public function actionImage($date) { $changes = KFile::readJSON('data/master/' . $date . '/changes.json'); $stypes = KFile::readJSON('data/master/' . $date . '/stype/_summary.json'); $slotitems = KFile::readJSON('data/master/' . $date . '/slotitem/_summary.json'); $this->layout = ''; $this->render('decodes.views.image', array('date' => $date, 'changes' => $changes, 'stypes' => $stypes, 'slotitems' => $slotitems, 'speeds' => array(0 => "N/A", 5 => "Slow", 10 => "Fast"), 'ranges' => array("N/A", "Short", "Medium", "Long", "Very Long"), 'rarity' => array("", "SkyBlue", "SkyBlue", "Cyan", "Silver", "Gold", "Violet", "Violet", "Violet"))); }
public function actionIndex() { $db = Yii::app()->db; $latest = $db->createCommand("SELECT rb.*,u.username FROM report_build rb, user u WHERE ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 0,25")->queryAll(); $this->pagetitle = 'Construction'; Yii::app()->params['pageName'] = 'Construction'; Yii::app()->clientScript->registerCssFile($this->module->getAssetsUrl() . '/css/home.css'); $this->render('build.views.home', array('latest' => $latest, 'shipNames' => KFile::readJSON('data/json/shipName.json'))); }
public function custom($type, $JP) { if (!isset(Yii::app()->params['custom_TL_' . $type])) { Yii::app()->params['custom_TL_' . $type] = KFile::readJSON('data/json/' . $type . '.json'); } if (isset(Yii::app()->params['custom_TL_' . $type]->{$JP})) { return Yii::app()->params['custom_TL_' . $type]->{$JP}; } else { return false; } }
public function actionIndex($german = false) { $start = '2014-07-04'; $minReport = 100; $db = Yii::app()->db; if ($german) { $recipes = $db->createCommand("SELECT CONCAT(res1,'/',res2,'/',res3,'/',res4,'/',devmats) AS recipe, COUNT(*) as reports FROM `report_build` WHERE created>='" . $start . "' AND res1>0 AND res2>0 AND res3>0 AND res4>0 AND devmats>0 AND flag_id IN (174,310,179,175,311,180) GROUP BY recipe HAVING reports>" . $minReport . " ORDER BY reports DESC LIMIT 0,20")->queryAll(); } else { $recipes = $db->createCommand("SELECT CONCAT(res1,'/',res2,'/',res3,'/',res4,'/',devmats) AS recipe, COUNT(*) as reports FROM `report_build` WHERE created>='" . $start . "' AND res1>0 AND res2>0 AND res3>0 AND res4>0 AND devmats>0 AND flag_id NOT IN (174,310,179,175,311,180) GROUP BY recipe HAVING reports>" . $minReport . " ORDER BY reports DESC LIMIT 0,20")->queryAll(); } $recipeList = array(); $summary = array(); foreach ($recipes as $recipe) { $recipeList[] = $recipe['recipe']; $summary[$recipe['recipe']] = array('count' => $recipe['reports'], 'ships' => array()); } if ($german) { $reportShips = $db->createCommand("SELECT CONCAT(res1,'/',res2,'/',res3,'/',res4,'/',devmats) AS recipe, result, COUNT(result) as reports FROM `report_build` WHERE created>='" . $start . "' AND res1>0 AND res2>0 AND res3>0 AND res4>0 AND devmats>0 AND flag_id IN (174,310,179,175,311,180) GROUP BY recipe,result HAVING recipe IN ('" . implode("','", $recipeList) . "')")->queryAll(); } else { $reportShips = $db->createCommand("SELECT CONCAT(res1,'/',res2,'/',res3,'/',res4,'/',devmats) AS recipe, result, COUNT(result) as reports FROM `report_build` WHERE created>='" . $start . "' AND res1>0 AND res2>0 AND res3>0 AND res4>0 AND devmats>0 AND flag_id NOT IN (174,310,179,175,311,180) GROUP BY recipe,result HAVING recipe IN ('" . implode("','", $recipeList) . "')")->queryAll(); } $shipNames = KFile::readJSON('data/json/shipName.json'); $shipColors = KFile::readJSON('data/json/shipColors.json'); $merges = array('78' => array('id' => 501, 'name' => 'Kongo-class', 'color' => '#7A7777'), '79' => array('id' => 501, 'name' => 'Kongo-class', 'color' => '#7A7777'), '85' => array('id' => 501, 'name' => 'Kongo-class', 'color' => '#7A7777'), '86' => array('id' => 501, 'name' => 'Kongo-class', 'color' => '#7A7777'), '74' => array('id' => 502, 'name' => 'CVL', 'color' => '#928484'), '75' => array('id' => 502, 'name' => 'CVL', 'color' => '#928484'), '76' => array('id' => 502, 'name' => 'CVL', 'color' => '#928484'), '92' => array('id' => 502, 'name' => 'CVL', 'color' => '#928484'), '26' => array('id' => 503, 'name' => 'BBV', 'color' => '#928484'), '27' => array('id' => 503, 'name' => 'BBV', 'color' => '#928484'), '77' => array('id' => 503, 'name' => 'BBV', 'color' => '#928484'), '87' => array('id' => 503, 'name' => 'BBV', 'color' => '#928484'), '71' => array('id' => 503, 'name' => 'CA', 'color' => '#5C5C5C'), '72' => array('id' => 503, 'name' => 'CA', 'color' => '#5C5C5C')); foreach ($reportShips as $index => $reportShip) { if (isset($merges[$reportShip['result']])) { $mergeData = $merges[$reportShip['result']]; if (!isset($summary[$reportShip['recipe']]['ships'][$mergeData['id']])) { $summary[$reportShip['recipe']]['ships'][$mergeData['id']] = array('name' => $mergeData['name'], 'reports' => 0, 'percent' => 0, 'color' => $mergeData['color']); } $summary[$reportShip['recipe']]['ships'][$mergeData['id']]['reports'] += $reportShip['reports']; $summary[$reportShip['recipe']]['ships'][$mergeData['id']]['percent'] += $reportShip['reports'] / $summary[$reportShip['recipe']]['count'] * 100; } else { $summary[$reportShip['recipe']]['ships'][$reportShip['result']] = array('name' => $shipNames->{$reportShip['result']}, 'reports' => $reportShip['reports'], 'percent' => $reportShip['reports'] / $summary[$reportShip['recipe']]['count'] * 100, 'color' => $shipColors[$reportShip['result']]); } } foreach ($recipes as $recipe) { $shipList =& $summary[$recipe['recipe']]['ships']; // usort($shipList,"cmp"); if (isset($shipList['153'])) { $shipList = array('153' => $shipList['153']) + $shipList; } if (isset($shipList['131'])) { $shipList = array('131' => $shipList['131']) + $shipList; } } Yii::app()->theme = 'blank'; Yii::app()->clientScript->registerCssFile($this->module->getAssetsUrl() . '/css/graph.css'); $this->render('build.views.graph', array('summary' => $summary, 'german' => $german, 'date_start' => $start == '0000-00-00' ? 'ever since' : $start)); }
public static function scanShip($date) { foreach (array_reverse(KFile::getVersions()) as $version) { if ($date != $version) { $current = $version; break; } } $allShip = KFile::readJSON('data/master/' . $date . '/ship/_raw.json'); $remodelPointers = array(); foreach ($allShip as $oneShip) { $remodelPointers[@$oneShip->api_aftershipid] = true; } $_fresh = array(); $_remodel = array(); $_updated = array(); $_abyss = array(); $records = glob('data/master/' . $date . '/ship/*'); foreach ($records as $recordFile) { $jsonFile = array_pop(explode('/', $recordFile)); if (!in_array($jsonFile, array('_raw.json', '_summary.json', '_classes.json'))) { $oldCounterpart = 'data/master/' . $current . '/ship/' . $jsonFile; if (file_exists($oldCounterpart)) { if (md5_file($recordFile) != md5_file($oldCounterpart)) { $newContents = KFile::readJSON($recordFile); $oldContents = KFile::readJSON($oldCounterpart); $_updated[] = self::compareRecords($newContents, $oldContents); } } else { $thisData = KFile::readJSON($recordFile); if (isset($remodelPointers[$thisData->api_id])) { $_remodel[] = $thisData; } else { if (@$thisData->api_buildtime > 0) { $_fresh[] = $thisData; } else { $_abyss[] = $thisData; } } } } } return array('ship' => array('fresh' => $_fresh, 'remodel' => $_remodel, 'updated' => $_updated, 'abyss' => $_abyss)); }
<div id="luacode"> <textarea> local <?php echo $english; ?> = { <?php $ctr = 0; $BaseForm = $shipData; do { $this->renderPartial('decodes.views.extra.LuaPart', array('model' => $models[$ctr], 'shipData' => $shipData, 'allItems' => $allItems)); if ($shipData->api_aftershipid > 0) { if (file_exists('data/master/' . $date . '/ship/' . $shipData->api_aftershipid . '.json')) { $shipData = KFile::readJSON('data/master/' . $date . '/ship/' . $shipData->api_aftershipid . '.json'); } else { $shipData = KFile::readJSON('data/master/' . $mdate . '/ship/' . $shipData->api_aftershipid . '.json'); } } else { $shipData = false; } $ctr++; } while ($shipData); ?> class = { _name = "<?php echo $this->cond($BaseForm->ctype_name, '?'); ?> ", _class = <?php echo $this->cond($BaseForm->api_cnum, '0', true) == 1 ? 'true' : 'false'; ?>
} ?> <?php if (count($changes->ship->ship->remodel)) { ?> <div class="sectionHead">Remodels</div> <div class="sectionBody"> <?php foreach ($changes->ship->ship->remodel as $ship) { $firstName = explode(" ", $ship->english); $firstName = $firstName[0]; $shipgraph = KFile::readJSON('data/master/' . $date . '/shipgraph/' . $ship->api_id . '.json'); $filename = '' . $shipgraph->api_filename . '.swf?VERSION=1'; KFile::ensureCG($ship->api_id, $shipgraph->api_filename); $equips = array(@$ship->api_defeq[0] > -1 ? $slotitems->{@$ship->api_defeq[0]} : false, @$ship->api_defeq[1] > -1 ? $slotitems->{@$ship->api_defeq[1]} : false, @$ship->api_defeq[2] > -1 ? $slotitems->{@$ship->api_defeq[2]} : false, @$ship->api_defeq[3] > -1 ? $slotitems->{@$ship->api_defeq[3]} : false); $MaxAircraft = $ship->api_maxeq[0] + $ship->api_maxeq[1] + $ship->api_maxeq[2] + $ship->api_maxeq[3]; ?> <div class="remodel_ship"> <div class="ship_cg"><img src="<?php echo Yii::app()->baseUrl; ?> /images/<?php echo $ship->api_id; ?> .jpg" /></div> <div class="ship_title"> <div class="ship_ID"><?php echo $ship->api_id; ?>
public function actionVoicecheck() { $this->layout = 'listing'; Yii::app()->clientScript->registerCssFile($this->module->getAssetsUrl() . '/css/listing.css'); $versions = KFile::getVersions(); $mdate = $versions[count($versions) - 1]; $allGraphs = KFile::readJSON('data/master/' . $mdate . '/shipgraph/_raw.json'); $graphIndexed = array(); foreach ($allGraphs as $allGraph) { $graphIndexed[$allGraph->api_id] = $allGraph->api_filename; } if (isset($_REQUEST['checkdate'])) { $checkdate = $_REQUEST['checkdate']; } else { $tz = new DateTimeZone('Asia/Tokyo'); $date = new DateTime(); $date->setTimezone($tz); $checkdate = $date->format('Y-m-d'); } if (file_exists('data/voices/dates/' . $checkdate . '.json')) { $changes = KFile::readJSON('data/voices/dates/' . $checkdate . '.json'); } else { $changes = array(); } $this->render('decodes.views.extra.VoiceCheck', array('date' => $mdate, 'ships' => KFile::readJSON('data/master/' . $mdate . '/ship/_summary.json'), 'graphs' => $graphIndexed, 'checkdate' => $checkdate, 'changes' => $changes)); }
<?php if (!file_exists('data/master/' . date("Y-m-d_H-i") . '/raw.json') && isset($_REQUEST['SHOWDL'])) { ?> <a href="<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl('decodes/add/download'); ?> "> <div class="master master_add"><div>+ Add new version</div></div></a> <div class="master_separator"></div> <?php } ?> <?php foreach (array_reverse(KFile::getVersions()) as $master) { ?> <a href="<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl('decodes/view/index', array('date' => $master)); ?> "> <div class="master master_ver<?php if (Yii::app()->params['activeVersion'] == $master) { echo ' master_active'; } ?> "><div> <?php echo $master; ?> </div></div></a>
public function actionIndex($date, $master, $id) { $data = KFile::readJSON('data/master/' . $date . '/' . $master . '/' . $id . '.json'); $labels = KFile::readJSON('data/json/fieldNames.json'); $this->render('decodes.views.record', array('labels' => $labels, 'data' => $data)); }
public static function parseShip($date, $masterData) { $_notes = array(); $_summary = array(); $_ID = array(); $_classes = array(); $_cnameBlacklist = array(); // echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">'; // create array with ID indexes foreach ($masterData as &$record) { $_ID[$record->api_id] =& $record; if (@$record->api_aftershipid > 0) { $_cnameBlacklist[] = $record->api_aftershipid; } } // note-taking foreach ($masterData as &$record) { // if not "none", is not abyss, and is not SantaNaka if ($record->api_name != 'なし' && $record->api_name != 'S那珂' && $record->api_name != '') { // initialize record entry if not exists if (!isset($_notes[$record->api_id])) { $_notes[$record->api_id] = array(); } // add english name $record->english = KTranslate::t($record->api_name); // note if i'm a name-ship, add my name to classes if (@$record->api_cnum == 1 && !in_array($record->api_id, $_cnameBlacklist) && $record->api_buildtime > 0) { $_classes[@$record->api_ctype] = array('id' => $record->api_ctype, 'name' => $record->api_name, 'english' => $record->english); } // note I'm your before remodel if (@$record->api_aftershipid > 0) { $_notes[$record->api_aftershipid]['remodel_before'] = 1; $_notes[$record->api_aftershipid]['remodel_fuel'] = 1; $_notes[$record->api_aftershipid]['remodel_ammo'] = 1; $_notes[$record->api_aftershipid]['remodel_level'] = 1; } // set remodel num if not set if (!isset($_notes[$record->api_id]['remodel_stage'])) { $_notes[$record->api_id]['remodel_stage'] = 1; } // tread remodel line /*$currentPlus = $_ID[$record->api_id]; while(@$currentPlus->api_aftershipid>0){ // increment remodel stage if(!isset($_notes[$currentPlus->api_aftershipid]['remodel_stage'])){ $_notes[$currentPlus->api_aftershipid]['remodel_stage'] = 0; } $_notes[$currentPlus->api_aftershipid]['remodel_stage'] += 1; // set next-remodel as current to continue loop $currentPlus = $_ID[$currentPlus->api_aftershipid]; }*/ } } // record compilation foreach ($masterData as &$record) { // if not "none", and is not SantaNaka if ($record->api_name != 'なし' && $record->api_name != 'S那珂' && $record->api_name != '') { // must not end with * = fleet of fog which can be removed anytime to not affect future decodes if (mb_substr($record->api_name, -1, 1, "utf-8") != "*") { // add class name if (isset($_classes[@$record->api_ctype])) { $record->ctype_name = $_classes[$record->api_ctype]['english']; } else { $record->ctype_name = '???'; } // add base ship model identifiers if ($_notes[$record->api_id]['remodel_stage'] == 0) { // set base to self $_notes[$record->api_id]['base_id'] = $record->api_id; $_notes[$record->api_id]['base_JP'] = $record->api_name; $_notes[$record->api_id]['base_EN'] = $record->english; $_notes[$record->api_id]['base_stats'] = KFile::mapStats($record); // set base to remodels $currentPlus = $_ID[$record->api_id]; while (@$currentPlus->api_aftershipid > 0) { $_notes[$currentPlus->api_aftershipid]['base_id'] = $record->api_id; $_notes[$currentPlus->api_aftershipid]['base_JP'] = $record->api_name; $_notes[$currentPlus->api_aftershipid]['base_EN'] = $record->english; $_notes[$currentPlus->api_aftershipid]['base_stats'] = KFile::mapStats($record); // set next-remodel as current to continue loop $currentPlus = $_ID[$currentPlus->api_aftershipid]; } } // take highest remodel stats of the same card number $_notes[$record->api_id]['HKai_stats'] = KFile::mapStats($record); $curShip = $_ID[$record->api_id]; /*while(@$curShip->api_aftershipid>0){ $myRemodel = $_ID[$curShip->api_aftershipid]; // must not be a library item if($myRemodel->api_sortno>300){ $_notes[$record->api_id]['HKai_stats'] = KFile::mapStats($myRemodel); } // set next-remodel as current to continue loop $curShip = $_ID[$curShip->api_aftershipid]; }*/ // add to summary $_summary[] = array('id' => $record->api_id, 'sortno' => @$record->api_sortno, 'name' => $record->api_name, 'english' => $record->english, 'rarity' => @$record->api_backs, 'stype' => $record->api_stype, 'isLib' => @$record->api_sortno < 300, 'isBase' => @$_notes[$record->api_id]['base_id'] == $record->api_id, 'fuel' => @$record->api_fuel_max, 'ammo' => @$record->api_bull_max, 'build' => @$record->api_buildtime); $record->remodel_before = @$_notes[$record->api_id]['remodel_before']; $record->remodel_fuel = @$_notes[$record->api_id]['remodel_fuel']; $record->remodel_ammo = @$_notes[$record->api_id]['remodel_ammo']; $record->remodel_level = @$_notes[$record->api_id]['remodel_level']; $record->remodel_stage = @$_notes[$record->api_id]['remodel_stage']; // create record file file_put_contents('data/master/' . $date . '/ship/' . $record->api_id . '.json', json_encode($record)); } } } // save _summary file file_put_contents('data/master/' . $date . '/ship/_summary.json', json_encode($_summary)); // save ship classes file_put_contents('data/master/' . $date . '/ship/_classes.json', json_encode($_classes)); }
public function actionShips() { $versions = KFile::getVersions(); $date = $versions[count($versions) - 1]; $ships = KFile::readJSON('data/master/' . $date . '/ship/_summary.json'); foreach ($ships as $ship) { // if($ship->isBase && $ship->build>0){ if ($ship->build > 0) { $shipData = KFile::readJSON('data/master/' . $date . '/ship/' . $ship->id . '.json'); // print_r($shipData); // if($ship->rarity<4 && $ship->stype==2){ // echo '('.$ship->id.', "'.$ship->english.'",'.$ship->stype.'),<br />'; // echo '"'.strtolower($ship->english).'":'.$ship->id.',<br />'; // echo '('.$ship->id.', "'.$ship->english.'", '.$ship->stype.', '.$shipData->api_afterlv.', '.$shipData->api_aftershipid.'),<br />';//.' '.$ship->english.'<br />'; echo $ship->english . '<br />'; // } } // } } }