public function execute($parameters, $db) { $result = $db->query("select b.hash, a.killID from zz_killmails a left join (select hash, count(*) as count from zz_killmails where processed = 1 group by 1 having count(*) >= 2) as b on (a.hash = b.hash) where b.hash is not null and a.killID < 0", array(), 0); foreach ($result as $row) { $hash = $row["hash"]; $mKillID = $row["killID"]; $killID = $db->queryField("select killID from zz_killmails where hash = :hash and killID > 0 limit 1", "killID", array(":hash" => $hash), 0); Kills::cleanDupe($mKillID, $killID); } Log::log("Cleaned up " . sizeof($result) . " dupes"); }
public static function getTopIsk($parameters = array(), $allTime = false) { global $mdb; if (!isset($parameters['limit'])) { $parameters['limit'] = 5; } $parameters['orderBy'] = 'zkb.totalValue'; $hashKey = 'getTopIsk:' . serialize($parameters); $result = RedisCache::get($hashKey); if ($result != null) { return $result; } $result = Kills::getKills($parameters); RedisCache::set($hashKey, $result, 300); return $result; }
/** * Returns kills in json format according to the specified parameters. * * @static * * @param array $parameters * * @return array */ public static function getKills($parameters = array()) { global $debug; $ip = IP::get(); $userAgent = @$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if ($debug) { Log::log('API Fetch: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . ' (' . $ip . ' / ' . $userAgent . ')'); } if (isset($parameters['limit']) && $parameters['limit'] > 200) { $parameters['limit'] = 200; } if (isset($parameters['page'])) { $parameters['limit'] = 200; } if (!isset($parameters['limit'])) { $parameters['limit'] = 200; } $kills = Kills::getKills($parameters, true, false); return self::getJSON($kills, $parameters); }
$kills = Kills::getKills(array('groupID' => array(547, 485), 'limit' => $limit, 'cacheTime' => 300, 'losses' => true, 'page' => $page)); break; case 'freighters': $kills = Kills::getKills(array('groupID' => array(513, 902, 941), 'limit' => $limit, 'cacheTime' => 300, 'losses' => true, 'page' => $page)); break; case 'supers': $kills = Kills::getKills(array('groupID' => array(30, 659), 'limit' => $limit, 'cacheTime' => 300, 'losses' => true, 'page' => $page)); break; case 'dust': $kills = Kills::getKills(array('groupID' => array(351064, 351210), 'limit' => $limit, 'cacheTime' => 300, 'losses' => true, 'page' => $page)); break; case 'dust_vehicles': $kills = Kills::getKills(array('groupID' => '351210', 'limit' => $limit, 'cacheTime' => 300, 'losses' => true, 'page' => $page)); break; case 'lowsec': $kills = Kills::getKills(array('lowsec' => true, 'page' => $page)); break; case 'highsec': $kills = Kills::getKills(array('highsec' => true, 'page' => $page)); break; case 'nullsec': $kills = Kills::getKills(array('nullsec' => true, 'page' => $page)); break; case 'w-space': $kills = Kills::getKills(array('w-space' => true, 'page' => $page)); break; default: $kills = Kills::getKills(array('combined' => true, 'page' => $page)); break; } $app->render('kills.html', array('kills' => $kills, 'page' => $page, 'killsType' => $type, 'pager' => true));
$cnt = 0; $cnid = 0; $stats = array(); $totalcount = ceil(count($detail['stats']) / 4); if ($detail['stats'] != null) { foreach ($detail['stats'] as $q) { if ($cnt == $totalcount) { ++$cnid; $cnt = 0; } $stats[$cnid][] = $q; ++$cnt; } } if ($mixedKills) { $kills = Kills::mergeKillArrays($mixed, array(), $limit, $columnName, $id); } $prevID = null; $nextID = null; $warID = (int) $id; $extra = array(); $extra['hasWars'] = false; //Db::queryField("select count(distinct warID) count from zz_wars where aggressor = $warID or defender = $warID", "count"); $extra['wars'] = array(); if (false && $pageType == 'wars' && $extra['hasWars']) { $extra['wars'][] = War::getNamedWars('Active Wars - Aggressor', "select * from zz_wars where aggressor = {$warID} and timeFinished is null order by timeStarted desc"); $extra['wars'][] = War::getNamedWars('Active Wars - Defending', "select * from zz_wars where defender = {$warID} and timeFinished is null order by timeStarted desc"); $extra['wars'][] = War::getNamedWars('Closed Wars - Aggressor', "select * from zz_wars where aggressor = {$warID} and timeFinished is not null order by timeFinished desc"); $extra['wars'][] = War::getNamedWars('Closed Wars - Defending', "select * from zz_wars where defender = {$warID} and timeFinished is not null order by timeFinished desc"); } $filter = '';
<?php require_once '../init.php'; $i = date('i'); if ($i % 15 != 0) { exit; } $p = array(); $numDays = 7; $p['limit'] = 10; $p['pastSeconds'] = $numDays * 86400; $p['kills'] = true; Storage::store('Kills5b+', json_encode(Kills::getKills(array('iskValue' => 5000000000), true, false))); Storage::store('Kills10b+', json_encode(Kills::getKills(array('iskValue' => 10000000000), true, false))); Storage::store('TopChars', json_encode(Info::doMakeCommon('Top Characters', 'characterID', getStats('characterID')))); Storage::store('TopCorps', json_encode(Info::doMakeCommon('Top Corporations', 'corporationID', getStats('corporationID')))); Storage::store('TopAllis', json_encode(Info::doMakeCommon('Top Alliances', 'allianceID', getStats('allianceID')))); Storage::store('TopShips', json_encode(Info::doMakeCommon('Top Ships', 'shipTypeID', getStats('shipTypeID')))); Storage::store('TopSystems', json_encode(Info::doMakeCommon('Top Systems', 'solarSystemID', getStats('solarSystemID')))); Storage::store('TopIsk', json_encode(Stats::getTopIsk(array('pastSeconds' => $numDays * 86400, 'limit' => 5)))); // Cleanup old sessions Db::execute('delete from zz_users_sessions where validTill < now()'); // Keep the account balance table clean Db::execute('delete from zz_account_balance where balance = 0'); // Cleanup subdomain stuff Db::execute('update zz_subdomains set adfreeUntil = null where adfreeUntil < now()'); Db::execute("update zz_subdomains set banner = null where banner = ''"); Db::execute("delete from zz_subdomains where adfreeUntil is null and banner is null and (alias is null or alias = '')"); // Expire change expirations Db::execute('update zz_users set change_expiration = null, change_hash = null where change_expiration < date_sub(now(), interval 3 day)'); function getStats($column)
$app->redirect($url, 302); die; } $systemInfo = $mdb->findDoc('information', ['cacheTime' => 3600, 'type' => 'solarSystemID', 'id' => $systemID]); $systemName = $systemInfo['name']; $regionInfo = $mdb->findDoc('information', ['cacheTime' => 3600, 'type' => 'regionID', 'id' => $systemInfo['regionID']]); $regionName = $regionInfo['name']; $unixTime = strtotime($relatedTime); $time = date('Y-m-d H:i', $unixTime); $exHours = 1; if ((int) $exHours < 1 || (int) $exHours > 12) { $exHours = 1; } $key = md5("br:{$systemID}:{$relatedTime}:{$exHours}:" . json_encode($json_options) . (isset($battleID) ? ":{$battleID}" : "")); $mc = RedisCache::get($key); if ($mc == null) { $parameters = array('solarSystemID' => $systemID, 'relatedTime' => $relatedTime, 'exHours' => $exHours, 'nolimit' => true); $kills = Kills::getKills($parameters); $summary = Related::buildSummary($kills, $json_options); $mc = array('summary' => $summary, 'systemName' => $systemName, 'regionName' => $regionName, 'time' => $time, 'exHours' => $exHours, 'solarSystemID' => $systemID, 'relatedTime' => $relatedTime, 'options' => json_encode($json_options)); if (isset($battleID) && $battleID > 0) { $teamA = $summary['teamA']['totals']; $teamB = $summary['teamB']['totals']; unset($teamA['groupIDs']); unset($teamB['groupIDs']); $mdb->set("battles", ['battleID' => $battleID], ['teamA' => $teamA]); $mdb->set("battles", ['battleID' => $battleID], ['teamB' => $teamB]); } RedisCache::set($key, $mc, 300); } $app->render('related.html', $mc);
$campaign = Db::queryRow('select * from zz_campaigns where uri = :uri', array(':uri' => $uri), 1); if ($campaign == null) { $app->redirect('/', 302); } $title = 'Campaign: ' . $campaign['title']; $subTitle = $campaign['subTitle']; $p = json_decode($campaign['definition'], true); $summary = Summary::getSummary('system', 'solarSystemID', $p, 30000142, $p, true); $topPoints = array(); $topPods = array(); $top = array(); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Characters', 'characterID', Stats::getTopPilots($p, true)); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Corporations', 'corporationID', Stats::getTopCorps($p, true)); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Alliances', 'allianceID', Stats::getTopAllis($p, true)); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Ships', 'shipTypeID', Stats::getTopShips($p, true)); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Systems', 'solarSystemID', Stats::getTopSystems($p, true)); $p['pastSeconds'] = $numDays * 86400; $p['limit'] = 5; $topIsk = Stats::getTopIsk($p, true); $topIsk['title'] = 'Most Valuable Kills'; unset($p['pastSeconds']); // get latest kills $killsLimit = 50; $p['limit'] = $killsLimit; if (isset($page) && $page > 0 && $page < 100) { $p['page'] = $page; } else { $page = 1; } $kills = Kills::getKills($p); $app->render('campaign.html', array('topPods' => $topPods, 'topIsk' => $topIsk, 'topPoints' => $topPoints, 'topKillers' => $top, 'kills' => $kills, 'page' => 1, 'pageType' => 'kills', 'pager' => true, 'requesturi' => '/campaign/burnjita3/', 'page' => $page, 'detail' => $summary, 'pageTitle' => $title, 'subTitle' => $subTitle));
<?php require_once '../init.php'; global $redis; $key = "zkb:everyFiften"; if ($redis->get($key) === true) { exit; } $p = array(); $numDays = 7; $p['limit'] = 10; $p['pastSeconds'] = $numDays * 86400; $p['kills'] = true; $redis->setex('RC:Kills5b+', 3600, json_encode(Kills::getKills(array('iskValue' => 5000000000), true, false))); $redis->setex('RC:Kills10b+', 3600, json_encode(Kills::getKills(array('iskValue' => 10000000000), true, false))); $redis->setex('RC:TopIsk', 3600, json_encode(Stats::getTopIsk(array('pastSeconds' => $numDays * 86400, 'limit' => 5)))); function getStats($column) { $result = Stats::getTop($column, ['isVictim' => false, 'pastSeconds' => 604800]); return $result; } $redis->keys('*'); // Helps purge expired ttl's $redis->setex($key, 54000, true);
$kills = Kills::getKills(array("groupID" => array(351064, 351210), "limit" => $limit, "cacheTime" => 300, "losses" => true, "page" => $page)); break; case "dust_vehicles": $kills = Kills::getKills(array("groupID" => "351210", "limit" => $limit, "cacheTime" => 300, "losses" => true, "page" => $page)); break; /* case "lowsec": $kills = Kills::getKills(array("lowsec" => true, "page" => $page)); break; case "highsec": $kills = Kills::getKills(array("highsec" => true, "page" => $page)); break; case "nullsec": $kills = Kills::getKills(array("nullsec" => true, "page" => $page)); break;*/ /* case "lowsec": $kills = Kills::getKills(array("lowsec" => true, "page" => $page)); break; case "highsec": $kills = Kills::getKills(array("highsec" => true, "page" => $page)); break; case "nullsec": $kills = Kills::getKills(array("nullsec" => true, "page" => $page)); break;*/ case "w-space": $kills = Kills::getKills(array("w-space" => true, "page" => $page)); break; default: $kills = Kills::getKills(array("combined" => true, "page" => $page)); break; } $app->render("kills.html", array("kills" => $kills, "page" => $page, "pageType" => $type, "pager" => true));
} $extra["droppedisk"] = droppedIsk(md5($id), $killdata["items"]); $extra["lostisk"] = $killdata["info"]["total_price"] - $extra["droppedisk"]; $extra["fittedisk"] = fittedIsk(md5($id), $killdata["items"]); $extra["relatedtime"] = date("YmdH00", strtotime($killdata["info"]["killTime"])); $extra["fittingwheel"] = eftarray(md5($id), $killdata["items"], $killdata["victim"]["characterID"]); $extra["involvedships"] = involvedships($killdata["involved"]); $extra["involvedshipscount"] = count($extra["involvedships"]); $extra["totalprice"] = usdeurgbp($killdata["info"]["total_price"]); $extra["destroyedprice"] = usdeurgbp($extra["lostisk"]); $extra["droppedprice"] = usdeurgbp($extra["droppedisk"]); $extra["fittedprice"] = usdeurgbp($extra["fittedisk"]); $extra["efttext"] = Fitting::EFT($extra["fittingwheel"]); $extra["dnatext"] = Fitting::DNA($killdata["items"], $killdata["info"]["shipTypeID"]); $extra["edkrawmail"] = Kills::getRawMail($id); $extra["zkbrawmail"] = Kills::getRawMail($id, array(), false); $extra["reports"] = Db::queryField("SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM zz_tickets WHERE killID = :killid", "cnt", array(":killid" => $id), 0); $extra["slotCounts"] = Info::getSlotCounts($killdata["victim"]["shipTypeID"]); $extra["commentID"] = Info::commentID($id); $extra["crest"] = Db::queryRow("select killID, hash from zz_crest_killmail where killID = :killID and processed = 1", array(":killID" => $id), 300); $systemID = $killdata["info"]["solarSystemID"]; $data = Info::getWormholeSystemInfo($systemID); $extra["wormhole"] = $data; $url = "https://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . "/detail/{$id}/"; $app->render("detail.html", array("pageview" => $pageview, "killdata" => $killdata, "extra" => $extra, "message" => $message, "flags" => Info::$effectToSlot, "topDamage" => $topDamage, "finalBlow" => $finalBlow, "url" => $url)); function involvedships($array) { $involved = array(); foreach ($array as $inv) { if (isset($involved[$inv["shipTypeID"]]) && isset($inv["shipName"])) { $involved[$inv["shipTypeID"]] = array("shipName" => $inv["shipName"], "shipTypeID" => $inv["shipTypeID"], "count" => $involved[$inv["shipTypeID"]]["count"] + 1);
if (!$warFinished) { $p['pastSeconds'] = 7 * 86400; } $top = array(); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Characters', 'characterID', Stats::getTop('characterID', $p)); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Corporations', 'corporationID', Stats::getTop('corporationID', $p)); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Alliances', 'allianceID', Stats::getTop('allianceID', $p)); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Ships', 'shipTypeID', Stats::getTop('shipTypeID', $p)); $top[] = Info::doMakeCommon('Top Systems', 'solarSystemID', Stats::getTop('solarSystemID', $p)); $p['limit'] = 5; $topIsk = array(); //Stats::getTopIsk($p); unset($p['pastSeconds']); unset($p['kills']); // get latest kills $killsLimit = 50; $p['limit'] = $killsLimit; $preKills = Kills::getKills($p); $kills = array(); $agrID = $warData['aggressor']['id']; $dfdID = $warData['defender']['id']; foreach ($preKills as $kill) { $victim = $kill['victim']; if (@$victim['corporationID'] == $dfdID || @$victim['allianceID'] == $dfdID) { $kill['displayAsKill'] = true; } else { $kill['displayAsLoss'] = true; } $kills[] = $kill; } $app->render('index.html', array('war' => $warData, 'wars' => array($warData), 'topPods' => $topPods, 'topIsk' => $topIsk, 'topPoints' => $topPoints, 'topKillers' => $top, 'kills' => $kills, 'page' => $page, 'pageType' => 'war', 'pager' => false, 'pageTitle' => $pageTitle));
/** * @param string $keyID string * @param $charID int * @param $killlog string * @return int */ public static function processRawApi($keyID, $charID, $killlog) { $count = 0; $maxKillID = Db::queryField("select maxKillID from zz_api_characters where keyID = :keyID and characterID = :charID", "maxKillID", array(":keyID" => $keyID, ":charID" => $charID), 0); if ($maxKillID === null) { $maxKillID = 0; } $insertedMaxKillID = $maxKillID; foreach ($killlog->kills as $kill) { $killID = $kill->killID; //if ($killID < $maxKillID) continue; $insertedMaxKillID = max($insertedMaxKillID, $killID); $json = json_encode($kill->toArray()); $hash = Util::getKillHash(null, $kill); try { $mKillID = Db::queryField("select killID from zz_killmails where killID < 0 and processed = 1 and hash = :hash", "killID", array(":hash" => $hash), 0); } catch (Exception $ex) { $mKillID = 0; //Log::log("Error: $keyID " . $ex->getMessage()); } if ($mKillID) { Kills::cleanDupe($mKillID, $killID); } $added = Db::execute("insert ignore into zz_killmails (killID, hash, source, kill_json) values (:killID, :hash, :source, :json)", array(":killID" => $killID, ":hash" => $hash, ":source" => "keyID:{$keyID}", ":json" => $json)); $count += $added; } if ($maxKillID != $insertedMaxKillID) { Db::execute("INSERT INTO zz_api_characters (keyID, characterID, maxKillID) VALUES (:keyID, :characterID, :maxKillID) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE maxKillID = :maxKillID", array(":keyID" => $keyID, ":characterID" => $charID, ":maxKillID" => $insertedMaxKillID)); } return $count; }
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ $topPoints = array(); $topIsk = json_decode(Storage::retrieve("TopIsk"), true); $topPods = json_decode(Storage::retrieve("TopPods"), true); $topPointList = json_decode(Storage::retrieve("TopPoints"), true); if (is_array($topPointList)) { $topPoints = Kills::getKillsDetails($topPointList); } $p = array(); $p["limit"] = 5; $p["pastSeconds"] = 3 * 86400; $p["kills"] = true; $top = array(); $top[] = json_decode(Storage::retrieve("Top3dayChars"), true); $top[] = json_decode(Storage::retrieve("Top3dayCorps"), true); $top[] = json_decode(Storage::retrieve("Top3dayAlli"), true); // get latest kills $killsLimit = 50; $kills = Kills::getKills(array("limit" => $killsLimit)); $app->render("index.html", array("topPods" => $topPods, "topIsk" => $topIsk, "topPoints" => $topPoints, "topKillers" => $top, "kills" => $kills, "page" => 1, "pageType" => "kills", "pager" => true));
/** * @param \Pheal\Core\Result $data * @param mixed $db * @return int */ private static function processAPI($data, $db) { $count = 0; foreach ($data->kills as $kill) { if ($kill->killID > 0) { $killID = $kill->killID; } else { $killID = $kill->killInternalID * -1; } if ($killID == 0) { continue; } $killArray = $kill->toArray(); // Remove all the unwanted crud that EDK sets unset($killArray["killInternalID"]); unset($killArray["hash"]); unset($killArray["trust"]); // If the killID is below zero, we'll just replace the killID in the array with the minus one.. if ($killID < 0) { $killArray["killID"] = $killID; } $json = json_encode($killArray); $hash = Util::getKillHash(null, $kill); $source = "EDK Feed Fetch"; $mKillID = $db->queryField("select killID from zz_killmails where killID < 0 and processed = 1 and hash = :hash", "killID", array(":hash" => $hash), 0); if ($mKillID) { Kills::cleanDupe($mKillID, $killID); } // If the killID is negative at this point, we need to create a raw mail, and use that to insert it into the zz_manual_mails table, so we can get a manual mail id if ($killID < 0) { $rawText = Kills::getRawMail(null, Info::addInfo($killArray)); $db->execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO zz_manual_mails (hash, rawText) VALUES (:hash, :rawText)", array(":hash" => $hash, ":rawText" => $rawText)); $killID = $db->queryField("SELECT mKillID FROM zz_manual_mails WHERE hash = :hash ORDER BY mKillID DESC LIMIT 1", array(":hash" => $hash), 0); } $added = $db->execute("insert ignore into zz_killmails (killID, hash, source, kill_json) values (:killID, :hash, :source, :json)", array(":killID" => $killID, ":hash" => $hash, ":source" => $source, ":json" => $json)); $count += $added; } return $count; }
private static function getStatsKillList($killIDs) { $totalPrice = 0; $totalPoints = 0; $groupIDs = array(); $totalShips = 0; foreach ($killIDs as $killID) { $kill = Kills::getKillDetails($killID); $info = $kill['info']; $victim = $kill['victim']; $totalPrice += $info['zkb']['totalValue']; $totalPoints += $info['zkb']['points']; $groupID = $victim['groupID']; if (!isset($groupIDs[$groupID])) { $groupIDs[$groupID] = array(); $groupIDs[$groupID]['count'] = 0; $groupIDs[$groupID]['isk'] = 0; $groupIDs[$groupID]['points'] = 0; } $groupIDs[$groupID]['groupID'] = $groupID; ++$groupIDs[$groupID]['count']; $groupIDs[$groupID]['isk'] += $info['zkb']['totalValue']; $groupIDs[$groupID]['points'] += $info['zkb']['points']; ++$totalShips; } Info::addInfo($groupIDs); return array('total_price' => $totalPrice, 'groupIDs' => $groupIDs, 'totalShips' => $totalShips, 'total_points' => $totalPoints); }
global $mdb; $involved = array(); $message = ''; $id = (int) $id; while ($mdb->count('queueInfo', ['killID' => $id])) { sleep(1); } $exists = $mdb->exists('killmails', ['killID' => $id]); if (!$exists) { return $app->render('404.html', array('message' => "KillID {$id} does not exist."), 404); } $killKey = "CacheKill:{$id}:{$pageview}"; $details = RedisCache::get($killKey); if ($details == null) { // Create the details on this kill $killdata = Kills::getKillDetails($id); // create the dropdown involved array $allinvolved = $killdata['involved']; $cnt = 0; while ($cnt < 10) { if (isset($allinvolved[$cnt])) { $involved[] = $allinvolved[$cnt]; unset($allinvolved[$cnt]); } ++$cnt; continue; } $topDamage = $finalBlow = null; $first = null; if (sizeof($killdata['involved']) > 1) { foreach ($killdata['involved'] as $inv) {
* (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ //make sure the requester is not being a naughty boy Util::scrapeCheck(); //set the headers to cache the request properly $dna = array(); $parameters = Util::convertUriToParameters(); $page = 1; if (isset($parameters["page"])) { $page = $parameters["page"]; } $kills = Feed::getKills(array("limit" => 200, "cacheTime" => 3600, "page" => $page)); foreach ($kills as $kill) { $kill = json_decode($kill, true); $killdata = Kills::getKillDetails($kill["killID"]); $dna[][] = array("killtime" => $killdata["info"]["dttm"], "SolarSystemName" => $killdata["info"]["solarSystemName"], "solarSystemID" => $killdata["info"]["solarSystemID"], "regionID" => $killdata["info"]["regionID"], "regionName" => $killdata["info"]["regionName"], "victimCharacterID" => isset($killdata["victim"]["characterID"]) ? isset($killdata["victim"]["characterID"]) : null, "victimCharacterName" => isset($killdata["victim"]["characterName"]) ? isset($killdata["victim"]["characterName"]) : null, "victimCorporationID" => isset($killdata["victim"]["corporationID"]) ? isset($killdata["victim"]["corporationID"]) : null, "victimCorporationName" => isset($killdata["victim"]["corporationName"]) ? isset($killdata["victim"]["corporationName"]) : null, "victimAllianceID" => isset($killdata["victim"]["allianceID"]) ? isset($killdata["victim"]["allianceID"]) : null, "victimAllianceName" => isset($killdata["victim"]["allianceName"]) ? isset($killdata["victim"]["allianceName"]) : null, "victimFactionID" => isset($killdata["victim"]["factionID"]) ? isset($killdata["victim"]["factionID"]) : null, "victimFactionName" => isset($killdata["victim"]["factionName"]) ? isset($killdata["victim"]["factionName"]) : null, "dna" => Fitting::DNA($killdata["items"], $killdata["victim"]["shipTypeID"])); } $app->etag(md5(serialize($dna))); $app->expires("+1 hour"); header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *"); header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET"); $app->contentType("application/json; charset=utf-8"); echo json_encode($dna, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);
} } $pageTitle = implode(',', $pageTitle); $pageType = 'subdomain'; } else { $topPoints = array(); $topIsk = Stats::getTopIsk(array('cacheTime' => 15 * 60, 'pastSeconds' => 7 * 86400, 'limit' => 5)); $topPods = array(); $top = array(); $top[] = json_decode(Storage::retrieve('TopChars', [], 900), true); $top[] = json_decode(Storage::retrieve('TopCorps', [], 900), true); $top[] = json_decode(Storage::retrieve('TopAllis', [], 900), true); $top[] = json_decode(Storage::retrieve('TopShips', [], 900), true); $top[] = json_decode(Storage::retrieve('TopSystems', [], 900), true); // get latest kills $kills = Kills::getKills(array('cacheTime' => 60, 'limit' => 50)); // Collect active PVP stats $types = ['characterID', 'corporationID', 'allianceID', 'shipTypeID', 'solarSystemID', 'regionID']; $activePvP = []; foreach ($types as $type) { $result = Stats::getDistinctCount($type, []); if ($result <= 1) { continue; } $type = str_replace('ID', '', $type); if ($type == 'shipType') { $type = 'Ship'; } elseif ($type == 'solarSystem') { $type = 'System'; } else { $type = ucfirst($type);
<?php //set the headers to cache the request properly $dna = array(); $parameters = Util::convertUriToParameters(); $page = 1; if (isset($parameters['page'])) { $page = $parameters['page']; } $kills = Feed::getKills(array('limit' => 200, 'cacheTime' => 3600, 'page' => $page)); foreach ($kills as $kill) { $kill = json_decode($kill, true); $killdata = Kills::getKillDetails($kill['killID']); $dna[][] = array('killtime' => $killdata['info']['dttm'], 'SolarSystemName' => $killdata['info']['solarSystemName'], 'solarSystemID' => $killdata['info']['solarSystemID'], 'regionID' => $killdata['info']['regionID'], 'regionName' => $killdata['info']['regionName'], 'victimCharacterID' => isset($killdata['victim']['characterID']) ? isset($killdata['victim']['characterID']) : null, 'victimCharacterName' => isset($killdata['victim']['characterName']) ? isset($killdata['victim']['characterName']) : null, 'victimCorporationID' => isset($killdata['victim']['corporationID']) ? isset($killdata['victim']['corporationID']) : null, 'victimCorporationName' => isset($killdata['victim']['corporationName']) ? isset($killdata['victim']['corporationName']) : null, 'victimAllianceID' => isset($killdata['victim']['allianceID']) ? isset($killdata['victim']['allianceID']) : null, 'victimAllianceName' => isset($killdata['victim']['allianceName']) ? isset($killdata['victim']['allianceName']) : null, 'victimFactionID' => isset($killdata['victim']['factionID']) ? isset($killdata['victim']['factionID']) : null, 'victimFactionName' => isset($killdata['victim']['factionName']) ? isset($killdata['victim']['factionName']) : null, 'dna' => Fitting::DNA($killdata['items'], $killdata['victim']['shipTypeID'])); } $app->etag(md5(serialize($dna))); $app->expires('+1 hour'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET'); $app->contentType('application/json; charset=utf-8'); echo json_encode($dna, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK);