON (t.id = a.tariffid)
			WHERE tariffid = ?', array($id));
        // count of all customers with that tariff
        $result['customerscount'] = sizeof($result['customers']);
        // count of all assignments
        $result['count'] = $all['count'];
        // count of 'active' assignments
        $result['activecount'] = $all['count'] - $unactive['count'];
        // avg monthly income (without unactive assignments)
        $result['totalval'] = $all['value'] - $unactive['value'];
        $result['rows'] = ceil($result['customerscount'] / 2);
        return $result;
コード例 #8
ファイル: LMSCustomerManager.php プロジェクト: prezeskk/lms
    protected function customerNodesProvider($customer_id, $type = '', $count = null)
        $type = strtolower($type);
        switch ($type) {
            case 'netdev':
                $type = 'nd.ownerid = ?';
                $type = 'n.ownerid = ?';
        $result = $this->db->GetAll("SELECT\n                                        n.id, n.name, mac, ipaddr, inet_ntoa(ipaddr) AS ip, nd.name as netdev_name,\n                                        ipaddr_pub, n.authtype, inet_ntoa(ipaddr_pub) AS ip_pub,\n                                        passwd, access, warning, info, n.ownerid, lastonline, n.location,\n                                        (SELECT COUNT(*)\n                                        FROM nodegroupassignments\n                                        WHERE nodeid = n.id) AS gcount,\n                                        n.netid, net.name AS netname\n                                     FROM\n                                        vnodes n\n                                        JOIN networks net ON net.id = n.netid\n                                        LEFT JOIN netdevices nd ON n.netdev = nd.id\n                                     WHERE\n                                        " . $type . "\n                                     ORDER BY\n                                        n.name ASC " . ($count ? 'LIMIT ' . $count : ''), array($customer_id));
        if ($result) {
            // assign network(s) to node record
            $network_manager = new LMSNetworkManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache);
            $networks = (array) $network_manager->GetNetworks();
            foreach ($result as $idx => $node) {
                $ids[$node['id']] = $idx;
                $result[$idx]['lastonlinedate'] = lastonline_date($node['lastonline']);
                if ($node['ipaddr_pub']) {
                    foreach ($networks as $net) {
                        if (isipin($node['ip_pub'], $net['address'], $net['mask'])) {
                            $result[$idx]['network_pub'] = $net;
            // get EtherWerX channels
            if (ConfigHelper::checkValue(ConfigHelper::getConfig('phpui.ewx_support', false))) {
                $channels = $this->db->GetAllByKey('SELECT nodeid, channelid, c.name, c.id, cid,
				        nc.upceil, nc.downceil
			 		FROM ewx_stm_nodes
					JOIN ewx_stm_channels nc ON (channelid = nc.id)
					LEFT JOIN ewx_channels c ON (c.id = nc.cid)
					WHERE nodeid IN (' . implode(',', array_keys($ids)) . ')', 'nodeid');
                if ($channels) {
                    foreach ($channels as $channel) {
                        $idx = $ids[$channel['nodeid']];
                        $result[$idx]['channelid'] = $channel['id'] ? $channel['id'] : $channel['channelid'];
                        $result[$idx]['channelname'] = $channel['name'];
                        $result[$idx]['cid'] = $channel['cid'];
                        $result[$idx]['downceil'] = $channel['downceil'];
                        $result[$idx]['upceil'] = $channel['upceil'];
        return $result;