コード例 #1
 public function ldapSync($row)
     $ldap_query = $this->ldap->getLDAPParam('eduid') . '=' . $row['ldap_id'];
     $userSync = $this->getLdapUserSync();
     $attributes = $userSync->getSyncAttributes($this->ldap);
     $time_start = microtime(true);
     $lri = false;
     foreach (split(';', $this->ldap->getLDAPParam('people_dn')) as $PeopleDn) {
         $lri = $this->ldap->search($PeopleDn, $ldap_query, LDAP::SCOPE_ONELEVEL, $attributes);
         if (count($lri) == 1 && $lri != false) {
     $time_end = microtime(true);
     $this->ldapTime += $time_end - $time_start;
     if ($this->ldap->getErrno() === LDAP::ERR_SUCCESS && $lri) {
         $user = new User($row);
         $modified = false;
         if (count($lri) == 1) {
             $lr = $lri->current();
             $modified = $userSync->sync($user, $lr);
             if ($row['ldap_uid'] != $lr->getLogin()) {
                 $this->getLdapUserManager()->updateLdapUid($user, $lr->getLogin());
         } elseif (count($lri) == 0) {
             // User not found in LDAP directory
             $modified = true;
         if ($modified) {
コード例 #2
 public function ldapSync($row, $users_are_suspendable = true)
     $ldap_query = $this->ldap->getLDAPParam('eduid') . '=' . $row['ldap_id'];
     $userSync = $this->getLdapUserSync();
     $attributes = $userSync->getSyncAttributes($this->ldap);
     $time_start = microtime(true);
     $lri = false;
     $search_depth = LDAP::SCOPE_SUBTREE;
     if ($this->ldap->getLDAPParam('search_depth') === LDAP::SCOPE_ONELEVEL_TEXT) {
         $search_depth = LDAP::SCOPE_ONELEVEL;
     foreach (split(';', $this->ldap->getLDAPParam('people_dn')) as $PeopleDn) {
         $lri = $this->ldap->search($PeopleDn, $ldap_query, $search_depth, $attributes);
         if (count($lri) == 1 && $lri != false) {
     $time_end = microtime(true);
     $this->ldapTime += $time_end - $time_start;
     if ($this->ldap->getErrno() === LDAP::ERR_SUCCESS && $lri) {
         $user = new PFUser($row);
         $modified = false;
         if (count($lri) == 1) {
             $lr = $lri->current();
             $modified = $userSync->sync($user, $lr);
             if ($row['ldap_uid'] != $lr->getLogin()) {
                 $this->getLdapUserManager()->updateLdapUid($user, $lr->getLogin());
         } elseif (count($lri) == 0 && $users_are_suspendable) {
             $this->logger->warn('LDAP user to be suspended: ' . $user->getId() . ' ' . $user->getUserName());
             $this->logger->debug(' *** PEOPLEDN: ' . $PeopleDn . ' *** LDAP QUERY: ' . $ldap_query . ' *** ATTRIBUTES: ' . print_r($attributes, true));
             // User not found in LDAP directory
             $modified = true;
         if ($modified) {
             $em = $this->getEventManager();
             $em->processEvent(LDAP_DAILY_SYNCHRO_UPDATE_USER, $user);
             if ($user->getStatus() == 'S' && $users_are_suspendable) {
                 if ($retentionPeriod = $this->ldap->getLDAPParam('daily_sync_retention_period')) {
                     $projectManager = $this->getProjectManager();
                     $this->getLdapSyncNotificationManager($projectManager, $retentionPeriod)->processNotification($user);
             } else {
                 if ($user->getStatus() != 'S') {
コード例 #3
  * @return boolean
  * @param string $user
  * @param string $password
 private function _validateSMB4($user, $password, $onlyCheckIsExistsUser = false)
     //Conexao com o servidor...
     $connection = $this->_ldap->connect(Config::factory()->getParam('extra.ldap.samba4.host'), Config::factory()->getParam('extra.ldap.samba4.port'), Config::factory()->getParam('extra.ldap.samba4.version'));
     //Autenticar o Administrador...
     $this->_ldap->bind($connection, Config::factory()->getParam('extra.ldap.samba4.user'), Config::factory()->getParam('extra.ldap.samba4.password'));
     //Recuperar DN do usuario para autenticacao...
     $user = $this->_ldap->search($connection, Config::factory()->getParam('extra.ldap.samba4.dn'), Config::factory()->getParam('extra.ldap.samba4.filter') . $user, array('dn'));
     //Verificar se o usuario existe...
     if (count($user) > 1) {
         if ($onlyCheckIsExistsUser) {
             return 4;
     } else {
         return 5;
     //Autenticar o Usuario...
     $status = $this->_ldap->bind($connection, $user[0]['dn'], $password);
     //Fechar Conexao...
     return $status;
コード例 #4
ファイル: login.php プロジェクト: jotttt/auth
 $u->hlmttufimisikukood = '';
 $u->mail = '';
 $u->telephonenumber = '';
 $u->mobile = '';
 $u->private_mobile = '';
 $u->company = '';
 $u->streetaddress = '';
 $u->roomnumber = '';
 $u->title = '';
 $u->memberof = '';
 $u->thumbnailphoto = '';
 $u->hlmttufimemployeestatus = '';
 //$u->lastlogontimestamp = '';
 $u->countrycode = '';
 //$u->altsecurityidentities = '';
 if (!$ad->search($p->uname, $u)) {
     $t->errors[ERROR][] = 'L005 ' . $l->txt_err_authentication;
     //  show_login_page($t, $o);
 // seadista kasutaja objekt
 $w->memberof = '';
 $e = explode(';', $u->memberof);
 $delim = '';
 while (list($k, $v) = each($e)) {
     $j = explode(',', $v);
     if (count($j) > 1) {
         while (list($kk, $vv) = each($j)) {
             if (strstr($vv, 'CN=')) {
                 $w->memberof .= $delim . substr($vv, 3);
コード例 #5
ファイル: ldap.php プロジェクト: bloveing/openulteo
 public function import_from_filter($filter_)
     $filter = LDAP::join_filters(array($this->preferences['filter'], $filter_), '&');
     $configLDAP = $this->get_usergroup_ldap_config();
     $ldap = new LDAP($configLDAP);
     $sr = $ldap->search($filter, array_values($this->preferences['match']));
     if ($sr === false) {
         Logger::error('main', 'UserGroupDB::ldap::import_from_filter search failed');
         return NULL;
     $result = array();
     $infos = $ldap->get_entries($sr);
     if (!is_array($infos)) {
         return $result;
     foreach ($infos as $dn => $info) {
         $g = $this->generateUsersGroupFromRow($info, $dn, $this->preferences['match']);
         if (!is_object($g)) {
         $result[$dn] = $g;
     return $result;
コード例 #6
 public static function loadElements($type_, $group_)
     Logger::debug('main', "Abstract_Liaison_activedirectory::loadElements ({$type_},{$group_})");
     $userGroupDB = UserGroupDB::getInstance();
     $userGroupDB_activedirectory = new UserGroupDB_activedirectory();
     $use_child_group = false;
     $userGroupDB_activedirectory_preferences = $userGroupDB_activedirectory->preferences;
     if (array_key_exists('use_child_group', $userGroupDB_activedirectory_preferences)) {
         if ($userGroupDB_activedirectory_preferences['use_child_group'] == 1 || $userGroupDB_activedirectory_preferences['use_child_group'] == '1') {
             $use_child_group = true;
     $group = $userGroupDB->import($group_);
     if (!is_object($group)) {
         Logger::error('main', "Abstract_Liaison_activedirectory::loadElements load group ({$group_}) failed");
         return NULL;
     if ($group->type != 'static') {
         return NULL;
     $elements = array();
     $id_ = $group->id;
     $userDBAD2 = new UserDB_activedirectory();
     $userDBAD = UserDB::getInstance();
     if (get_class($userDBAD) == get_class($userDBAD2)) {
         $userDBAD = $userDBAD2;
         // for cache
     $config_ldap = $userDBAD->makeLDAPconfig();
     if (isset($group->extras) && is_array($group->extras) && isset($group->extras['member'])) {
         $buf = $group->extras;
     } else {
         $config_ldap['match'] = array('description' => 'description', 'name' => 'name', 'member' => 'member');
         if (str_endswith(strtolower($id_), strtolower($config_ldap['suffix'])) === true) {
             $id2 = substr($id_, 0, -1 * strlen($config_ldap['suffix']) - 1);
         } else {
             $id2 = $id_;
         $expl = explode(',', $id2, 2);
         if (count($expl) < 2) {
             Logger::error('main', "Abstract_Liaison_activedirectory::loadElements({$type_},{$group_}) count(expl) != 2 (count=" . count($expl) . ")(id2=" . $id2 . ")");
             return NULL;
         $config_ldap['userbranch'] = $expl[1];
         $buf = array();
         $buf['id'] = $id_;
         $ldap = new LDAP($config_ldap);
         $sr = $ldap->search($expl[0], array_keys($config_ldap['match']));
         if ($sr === false) {
             Logger::error('main', "Abstract_Liaison_activedirectory::loadElements search failed for ({$id_})");
             return NULL;
         $infos = $ldap->get_entries($sr);
         $keys = array_keys($infos);
         $dn = $keys[0];
         $info = $infos[$dn];
         foreach ($config_ldap['match'] as $attribut => $match_ldap) {
             if (isset($info[$match_ldap])) {
                 $buf[$attribut] = $info[$match_ldap];
     if (isset($buf['member']) && is_array($buf['member'])) {
         foreach ($buf['member'] as $member) {
             $u = $userDBAD->importFromDN($member);
             if (is_object($u)) {
                 if ($u->hasAttribute('objectclass')) {
                     if (in_array('user', $u->getAttribute('objectclass'))) {
                         $l = new Liaison($u->getAttribute('login'), $group_);
                         $elements[$l->element] = $l;
                     } else {
                         if (in_array('group', $u->getAttribute('objectclass')) && $use_child_group == true) {
                             $ret1 = self::loadElements($type_, 'static_' . $member);
                             if (is_array($ret1)) {
                                 foreach ($ret1 as $element1 => $liaison1) {
                                     $elements[$element1] = $liaison1;
                 } else {
                     $l = new Liaison($u->getAttribute('login'), $group_);
                     $elements[$l->element] = $l;
     return $elements;
コード例 #7
ファイル: ldap.php プロジェクト: skdong/nfs-ovd
 public function getUsersContains($contains_, $attributes_ = array('login', 'displayname'), $limit_ = 0)
     $users = array();
     $ldap = new LDAP($this->config);
     $contains = '*';
     if ($contains_ != '') {
         $contains .= $contains_ . '*';
     $contains = preg_replace('/\\*\\*+/', '*', $contains);
     // ldap does not handle multiple star characters
     $filter = '(&' . $this->generateFilter() . '(|';
     foreach ($attributes_ as $attribute) {
         $filter .= '(' . $this->config['match'][$attribute] . '=' . $contains . ')';
     $filter .= '))';
     $sr = $ldap->search($filter, NULL, $limit_);
     if ($sr === false) {
         Logger::error('main', 'UserDB::ldap::getUsersContaint search failed');
         return NULL;
     $sizelimit_exceeded = $ldap->errno() === 4;
     $infos = $ldap->get_entries($sr);
     foreach ($infos as $dn => $info) {
         $u = $this->generateUserFromRow($info);
         $u->setAttribute('dn', $dn);
         $u = $this->cleanupUser($u);
         if ($this->isOK($u)) {
             $users[] = $u;
         } else {
             if ($u->hasAttribute('login')) {
                 Logger::info('main', 'UserDB::ldap::getUsersContaint user \'' . $u->getAttribute('login') . '\' not ok');
             } else {
                 Logger::info('main', 'UserDB::ldap::getUsersContaint user does not have login');
     usort($users, "user_cmp");
     return array($users, $sizelimit_exceeded);
コード例 #8
  * functie om gemakkelijk de userinfo op te halen aan de hand van de username
  * @param unknown_type $uid ugent username
  * @return Array
 function getUserInfo($uid)
     parent::search("uid=" . $uid);
     return self::parseData(parent::get_entries());
コード例 #9
 public static function loadElements($type_, $group_)
     Logger::debug('main', "Abstract_Liaison_ldap_memberof::loadElements ({$type_},{$group_})");
     $prefs = Preferences::getInstance();
     if (!$prefs) {
         die_error('get Preferences failed', __FILE__, __LINE__);
     $userGroupDB = UserGroupDB::getInstance();
     $group = $userGroupDB->import($group_);
     if (!is_object($group)) {
         Logger::error('main', "Abstract_Liaison_ldap_memberof::loadElements load group ({$group_}) failed");
         return NULL;
     $userGroupDB_ldap_memberof = new UserGroupDB_ldap_memberof();
     $use_child_group = false;
     ${$userGroupDB_ldap_memberof_preferences} = $userGroupDB_ldap_memberof->preferences;
     if (array_key_exists('use_child_group', ${$userGroupDB_ldap_memberof_preferences})) {
         if (${$userGroupDB_ldap_memberof_preferences}['use_child_group'] == 1 || ${$userGroupDB_ldap_memberof_preferences}['use_child_group'] == '1') {
             $use_child_group = true;
     $elements = array();
     if (is_base64url($group->id)) {
         $id_ = base64url_decode($group->id);
     } else {
         $id_ = $group->id;
     $userDBldap = new UserDB_ldap();
     $userDBldap2 = UserDB::getInstance();
     if (get_class($userDBldap) == get_class($userDBldap2)) {
         $userDBldap = $userDBldap2;
         // for cache
     $config_ldap = $prefs->get('UserDB', 'ldap');
     $config_ldap['match'] = array('description' => 'description', 'name' => 'name', 'member' => 'member');
     if (str_endswith(strtolower($id_), strtolower($config_ldap['suffix'])) === true) {
         $id2 = substr($id_, 0, -1 * strlen($config_ldap['suffix']) - 1);
     } else {
         $id2 = $id_;
     $expl = explode(',', $id2, 2);
     $config_ldap['userbranch'] = $expl[1];
     $buf = array();
     $buf['id'] = $id_;
     $ldap = new LDAP($config_ldap);
     $sr = $ldap->search($expl[0], array_keys($config_ldap['match']));
     if ($sr === false) {
         Logger::error('main', "Abstract_Liaison_ldap_memberof::loadElements search failed for ({$id_})");
         return NULL;
     $infos = $ldap->get_entries($sr);
     if ($infos === array()) {
         return $elements;
     $keys = array_keys($infos);
     $dn = $keys[0];
     $info = $infos[$dn];
     foreach ($config_ldap['match'] as $attribut => $match_ldap) {
         if (isset($info[$match_ldap])) {
             $buf[$attribut] = $info[$match_ldap];
     if (isset($buf['member']) && is_array($buf['member'])) {
         foreach ($buf['member'] as $member) {
             $u = $userDBldap->importFromDN($member);
             if (is_object($u) == false) {
                 Logger::error('main', "Abstract_Liaison_ldap_memberof::loadElements ({$type_},{$group_}) failed to import " . $member);
             } else {
                 if ($u->hasAttribute('objectclass')) {
                     if (in_array('user', $u->getAttribute('objectclass'))) {
                         $l = new Liaison($u->getAttribute('login'), $group_);
                         $elements[$l->element] = $l;
                     } else {
                         if (in_array('group', $u->getAttribute('objectclass')) && $use_child_group == true) {
                             $ret1 = self::loadElements($type_, 'static_' . $member);
                             if (is_array($ret1)) {
                                 foreach ($ret1 as $element1 => $liaison1) {
                                     $elements[$element1] = $liaison1;
                 } else {
                     $l = new Liaison($u->getAttribute('login'), $group_);
                     $elements[$l->element] = $l;
     return $elements;
コード例 #10
ファイル: ldap.php プロジェクト: bloveing/openulteo
 public function getUsersContains($contains_, $attributes_ = array('login', 'displayname'), $limit_ = 0, $group_ = null)
     $users = array();
     $filters = array($this->generateFilter());
     if ($contains_ != '') {
         $contains = preg_replace('/\\*\\*+/', '*', '*' . $contains_ . '*');
         // ldap does not handle multiple star characters
         $filter_contain_rules = array();
         $missing_attribute_nb = 0;
         foreach ($attributes_ as $attribute) {
             if (!array_key_exists($attribute, $this->config['match']) || strlen($this->config['match'][$attribute]) == 0) {
             array_push($filter_contain_rules, $this->config['match'][$attribute] . '=' . $contains);
         if ($missing_attribute_nb == count($attributes_)) {
             return array(array(), false);
         array_push($filters, LDAP::join_filters($filter_contain_rules, '|'));
     if (!is_null($group_)) {
         $userGroupDB = UserGroupDB::getInstance('static');
         $group_filter_res = $userGroupDB->get_filter_groups_member($group_);
         if (array_key_exists('filter', $group_filter_res)) {
             array_push($filters, $group_filter_res['filter']);
         } else {
             if (!array_key_exists('users', $group_filter_res) || !is_array($group_filter_res['users']) || count($group_filter_res['users']) == 0) {
                 return array(array(), false);
             $filter_group_rules = array();
             foreach ($group_filter_res['users'] as $login) {
                 array_push($filter_group_rules, '(' . $this->config['match']['login'] . '=' . $login . ')');
             array_push($filters, LDAP::join_filters($filter_group_rules, '|'));
     $filter = LDAP::join_filters($filters, '&');
     $ldap = new LDAP($this->get_user_ldap_config());
     $sr = $ldap->search($filter, array_values($this->config['match']), $limit_);
     if ($sr === false) {
         Logger::error('main', 'UserDB::ldap::getUsersContaint search failed');
         return array(array(), false);
     $sizelimit_exceeded = $ldap->errno() === 4;
     $infos = $ldap->get_entries($sr);
     foreach ($infos as $dn => $info) {
         if (!is_null($group_) && array_key_exists('dns', $group_filter_res)) {
             if (!in_array($dn, $group_filter_res['dns'])) {
         $u = $this->generateUserFromRow($info);
         $u->setAttribute('dn', $dn);
         $u = $this->cleanupUser($u);
         if ($this->isOK($u)) {
             $users[] = $u;
         } else {
             if ($u->hasAttribute('login')) {
                 Logger::info('main', 'UserDB::ldap::getUsersContaint user \'' . $u->getAttribute('login') . '\' not ok');
             } else {
                 Logger::info('main', 'UserDB::ldap::getUsersContaint user does not have login');
     return array($users, $sizelimit_exceeded);
コード例 #11
ファイル: sso.php プロジェクト: jotttt/auth
$u->memberof = '';
$u->thumbnailphoto = '';
$u->hlmttufimemployeestatus = '';
$u->lastlogontimestamp = '';
$u->countrycode = '';
//$u->altsecurityidentities = '';
// TODO isikukoodi järgi otsing!
//  $e = explode(',', $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN']);
//  $lastitem = count($e) - 1;
$u->hlmttufimisikukood = '';
if (isset($e[1])) {
    $w->login_name = sprintf("%s.%s", $e[1], $e[0]);
$w->login_name = $sso->login_name;
// print_r($sso);
if (!$ad->search($w->login_name, $u)) {
    $t->errors[ERROR][] = 'L004 ' . $l->txt_err_no_access;
    show_login_page($t, $o);
$w->memberof = '';
$e = explode(';', $u->memberof);
$delim = '';
while (list($k, $v) = each($e)) {
    $j = explode(',', $v);
    if (count($j) > 1) {
        while (list($kk, $vv) = each($j)) {
            if (strstr($vv, 'CN=')) {
                $w->memberof .= $delim . substr($vv, 3);
                $delim = ';';
コード例 #12
ファイル: ldap_memberof.php プロジェクト: skdong/nfs-ovd
 public function getGroupsContains($contains_, $attributes_ = array('name', 'description'), $limit_ = 0)
     $groups = array();
     $userDBAD = UserDB::getInstance();
     if (method_exists($userDBAD, 'makeLDAPconfig') === false) {
         Logger::error('main', 'UserGroupDB::ldap_memberof makeLDAPconfig is not avalaible');
         return NULL;
     $config_ldap = $userDBAD->makeLDAPconfig();
     $config_ldap['match'] = array();
     if (array_key_exists('match', $this->preferences)) {
         $config_ldap['match'] = $this->preferences['match'];
     $ldap = new LDAP($config_ldap);
     $contains = '*';
     if ($contains_ != '') {
         $contains .= $contains_ . '*';
     $filter = '(&(objectClass=group)(|';
     foreach ($attributes_ as $attribute) {
         $filter .= '(' . $config_ldap['match'][$attribute] . '=' . $contains . ')';
     $filter .= '))';
     $sr = $ldap->search($filter, NULL, $limit_);
     if ($sr === false) {
         Logger::error('main', 'UserDB::ldap::getUsersContaint search failed');
         return NULL;
     $sizelimit_exceeded = $ldap->errno() === 4;
     $infos = $ldap->get_entries($sr);
     foreach ($infos as $dn => $info) {
         $buf = array();
         foreach ($config_ldap['match'] as $attribut => $match_ldap) {
             if (isset($info[$match_ldap][0])) {
                 $buf[$attribut] = $info[$match_ldap][0];
             if (isset($info[$match_ldap]) && is_array($info[$match_ldap])) {
                 if (isset($info[$match_ldap]['count'])) {
                 $extras[$attribut] = $info[$match_ldap];
             } else {
                 $extras[$attribut] = array();
         if (!isset($buf['description'])) {
             $buf['description'] = '';
         $ug = new UsersGroup($dn, $buf['name'], $buf['description'], true);
         $ug->extras = $extras;
         $groups[$dn] = $ug;
     return array($groups, $sizelimit_exceeded);
コード例 #13
ファイル: ldap_posix.php プロジェクト: skdong/nfs-ovd
 public function getList_nocache()
     Logger::debug('main', 'UserGroupDB::ldap_posix::getList_nocache');
     $configLDAP = $this->makeLDAPconfig();
     $ldap = new LDAP($configLDAP);
     $sr = $ldap->search('cn=*', NULL);
     $infos = $ldap->get_entries($sr);
     $groups = array();
     if (!is_array($infos)) {
         return $groups;
     foreach ($infos as $dn => $info) {
         $g = $this->generateUsersGroupFromRow($info, $dn, $configLDAP['match']);
         if (is_object($g)) {
             $groups[$dn] = $g;
     return $groups;
コード例 #14
ファイル: activedirectory.php プロジェクト: skdong/nfs-ovd
 public function getList($sort_ = false)
     Logger::debug('main', 'UserGroupDB::activedirectory::getList');
     $userDBAD = UserDB::getInstance();
     $config_ldap = $userDBAD->makeLDAPconfig();
     $config_ldap['match'] = array();
     if (array_key_exists('match', $this->preferences)) {
         $config_ldap['match'] = $this->preferences['match'];
     $ldap = new LDAP($config_ldap);
     $sr = $ldap->search('(objectClass=group)', array_values($config_ldap['match']));
     if ($sr === false) {
         Logger::error('main', "UserGroupDB::activedirectory::getList search failed");
         return NULL;
     $infos = $ldap->get_entries($sr);
     $groups = array();
     foreach ($infos as $dn => $info) {
         $buf = array();
         foreach ($config_ldap['match'] as $attribut => $match_ldap) {
             if (isset($info[$match_ldap][0])) {
                 $buf[$attribut] = $info[$match_ldap][0];
             if (isset($info[$match_ldap]) && is_array($info[$match_ldap])) {
                 if (isset($info[$match_ldap]['count'])) {
                 $extras[$attribut] = $info[$match_ldap];
             } else {
                 $extras[$attribut] = array();
         if (!isset($buf['description'])) {
             $buf['description'] = '';
         if (!isset($buf['name'])) {
             $buf['name'] = $dn;
         $ug = new UsersGroup($dn, $buf['name'], $buf['description'], true);
         $ug->extras = $extras;
         $groups[$dn] = $ug;
     if ($sort_) {
         usort($groups, "usergroup_cmp");
     return $groups;