コード例 #1
 public function __construct()
     include Kohana::find_file('vendor', 'facebook/src/facebook');
     // class setup
     $this->_facebook = new Facebook(array('appId' => Kohana::config('facebook')->app_id, 'secret' => Kohana::config('facebook')->secret, 'cookie' => true));
     $this->canvasUrl = Kohana::config('facebook')->canvas_url;
     $this->scope = Kohana::config('facebook')->scope;
     try {
         $this->uid = $this->getUser();
         if (Kohana::$profiling === TRUE) {
             $benchmark = Profiler::start('Kohana_Facebook', 'facebook->api(/me)');
         $this->_me = $this->_facebook->api('/me');
         if (isset($benchmark)) {
             // Stop the benchmark
     } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
         $log = Kohana_Log::instance();
コード例 #2
ファイル: auth.php プロジェクト: richardrowe/kohana-auth
  * Loads Session and configuration options.
  * @return  void
 public function __construct($config = array())
     // Clean up the salt pattern and split it into an array
     $config['salt_pattern'] = preg_split('/,\\s*/', Kohana::config('auth')->get('salt_pattern'));
     // Save the config in the object
     $this->config = $config;
     $this->session = Session::instance();
     Kohana_Log::instance()->add('debug', 'Auth Library loaded');
コード例 #3
ファイル: core.php プロジェクト: ascseb/core
  * Initializes the environment:
  * - Disables register_globals and magic_quotes_gpc
  * - Determines the current environment
  * - Set global settings
  * - Sanitizes GET, POST, and COOKIE variables
  * - Converts GET, POST, and COOKIE variables to the global character set
  * Any of the global settings can be set here:
  * > boolean "errors"      : use internal error and exception handling?
  * > boolean "profile"     : do internal benchmarking?
  * > boolean "caching"     : cache the location of files between requests?
  * > string  "charset"     : character set used for all input and output
  * > string  "base_url"    : set the base URL for the application
  * > string  "index_file"  : set the index.php file name
  * > string  "cache_dir"   : set the cache directory path
  * @throws  Kohana_Exception
  * @param   array   global settings
  * @return  void
 public static function init(array $settings = NULL)
     static $run;
     // This function can only be run once
     if ($run === TRUE) {
     // The system is now ready
     $run = TRUE;
     if (isset($settings['profile'])) {
         // Enable profiling
         self::$profiling = (bool) $settings['profile'];
     if (self::$profiling === TRUE) {
         // Start a new benchmark
         $benchmark = Profiler::start(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__);
     // Start an output buffer
     if (isset($settings['errors'])) {
         // Enable error handling
         Kohana::$errors = (bool) $settings['errors'];
     if (Kohana::$errors === TRUE) {
         // Enable the Kohana shutdown handler, which catches E_FATAL errors.
         register_shutdown_function(array('Kohana', 'shutdown_handler'));
         // Enable Kohana exception handling, adds stack traces and error source.
         set_exception_handler(array('Kohana', 'exception_handler'));
         // Enable Kohana error handling, converts all PHP errors to exceptions.
         set_error_handler(array('Kohana', 'error_handler'));
     if (ini_get('register_globals')) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['GLOBALS'])) {
             // Prevent malicious GLOBALS overload attack
             echo "Global variable overload attack detected! Request aborted.\n";
             // Exit with an error status
         // Get the variable names of all globals
         $global_variables = array_keys($GLOBALS);
         // Remove the standard global variables from the list
         $global_variables = array_diff($global_variables, array('GLOBALS', '_REQUEST', '_GET', '_POST', '_FILES', '_COOKIE', '_SERVER', '_ENV', '_SESSION'));
         foreach ($global_variables as $name) {
             // Retrieve the global variable and make it null
             global ${$name};
             ${$name} = NULL;
             // Unset the global variable, effectively disabling register_globals
             unset($GLOBALS[$name], ${$name});
     // Determine if we are running in a command line environment
     self::$is_cli = PHP_SAPI === 'cli';
     // Determine if we are running in a Windows environment
     self::$is_windows = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '\\';
     if (isset($settings['cache_dir'])) {
         // Set the cache directory path
         self::$cache_dir = realpath($settings['cache_dir']);
     } else {
         // Use the default cache directory
         self::$cache_dir = APPPATH . 'cache';
     if (!is_writable(self::$cache_dir)) {
         throw new Kohana_Exception('Directory :dir must be writable', array(':dir' => Kohana::debug_path(self::$cache_dir)));
     if (isset($settings['caching'])) {
         // Enable or disable internal caching
         self::$caching = (bool) $settings['caching'];
     if (self::$caching === TRUE) {
         // Load the file path cache
         self::$_files = Kohana::cache('Kohana::find_file()');
     if (isset($settings['charset'])) {
         // Set the system character set
         self::$charset = strtolower($settings['charset']);
     if (isset($settings['base_url'])) {
         // Set the base URL
         self::$base_url = rtrim($settings['base_url'], '/') . '/';
     if (isset($settings['index_file'])) {
         // Set the index file
         self::$index_file = trim($settings['index_file'], '/');
     // Determine if the extremely evil magic quotes are enabled
     self::$magic_quotes = (bool) get_magic_quotes_gpc();
     // Sanitize all request variables
     $_GET = self::sanitize($_GET);
     $_POST = self::sanitize($_POST);
     $_COOKIE = self::sanitize($_COOKIE);
     // Load the logger
     self::$log = Kohana_Log::instance();
     // Load the config
     self::$config = Kohana_Config::instance();
     if (isset($benchmark)) {
         // Stop benchmarking
コード例 #4
ファイル: core.php プロジェクト: abdul-baten/hbcms
  * Initializes the environment:
  * - Disables register_globals and magic_quotes_gpc
  * - Determines the current environment
  * - Set global settings
  * - Sanitizes GET, POST, and COOKIE variables
  * - Converts GET, POST, and COOKIE variables to the global character set
  * Any of the global settings can be set here:
  * Type      | Setting    | Description                                    | Default Value
  * ----------|------------|------------------------------------------------|---------------
  * `boolean` | errors     | use internal error and exception handling?     | `TRUE`
  * `boolean` | profile    | do internal benchmarking?                      | `TRUE`
  * `boolean` | caching    | cache the location of files between requests?  | `FALSE`
  * `string`  | charset    | character set used for all input and output    | `"utf-8"`
  * `string`  | base_url   | set the base URL for the application           | `"/"`
  * `string`  | index_file | set the index.php file name                    | `"index.php"`
  * `string`  | cache_dir  | set the cache directory path                   | `APPPATH."cache"`
  * @throws  Kohana_Exception
  * @param   array   global settings
  * @return  void
  * @uses    Kohana::globals
  * @uses    Kohana::sanitize
  * @uses    Kohana::cache
  * @uses    Profiler
 public static function init(array $settings = NULL)
     if (Kohana::$_init) {
         // Do not allow execution twice
     // Kohana is now initialized
     Kohana::$_init = TRUE;
     if (isset($settings['profile'])) {
         // Enable profiling
         Kohana::$profiling = (bool) $settings['profile'];
     if (Kohana::$profiling === TRUE) {
         // Start a new benchmark
         $benchmark = Profiler::start('Kohana', __FUNCTION__);
     // Start an output buffer
     if (defined('E_DEPRECATED')) {
         // E_DEPRECATED only exists in PHP >= 5.3.0
         Kohana::$php_errors[E_DEPRECATED] = 'Deprecated';
     if (isset($settings['errors'])) {
         // Enable error handling
         Kohana::$errors = (bool) $settings['errors'];
     if (Kohana::$errors === TRUE) {
         // Enable Kohana exception handling, adds stack traces and error source.
         set_exception_handler(array('Kohana', 'exception_handler'));
         // Enable Kohana error handling, converts all PHP errors to exceptions.
         set_error_handler(array('Kohana', 'error_handler'));
     // Enable the Kohana shutdown handler, which catches E_FATAL errors.
     register_shutdown_function(array('Kohana', 'shutdown_handler'));
     if (ini_get('register_globals')) {
         // Reverse the effects of register_globals
     // Determine if we are running in a command line environment
     Kohana::$is_cli = PHP_SAPI === 'cli';
     // Determine if we are running in a Windows environment
     Kohana::$is_windows = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '\\';
     if (isset($settings['cache_dir'])) {
         // Set the cache directory path
         Kohana::$cache_dir = realpath($settings['cache_dir']);
     } else {
         // Use the default cache directory
         Kohana::$cache_dir = APPPATH . 'cache';
     if (!is_writable(Kohana::$cache_dir)) {
         throw new Kohana_Exception('Directory :dir must be writable', array(':dir' => Kohana::debug_path(Kohana::$cache_dir)));
     if (isset($settings['caching'])) {
         // Enable or disable internal caching
         Kohana::$caching = (bool) $settings['caching'];
     if (Kohana::$caching === TRUE) {
         // Load the file path cache
         Kohana::$_files = Kohana::cache('Kohana::find_file()');
     if (isset($settings['charset'])) {
         // Set the system character set
         Kohana::$charset = strtolower($settings['charset']);
     if (function_exists('mb_internal_encoding')) {
         // Set the MB extension encoding to the same character set
     if (isset($settings['base_url'])) {
         // Set the base URL
         Kohana::$base_url = rtrim($settings['base_url'], '/') . '/';
     if (isset($settings['index_file'])) {
         // Set the index file
         Kohana::$index_file = trim($settings['index_file'], '/');
     // Determine if the extremely evil magic quotes are enabled
     Kohana::$magic_quotes = (bool) get_magic_quotes_gpc();
     // Sanitize all request variables
     $_GET = Kohana::sanitize($_GET);
     $_POST = Kohana::sanitize($_POST);
     $_COOKIE = Kohana::sanitize($_COOKIE);
     // Load the logger
     Kohana::$log = Kohana_Log::instance();
     // Load the config
     Kohana::$config = Kohana_Config::instance();
     if (isset($benchmark)) {
         // Stop benchmarking
コード例 #5
ファイル: kohana.php プロジェクト: ukd1/kohana
  * Initializes the environment:
  * - Disables register_globals and magic_quotes_gpc
  * - Determines the current environment
  * - Set global settings
  * - Sanitizes GET, POST, and COOKIE variables
  * - Converts GET, POST, and COOKIE variables to the global character set
  * Any of the global settings can be set here:
  * > boolean "display_errors" : display errors and exceptions
  * > boolean "log_errors"     : log errors and exceptions
  * > boolean "cache_paths"    : cache the location of files between requests
  * > string  "charset"        : character set used for all input and output
  * @param   array   global settings
  * @return  void
 public static function init(array $settings = NULL)
     static $_init;
     // This function can only be run once
     if ($_init === TRUE) {
     if (isset($settings['profile'])) {
         // Enable profiling
         self::$profile = (bool) $settings['profile'];
     if (self::$profile === TRUE) {
         // Start a new benchmark
         $benchmark = Profiler::start(__CLASS__, __FUNCTION__);
     // The system will now be initialized
     $_init = TRUE;
     // Start an output buffer
     if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '6.0', '<=')) {
         // Disable magic quotes at runtime
     if (ini_get('register_globals')) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['GLOBALS'])) {
             // Prevent malicious GLOBALS overload attack
             echo "Global variable overload attack detected! Request aborted.\n";
             // Exit with an error status
         // Get the variable names of all globals
         $global_variables = array_keys($GLOBALS);
         // Remove the standard global variables from the list
         $global_variables = array_diff($global_vars, array('GLOBALS', '_REQUEST', '_GET', '_POST', '_FILES', '_COOKIE', '_SERVER', '_ENV', '_SESSION'));
         foreach ($global_variables as $name) {
             // Retrieve the global variable and make it null
             global ${$name};
             ${$name} = NULL;
             // Unset the global variable, effectively disabling register_globals
             unset($GLOBALS[$name], ${$name});
     // Determine if we are running in a command line environment
     self::$is_cli = PHP_SAPI === 'cli';
     // Determine if we are running in a Windows environment
     self::$is_windows = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '\\';
     if (isset($settings['display_errors'])) {
         // Enable or disable the display of errors
         self::$display_errors = (bool) $settings['display_errors'];
     if (isset($settings['cache_paths'])) {
         // Enable or disable the caching of paths
         self::$cache_paths = (bool) $settings['cache_paths'];
     if (isset($settings['charset'])) {
         // Set the system character set
         self::$charset = strtolower($settings['charset']);
     if (isset($settings['base_url'])) {
         // Set the base URL
         self::$base_url = rtrim($settings['base_url'], '/') . '/';
     // Determine if the extremely evil magic quotes are enabled
     self::$magic_quotes = (bool) get_magic_quotes_gpc();
     // Sanitize all request variables
     $_GET = self::sanitize($_GET);
     $_POST = self::sanitize($_POST);
     $_COOKIE = self::sanitize($_COOKIE);
     // Load the logger
     self::$log = Kohana_Log::instance();
     // Determine if this server supports UTF-8 natively
     utf8::$server_utf8 = extension_loaded('mbstring');
     // Normalize all request variables to the current charset
     $_GET = utf8::clean($_GET, self::$charset);
     $_POST = utf8::clean($_POST, self::$charset);
     $_COOKIE = utf8::clean($_COOKIE, self::$charset);
     if (isset($benchmark)) {
         // Stop benchmarking
コード例 #6
ファイル: dotpay.php プロジェクト: retio/kohana-dotpay
 public function incomingPayment()
     if ($_POST) {
         $this->_incomingPaymentData = $_POST;
         if ($this->_checkMD5(Arr::get($_POST, 'md5')) && $this->_checkServerIP(Request::$client_ip)) {
             $payment = ORM::factory('payment', array('control' => $this->_incomingPaymentData['control']));
             if ($payment->loaded()) {
                 $incomingPayment = ORM::factory('payment_incoming', array('t_id' => $this->_incomingPaymentData['t_id']));
                 if ($incomingPayment->loaded()) {
                     $incomingPayment->t_status = $this->_incomingPaymentData['t_status'];
                     $incomingPayment->updated = time();
                     $incomingPayment->status = $this->_checkPayment($payment->id);
                 } else {
                     $this->_incomingSave($incomingPayment, $payment->id);
             } else {
                 $incomingPayment = ORM::factory('payment_incoming');
             return $incomingPayment->saved();
         } else {
             $this->_incomingPaymentData = FALSE;
             Kohana_Log::instance()->add(Log::ERROR, 'Wrong MD5 hash for payment');
     return FALSE;
コード例 #7
ファイル: search.php プロジェクト: evopix/kohana-search
  * Remove an entry from the index
  * @param   Searchable  Model to remove
  * @return  Search
 public function remove($item)
     $hits = $this->find('uid:' . $item->get_unique_identifier());
     if (sizeof($hits) == 0) {
         Kohana_Log::instance()->add('error', 'No index entry found for id ' . $item->get_unique_identifier())->write();
     } elseif (sizeof($hits) > 1) {
         Kohana_Log::instance()->add('error', 'Non-unique Identifier - More than one record was returned')->write();
     } elseif (sizeof($hits) == 1) {
     return $this;
コード例 #8
 public function incomingPayment()
     if ($_POST) {
         $this->_incomingPaymentData = $_POST;
         if ($this->_checkMD5(Arr::get($_POST, 'md5sum')) && $this->_checkServerIP(Request::$client_ip)) {
             $payment = ORM::factory('transferuj_payment', array('crc' => $this->_incomingPaymentData['tr_crc']));
             $incomingPayment = ORM::factory('transferuj_payment_incoming');
             if ($payment->loaded()) {
                 $this->_incomingSave($incomingPayment, $payment->id);
             } else {
             return $incomingPayment->saved();
         } else {
             $this->_incomingPaymentData = FALSE;
             Kohana_Log::instance()->add(Log::ERROR, 'Wrong MD5 hash for payment');
     return FALSE;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Log.php プロジェクト: artbypravesh/morningpages
 public static function exception($msg, $e)
     $log = Kohana_Log::instance()->add(log::ERROR, $msg . ' || Exception message: :emsg, file: :file, line: :line', array(':emsg' => $e->getMessage(), ':file' => $e->getFile(), ':line' => $e->getLine()));