コード例 #1
  * Update the current Member record with data from LDAP.
  * Constraints:
  * - Member *must* be in the database before calling this as it will need the ID to be mapped to a {@link Group}.
  * - GUID of the member must have already been set, for integrity reasons we don't allow it to change here.
  * @param Member
  * @param array|null $data If passed, this is pre-existing AD attribute data to update the Member with.
  *            If not given, the data will be looked up by the user's GUID.
  * @return bool
 public function updateMemberFromLDAP(Member $member, $data = null)
     if (!$this->enabled()) {
         return false;
     if (!$member->GUID) {
         SS_Log::log(sprintf('Cannot update Member ID %s, GUID not set', $member->ID), SS_Log::WARN);
         return false;
     if (!$data) {
         $data = $this->getUserByGUID($member->GUID);
         if (!$data) {
             SS_Log::log(sprintf('Could not retrieve data for user. GUID: %s', $member->GUID), SS_Log::WARN);
             return false;
     $member->IsExpired = ($data['useraccountcontrol'] & 2) == 2;
     $member->LastSynced = (string) SS_Datetime::now();
     $member->IsImportedFromLDAP = true;
     foreach ($member->config()->ldap_field_mappings as $attribute => $field) {
         if (!isset($data[$attribute])) {
             SS_Log::log(sprintf('Attribute %s configured in Member.ldap_field_mappings, but no available attribute in AD data (GUID: %s, Member ID: %s)', $attribute, $data['objectguid'], $member->ID), SS_Log::NOTICE);
         if ($attribute == 'thumbnailphoto') {
             $imageClass = $member->getRelationClass($field);
             if ($imageClass !== 'Image' && !is_subclass_of($imageClass, 'Image')) {
                 SS_Log::log(sprintf('Member field %s configured for thumbnailphoto AD attribute, but it isn\'t a valid relation to an Image class', $field), SS_Log::WARN);
             $filename = sprintf('thumbnailphoto-%s.jpg', $data['samaccountname']);
             $path = ASSETS_DIR . '/' . $member->config()->ldap_thumbnail_path;
             $absPath = BASE_PATH . '/' . $path;
             if (!file_exists($absPath)) {
             // remove existing record if it exists
             $existingObj = $member->getComponent($field);
             if ($existingObj && $existingObj->exists()) {
             // The image data is provided in raw binary.
             file_put_contents($absPath . '/' . $filename, $data[$attribute]);
             $record = new $imageClass();
             $record->Name = $filename;
             $record->Filename = $path . '/' . $filename;
             $relationField = $field . 'ID';
             $member->{$relationField} = $record->ID;
         } else {
             $member->{$field} = $data[$attribute];
     // if a default group was configured, ensure the user is in that group
     if ($this->config()->default_group) {
         $group = Group::get()->filter('Code', $this->config()->default_group)->limit(1)->first();
         if (!($group && $group->exists())) {
             SS_Log::log(sprintf('LDAPService.default_group misconfiguration! There is no such group with Code = \'%s\'', $this->config()->default_group), SS_Log::WARN);
         } else {
             $group->Members()->add($member, array('IsImportedFromLDAP' => '1'));
     // this is to keep track of which groups the user gets mapped to
     // and we'll use that later to remove them from any groups that they're no longer mapped to
     $mappedGroupIDs = array();
     // ensure the user is in any mapped groups
     if (isset($data['memberof'])) {
         $ldapGroups = is_array($data['memberof']) ? $data['memberof'] : array($data['memberof']);
         foreach ($ldapGroups as $groupDN) {
             foreach (LDAPGroupMapping::get() as $mapping) {
                 if (!$mapping->DN) {
                     SS_Log::log(sprintf('LDAPGroupMapping ID %s is missing DN field. Skipping', $mapping->ID), SS_Log::WARN);
                 // the user is a direct member of group with a mapping, add them to the SS group.
                 if ($mapping->DN == $groupDN) {
                     $mapping->Group()->Members()->add($member, array('IsImportedFromLDAP' => '1'));
                     $mappedGroupIDs[] = $mapping->GroupID;
                 // the user *might* be a member of a nested group provided the scope of the mapping
                 // is to include the entire subtree. Check all those mappings and find the LDAP child groups
                 // to see if they are a member of one of those. If they are, add them to the SS group
                 if ($mapping->Scope == 'Subtree') {
                     $childGroups = $this->getNestedGroups($mapping->DN, array('dn'));
                     if (!$childGroups) {
                     foreach ($childGroups as $childGroupDN => $childGroupRecord) {
                         if ($childGroupDN == $groupDN) {
                             $mapping->Group()->Members()->add($member, array('IsImportedFromLDAP' => '1'));
                             $mappedGroupIDs[] = $mapping->GroupID;
     // remove the user from any previously mapped groups, where the mapping has since been removed
     $groupRecords = DB::query(sprintf('SELECT "GroupID" FROM "Group_Members" WHERE "IsImportedFromLDAP" = 1 AND "MemberID" = %s', $member->ID));
     foreach ($groupRecords as $groupRecord) {
         if (!in_array($groupRecord['GroupID'], $mappedGroupIDs)) {
             $group = Group::get()->byId($groupRecord['GroupID']);
             // Some groups may no longer exist. SilverStripe does not clean up join tables.
             if ($group) {
     // This will throw an exception if there are two distinct GUIDs with the same email address.
     // We are happy with a raw 500 here at this stage.
コード例 #2
 public function MappedGroups()
     return LDAPGroupMapping::get();