コード例 #1
 protected function _showForm()
     $this->view->formName = $this->_form->getName();
     $this->view->method = 'post';
     $this->view->submitButtonText = trlKwf('Submit');
     $this->view->action = '';
     $values = $this->_form->load(null, $this->_getParam('formPostData'));
     $this->view->form = $this->_form->getTemplateVars($values, '', $this->view->formName . '_');
     $errors = $this->_getParam('formErrors');
     if (!$errors) {
         $errors = array();
     $dec = new Kwc_Form_Decorator_Label();
     $this->view->form = $dec->processItem($this->view->form, $errors);
     $this->view->errors = Kwf_Form::formatValidationErrors($errors);
     $this->view->errorsHtml = '';
     if ($this->view->errors) {
         $this->view->errorsHtml .= '<div class="kwfUp-webStandard kwfUp-kwcFormError kwfUp-webFormError">';
         $this->view->errorsHtml .= '<p class="error">' . trlKwf('An error has occurred') . ':</p>';
         $this->view->errorsHtml .= '<ul>';
         foreach ($this->view->errors as $error) {
             $this->view->errorsHtml .= '<li>' . htmlspecialchars($error) . '</li>';
         $this->view->errorsHtml .= '</ul>';
         $this->view->errorsHtml .= '</div>';
コード例 #2
ファイル: Component.php プロジェクト: nsams/koala-framework
 public function getTemplateVars()
     $ret = Kwc_Abstract::getTemplateVars();
     $ret['isPosted'] = $this->_posted;
     $ret['showSuccess'] = false;
     $ret['errors'] = Kwf_Form::formatValidationErrors($this->getErrors());
     if ($this->isSaved()) {
         if (!$ret['errors'] && $this->getSuccessComponent()) {
             $ret['showSuccess'] = true;
     if ($ret['showSuccess']) {
         $ret['success'] = $this->getSuccessComponent();
     } else {
         foreach ($this->getData()->getChildComponents(array('generator' => 'child')) as $c) {
             if ($c->id != 'success') {
                 $ret[$c->id] = $c;
     if (!$ret['showSuccess']) {
         $values = $this->getForm()->load(null, $this->_postData);
         $ret['form'] = $this->getForm()->getTemplateVars($values, '', $this->getData()->componentId . '_');
         $dec = $this->_getSetting('decorator');
         if ($dec && is_string($dec)) {
             $dec = new $dec();
             $ret['form'] = $dec->processItem($ret['form'], $this->getErrors());
         $ret['formName'] = $this->getData()->componentId;
         $ret['buttonClass'] = $this->_getSetting('buttonClass');
         $ret['formId'] = $this->getForm()->getId();
         if ($ret['formId']) {
             $ret['formIdHash'] = Kwf_Util_Hash::hash($ret['formId']);
         $page = $this->getData()->getPage();
         if (!$page) {
             throw new Kwf_Exception('Form must have an url so it must be on a page but is on "' . $this->getData()->componentId . '". (If component is a box it must not be unique)');
         $cachedContent = Kwf_Component_Cache::getInstance()->load($page->componentId, 'componentLink');
         if ($cachedContent) {
             $targetPage = unserialize($cachedContent);
             $ret['action'] = $targetPage[0];
         } else {
             $ret['action'] = $this->getData()->url;
         if (isset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"])) {
             $ret['action'] .= '?' . $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"];
         $ret['method'] = $this->_getSetting('method');
     $ret['isUpload'] = false;
     foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new Kwf_Collection_Iterator_RecursiveFormFields($this->getForm()->fields)) as $f) {
         if ($f instanceof Kwf_Form_Field_File) {
             $ret['isUpload'] = true;
     $ret['message'] = null;
     $cacheId = 'kwcFormCu-' . get_class($this);
     $controllerUrl = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch($cacheId);
     if (!$controllerUrl) {
         $controllerUrl = Kwc_Admin::getInstance(get_class($this))->getControllerUrl('FrontendForm');
         Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add($cacheId, $controllerUrl);
     $hideForValue = array();
     foreach ($this->_form->getHideForValue() as $v) {
         $hideForValue[] = array('field' => $v['field']->getFieldName(), 'value' => $v['value'], 'hide' => $v['hide']->getFieldName());
     $baseParams = $this->_getBaseParams();
     $baseParams['componentId'] = $this->getData()->componentId;
     $fieldConfig = array();
     $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new Kwf_Collection_Iterator_RecursiveFormFields($this->_form->fields), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
     foreach ($iterator as $field) {
         if ($field->getFieldName()) {
             $fieldConfig[$field->getFieldName()] = (object) $field->getFrontendMetaData();
     $errorStyle = $this->_getSetting('errorStyle');
     if (!$errorStyle) {
         $errorStyle = Kwf_Config::getValue('kwc.form.errorStyle');
     $ret['config'] = array('controllerUrl' => $controllerUrl, 'useAjaxRequest' => $this->_getSetting('useAjaxRequest'), 'hideFormOnSuccess' => $this->_getSetting('hideFormOnSuccess'), 'componentId' => $this->getData()->componentId, 'hideForValue' => $hideForValue, 'fieldConfig' => (object) $fieldConfig, 'errorStyle' => $errorStyle, 'baseParams' => $baseParams);
     $ret['uniquePrefix'] = Kwf_Config::getValue('application.uniquePrefix');
     if ($ret['uniquePrefix']) {
         $ret['uniquePrefix'] .= '-';
     return $ret;
コード例 #3
 public function jsonSaveAction()
     if (!isset($this->_permissions['save']) || !$this->_permissions['save']) {
         throw new Kwf_Exception("Save is not allowed.");
     $success = false;
     $data = Zend_Json::decode($this->getRequest()->getParam("data"));
     if (!$data) {
         $data = array();
     $addedIds = array();
     if (Zend_Registry::get('db')) {
     foreach ($data as $submitRow) {
         $id = $submitRow[$this->_primaryKey];
         $row = $this->_getRowById($id);
         if (!$row) {
             throw new Kwf_Exception("Can't find row with id '{$id}'.");
         foreach ($this->_columns as $column) {
             if (!($column->getShowIn() & Kwf_Grid_Column::SHOW_IN_GRID)) {
             $invalid = $column->validate($row, $submitRow);
             if ($invalid) {
                 $invalid = Kwf_Form::formatValidationErrors($invalid);
                 throw new Kwf_Exception_Client(implode("<br />", $invalid));
             $column->prepareSave($row, $submitRow);
         if (!$id) {
             $this->_beforeInsert($row, $submitRow);
         $this->_beforeSave($row, $submitRow);
         if (!$this->_hasPermissions($row, 'save')) {
             throw new Kwf_Exception("You don't have the permissions to save this row.");
         if (!$id) {
             $this->_afterInsert($row, $submitRow);
         $this->_afterSave($row, $submitRow);
         if (!$id) {
             $addedIds[] = $row->id;
     if (Zend_Registry::get('db')) {
     $success = true;
     if ($addedIds) {
         $this->view->addedIds = $addedIds;
     $this->view->success = $success;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Form.php プロジェクト: nsams/koala-framework
 public function jsonSaveAction()
     $db = Zend_Registry::get('db');
     if ($db) {
     // zuvor war statt diesem kommentar das $row = $this->_form->getRow();
     // drin und wurde bei processInput und validate übergeben, aber die form
     // weiß selbst das model, deshalb passt NULL
     // Runtergeschoben wurde das $this->_form->getRow() weil bei der Kwf_User_Form
     // die row im processInput gefaket wird, da hier ->createUserRow() aufgerufen
     // wird anstatt ->createRow() und diese dann im _form->getRow() zurück kommt
     $postData = $this->_form->processInput(null, $this->getRequest()->getParams());
     $invalid = $this->_form->validate(null, $postData);
     if ($invalid) {
         $invalid = Kwf_Form::formatValidationErrors($invalid);
         throw new Kwf_ClientException(implode("<br />", $invalid));
     $data = $this->_form->prepareSave(null, $postData);
     $row = $this->_form->getRow();
     $insert = false;
     $primaryKey = $this->_form->getPrimaryKey();
     $skip = false;
     if ($row && $primaryKey) {
         if (is_array($primaryKey)) {
             $primaryKey = $primaryKey[1];
         if (!$row->{$primaryKey}) {
             $insert = true;
         if ($insert) {
             $sessionFormId = new Kwf_Session_Namespace('avoid_reinsert_id');
             if ($this->_getParam('avoid_reinsert_id') && isset($sessionFormId->avoid[$this->_getParam('avoid_reinsert_id')])) {
                 $skip = true;
             if (!isset($this->_permissions['add']) || !$this->_permissions['add']) {
                 throw new Kwf_Exception('Add is not allowed.');
             if (!$skip) {
         } else {
             if (!isset($this->_permissions['save']) || !$this->_permissions['save']) {
                 throw new Kwf_Exception('Save is not allowed.');
         if (!$skip) {
     if (!$skip) {
         //erst hier unten Berechtigungen überprüfen, damit beforeInsert usw vorher noch ausgeführt
         //wird und eventuelle Daten gesetzt werden
         if (!$this->_hasPermissions($row, 'save')) {
             throw new Kwf_Exception("Save is not allowed for this row.");
         $data = $this->_form->save(null, $postData);
         $this->_form->afterSave(null, $postData);
         if ($row) {
             if ($insert) {
         if ($db) {
         $this->view->data = $data;
         $sessionFormId = new Kwf_Session_Namespace('avoid_reinsert_id');
         if (!isset($sessionFormId->avoid)) {
             $avoid = array();
         } else {
             $avoid = $sessionFormId->avoid;
         $avoid[$this->_getParam('avoid_reinsert_id')] = $data;
         $sessionFormId->avoid = $avoid;
     } else {
         $this->view->data = $sessionFormId->avoid[$this->_getParam('avoid_reinsert_id')];